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Old 10-15-2003, 10:45 PM   #106  
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Hi everybody

It was nice to come in and find new posts!!

Cyan, I am still standing firm on 195. I've been at that weight since July I think...maybe longer. At least it hasnt gone up any, right?? lol Just 30 more lbs, but at this rate, it might take years. I havent taken time yet to read the article you posted, but I plan to soon.

Debee, your party sounds fun. You always amaze me with your creativity. Good idea wearing your 'skinny' pants to keep you from overeating. I should have worn some today when I had Chinese buffet for lunch. I'm still curious about those body wraps. Cant wait to hear the results of your second visit.

Newie, sounds like you've been going full steam ahead since you quit your job. Maybe you need to take a day just for yourself to regroup, rest and relax. How did the Cubs do tonite?? I'm sure Reina was watching.

Oh, almost forgot Cyan asked about sizes. The last couple pairs of pants and the last 2 or 3 shirts I bought were Size 16W. I still havent ventured into the regular sizes to try them...I still migrate to the 'plus' side of the stores. I think 16W is bigger than a regular 16 that right? Anyway, this time last year, I was wearing 22/24W so 16 is an improvement. One cool thing was last week my mother-in-law bought my son a pull-on shirt, Men's Size Large, and I wore it to work Saturday. It fit me fine. I was very surprised.

Reina and Deana, how are ya'll doing? Lisa, not leaving you out....just thought those names sounded cute together. How are you and baby? Still doing great, I hope.

My eating still isnt the best, but still faithfully doing my total body workout tape on Mon, Wed and Fri and walking on other days. Guess that's why I havent gained, yet also havent lost. Gotta work on that food part.

Well all...better run. Gotta iron before bedtime.

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Old 10-16-2003, 08:01 AM   #107  
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Well here I am ladies. We were away at a missionary conference this past weekend. It was fun BUT they fed us all too well. I didn't even have the chance to get hungry. And boy can those ladies bake----ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Well, I put on a pair of jeans last night and they were snug:-0 I was so disappointed. But my willpower is so pathetic. I haven't done the SBD cause I don't have the willpower to do it. I am wondering that if alot of my problem would be better if I exercised? I need to start doing that. SO today i will try to walk for at least 20min. That's my goal. I am not going to worry about what I eat today (though I won't go overboard), just try to start up exercising plus water and then go from there.
i am at a size 16 and I want to get down. Can I share something here? I am upset at my sister. She is 26yr and going to have the gasterio bypass (is that the correct word). Yes, she is overweight, at a good 300lbs, but she had started to lose weight on WW but didn't stick with it. This to me is just a lazy way to lose it I feel. I dare not say anything cause that will make me a bad person, but I feel that she should try other ways. My sil had it and lost 125lbs. so my sister is expecting to lose alot of weight. And knowing the family they will rub it in. I don't know if I am being bitter or jealous?
Anyway, it's 8am. I still have all day to walk. Maybe after I homeschool today or after lunch. I WILL get it in today ladies. If not someone kick me in my big backside:-)

Gotta go, josiah is waiting for breakfast.

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Old 10-16-2003, 09:41 AM   #108  
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Angry hello girls

It was so nice to see everybody posting again...for us ole timers...its been one year we have spent together in cyber world discussing, sharing and participating in each other's lives...isnt that amazing...I send you all a big hug and to many more years of friendship

Taiwan...I understand where you are coming from...I think you are a strong woman for doing it the traditional way....keep plugging away at it and if need be...My right leg is gearing up for a cyber kick A size must not go a size larger young have worked too hard for that....I challenge you to be a size 14 by christmas!!

hey Miki...16 is a huuuuuuuge improvement over 22/24...WOWOWOW You go girl....I challenge you to be a size 14W by christmas!! And no weight gain is amazing...and you should be very proud of yourself for your weight loss too. And slow weight loss is the best way to means you are changing your eating habits for the long hawl...I think you are doing it the right kudos to you.

Hey Newie...good to see you are enjoying your baseball know...funnily enough, the other day I too put on extra tight pants and it did keep me from overeating...I was so uncomfortable in them that the thought of eating was far away from my brain. I should do that whilst at home...the tight pressure on my stomach keeps me from overeating...great little trick..its almost like an outer lap band on your stomach from the outside!!

well back to work for me

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Old 10-16-2003, 02:26 PM   #109  
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Well all, I walked .5miles today. Joshua on his scooter and Josiah in the stroller (he woke up right as I was putting my shoes on--kids and timing, I tell you!!). Eating hasn't been great so far, but that's ok, we are human right?

