Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: What type of vacuum do you have at home (choose ALL that apply)
Upright Model with Bags 14 50.00%
Upright Model Bagless 4 14.29%
Canister Model with Bags 6 21.43%
Canister Model Bagless 1 3.57%
Rainbow 4 14.29%
Roomba (new robotic model) 1 3.57%
Central House Vacuum 2 7.14%
Electric Broom 3 10.71%
Other 2 7.14%
I don't own any of the above 0 0%
I own MORE than 1 of the above 3 10.71%
I own MORE than 2 of the above 1 3.57%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 28. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-18-2003, 07:23 AM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 8/18-8/24

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 08-18-2003, 07:30 AM   #2  
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Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, there's 2 of them to read today:


The best of intentions are of little use until you follow through on them. The most carefully crafted plans bring value only when they are put into action. There are lots of things you've been meaning to do. One look at them all will prove that intentions alone are not enough.

You've thought about your intentions, talked about them, dreamed, planned and speculated. Today is your opportunity to follow through. Take action, and the value you've been meaning to create will start to become real. Follow through on your most treasured dreams, and you'll then be in a position to reach even higher.

It feels great to think about all the good things you plan to do. It feels even better, tremendously so, to actually get them done.

Dream and plan, think and talk about all the great things you intend to do. Then follow through, and truly experience the best you can imagine.

-- Ralph Marston



To reach any goal you choose, it's really not that complicated or even all that difficult. It is mainly a matter of acting on it. One way or another, action is what will make the difference. Action is what will take you to where you want to go, and action is what you can surely do.

If you feel frustration along the way, don't let yourself get bogged down in it. Decide to turn the energy of your frustration into positive action. If you become worried about what could happen, there's a great way to get beyond that worry. Take the actions necessary to make sure that whatever you're worried about cannot and does not happen.

If one path becomes blocked, don't spend a lot of time and energy complaining or regretting or feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, find another path and get yourself on it, for it is surely there.

The difference between those who merely wish and those who actually arrive is always action. Act on it, with persistence, with commitment, with positive purpose, and it will be.-- Ralph Marston

Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 08-18-2003, 07:40 AM   #3  
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Morning Ladies!

I'm off to my first day of school with students! So, you know what that means for me....this will be my first day actually trying to stay on plan all day! So far - I've stayed on through breakfast! I'm going to do my best for the rest of the day. I'm miserable, I've let myself gain back 57 of the original 60 pounds that I had lost and now I can't take it anymore! So, I'll be back tonight to let you all know how I did. It's time to see the scale go down instead of up! Help me with this my friends - I need you!!!

Love ya
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Old 08-18-2003, 07:42 AM   #4  
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Wink Happy Motivational Monday!

Morning Everybody!

Tag teaming with Debbie's MM, here is my contribution from God's Little Instruction Book for Women.

"If you want to make a job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it."

One of my biggest weaknesses is procrastination. So Debbie's MM says act on what you know should be done. Mine says...Don't put it off!

My weigh in for WW was today and I am down to 171. Maybe it won't be long before I see the 160's!

Well have to run. Have a GREAT DAY
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Old 08-18-2003, 07:44 AM   #5  
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Good morning everyone,

Missy - Good luck with the kids, you're going to need it. It's discouraging to see the scale go back up again. Have you tried an eating journal to keep track of everything? It's such a pain that eating and food have to play this big a role in our lives, but so many other things effect it, emotional eating, boredom eating, etc etc. I know that I'm susceptible to most kinds of non-hunger motivated eating. But it's getting better.
Good luck!
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Old 08-18-2003, 07:46 AM   #6  
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This weeks challenge is coming from last weeks poll. With so many people seeming to have a problem finding snacks to eat I'd like you all to do this, at least once this week, though you can do more

I'd like you to all take 150 calories and find the best, most fulfilling, most satiating SB foods you can to eat that add to 150 calories that can be eating ats a snack and post them on the board for everyone to see.

You can use foods from your actual menus or you may be inclined to look on sites, such as fitday and create a list of foods that add up to 150 calories - whatever works. The only thing I'd like you to make sure of when you post the food(s) you will is to make sure you list the amounts of the foods (ounces/cups/etc)

Maybe this will help you, as well as others, find some new snack items that will help fill the void.

