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Old 10-21-2003, 02:49 PM   #121  
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Well, I don't know if I will be posting the next few weeks ladies. I may have access to a computer and then again maybe not:-) We are traveling to FL--stopping at SC and GA on the way down and another spot in SC on the way back. I probably will get more serious after those 2 weeks since when visiting others, you kinda depend on want they want to eat, etc.

Reina--sorry to hear you will be leaving, but you know what is best. Hope you can work things out and come back to us soon. Remember to stop in every so often.

Cyan, hope you are feeling better. My mom is battling a cold of somekind and having 2 grandsons running around and being noisy isn't helping her much either.

Miki-how did the birthday party go? I am sure everyone had fun. We didn't do a party for my Joshua, which is fine for me, I am not a party type person. how is your new video's going? I need to get something I can use here in the states

Debee, have you recuperated from your party yet?:-) A list of measurements and what we have learned would be good. Hey, I would like to put you all on my Christmas card list, those who want to be, can you e-mail me your address? [email protected] just write me there.

Newie, how are things going now? my mom said she was on atkins, but then had problems with her thyroid (it's a hereditary in our family)so she went off. I am not sure what I want to do, but gotta do something.

Well, all, I need to let my 5yr old use the computer (that I promised to let him get on 30min ago proves he is learning patience!!)

Love ya all. We gotta keep our chins up ladies!!! GO GO GO

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Old 10-21-2003, 07:39 PM   #122  
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A hug for Reina! Sorry you're feeling depressed lately. I hope getting back to Curves will make you feel better soon. I know with me, when I get out of exercising, I end up getting in a bad mood. Usually I dont even realize that's the problem at first, then it hits me. My sis is the same way. Both of us get that way when we dont get to walk. It's such a stress relief to exercise. Even when my eating isnt great, I still feel better doing something active each day. Please be sure to check in with us when you can to let us know how you're doing. We miss you when you're not around!

Cyan, glad you finally got some sleep! It's a miserable feeling to be tired and really wanna sleep but not being able to. I bet all that rain helped huh?

Taiwan, we had fun the other nite but I ate too much just like I knew I would. Back on track this week tho. I'm still loving my new video tape. This is my 3rd week of using it on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. Still walking 3 miles on the other days. Hope you have a safe trip travelling the next few weeks. Pop in anytime you can.

Newie, sounds like you had fun on the field trip with your daughter. Did you get rid of that awful headache?

Debee, how are things with you? How was the party? Did you wear your "skinny" skirt??

Lisa, hoping things are great with you.

Well all, I gotta go for now. Talk to ya'll again soon.

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Old 10-21-2003, 09:16 PM   #123  
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Hi, all! Just wanted to send a quick note--I've not been in the best of moods the last couple of days--I think I've been grieving my job a bit--not that I want to go back or anything--I don't. I think I am just going through the stages of loss/death/grief. I'm going through an angry stage--a "how could I have trusted?" stage. I don't worry about it. I know the feelings will pass in time. I also sometimes get down with hubby's uncertainty. Still, I'm hanging in there a day at a time.

I've got a concrete goal to work for in my quest to lose a few pounds--my mother-in-law ordered a jacket/blazer from TV that was too big for her--guess what? It is just the tiniest bit too tight for me--and gorgeous. I figure if I lose down to 150 lbs., it will fit me. That's 8 1/2 lbs. I'm going to try for Christmas as a goal.

Reina--hang in there--we're behind you 100%! Sometimes it can get pretty rough, and worse when we get really off track. Please do not beat yourself up about it. You can do it.

Well, everybody, take care. Don't work too hard, anyone. Take care. More later.
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Old 10-22-2003, 10:09 AM   #124  
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Angry Good Morning Lades

Hey Girls

On Monday morning I orderd hubcaps for my winter tires...I have mags for my summer tires but I dont want to use them in the winter...anyhoo, they quoted me a price of 22.84 each for newbeetle hubcaps..I was very happy with that price so I ordered them...they said it would be ready wednesday and that I could pay by I call this morning and they ordered caps for my mag wheels... well I dont need those I say...I need hubcaps for my steel rims!!! Oh, sorry well we have two in stock but we will have to order two more which we will have tomorrow...and the price is now 40 dollars each and that's there cost price plus 10 percent..or else they would of cost me 58 dollars...yeesh! That dealership has made nothing but mistakes ...and then they have to correct them...thank goodness they have so far but I am afraid to bring in my car for maintenance for fear they will screw something up

Well that was that...other than that...I have been sticking to my food allowances and doing pretty well...I havent been exercising so I gotta concentrate on doing that.