We'll see if I can get dh to walk another .5 with me today, I don't know if he will or not.

chat later all
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Old 10-16-2003, 07:08 PM   #110  
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Hi ladies,

Well, my tight jean diet is working! The last few days i have been good because my tight pants are a reminder of what I am eating. Cyan I guess we are on the same wavelenght...who knows this can become the new fad diet!

Miki, I am not too sure about the body is motivating me to be more aware of drinking water and trying to not have junk that would be toxic to my body but how much is it in my mind or body I do not know. I guess all great diets start in your mind anyway.

Deana, come on and do the south beach diet. I will try it with you. Tell me when you want to start and we can come up with weekly menu plans. that way you will be losing the old fashion way and your sister-in-law will be the one who will be jealous.

Newie, hope your new bed is giving you a good night sleep.

Reina, Lisa hope to hear from you soon.

Well as far as sizes go I have been as high as a size 16 jeans after the birth of my first child. In the past few years I have been between a size 12 and 14. About six months ago when I was at my lowest weight I was in a size 8. I am now in a size 10 but it is tight. All my adult life was was a petite size 6 so a 12 is twice my size. I would like to stay a comfortable size 8. This week I did weigh in and am down to 131. My goal by next week is to break the 129 mark. By thanksgiving 125 and by dec. 1 120. The only way I will be able to do this is if I go on a diet..adkins or south beach for at least a month. I will alos need to not buy anymore sweets and be very careful with holiday parties. For exercise I will also need to walk and do yoga.

Well, its a plan...
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Old 10-16-2003, 08:29 PM   #111  
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Cyan, isnt it unreal that we've been posting here a year?? It really has flown by. In another way tho, I cant imagine not coming here. Seems like we've known each other forever.

Taiwan, glad you got to walk today. Exercise has been a big help to me. I know that for several weeks I didnt watch my eating at fact, I am sure I ate too much, but I never slacked up on the exercise and I didnt gain an ounce. HOWEVER....when Kaylen, my niece was here for 4 days and I didnt walk at all, I was up 5 lbs. By the end of the next week, once I was back on schedule, the scale immediately moved right back down. It was good to know as long as I continue my workout plan, I am able to maintain and not gain. Now, if I can just cut back on the eating plus keep exercising, maybe the scale will go down again and not just sit still. I know what you mean about having mixed feelings about your sister's surgery. I had a friend who had it several years ago who was my size at the time. She lost down to a Size 4 and loved talking about it. I felt like it was a cop-out. She was just as able as I am to get off the couch and do some activity but she always used the weight as an excuse that she physically couldnt workout. She never even tried to start out walking gradually and work up to something more. It's pretty sad now. The weight fell off of her because she didnt eat much BUT it was because she physically COULDNT because of the surgery. Now, 5 years later, she has gained most of it back. Just because she was small didnt mean she had learned the right way to eat or to exercise. The surgery was all in vain and nowadays she stays depressed alot of the time because of her weight gain.

Newie, I happened up on the tail end of the sports news this morning and if I heard correctly it sounds like the Cubs had a terrible thing happen last nite with the fan tipping the ball away from the outfielder. Did I hear that correctly?? If so, I feel so bad for the Cubs!( and for the fan...I'm sure he didnt realize that would happen)

Debee, I strongly believe that weightloss is a mindset more than anything else. I know I had tried many times before, but this time something just "clicked" and I have been more determined than ever. Like Cyan said, thru the ups and downs, we're still here after an entire year!! I think that says alot. Coming here is a huge motivation for me also.

Reina and Lisa, hope you two can join us soon. We miss you!

Well ladies, have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend!

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Old 10-17-2003, 05:59 AM   #112  
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Hi, all! I only have a few minutes--am going to Milwaukee--2 hours from here--on a field trip with Veronica's class today. We leave at 6:15 this morning. Also, it's Veronica's birthday today--she's 13. How fast the time has flown!

