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Old 12-12-2004, 06:29 PM   #451  
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Good evening. Good for you Roll. You sound great. I need some inspiration and you just gave me some.

Crazy day. I went to a family party. I saw a lot of people I haven't seen since last Christmas. It was interesting. Lots of negative vibes towards my weight loss unlike work where I've received a lot of positive vibes. Strange. Terrible eating day, but tomorrow I'll be back. I've been a little overcome with Christmas this weekend - I don't like to get this way and miss the point of the holiday. My boys are beside themselves with excitement. They simply can't be still - wrestling, jumping all around, etc. It's hard to take even though I know it is excitement. Yet, when they saw Santa at the party today they were adorable. Luckily my husband brought the two younger ones for a swim to use up some of that energy. Tonight I just want to clean, clean, clean as the house is a wreck. Sometimes when the house is a mess so is my mind and my patience. Thanks for listening. Keep the good reports coming about your weight.
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Old 12-12-2004, 10:08 PM   #452  
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Default Hi I,m Still Here

GOOD AFTERNOON s, glad to see your all tryting to stay positive, Sorry to hear about your uncle CAROL he sounds like a wonderful man, TIRED WAY TO GO YOU ARE REALLY DOING WELL, GOING GREAT GUNS , KEEP IT UP, HEY ROLL HOW YOU DOING , I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM ITS HARD TO GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS WHEN WE FEEL WE HAVE TO , but I know you,ll get there you have your beautiful daughter , and if you just look into her eyes and take in her smile you,ll know your husband is there and he has,nt really left you guy,s you just can,t see him or touch him but believe me he is there in everything you do over the holidays and always , glad you gaves us a look in LIZ your very welcome, well just a short one for me yeah to good to be true right I had a good time and I bought my 19yr old daughter and 2 of my grandsons back with me until xmas eve , then we all go back to Sydney for chrissy, REMEMBER, STAY FOCUSED, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, AND ABOVE ALL BE KIND TO YOURSELF, BYE FOR NOW BLESSED BE, JULIE
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Old 12-13-2004, 01:23 AM   #453  
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Lightbulb Good Night Ladies

Julie! So good to hear from you. Sounds like you are having
a satisfying time with your family. My daughter gets me through
this time of the year. She is so alive and always ready for a good
time. Tired, I'm sorry that you had to put up with negativity about your
positive change. I'm glad you don't have to be surrounded with that
energy on a daily basis. It's pretty obvious about the insecurity that
fuels that mind set. No matter, it doesn't make it any easier when
these are people who you'd think would be loving and supporting you.
My day wasn't as productive as I'd have liked, but I'm happy that I feel
rested and haven't eaten too much. My intake today was 1175. I may have a tangerine so I'll be over 1200. That is my bottom number so I
think it's important to keep within my boundaries. After about 2 weeks of not tracking and feeling out of control, I am happy to be back on a
healthy path.

I used the Foreman grill again tonight and overcooked the tuna. I'll get the
hang of it.

Well, I've got to go read to my daughter now.

Love to all. Welcome back, Julie.

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Old 12-13-2004, 04:15 AM   #454  
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Good morning. I'm checking in for a bit of strength to start the day. I'm finishing up the last of the course work.

So good to hear from you Julie. Enjoy those little ones in the next few days and your daughter. Roll, it's great to hear that you're back on track and feeling good. That's terrific.

Have a nice day.
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Old 12-13-2004, 07:19 AM   #455  
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Hello everyone, I don't seem to get on here too much on the weekend. It was a busy one. But the tree is decorated and the hubby built a nice long shelf for his village it all looks great. I am very pleased with the adirondack room. It is a cozy room with a pellet stove fire and knotty pine walls and 2 skylights. We spend a lot of time in that room so this year we decided only one tree and of course put up in that room. It was nice to see my hubby get into the spirit of christmas. He built a long shelf and put his village up behind the tree going the whole length of the wall. Oh well enough of that! Sorry to go on.
Tiredoffat know that we all think your doing super and we are all very proud of your weight loss. Too bad other people have to be so judgemental. Sometimes people just lose control over their verbalization. I guess we can't always be worried about what others think. People are just weird sometimes, jealous of your loss most likely. I am glad that at your work people have been open in telling you how great your doing. It does help I know. At any rate know that I think your doing great and exercising you go girl! I haven't gotten there at all this weekend but did lots of walking and in house activity. Still haven't baked maybe tonight. I have several cookies to do but I will freeze them, of course I have to do little taste test first. But I will try to keep in under control. Hope your will power slides over to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rollmdl sounds like your on the right track keep up the good work. I am glad your checking out george! Remember the food most likely continues to cook for a few min. after it comes off the grill. Try to ck. online for recipes that go with that grill. I am sure there are some OR ck the library out. Good luck and I am glad your daughter helps to keep you going. The support you give each other is wonderful. Keep going your doing well with your counting calories.
Julie welcome home! Sounds like you are enjoying having the kids around. I am glad for you to beable to spend some time with them. My big kids come home on the 20th I can't wait. I really miss them. My daughter in law loves christmas so much she makes it all so much more exciting! Just the little traditions she never grew up with that our family has she loves it all!
My daughter went over to help my mom make pierogies yesterday. Mom is going to be 83 on 1/1. She is such a sweety and I am so glad that the traditions of my childhood are still continuing for my children and grandchildren. Its nice that mom is teaching the girls how to make the specialities. I make the bread for christmas eve the recipe takes 12 cups of flour. I usually make 2 batches. My grandmother years ago did all the fixings now we break it up and every family brings something to the table. Well I am attempting to have a good day. The weekend eating wasn't too bad at all I found my self not eating sometimes just lost in what I was doing. Oh my food wasn't on my mind I must be changing my ways! Funny how little things just seem to be noticed as we are making changes in our lifestyles. And Tiredoffat looking ahead is such a smart thing to do. It helps keep us motivated!
Intake: oatmeal w/ 1 T. dried cranberries, 1/2 tsp. br. sugar! cinn, coffee 300 cal.
Lunch: hot ham , cheese sandwich, yogurt non fat 400 cal?
Snack: almonds 170
Dinner not sure yet.
Have a super day sorry this is so long it was a catch up note!
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Old 12-13-2004, 07:25 AM   #456  
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Rollmdl. I just did a quick search for recipes. There are a ton just put a search in on your computer.I put in just george foreman recipes. It may give you better cooking times etc. and new ideas. Let me know how you make out .
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Old 12-13-2004, 01:08 PM   #457  
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Lightbulb Good morning

