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Old 10-25-2003, 06:27 PM   #136  
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Newie, so sorry to hear your news! As bad as it is, at least you arent still in limbo wondering each day if and when. I will definitely have you and your family in my prayers. Now that it's fact and not speculation, your hubby will be able to get out and see what's out there for him. It's hard to look for a job while working at one. I hope he finds one that he just absolutely loves!! ( and SOON)

Congrats on the 2 lb loss...just sorry it came off due to stress.

One day at a time is the only way to handle your situation. Sounds like you have a good attitude about it which should help your hubby. He'll need that!

Well, better run for now. Worked today and have things at home I need to get done now.

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Old 10-25-2003, 08:46 PM   #137  
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WEnt to a fall festival for Awanas (Christian kids program alot of churches have) and so eating was nothing near great. Walked around alot though.

Newie, sorry about all that is going on. Something positive will come of it. Take some special time during the days with your dh and relax. Something better is near, I just feel it.

Take care all. Still in SC, traveling to FL on Monday. Not fun!!!
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Old 10-27-2003, 01:03 PM   #138  
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Angry Hey Ladies

Newie...sorry to hear about your hubby's job loss...I will say a special prayer for you and your family. Stay strong, positive and motivated and hopefully soon , your hubby will be back on his feet and doing a job he loves.

I had an uneventful weekend...lots of rain ..ugh..I did see Mystic River...very good film

I had this craving for smoked salmon and in two days time..I ate 1lb of it...yep 454 grams of smoked was soooooo good...I also had sole this weekend...and shrimp..looks like I am on a fish least they are low in fat and very nutritious for you...which is good.

oh I almost forgot...congrats Newie on losing two pounds...rock on!

well as usual, its very busy here at work and I best get back to the task at hand

later ladies

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Old 10-27-2003, 05:01 PM   #139  
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Hi ladies,

Sorry I have not been abloe to post as much as I would like.

Newie, remember when one door closes another one opens..I always found it to be true that sometimes hard times just make you appreciate the good times more.

Cyan, now young lady we all want to know about this new guy! Have you madee any moves yet?

Miki, pretty soon you will be in a size 6. You are one motivated woman. Just think of how well you did in the past year! I will let you know if I am selected for the show. The are planning to film Novemebr 10-14 so I will know soon. This way you can see all the junk that I pick up from auctions every Thursday.

Deena, hope you are having fun traveling.

Lisa, how are you feeling? Do you have any names for the baby picked out yet?

Reina, I miss you I hope you come back soon.

Foodwise it has been very tough for me in the past few months I think I have too many party foods around the house that I keep eating. Plus we have had so much rain that I have not been walking.

I was hoping to lose by Christmas but I am just not sure how. I think I will try the 90/10 diet that I did last year. I need to plan out my meals and have a plan to lose weight. I think I am pretty active with day to day things I do is more about the eating...the mindless snacking and bad choices and big portion sizes.

Well, need to go and deal with the children...
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Old 10-27-2003, 09:52 PM   #140  
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Hi everybody!

Ok confession time...I dont know what's wrong with me. I finally get off that plateau so Fri and Sat I go and eat too much!!! I'm always sooo mad afterwards so why do it in the first place? Back on track as of Sunday. Walked 2 1/2 miles yesterday, did 10 min on my Air Walker, had healthy small meals and did well with eating today also. Did my workout tape before work this morning so hoping I didnt do too much damage Fri and Sat.

Taiwan, hope you had a safe trip travelling today. Glad that you've been able to find access to a computer so far. I keep meaning to send you my home address like you asked but cant remember by the time I finish posting. I'll try to do that soon.

Speaking of that, I'd like to have everyone's home addresses if it's ok with all of you. It would be fun to send a note or card on special occasions or just to say hello sometimes.

Cyan, if you have to have a craving, at least it's a healthy one! Is this interesting new guy the one who gave you the appliance recently? (cant remember what it was...refrigerator or washer or dryer maybe?)

Debee, glad you were able to drop in again. We missed ya. Cant wait to hear if you got the show. Christmas is still almost 2 months from now so there's time for a loss if we all get to work on it. I'm like you, my eating kinda erases my exercise at times. Dont give up...I know we can do it if we just set our minds to it!! I think that's over half the battle.

Newie, today started a new week. I hope this one is a good one for you and your family. How did the meeting at the bank go?