Yes, girls--I do believe that exercise is the key. I really think that it helps us not to gain for sure, and it also facilitates the losing as well. It's also a stress reliever. I'm going to miss mine today. Hopefully the Milwaukee Zoo will provide some exercise. I just need to watch the Old Country Buffet at dinner tonight. I need to watch the carbs for sure.

Yes, the Cubs lost--Marlins in the World Series. ("Wait till next year" as they say.) Miki, you were right about the fan tipping the ball away from the outfielder. It caused such an uproar. The poor guy had to be escorted out of the stadium for his own safety. He later apologized publicly and said he didn't even see the outfielder there (he was jumping for the ball).

Let me get in on this gastro bypass discussion. Hubby's sister had it 1 1/2 years ago (by necessity--her health was declining--she is 52 years old--was easily over 300 pounds). She has lost steadily since, but you girls are right--they are forced to eat correctly--similarly to Atkins--protein first, then veggies--carbs last. I've heard stories about my sil eating too much and then getting sick from it. Another girl--31 years old, I think--mother of a girl in my Kathleen's class--had it done around the same time--elective--didn't want to be fat anymore--knees bothered her. I don't know more. She is now model size--looks really good, but it seemed so easy for her--weight just fell off. Are they really addressing the "whys" of overeating? For me, that's everything. I know what we do is a lot harder, but I also think we learn a lot more about life and ourselves and really grow inside while we shrink outside. Would I do the bypass thing if I were really obese? I don't know--would never want to get to that point. I am grateful, though, for every step of progress I make.

By the way, Miki, on Wednesday I did pretty much take the day for myself--laid around, napped, watched TV--I was very tired after the whole furniture moving thing. I am very grateful to have been able to have that day.

Well, girls, I have to go. I've got an hour to get everything set to go on the field trip. Sorry I couldn't make more personal replies. Have a good weekend all. Bye for now.
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Old 10-17-2003, 11:35 AM   #113  
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Its my favorite day of the week!!! I love fridays...yes I do...sing along girls!!!

I plan on going hiking tomorrow to Mont should be fun and very colorful with all the leaves changing and all.

I am nearing the end of my cleansing and this is what I have to cleaned me out...if ya know what I mean. I had a cold starting the day before I started the process and the next day, I swear...the cold was gone...amazing....I feel great ill feelings...I did get a headache a few days into it...but after that, it all cleared up. Thats about it.

Hey Miki...I hear your walking shoes calling out for you Isnt it great to feel stronger cause you work out your body feels so empowering to do that...good stuff.

Debs...the tight pants are the best for me...I wore them at home last night and I didnt binge at all...too tight and uncomfortable to eat...but my waist hurts today...argh!'s your hubby doing at work? Are things ok? And are you enjoying your new furniture? How fun..I love redecorating...Debbee just finished redecorating her basement...right? and her lake house.

How many weeks till american thanks giving?

new mini goal is to be a size smaller by then!! that would make it a size 12p if I purchase jones newyork sizes vary depending on brand...anywear between a 10 to 14...go figure!

Ok ladies...have a great weekend and I will post back here on monday.

Big hugs to you all

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Old 10-17-2003, 12:19 PM   #114  
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Hey girls. How are all of you. Our computer has been in limbo for about 2 weeks now off and on. I, of course, have been busy with school and being sick! I have thought about all of you though!

Deanna, I read your post about your sister having gastric bypass surgery. I understand your frustration about her being lazy and not willing to work at it. However, my sister-in-law is having the surgery next month. She's around the 300 lb mark also. I've seen her on so many diets. She's spent so much money and time on trying to lose weight. The thing is is that when you weigh that much, losing even 20 or 50 pounds doesn't make that much of a difference. You still look fat and other people don't even notice. It's psychologically and emotionally difficult. I'm so excited for my sister-in-law. She's been overweight her entire life. So, my advice to you is to support your sister in this decision. Also, the surgery is very risky and she will need all the love and support she can get.

Okay, sorry if that was preachy. I don't do that very often.

Well, I'm doing fine. I'm still feeling sick. I'm glad for that though. It lets me know that everything is okay. However, it's hard to get anything done because I'm so tired and sick all the time. Hubby has been very supportive though and understanding that I need to rest and that I don't have any energy.

I've been eating horribly until yesterday. I'm back on Adkins. I don't want to have a Huge baby and gain more weight than neccessary.