If you would just like to list snack foods you find good and want to list them, you can do that as well

BUT, with the challenge posted and all said, do remember this - if your life style/schedule permits, you should be trying to eat 5-6 mini meals a day, and if you were to do that, finding a place for snacks would probably be harder than finding actual snacks to eat

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Old 08-18-2003, 08:27 AM   #7  
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Good Monday Morning Everyon

WOW! I'm glad I got my butt out of bed to start the board when I did - I see we had people just WAITING in great anticipation for it to be up and running for them to get in their posts! Glad I didn't lie in bed like the big lump that I am

I'm taking MICHAEL to order his senior pictures this morning, talk about getting ripped off - it's so expensive. Oh well, it's not like I get a pic of him taken a lot and at least they came out good

My eating was not good yesterday, I hate to admit, but this morning, I'm back on track, or at least I hope to be. I know EXACTLY what set me off and it just pisses me off that I'm not stronger than the feelings. As those of you who have been with me year after year know, my GM, the one who is dying, is NOT one of my favorite people. I'll try to make the explanation brief.

For those of you who don't know, she's always talked about my weight, to my face and behind my back to others, ALL my life. In order to get her affection, you had to be skinny, or so it seemed. Well, when I got skinnier, I found that nothing would/could please this woman, she just picked on something or someone else. It then shifted to her saying to me one day "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO REMOVE THAT MOLE?" or even worse, she started with my kids!!! It took me a while, but I finally decided that I wasn't going to let what she says bother me any more.

Well, the other day, my Aunt, who's her daughter, and who's here from NC helping (as she did with my Great Aunt who passed in January) with everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, I was talking to her on the phone and she was saying how nasty my GM was being. I asked her "does she at least tell you, through all this, that she loves you?" My Aunt says, "oh sure, she tells me all the time, and tells your GF and even your Mother, oh definitely." Well, I was happy to hear that, but at the same time I wasn't. My GM never says "I love you" to me and I resigned to the fact that she's that way, BUT, after hearing that she says it easily to others, it sorta pissed me off! Here, I've been going to see her every few days, taking the kids, and not once has she said I LOVE YOU -knowing it may be the last time she ever sees me OR the kids again. And damned if I am going to say it to her this point in my life either. I decided that if she wasn't going to put out the effort long ago, either was I. I guess that's why, in a way, I'm not so emotional about her at this point as I don't feel, nor have I in so many years, that there was any love-loss between us - but I guess somewhere deep down inside, it bothers me somewhat. Maybe I thought I'd hear something from her when the time like this came, her on her deathbed, she'd say something more than she did yesterday to me - "thanks for coming."

Hope you guys don't mind - I just had to get that out and explain why I finally had to let loose - it was building for days and I just HAD to get it out and could only find one way - FOOD!!!!!

On to other things...going to get in some posts before the day gets old...

BOB, no a/c at SB? In FLA? That's like, NO SB IN NY last week. I'm sure you could understand how those NY'ers felt!!! Don't worry, I had some for you Will have to see if the library has that video yet, thanks for the heads-up on it.

MELF, 5 years on SB is definitely a milestone!!!! CONGRATS!!! We still love you, even if you can't add properly

TEENSY, that cauliflower dish sounds good. I found a recipe in a book I got that uses cauliflower that I want to try. If I ever do actually make it I'll let you know if it's good. Maybe I should just post it on the recipe board, with my love of cooking it more than likely will never be made by me! OMG, BRANDT lost a few teeth? How'd that happen? What does he do when that happens, or has it happened before? Have a good time at the lake!

FRUIT, I know you can do this girl. We've never stopped being here for you, you know that. I think we all do better coming to the board as often as we can, and hopefully you can find the time to check in more often so we can help guide you and cheer you on as you move on down the scale. Again, just let me know when a good day to call you is!! GOOD LUCK with the new class - they're sure to love you!!!!

QUILTER, I hope all these friends who have computer trouble at least take the "trouble" to thank PAUL properly. I hope they realize when they call him out that they are taking him away from you. If it were me, and he didn't charge, you'd at the least would have a gift certificate to a restaurant for the two of you!!!!

MOTOWN, you can actually get headaches from your body detoxing from the sugars, so if you have them from the drugs, you just may get a double whammy. Hold strong, they pass in a few days, as do the cravings you may experience.

BEACH, congrats to DD on her new job - sounds perfect. LAUREN has been babysitting for her last years English teacher and making nice money there. It's so nice when they earn they're own money!!! I've seen those apples at Publix, but darn, are they expensive - I could buy a bag of apples for the same price. I'm sure you'll be hitting the 160's soon - your determination is wonderful - wish it would rub off on me!!!

