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Old 11-05-2003, 08:48 PM   #166  
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Well, I just finished a major upper body workout with weights with hubby and sis. I am going to be sooo sore tomorrow!! I can already tell. Think I'm going to get a hot bath soon to hopefully get a headstart on easing the pain. Eating today wasnt the best but not the worst either.

Newie, hope your carpet looks wonderful when they're all finished with it. Sorry about your voice but at least you got to spend the day with your daughter.

Cyan, have fun at the movies. Sounds like you have a cool boss.

Gotta run for now.

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Old 11-06-2003, 07:13 AM   #167  
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Hi, everyone--food not as good as it should have been yesterday. It wasn't quantity, but quality of what I ate--several poor choices. I am feeling tremendous anxiety about hubby's situation. It's hard with the ups and downs involved in the whole job search thing--prospects that don't work out, wondering if "this one" will be it, hoping he makes the right decisions. I just want it to be resolved, but I know it isn't as I would have it; I'm not in charge. God is, and I'm not very patient. I'm trying very hard to let go and trust that it all will work out, but it's not easy for me. Hubby has an interview this morning at a shop doing something quite different (but in the same general industry) than what he has been doing. I've been praying that it works out in the way that is the right way. One thing that I have realized is that I don't know what the right thing is. I guess that's a major step in letting go.

This morning I will take the kids to school, go to Mass, take my walk, work in the house, pick the kids up at 11:30 (parent-teacher conferences this afternoon), eat lunch, go to my conferences at 2:10 and 2:20, then finish my day. I guess I will pray all day during all this. I'll try to be accepting, no matter what happens.

Well, got to go. Hubby asked me to make him some oatmeal. Talk to you all later.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:30 AM   #168  
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Default hello ladies

Well I saw matrix revolutions...its was great! I also had sushi in line waiting to get it to the movies..yum yum but I shared with the boss and my coworkers.

Tonight I exercise...I will do the bike for 20 minutes and then some weights. you are the new exercise cool...let us know if your arms are tucked under your arms like a t-rex cause they hurt

Hey does the carpet look...good? what color?

well I gotta get to work later

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Old 11-06-2003, 04:30 PM   #169  
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Just a quick note before making dinner. Had a busy day...took my cat buttercup to get declawed (he ruined our leather couches in the family room and my husband said declaw or else), got my highlights done and went shopping for an outfit to wear on TV. I hate to shop under know when you have to buy something for a wedding or other occasion..I love to shop (I do it almost every day but when I am forced to buy something of course I can not find anything!

The producer of the show called and said that I can not wear black, white, red, jeans, or other light colors, no sweaters. They suggest a light blue or shows best on tv I guess.

I cleaned up most of the downstairs of the I just need to clean the kids rooms. Most of the stuff I probably should not do until Monday because it will be a mess in a few days anyway.

Foodwise I was pretty good, I skipped breakfast and ended up not having lunch until 2 p.m so I had chicken, salad and a few pieces of halloween candy. It is raining so I might just have some soup tonight.

Miki, you are so motivated and I think it is great that your husband and sis work out together...too bad we don't live closer or I would join you.

cyan, your boss does sound great. I went to the movies saturday night and saw Sylvia (about sylvia plath, the poet) it was very depressing.

Newie, I am also doing some home renovations..we are doing some work on our kitchen..a new range, dishwasher, sink, knobs for the cabinets and window seat for breakfast area.

Well, I need to cook dinner and help Jimmy with his homework.
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Old 11-07-2003, 08:49 AM   #170  
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Well,just a quick note to say that we are home. We got back on Wed. Drove 12hours on Wed. It was tiring. Now I need to get back to doing something now. My parents put the treadmill downstairs, so I will use that for at least 15min. today and am thinking of going out and buying pilates. Does anyone use them?

Well, going to have my bagel
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Old 11-07-2003, 01:32 PM   #171  
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Hello everyone,

I promised Cyan that I would post today...
Cyan, it was great talking to you again today. I miss our daily conversations....

Well, since you are all my intervention, I guess I have to come clean and admit the obvious... I have gained back 5lbs and not an ounce less....