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Old 10-22-2003, 04:54 PM   #125  
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Hey girls! How are ya!

Reina, hope you get back in the groove real soon! Life is difficult enough without being a woman with weight issues. It just doesn't seem fair sometimes.

Cyan, the problems with that dealership sure do sound frustrating. However, I'm jealous of your new car!

Well, as for me...I'll be nine weeks pregnant tomorrow (Thursday). Tomorrow is my first OB visit. Today I went to my family doctor because I HAVE A HERNIA!!! Can you believe it?! I'm not sure the cause, but I think it's because of my surgery in January and my growing uterus has made it worse. Anyway, the doctor said she is going to talk to the other doctors and see if they should try and get me through the whole pregnancy or if my growing belly will only make it worse. She said that they will get back to me.

For some good news, I got a job! I start on November 14. It's a Nurse Tech job PRN on the Medical Telemetry floor. I'm so excited. I think it will be very helpful to get experience. They are very flexible with scheduling and everything so I think it will work out great!

Well, that's all for now!

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Old 10-22-2003, 07:50 PM   #126  
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Lisa, Congratulations on your new job!! When do you start? What exactly is the 'telemetry' floor?? (sorry if that's a dumb question, but I dont know that term ) Sorry to hear about the hernia...are you having any pain from it? Let us know when you find out something definite about what the docs want to do.

Cyan, how I wish we could combine our efforts! I'm not having a problem exercising...just with my eating. Wouldnt it be nice if I could exercise for you and you could eat right for me??

Newie, that new blazer sounds like a good motivator for a Christmas goal. Maybe you can make your goal a little early and have it to wear to some Christmas parties. I think the feelings you're having about your job are perfectly normal. Just try to think of all the positives that have come of it tho. You're more in control, are getting your house organized and fixed up, have lots more time for family, and are getting in many more walks than before. That free time probably won't last forever so try to enjoy every minute you can.

When I have time, I'll try to locate my measurements again. It has been an entire year now since I started this healthier life. I'm sooo hoping for a loss this week. I'll let ya know.

Hope the rest of you ladies are having a nice week. Bye for now..

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Old 10-22-2003, 07:52 PM   #127  
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Hi, all! Not much to report today. I'm doing my walking--weather is brisk--good for it. I'm doing pretty well on eating, except I had a couple of sweet things today--two pieces of broken cookie and a sample of jelly beans--neither was too good. I had my yearly mammogram today--they're no big deal to me--hopefully nothing wrong.

Cyan--sorry for the runaround/mess with your car dealership. Isn't it the pits when they can't get it right? It makes you wonder about people sometimes.

Lisa--take care with that hernia--don't overdo, especially with your new job.

Miki--how are things going for you? You must be super busy. It's been quite a few days since we've heard from you. Take care.

Taiwan and Debee--hope all is good for both of you.

I'm feeling better inside my head today--did some research online on abusive/bully bosses last night--in response to my sadness about my former job and boss. I think the old girl was a workplace bully--a number of the feelings I've had lately--anger, guilt, lack of confidence, a strange mix of feelings--are common with people who have been bullied on the job. What I didn't realize when I was there was that the obvious confrontations she and I had were not the only incidents of abuse I received. Her attitude and expectations, way of communicating and treating me on a daily basis--all of them were abusive, whether subtle or overt--she showed no respect for me as competent person, waved her power around, made the workplace a catch-22 situation. I knew deep down it wasn't right, but I thought I could handle it. It was interesting to read the physical and emotional effects of workplace abuse on the worker. Not allowing her to continue the abuse was a wonderful thing I did, but the suddenness of quitting was a big shock to my system--almost like being laid off. I'm dealing with lots of feelings of betrayal and untrust and loss of a way of life, even though I am sure I belong at home right now. Hubby told me this morning that family life is better with me a stay-at-home mom. Anyway, I don't want to go on and on. Some might say, "It's over. Put it in the past and go on." And I will. I'm just one of those people who has to work through all negative feelings. If I don't, I'll probably behave in an unhealthy way over it--like maybe eat or get depressed or something.