Ok, I'm going to TRY to motivate myself to get off here and hop on that Air Walker again. I'll let you know tomorrow if I made it.

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Old 10-28-2003, 07:34 AM   #141  
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Hi, everyone--thanks for all of your encouragement and prayers. I have faith that hubby will find a job that's right for him, hopefully soon. Yesterday he applied for unemployment benefits--he's entitled to 6 months--it's almost as much as he was bringing home a week, thank God. The meeting at the bank went well--it felt weird, though, like we had this secret. We only have to go back Thursday afternoon and sign one more paper--after a three-day waiting period, and then all is done. I hated not sharing with our friend, but we really need this arrangement. It will be so much easier managing with one payment rather than five, which is what we had before. And we know that there will be no way we will miss a payment--we have funds that can be drawn upon if needed. And we will be able to pay off all we owe so much faster this way.

I had the first grade class for three hours yesterday while the teacher went to the doctor. It was considerably more difficult than I had thought it would be, especially management of the children; however, I did walk in cold, without a clue as to what was going on or what this teacher's schedule or style was. I did math, handwriting, art, and daily oral language. I realized that there is really one word that sums it all up--organization. I also saw that the attention span of the children was extremely short, and that they could not listen for more than maybe 15 or 20 minutes before needing a different activity. I also need a very structured, set routine, which I will plan. This teacher doesn't have that. The order in which she teaches things is different every day, she said to me. I think the kids will benefit in this situation from a set schedule too. I will officially start November 26 and work for about three months. I received a summons for jury duty scheduled for November 21; I'm on standby for a one-case, one jury system. Hopefully I'll get out of there in one day.

Hubby was very sad yesterday--I think he is afraid he won't find a new job. It doesn't help that his brother and my brother are also out of work at this time. I keep telling him he can't think about failure or what if's--that he has to keep his sight on and expect to get what he wants (a new job) and accept nothing else (not finding one) as an option.

I'm continuing my walking schedule. It relieves stress that I feel in the morning. It's a great prayer time too. It's gotten quite cold, though, not out of the 40's yesterday. I don't care, though. I'm going to keep it up.

Boy, Cyan, you sure are a fish girl. I can eat it from time to time, but I've never craved it before in my life.

Miki, your experience with eating too much after leaving a plateau reminds me of something I've done a few times in the past. It's almost as if a weight loss for me deserved some kind of eating reward. I would then overeat and then sometimes undo my success. I don't know if I couldn't handle it or what.

Debee, maybe I can see that show you might be on at my mother-in-law's house. She has cable. I'll keep my eyes on your posts to see if and when you are on the show.

Lisa, Taiwan, and Reina--I hope all is going well with you.

Time for me to go--kids have to go to school. Bye for now.
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Old 10-28-2003, 09:36 AM   #142  
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Angry Hey Girls

Newie..hang in there...things work out for the best and hubby will be back on his feet. I love fish...shellfish and seafood in lunch is a tuna sandwich yum yum

Miki you are the most determined lady I know...good on, its not the guy who gave me the free dryer..although a very nice gentleman at that. I am not sure if this new guy likes me..although he has invited me over to a few dinner dinner parties which was very nice of him. He enjoys gourmet cooking...but I am not sure if I like him more than a friend..too early to tell. I will probably invite him out to a movie to see what I feel and of course if he likes me too...but its all too early and I am not in a rush...not at all.

Hey Debee...Miki is right...its not too can still lose some weight by christmas...stay motivated and how cool...your home is being featured on a show...really cool.

Hey Taiwan...all that travelling...stay strong and positive...I send you a hug

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Old 10-28-2003, 07:22 PM   #143  
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Hi ladies...

I didnt have to work again today which makes not eating harder since I'm here and food is readily accessible so I had several smaller meals throughout the day instead of the normal 3. For breakfast, I had oatmeal. About 2 hrs later, I had sugar free, fat free orange jello, for lunch Campbells Select Chicken Noodle soup, hour or so later some lettuce with Fat Free dressing. I had a late afternoon snack of string cheese then tonite altho I fried chicken strips and fixed mashed potatoes for my family, for myself I fixed stir fry veggies with a little chicken. I will probably have some kind of healthy snack sometime before bedtime but I think my calories will still be pretty low for the day. (my snack will probably be sugar free, fat free, white chocolate instant pudding with a little whipped cream..yummmy!)