Well, that's all for now!

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Old 10-17-2003, 01:35 PM   #115  
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Hi ladies,

Just a quick note...

Stressed out ...the house is still a mess and I am having 40 people her saturday for my halloween party...thank god the lights will be dim and the natural cobwebs that I have can fit into the theme. I ran through Costco today and probably did 2 miles in the store but I bought the creme puffs there for the party...they are my downfall...the best melt in your mouth good..after the party I will have to either give them away or throw them out.

Well, I need to get my vegas showgirl outfit together for the party...I hope I can fit into the skirt...maybe the skirt will be tight and prevent me from eating the party food.

By the way we should have a list of measurement aand weight and the top five things we learned in the year since we have been posting together..kind of an aniiversary update. What do you think?
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Old 10-17-2003, 09:25 PM   #116  
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Hi everyone

Just stopped in to say hello. Ready for the weekend..Yeahh! Tomorrow is Josh's 14th birthday. Having a big family get-together tomorrow nite....ham, potato salad, baked beans, cole slaw, corn, lemon icebox pie, fruit salad, brownies, etc etc etc. Better wear those 'skinny' pants for sure. Oh, by the way, it's also my mom's birthday. Cool huh?

Dont have alot of time because I want to try to do most of my housework tonite. I hate waking up to it on Saturday mornings. I'll post again later tomorrow nite.

Lisa glad your computer is back in working order. Newie, I'm sure walking around the zoo will be lots of exercise. Debee, have fun at your party! Cyan, think of us while you're on that beautiful hike. Reina and Taiwan, have a good weekend. Hope I didnt miss anyone. If so, it was totally unintentional.

Bye for now...

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Old 10-18-2003, 06:05 PM   #117  
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Hi, everyone! The field trip was wonderful yesterday. The zoo was great--good for walking too--we also went to the Milwaukee Public Museum--kind of like a history museum--and the Jelly Belly jelly bean factory. We ate dinner at an Old Country Buffet. Kids sang Happy Birthday to my daughter on the bus, and I had time to spend with some of the other mothers that I haven't seen much--one chaperone for about every 3 kids. Foodwise I did very well. I wasn't interested in jelly beans, but I did buy a small amount of chocolate covered coffee beans--I LOVE coffee and chocolate together--and enjoyed eating every one of them. For dinner I had one piece of fried chicken, green beans, brussels sprouts, salad w/ blue cheese dressing, and a small amount of a warm chocolate dessert that seemed like some kind of bread pudding. We did have cake and ice cream for Veronica when the day ended, but I felt overall that I did very well. I decided to eat the chocolate things on the trip because I have been feeling sad lately, and I just wanted to treat myself with a luxury I don't usually have. I am trying to get more back to the Atkins direction--low carb, high protein. I want to lose more weight, and for me, that's the way to do it.

Cyan, in response to your question about my husband's job, we don't know any more than we knew six weeks ago. No one has said anything to him about his performance since that one talk, and he has been trying to get help when he has a problem and overall do better. He told me he is doing his best. He is due for his regular yearly review, and his supervisor did mention to him this week that it will be delayed for about a month because the owner of the company, who okays raises, etc., is about a month behind with reviews. So we have absolutely no idea what will happen. He has been sending out his resume in response to openings he has learned about because he doesn't want to be unemployed, but no companies have replied as of yet. I don't know what to think. We both find it to be very difficult to be left hanging. John gets very down on the weekends. I pray a lot about it and try to support him the best I can, but there's this unanswered question that hangs over us. It just seems to me to be so unbelieveable that I would feel that quitting my job was such a right thing to do, and that staying home right now seems to be where I belong, and then he would lose his job too. It sort of feels like there might be a bad dream about to happen. Anyway, I won't go on and on about it. I try to have faith that things will work out, and patience seems to be the virtue most on the agenda lately. We do love our new bed. There is so much more room. John still takes all the covers, but that's not too much of a problem because I get night sweats and don't need them too much anyway. Our cat had some problems with the change. She couldn't figure out where the old bed (her bed) went, and it took her a couple of days before she would accept the new one. It was also higher too. She has since started climbing up on it and sleeping there all day and all night too. We're getting the carpeting on November 5. I have some more sponge painting and wall washing to finish before then, but I have plenty of time. It will be so fun to have the whole house decorated at the same time. Also, American Thanksgiving is November 27.