Hi All,
Thanks for the tip Carol. I'm doing a little catch up here today after
taking it easy yesterday. This will be a short post. Carol, your house
sounds so cozy and warm. Your husband's village must be enchanting to the grandchildren. These are the kind of details that children never forget.
My food plan for today

breakfast: fish and eggs

lunch: chicken sandwich--edamame

dinner: chicken vegetable soup

Lots of water.

I need to go to the grocery store for some healthy food as we're running low.

Well, I'd better keep this quick. I've got to get in gear here.

Thank You and good luck today!

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Old 12-13-2004, 07:18 PM   #458  
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Hi all. I agree with Roll Carol - the house sounds wonderful! Enjoy.

I'm in a real slump! I guess I'm due. I know it will pass. It must be TOM - a tough one. I feel like someone hooked a hose up to me and drained me of all energy. I probably should take a day off but I have no plans to leave and it just seems like too much work. I have no reason to complain - a few small problems hanging around, but certainly not big enough to drain me. I'm just zonked. I get like this now and then. I hate to share this bad news with you, but I appreciate you letting me vent. What I really need is soon to come a week off of all chores and duties.

breakfast - skip
lunch - salad with turkey, cheese, egg
dinner - Chinese food
probably high altogether, but I'm too tired to count today.
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Old 12-14-2004, 06:13 AM   #459  
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Good morning. Just checking in to get off to a better start than yesterday. Final test tonight for the course. Last night I just collapsed into bed very early. Luckily my dh was extremely supportive. He knows it's been a very tough semester. Thanks everyone for listening yesterday. I hate to complain when I have so much to be thankful for, I just get so frustrated when my actions don't meet my expectations. Take care and have a healthy, happy day.

breakfast - banana, strawberry smoothie (400)
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Old 12-14-2004, 06:56 AM   #460  
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Rollmdl and Tiredoffat yes my house is one of those cozy but lived in homes. My younger sister is the one with the high dollar items but its lacking that cozy atmosphere. Thanks for being so kind with your thoughts. Wish we were all here to be naughty together and have some cocoa and christmas cookies by the tree and fireplace. Tiredoffat good luck with the test you will be fine I am sure. You know your stuff just get it out and on the paper!!!!!!!!!!! I know you will do your best and thats all you can do. Your a good student and teacher so give your self a boost and this is the last thing needed for this class!!!!!!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rollmdl your doing good with your intake. Keep up the good work.
Intake: yesterday finishing up here! I had a late meeting so stopped to get chinese. I had 3 delight but didn't eat the pork and saved half for todays lunch. I am sure it wasn't low on calories but had lots of veg, shrimp and chicken the sauce was garlic red and sweet/spicy.
Oh confession I ate 2 small plain sugar cookies and 1 small choc. chip , coconut shortbread cookie. I baked last night and had to try them. But they are all in the freezer. I will frost them next week. More to do tonight the orange cookies, nutmeg logs, choc. crinkles and russian tea cakes. Then I will be left with fudge for the kids and hubby. I won't do all of them tonight. Some are to be given to my sister in law who no longer can bake due to her crippled hands from arthritis. She is the cookie monster! Loves them and it makes her christmas special I do this every year. I am happy that I was able to control my eating to only those 3 cookies in the past it would of been more. I am going to get myself to the gym today. I have to ck my schedule but I think it will be a short day due to my overtime yesterday. They don't like to pay you so you just adjust the schedule its okay with me!
Intake plans:
Breakfast: cereal oatmeal w/ cranberries 200cal, coffee water
Lunch: chinese left overs w/ rice? 500? water
Snack: Tangerine 37 cal. water
Dinner: grilled chicken on george w/ spices 300cal
green salad w/ feta cheese an olive oil/vin.150
I am sure more will be added in for the day. Today my goal is to work out stay on task. Drink more water! No tasting cookies today. I will have th hubby be the taste tester he can use the calories! Have a great day!
Together we can do this!
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Old 12-14-2004, 01:20 PM   #461  
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Lightbulb Good morning

I didn't add my "numbers" up till this morning. I felt like I had gone over and I had 1350 calories.
Tired, I'm so glad you got to sleep early before your test. I'll be thinking
of you this afternoon (evening for you). Good luck and I know you'll do fine. What a relief to have that off your plate for a while!