Yeah, I am thoroughly disguested with myself, but I want to make this work. I am seeing my faults and losing myself in my work, so obviously eating happens only when I can get it in, and it is never good... But now, going forward I will think before I eat.
I am cleaning out my fridge and and getting rid of all the crap out of there.

I swear, I don't even think about what I am eating until I finished it and licking my fingers clean! YUK!!!!!
I am a sick puppy but I will change... I really want to feel good on Xmas so I am going to start working out this week. even if it is tapes in my room. I haven't gotten back to curves, and I hope to do that this weekend, but we will see.

Thank you all for your kind words ALWAYS.... You never give up on me and you are always willing to get me through this, so I will make you all proud and get back on track!

I hope you all have a great weekend and I will touch base on Monday and let you know how well I did this weekend. Being Accountable will be my priority this week.

Debee, I am using your weekly goals again.
1. Drink water vs-soda
2. thinking before I eat
3. Work out to a video at least 3 times this week
4. Go throw out that box of Fannie May Candy that is on my dresser in my room( I KNOW, it should have never been there)

Later ladies.....
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Old 11-07-2003, 02:06 PM   #172  
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Oh I so love fridays....its my Mom's bday today, so I will take her to a restaurant tomorrow...that should be fun.

I had sushi and sashimi for lunch...oh that was so good...I thought it was a better choice than the spaghetti I had made...last night's dinner.

Hey Reina...welcome back....and you will lose those 5 pounds and then pound at a time...stay strong and motivated and yes...the key to success is believing in yourself and loving and respecting yourself above must believe you can do this at the core of your being...that my friend is the key.

well it 2pm and I dont feel like working much so I will good off a bit before I go back to the grind.

Welcome back are you doing...details please

Lisa..hope you are doing well..let us know how the baby is doing.

Miki, my new exercise rawk...such an inspiration to motto...if Miki can do it...I can do it.

Hey Debs...what channel will you be on..I will see if I can get it up here...or tape it and send it to

hey Newie...hang in there, something will turn up for your Husband...he just started the search so be patient a little while longer...things will work itself out....just breathe and cherish the time you have with him now before he goes back to work...stay positive

ok Ladies...bring on the weekend


Well thats all folks
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Old 11-07-2003, 10:18 PM   #173  
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Hi ya'll

Believe it or not, I wasnt even sore from my workout! That was really strange because I was dreading it. Did that same workout again today so we'll see how it turns out again. Ate too much tonite...Chinese Buffet!! I gotta stay away from those!

Going to my youngest sister's baby shower tomorrow in Shreveport, Louisiana. My cutie niece, Kaylen will have a little brother in a couple of weeks. Cant wait.

Sorry I dont have time to post individually but I did read all of yours. Let's all try to stay positive and get on track! I'm ok with the exercise but the eating has got to improve. Let's do it ladies!!! ok???????????

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Old 11-08-2003, 07:41 AM   #174  
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Hi, ladies--sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but we've had a couple of hard ones here.

Cyan--the carpet is a soft pink--really pretty--works perfectly with every paint I used in the walls. We're going to do the base moldings ourselves--cheaper. We bought about 1/3 of what we needed, will start to measure, stain, and install this weekend.

Also, thanks for your encouragement about my hubby. We've been very down this week because we haven't even been able to find many leads in his field. It has been really depressing that way. We'd also been trying to decide whether he should stick to the graphic arts field in his search for a while, or broaden it out to do any kind of work that matched other skills he has from his previous work in manufacturing (he worked for General Mills for 20 years making cereal before he got into graphic arts). Yesterday he spoke to a very kind woman at an employment agency which deals in graphic arts, and she told him that right now the market in graphic arts pre-press is very poor. We considered that information a sign/answer to prayer to us about what direction he should go. He is still going to apply for jobs in his field (in fact he interviewed for a job as an entry level engraving press operator on Thursday--will call Tuesday to see what happened), but he is not going to limit himself to graphic arts. That opened up a variety of fields to him, from manufacturing to driving to warehouse work to whatever he thinks he can do. That made us feel much more hopeful. Hubby was more upbeat and energetic right from the moment we decided--has all kinds of search plans for this week. We also decided that I would definitely go back to work full time after my commitment to the sub assignment I have is over, which will be next June. I am going to apply to that school for a permanent position first, and then go looking for other teaching or other types of positions after that if there is nothing at that school. I still feel a bit worried and frightened, but I am much more hopeful than before.