Lisa, hang in there with the all-day sickness and exhaustion. Do you usually feel better after the first trimester? I always felt wonderful during the second trimester and then tired again during the third from carrying those babies in front of me (both of mine were big--8 lb. 14.5 oz for #1, and 9 lb. 5 oz. for #2--and carried in the front--couldn't sit down or get up with any comfort, bend over, get out of bed without hubby giving me a push for the last 6 weeks--big heads that sat on my sciatic nerve too). Also, you are right about severely obese people getting so frustrated about weight loss because there is so much to lose. I remember my sil trying to lose on diets. She would lose some, but it wouldn't really show much, and then it would come right back. I do think, though, that even with the gastric bypass, some kind of counseling would be a good thing, especially if there were emotional/psychological issues that needed to be addressed. I too have heard of people with that surgery even gaining the weight back. Do you know if people with the bypass surgery get counseling to help them cope with emotions they might have dealt with before by eating?

Miki, have a nice birthday party. Isn't it amazing how fast these kids are growing up. Debee, I hope you enjoy your Halloween party. I am not really a Halloween person myself, though I really loved making my girls' costumes when they were little. Veronica is going to her first boy/girl party on Halloween evening--7-10 p.m. only. It's with her classmates and lots of adults and structured activities at one boy's house. That is much better than running the streets. Can you imagine? Big city at night (neighborhood gangs in particular roam then), Friday night Halloween, and teenagers? Now that is a scary scenario.

Well, it is time for me to get going. I've had a headache all day today, and I am going to lie down for about 45 minutes in that fine new bed and see if I can take a nap before cooking dinner. More soon. Bye for now.
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Old 10-20-2003, 09:29 AM   #118  
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Angry Good Morning

Oh I do wish I was sleeping right now...I have had problems sleeping the last couple of nights...I went to a dinner party saturday night and left rather the time I finished driving everybody home and got home was 3 am and I tossed and turned all night long...And sunday night...I didnt get to sleep until 2 am and didnt sleep well at that...I had so many vivid dreams...I had this one dream that I had cancer on my bottom lip!!!! and that things were so backed up here in our hospitals that I had to wait because they considered this elective it was not a restful sleep.

So...I feel like a zombie right now and I am not sure if I can stay awake all day today I might go home early and sleep sleep sleep.

later ladies

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Old 10-20-2003, 12:09 PM   #119  
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Hey Ladies,

Sorry I have been in Limbo. Last week, we were overwhelmed with work and the Cubs... So I wasn't even thinking of getting on my PC at night.

Work has been very hectic, So many fundraisers coming up and meetings to plan, and not enough time to myself.

Flav and I had a long talk yesterday about me gettting back on track. I have just lost myself, I can't get myself to eat right, or think about anything. I am starting back at Curves, which is closer to my home now, so maybe the working out first and then the eating will kick in.

I have to say, with much disgust, I am back into an 18 again......I just hit 16 when my life fell apart this past summer, so I am back where I started...

I know I could come here for support, but to be honest, I am in a self pity mode, and I have to get myself out of that alone! I am the way I am because I am NOT doing anything about it...

I hope you are all true to yourselves and keep up the long hard work that everyone has put into themselves. Don't be like me and forget why you are doing what you are doing!

I will find myself, and when I do, I will be here full-force! Until then, I will check in periodically....

I love you all and wish you continued success...if you all need to reach me, you can email me at [email protected]

Take care and I will talk to you all very soon!
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Old 10-21-2003, 11:40 AM   #120  
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Angry hello ladies

Today is such a crappy day weather rained all night and it looks like it will rain all day too with the possibility of snowing late this evening...ugh.

I finally got some sleep last night..I took a sinus cold med with a sleep aid...I was out like a light. are a strong brave gal and I hope you find your strenght and get back on track. As you well know, we are hear for you and we dont mind that you are in a self pity dont feel like you cant post here because you fell off the wagon. Come back soon and let us know how you are doing. Remeber, this place is not only for the successful losers...its here for everyone who needs help, support and a littly cyber kick

Well as usual, I am at work so I best be getting back to it...its been very busy .

Later ladies

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