I did end up getting on that Air Walker last and went for 30 min. I did that again this morning early then this afternoon, my sis and I walked 3 miles. I'm going to have to break down and get myself some new walking shoes before I walk again. The ones I've been wearing are completely worn down. There is practically no sole left from being shaved off by the pavement.

How is everyone else doing in the exercise and eating departments? Is everyone getting hyped up to try to make some goals by Christmas?? Come on everybody...We can do it!!!

Well, now that it gets dark earlier, the time slips up on us, and kids end up being here after dark and need a ride home so they dont have to walk in the dark. Better run as duty calls.

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Old 10-28-2003, 10:36 PM   #144  
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Hi ladies,

I just got home from a night course that I am taking in landscape design at Temple university. I love to garden and thought that this might be a good mid-life career switch once both kids are in school full-time.

Miki, I know how easy it is to reward our weight loss with over eating...I do it all the time...a little bite of chocolate that turns into a big bar.

Cyan, I think you should invite the new guy to lunch or drinks it is too hard at the movies to really talk to someone.

Newie, take it one day at a time. Sounds like the first grade experience was well... quite an experience!

I would also like to have everyones home address so I can send out photo Christmas cards.

I am so tired and will start to munch if I don't eat to bed soon.
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Old 10-29-2003, 08:25 AM   #145  
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Hi, ladies--had a busy day yesterday with hubby--helped him with cover letters, job searching online, he made some follow-up calls. Less busy today, but still calls to make, things to search out. I will do lots of work in the house today. We're taking it one day at a time--only way possible. I go through different feelings at different times--up, down, hopeful, worried, tired, sad, peaceful--ate 5 malted milk balls and some cheese puffs yesterday--but overall I am eating less than ever--not hungry lots of the time. I didn't walk yesterday because I was helping hubby get into a home routine. Today I will get out. I think teaching first grade will be a good experience once I get organized. When I was there Monday, three teachers at the school who were also my children's former teachers AND my customers at the teacher supply store where I worked approached me, welcomed me, and offered me any help I might need. How wonderful to have such caring people around me! Well, got to go. Have to make school lunches. More later.
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Old 10-29-2003, 04:10 PM   #146  
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Angry Hello Ladies

Another crazy day here at the office...more projects upon more projects...but I shouldnt complain and I am grateful to have a job in the career I studied....web business is a dog eat dog kinda world...I am sure Newie, your husband could relate.
You have to create amazing designs on the spot and have it done yesterday very tiring...thankgoodness we are nearing the weekend

Hey..guess where my boss is taking us for christmas dinner...YUP A sushi restaurant...I've got him hooked...and all our employees like yippeeeeeeee We are going to Takara's or sushi kaoboi

Gosh, I have been craving smoked salmon again..I might have to go buy some tonight...geesh...whats up with me lately...I was talking on the phone yesterday and I was thinking smooooooked I might just have to go get some.

I havent been exercising often enough..I need to have a word with myself and get serious about this...way to lenient..oh great..I have Dr phil's ad here to my left of my monitor telling me to get real...I guess its a sign...

Hey Miki...I'm in for the christmas challenge...shoot

ok gotta go

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Old 10-29-2003, 06:19 PM   #147  
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Hi ladies,

Well, today I started out great..I had oatmeal for breakfast, brought our cat buttercup in for Jake's show and tell (they needed to bring in a furry friend for F week) Jake was the only kid that brought in a live animal instead of a stuffed one.

Well, it was raining most of the day and I started getting into a depressed mood so I went shopping and instead of being motivated to clean up the house and get ready for Jimmy's party on Sunday, I ate a big lunch and just wasted the day! So of course, I got more upset and ate chocolate. Now I decided to have a glass of wine and decide how I am going to get back on track with my eating and exercise.

Every morning I start out with great intentions and then ....I blow it by 3p.m. I know I need a rountine but I am feeling too stressed to take the time to start one. OK I'll stop complaining.

I hope every one is up for that Christmas challenge and we can motivate each other.

By the way I read last night's post and I must have been very tired ..." when I said eat to bed" I guess you all knew what I meant.
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Old 10-29-2003, 07:13 PM   #148  
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Well, today was fine with the exercise but not quite as good as yesterday in the eating department. I am going to try to put everything in Fitday shortly to see how many calories I ate. None of it was bad for me, it was just several different little things all day. Walked 30 min on AirWalker again then did my tape tonite. I think my goal for Christmas is going to be to lose 10 lbs by then. That should not be unreasonable for 2 months. Of course on the other hand, it would also be pretty amazing since I havent lost that much in the last 6 months. Anyone else have goals set? What are you going to do?