Carol, good for you only eating 3 cookies. I know that for years I'd make pecan shortbread dipped in Scarfenberger (sp?) chocolate. I'd get myself sick sampling. I'm pretty behind in my Christmas work. My daughter has
lots of activities today and I'll be driving a lot. I'm hoping that I can fit some of my chores in between functions.

My plan:

breakfast: smoothie

lunch: chicken vegetable rice soup

dinner: chicken vegetable rice soup

snack: orange, pear

Gotta run.

Love to you all.

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Old 12-14-2004, 07:04 PM   #462  
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Rollmdl forgot to tell you I made the chicken soup on sunday. It came out really good. I did add grandma's homemade drop noodles. It was good to have on a cold day. We had snow this a.m. and its continuing now. Part of my drive home was really not so good. But I did stop at the gym. At first I parked and thought do I really want to do this today? Then I thought don't give yourself an excuse! So I went in I only worked out for about 45 min. I wanted to get home safe. I took the long way the roads were better. Country living I tell you its beautiful but you pay a price with gas and driving. Tiredoffat you must be done with your test. Now you can take a break. Boy do I remember those days of working full time and taking courses. It wasn't so long ago for me.
Rollmdl sometimes when I add up my calories I am surprised to the good sometimes to the bad. But it makes your more accountable for your eating.
Today I did well with sticking to my plan. I had the chicken breast for dinner cut into strips. I added it to the greens and then tossed in some almonds, swiss cheese lite.
Then made more chicken for my lunch on Wed. .
I did my 45 min. workout and my water intake today was good. About 50 oz. at work.
So far at home 20 oz. and I will get some more in before the day is out.
Well have a good evening. I am going to do some baking I think at least 2 batches of cookies. I will freeze them that way I stay out of them until christmas and give away time.

Last edited by cacmsc; 12-14-2004 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 12-14-2004, 07:27 PM   #463  
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Hi all. Yes, it's over!!!!! I definately passed and I feel like a ton was taken off my shoulders. I bought myself some special bubble bath (I love baths) and raspberries for an extra special smoothie. I brought ice cream home for my hubby and kids to celebrate. What a relief!

Carol, you sound like a wonderful baker. I think the key in this season is to do better than you would have done in the past. Allow yourself a few tastings here and there and just simply don't go crazy. That's what I'm going to try from now until Jan. 1. Roll, you're doing great. I also have not done the kinds of Christmas things that I used to do, but then again life has changed a bit now that I've changed some of my habits. Good changes for the future. After class I went shopping. In the past I would have treated myself to lots of candy and sweets - now just some great nuts (I love nuts - did you notice?), the raspberry smoothie and the bubble bath.

Thanks again all. Julie, I'm thinking about you too. Hope all is well.

breakfast - smothie (400)
lunch - tuna sandwich (500)
dinner - nuts, smoothie (800)
total - 1700 - that's it for today.
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Old 12-14-2004, 11:08 PM   #464  
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Lightbulb YeeeeeeHawwwww!!!!

Good for you, Tired. What a great Christmas gift. More time, less pressure. I'm so glad for you.

I'm still on track. I haven't been drinking enough water but I'm happy with my food intake. We are going out to (finally) get our tree tomorrow. We usually string yards and yards of popcorn and cranberries for the tree. We have so many ornaments, that I'm usually concerned that they won't all fit on the tree. Not much green shows. I asked my daughter if she wanted to skip the popcorn and cranberries this year. She usually wants to quit after an hour of stringing. No no no no no. She loves tradition. So, I guess we'll have to watch a few movies (miracle on 345h and wonderful life) like we always do and string till our hands bleed.

I'm trying to get with the spirit.

Carol, you are one determined woman when it comes to exercise.

I haven't finished eating today.
breakfast---a pear we were running late

lunch-----chicken soup with rice and cheese

we'll be having chicken soup again for dinner

Happy Holidays.
Thanks for being here.

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Old 12-15-2004, 10:46 AM   #465  
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Hello girls!
Well I brought my breakfast to work and cooked it here in the mic. I have started to do this as I can have it a bit later in the day and it helps carry me over better. I brought lunch but decided to go out so I will try to be good w/ my choice making.
Intake: breakfast = oatmeal with 1 T. dried cranberries , few almonds slivers, 1/2 t. br. sugar and cinn. 300 cal?
Lunch: to be announced
Goal for today: drink water, exercise, make healthy choices!
Rollmdl I sure do need to exercise it keeps me more in tune with the whole program. I find when I am more into exercising I also make healthier choices. Go figure!
cc gotta get back to work!
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