My food hasn't been the greatest lately. When I am upset, I don't think too much about my choices. I tend to eat the simplest thing to pick up, though I have not been eating large quantities of anything. I have not weighed myself, so I don't know if I've done any damage that way. I did not walk at all this week except Monday--subbed on Tuesday, went to church on Wednesday and Thursday, and didn't go anywhere on Friday. Now I have a slight cold, so I'm not sure if I will go out this weekend. I am due to sub on Tuesday, so I don't want to have laryngitis or anything. Starting today, I will be more careful about my food choices. I certainly don't want to undo any of my success of the summer. I will also keep busy in the house, so I don't think about my problems. I have a lot of planning to do before I start my first grade assignment, so I need to focus on that as well.

Reina--don't give up on yourself during this difficult time you are having. We all go through rough spots, both in life and in our own development as people--I can certainly attest to that!! We're not always going to do the right thing or the best thing, and sometimes the struggle to get through each day is tremendous--I can attest to that as well!! But keep starting over each day--keep recommitting yourself one day at a time--don't give up! (Perhaps I should take my own advice in my own life situation.)

Miki--keep up the good exercise work--I wish I had your energy.

Lisa--how are you feeling these days--taking care of yourself, I hope?

Debee--I love making home pretty--I will enjoy finishing my girls' area by getting the molding done and bringing their things up from the basement (the cleaning of the basement I won't enjoy, but the neatness at the end of the process will be worth it). Next project will be related to crafting--a quilt for my Kathleen's bed which has been cut out for over a year--plus other undone things--that way I can make progress without spending money.

Taiwan--glad to hear you arrived home safely--you go, girl, with the exercise plans--my hubby walks on a treadmill too.

Finally--thanks, ladies, for being here. You are all a wonderful, sunny part to my day--you especially bring me back to the positive when I am not feeling at all that way on my own. I love you all. Bye for now.
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Old 11-10-2003, 11:37 AM   #175  
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Angry Good Morning Ladies

Ah I dont like Mondays..tell me why...doodoodada...anyway,

My weekend was good...a little cold but good none the less...I took my Mom out for her birthday, she got herself new shoes and winter boots for the year...I then took her out to a chinese was a nice day. And I didnt stuff myself at the buffet either which was nice.

I installed my winter tires on the silverbeega this sunday...and stored away my all seasons with the mags. I cleaned the house, cooked ...lets just say it was busy busy busy.

I havent done any intentional soo sooooo bad...but my eating has been good and I did do hard labor cleaning out my side yard and prep work for tire storage...but I must get on the bike tonight....yeesh...its been some slump I've been in.

well I gotta get back to work...hope everyone had a great weekend

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Old 11-11-2003, 07:01 AM   #176  
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Hi, all--not too much happening here--trying to do better with my food choices--some success--gained one pound back--probably those carbs I ate last week. I haven't been walking--pretty cold outside--also change in routine with subbing--I leave at 7:15 on days I work (today I have 7th grade--older daughter's class)--also I've had a bit of a cold. Finally, I am just not motivated--don't know what has happened. I feel down at times about hubby--he assures me he will get a job of some kind, but I just wish it had already happened. Yesterday I cleaned house while hubby was out looking for work--washed two floors and did a lot of floor dusting. I crocheted a lot too--it makes me feel better when I am down--Sunday I had some time to myself in the house--hubby and kids went to grandma's to watch NASCAR race on cable. I watched two old Whoopi Goldberg movies on TV--"The Long Walk Home" and "Sister Act". It was a nice escape--from the family and the problems.

Please forgive my blues--this is just the third job hunt we've been through since my hubby graduated from graphic arts school in 1997 and the 4th since his General Mills plant closed in 1995. I'm just so tired of it. I'm tired of the rollercoaster and uncertainty. I know I'll hang in there, but I'm just so tired of it all.