Debee, I laughed at what you said last nite but I understood it. I think it's cool you're taking a landscaping class. Wish you lived closer to me! I could use help in that department.

Newie, must feel good to know there are people at work willing to help out and make you feel at home. I know you'll do great once you get things organized. Did you get a walk in today?

Cyan, good for you getting your boss hooked on something healthy! Will make it easier for you to stay on track at the work Christmas party. If I'm not mistaken, I hear your stationery bike calling, Missy.

I hope Taiwan, Lisa, and Reina are having a good week. ( as well as the rest of you of course ) The week is halfway gone which means it's almost Friday again....I know Cyan is getting excited.

Talk to ya'll again soon...

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Old 10-29-2003, 09:18 PM   #149  
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Hi ladies,

Well I got a call from the producer of the tv show tonight and they are going to use me and the house! Now I am really stressed out...they are going to film between the 11/10 and the 14th. That means I need to clean up 10 years of dirt around the house, 10 pounds of fat off my body and 10 years of wrinkles off my face...oh well I have always said I work best under deadline!

So here's my plan for the next 14 days...

1. Lose ten pounds.....Eat a healthy breakfast, drink plenty of water, have a good healthy lunch , the same one every day maybe my turkey in a pita, no snacks, no chocolate, and every sunny day take a walk. Hopefully I can try to lose 5 pounds a week.

2. Clean the house...doing some heavy scrubbing will help me burn calories and if I just clean up the cllutter in the play room, and kids rooms, I will be in pretty good shape. I will just hid the rest of the stuff under the beds.

3. Lose the wrinkles...well I guess I hope they just will have good lightging and make-up.

I'll keep you updated...
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Old 10-30-2003, 07:09 AM   #150  
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Hi, everyone--I'm up early today--I am not sleeping well--sometimes I have trouble going to sleep and always wake up early. I've been down the last couple of days about hubby's situation. I know it's really too soon to get like that, and we are so blessed in so many ways. I guess I get scared. It reminds me of my growing up years. My dad was an alcoholic and drank up much of the money. He also had trouble keeping a job till he got in with the post office. My mom used to share her money woes with me (not too good to do with a kid, I think), so I've always worried about stuff like that--feeling safe and secure has always been a big deal with me. I'm also a person who likes to be in control--makes me feel safe. And this situation is one where I have very little control. I can help hubby--with resumes, cover letters (that's where my English major helps out), other types of support--but I can't make people return his follow-up calls or contact him after he has sent his stuff out. I feel like I mostly just have to wait, and I'm not very good at that. I know I feel better when I am busy at my own stuff--last night I spent a couple of hours finishing the sponge painting on Veronica's bedroom--very pretty--and believe me, there is plenty for me to do, especially with carpeting coming next Wednesday and the first grade job beginning in 4 weeks. I think I need to get busy and stop worrying. I also think I need to put my faith into better action. I just wish it were all over and worked out RIGHT NOW!!! Anyway, thanks for listening, everybody; I'll try not to burden everyone with all this too much.

I did get my walk in yesterday--it felt wonderful. I have also lost one more pound. I'm now at 155 1/2 pounds. I ate some more cheese puffs--a few with lunch, and some more in the middle of the night. I hope I don't have to keep them out of the house. The last thing I need to do is to stress eat. I think that will be my Christmas goal--to avoid stress eating on a daily basis and to keep up my exercise routine. Anything more concrete is just too much for me right now.

Debee, let us all know when your house will be on TV. I'll try to get to mother-in-law's to see it. Cyan, your love of fish reminded me that the other night I ate baked salmon for dinner--first time I had salmon other than out of a can. It tasted good, but I wouldn't want it regularly. I skipped the skin--yuck! Miki, thanks for your encouragement--I feel I'll do well too. I've already got some things in mind that I want to do, especially routinewise.

Well, I've got to go--almost time to get the first girl up to shower. Today at school is Halloween party. Tomorrow there is no school--some kind of teacher conference. Both girls have parties to go to--Veronica, her first boy-girl party with most of her classmates at one boy's house--from 7-10 p.m., and Kathleen, a sleep-over, trick or treat, out for pizza event sponsored by mom of one of her friends who just lost her grandfather. I am so grateful they have something fun to do. More later.
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