Well, anyway, enough for today. Tomorrow I'm going to sponge a star border on my 13 year-old Veronica's room. I'll let you know how it turns out. Bye for now.
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Old 10-22-2003, 08:21 PM   #128  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a real quick note before I put the kids to bed. The party on Saturday night was great. I wore a seqined black and red jacket, black shorts, and black tank top and black fishnets. I had a feathered head dress and everyone said I looked like a show girl..oh well I guess it was very dark and my friends were very drunk!

I have been real busy..I am having a party for Jake on Friday night and next Sunday having one for Jimmy. I also might be on Home and Garden network television show on antique collecting. They did a pre-production filming on monday. I will let you all know if I am selected. This way you will get to see me and my house.

Foodwise I have been very bad too many sweets!
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Old 10-23-2003, 12:12 PM   #129  
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Angry Hey Ladies

Man has it every been busy at work work ...and then more work...anyhoo

Congrats Lisa on getting your first nursing job...ditto what Miki says...explain the telemetry question. I hope your hernia problem has a quick resolution and I hope that you are not suffering from it too badly...yeesh keep us posted.

Hey and I should be one person...that would be I would have a husband instead of being single but I do have my eye on this guy that seems rather interesting...he is well educated, has his own building and loves to stay tuned girls

Hey know what I say...good riddance (sp?) to that horrible bully boss...who needs is too short and you dont need a b**ch like that making your life hard. May she never darken your doorstep again...movin on girlfriend...keep the faith and you shall see good things will come your way.

Hey Debbie...why would your friends be drunk or your basement too dark....You are a hot babe...repeat after me...I am a hot babe...I am woman...hear me roar!!!!!!! So self depricating comments or disparaging thoughts.

Well I finally got my hubcaps...and my friend is kind enough to pick them up for I will have them in my hands by this evening

Later ladies...stay strong and positive
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Old 10-23-2003, 07:07 PM   #130  
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Hi, ladies--it's been a long, long day today--lots has happened. Last night hubby came home and told me that his supervisor asked him to come to a meeting in the HR manager's office on Friday at 11. She didn't say why. He is due for a yearly review--the only thing is that a week ago the supervisor told him that reviews were running about a month late. Tomorrow is only two weeks late for him. We're thinking it's about what was said to him 6 weeks ago--improve or else. We don't know for sure, and I'm sure I sound as if I'm looking at the situation pessimistically, but John has already been laid off twice since 1995, and it felt both times like we were kicked in the stomach and thrown into the air. I guess we're trying to prepare for the worst--don't want to be caught off-guard or in denial. Anyway, I have made sure I have taken care of all doctor things--have been doing that anyway, but today I refilled prescriptions and picked up Veronica's new glasses. All those things are covered by health insurance and won't be if he is let go. I didn't sleep well last night--kitty slept on the couch right next to my heart all night. She is such a blessing in our lives. I spent a lot of time praying today--that we'll be taken care of. We always have, and I have faith we always will be, but I get very panicky when financial insecurity strikes. I was raised with an alcoholic father who spent all the money and had trouble keeping a job, and my mother vented all her money worries on me. Anyway, I worry about money a lot.

Speaking about money and prayer--yes, I am going to speak about both in the same sentence, and after that last paragraph where I was very down. This morning I received an answer to my prayer about being taken care of--talk about God listening and then answering!! About an hour after I talked to a friend and my mother-in-law this morning about what was happening to hubby and me, and they told me to have faith in God--that all would work out, I received a phone call from the principal of my kids' school asking me if I would be willing to substitute teach the first grade for about 3 months because the regular teacher is having surgery in about 4 weeks. Most of my experience is 6th grade and up, but I've worked some with smaller children and have no problem relating to them. The subject matter is the challenge for me. Anyway, I accepted her offer, so I will start working every day beginning around November 24 or so. To me that is a real God sign that everything will be all right, though it might not be easy, and I will probably be scared all along the way. The best thing about the sub job is that I will be near my girls, and I will have time to get my house the rest of the way in order before starting. Will it last longer than 3 months? Possibly. This same teacher had surgery like this (back) last year, and ended up having to have it redone. The principal told me that might happen again, and I committed to a second stint if needed. It's really important to have consistency for the kids. Anyway, Miki, you're right. I will be busy sooner than I think, so I am going to appreciate the slower pace I have now. And about the old job--I'm glad I got in touch with the "bully boss" concept. It has helped me understand quite a bit of what I experienced in that job, and you're definitely right, Cyan, I DON'T want to work in that type of situation. If I need teaching materials for my class, I won't even go into her stores. I know of others I can go to. I never want to see her again. Also, when I am subbing, I am going to do my walking after school--maybe before going home, even--take my kids with me--get them some exercise too.