Well, I have to get going--need to print some resumes for hubby's job hunt today and to shower for school. More soon.
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Old 11-11-2003, 10:05 AM   #177  
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Angry Happy Tuesday

Well this morning I had to hoof it to the dealers to pick up snow blades for my silverbeega...I met a nice portuguese piece department guy and we chatted for awhile...he's married so it was benign and pleasant but none the less nice. So I got my winter blades and he gave me a littel discount..which is always nice. He then arranged for a ride back to work with the courtesy van they have for their customers...which happened to be another portuguese guy so he dropped me off first which was very kind of him because I was already stressing that I was late for work. So I got to work at 9.30 am instead of the usual 9.00 am.

My arms are a little sore from the yard cleaning. I also cleaned my silverwear last my skin on my hands are a little dry. yeesh!

Girls...I need motivation...I havent done any intentional exercise for a long time... I think I may need a serious cyber kick! Help.

Newie...hang in takes time sometimes to find a hasnt been too long...things will come around...just stay positive
envision good luck coming to you and your family...envision your husband in a job interview of his choice and that it is going well. I send you a big hug and lots of good energy.

Well I am already late with my I best get back to it

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Old 11-11-2003, 12:42 PM   #178  
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Well, now that Josiah is napping, I can write. I had a note written last night and the little booger turned the computer off. This will be quick as I promised Joshua to take him to the library.

I guess Lisa and I are in the same boat--yup, due in July 2004. Was still hoping to lose some weight before this happened. I have gained 14 bls since being in the states--AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

I have started watching what I eat as in nutritional value and Mon. did 20min on the treadmill, will try to do it everyday this week. Gotta get a habit. Don't want to go overboard with this baby. Am looking into eating things for overweight pregnant moms. Back at 198 was not my ideal goal!!!!! And being uninsured while in the states too isn't the greatest feeling, but such is life:-) we are happy. Luke says if it's anothe boys he gives up Joshua says he wants a girl, so maybe he has extra sense or something. Hoping for our Hannah Joy--cause we don't have any other boys names!!!!
Haven't had any symptoms other than being tired (was this way with Joshua too).

Ok,so much for short note:-)
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Old 11-11-2003, 07:57 PM   #179  
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Hello everybody!

Taiwan, congratulations! Your news surprised me. I bet Lisa will be thrilled to hear it too. Glad I had a hysterectomy...seems to be some 'pregnancy' virus running thru this thread.

Newie, sorry you're so down. But dont get reality, your hubby really has only been out of work for a short time. I'm sure something will come up for him in the near future. Besides, remember God's timing is better than ours even when it doesnt seem that way. And look back to what perfect timing it was when you got the sub job...exactly when you needed it.

Cyan, wish I could help you with the exercise, but I have to admit, I've gotten in a rut for the past 2 or 3 days myself. I havent exercised plus my eating has been terrible. I dont know what's gotten into me. I'm disgusted with myself for getting off track. I guess it started with the baby shower Saturday...cake, punch, finger foods, chip and dip...all my downfalls. Anyway, that was no excuse to just keep it up. I've got to get back into my healthy groove SOON!! I just cant undo all the good I"ve done!

Well, gotta run. I want to watch "8 Simple Rules" tonite.

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Old 11-12-2003, 11:28 AM   #180  
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Angry Its hump day

For some reason...this week is just draggin by very slowly...I wish it was friday ..I know I shouldnt be wishing away my days...but I really dont feel like being at work this week...ugh.

Hey Miki...sorry to hear that you are in an exercise slump...I am feeling so lazy that I am not even motivated to lift my foot to give you a much effort...

Congrats Taiwan...You have 3 kids plus one on the way? Am I correct? Man...just the thought of being pregnant once in my life is too scary...I dont think I could handle giving birth..way too scary...I would like to adopt..but for furchildren keep me very happy. Let us know how you are doing.

I will pledge to myself that I will cycle tonight for at least 20 minutes....I will fing the motivation to get on that darn bike...yes I will.

Ok..back to work


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