Debee--it sounded like your party was great. Cyan is right. Don't put yourself down. We are all beautiful. I love shows about antiques--too bad I don't have cable TV, or I'd look for you on TV with your antiques.

Well, everyone, got to go--it's time to make dinner. John will be home in an hour. I'll let everyone know tomorrow what happened with his job. Bye for now--thanks for listening.
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Old 10-23-2003, 10:46 PM   #131  
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Only time for a very quick post...Josh is dying for me to get off and let him chat with his friends.

Just had to share my good news tho....Finally today I was off that 195 mark I've been stuck on since June or July!! This morning it was between 192 and 193!! I know that's not a huge amount but compared to NOTHING, it's GREAT!

Oh, more good was teacher/parent conferences at school and both kids made Honor Roll.....Hooray again!

Ok, there's more...I only had to work one day this far anyway. I've enjoyed it so much. I fill in for all the depts for whoever happens to be off, and for the last 3 days, every person was actually there! That's rare.

Cyan, keep us informed about that new guy.

Newie, see how it all works out? You were worried about finances and already you have something in the works.

Debee, if you get on the show, you've got to let us know when. That would be so exciting to watch you! I'd have to get all my friends to tune in also. I'd tell them I know a celebrity.

Well, Josh is really griping because he has to go to bed shortly and hasnt had a chance to chat yet. Guess I'll give in since he made Honor

Bye for now

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Old 10-24-2003, 10:03 AM   #132  
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Talking Hello Ladies


Need I say more!!

Looking forward to sleeping in...ahhhh can't wait.

Hey Miki congrats on getting off the are on your way to slimdown ville...enjoy!! And it must feel good to have such great hard working kids.

Hey Newie...I hope things work out for your husband today...let us know what happened and how it turned out. And good to hear that you have a teaching job set up for november...its good to know that things are working out...slowly but surely...big hug to you and yes...cats are amazing...they are very intuned with their family members emotions...give kitty a little hug and kiss for me.

Well I got my hubcaps now silverbeega has her new snow shoes..all shiny and new

Ok, gotta go

have a great weekend everybody

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Old 10-24-2003, 11:47 AM   #133  
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MICKEY!!! you go girl

I am so excited for you. My hero, you are an encouragement to me!!

Well, I need to get off my friends computer. Talk to you all later.

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Old 10-24-2003, 11:34 PM   #134  
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Thanks Cyan and Deana. I am far from being 'hero' status tho. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have to work tomorrow but it's ok since I was off 4 days this week. No news, just wanted to say hello.

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Old 10-25-2003, 08:03 AM   #135  
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Hi, all--well, it happened. Hubby was let go from his job yesterday. We really expected it. At least the suspense is over now. Yesterday we were all just very tired and relieved. I had trouble sleeping last night--hot flash woke me up--this morning I have this heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I just keep praying. I know it will all work out. It always has in the past. It's just hard. This morning we are scheduled to close on our home equity line. We're just going to go over and sign the papers and be done with it. Hopefully it will be a simple matter without any questions. Having our bills consolidated will make life much easier during this time. There will be one bill to pay instead of 5. Of course there will be unemployment compensation, plus what I will be making for three months. I just find the uncertainty of it all very difficult. It will just be one day at a time, with a lot of prayer. If you ladies are religious or use prayer in your lives, will you all please pray for us? And thank you so much for all the support you are giving me each day.

A side note--I lost 2 pounds this week--probably stress induced, plus I was also watching the food more--but I'll take the loss however I can get it. Monday I will be subbing for the 1st grade teacher half the day--she has a doctor appointment.

Well, have to go. I want to e-mail my mother with the news. Talk to you all soon.
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