Okay, I'm off to the shower!

Will check in later.

Have a wonderful day, and a great week!


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Old 08-18-2003, 09:00 AM   #8  
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Default Monday

Hello everyone.

Whew!!! School has finally started!!! Got the kids on the bus just a little while ago, and I have to say that it feels so good to have them out of the house for a little while. Now maybe I can get things straightened up around here.

TOM arrived this morning, and I'm not sure if I'll be getting on the TM today or tomorrow because of cramps. I know walking helps them, but I just can't stand that feeling. I'm planning on cleaning up some, so that should help just a little in the exercise dept. I've got to sweep and vacuum, and then run up and down the basement stairs and finish up or restart the laundry.

Well I'm off to get started on something around here, I just wanted to pop in and tell everyone hello. I'll talk to y'all later.

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Old 08-18-2003, 10:12 AM   #9  
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Me again

Just checking in as it seems to help keep me on track, though I do have to say, I'm struggling inside, but so far, I haven't given in. Problem is, the day is young

Just had a scant 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice mixed with an egg along with some sf plain yogurt with a tbl of pb flour and sweetener. I'm starving today-or so it seems. Will have a pot pie for lunch most likely, unless I'm away with the kids, but don't plan on being.

DM just called and said GM is pretty bad today and doesn't seem to be responding to anyone or anything. DM has a appt for some test tomorrow that I may end up taking her to instead of my Aunt as I think it's more important for my Aunt to stay with my GF just in case my DM passes. I guess we're on a wait and see watch at this time. As with my GA who passed in Jan, everyone does their speculations of when she may go - I hate that. When it's your time, it's your time.

JEC, hope you get some relief from your cramps. My TOM is due in a couple days and usually I don't get cramps, once in a blue moon I do. Hmmmm maybe that's why I'm so hungry, but then again, that would mean TOM is always in the wings!!!

Okay, I'm back outta here again - trying to get MICHAEL up for the past hour, it's not working

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Old 08-18-2003, 10:32 AM   #10  
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Good Monday Morning To You All

Well it was good to get back from my week of training. I understand now why they wanted us all in a hotel for the week, even the ones that lived in the area. They worked our butts off all day and then had the nerve to give us homework so really had no free time at all. Anyway I survived it and am due to start the job in two weeks time. Eating wasn't very good, particularly at lunch time as we were served a meal and really had no choice - either eat it or go hungry. The first day was o.k. We had chicken breast and some veggies and salad but it went downhill from there. One day they served pasta in tomato sauce, pizza, salad and bread. Yuck. Didn't get much protein in that meal . Another day it was yucky sandwiches but can't really complain about that as it was the day of the power failure. I was afraid to get on the scale when I got home but took the plunge yesterday morning and was surprised to see that I was 1/2 pound less than the day I left (I was up 1 1/2 pounds from my low on the day I left so still have one more pound to get back to where I was a couple of weeks ago). Even though eating wasn't very good at mealtimes there was very little time for snacking as we were sitting in a classroom most of the day. Maybe that was a good thing . Anyway it's good to be back and to be able to eat op again. I have been craving good protein and veggies. I haven't been able to read all last week's posts so will just have to start fresh this week.

Beachfan - I can relate to your MM thought this week. So often I use more energy just thinking about a task than it would take to get on with it and get it done. Not to mention the emotional energy used.

Fruit - Good luck with your first day back at school.

Deb - That's very sad that you have had such a lifelong negative relationship whith your GM. I really don't know what to say except that by all means come on here and vent. Sometimes it helps just to voice the feelings that we have even if nothing can be done about them.

Well have to run. Have a few chores to do then off to badminton at noon. Certainly had no exercise last week.

Have a good week everyone.

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Old 08-18-2003, 10:47 AM   #11  
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Good Monday Morning:

I did stick to my Weigh-in-Monday like I said I would, and was pleasantly surprised (124.5). We had company over on Saturday and I ate a lot of on-plan foods, but plenty of off-plan foods as well (such as corn chips, popcorn, snack food type stuff...). I really did feel stuffed, and I never allow myself to eat that much; I was pretty disappointed in myself. I was pretty good yesterday though.

Saturday, I took my 5-year old with me to the gym, and then we both went to get our haircut; wanted her to have a fresh cut for school. She starts next Monday; later than most everyone else. We go meet her teacher this Thursday and check out her new classroom. When I was getting my hair cut on Saturday, one of the hairdressers brought my hairdresser a HUGE Starbucks iced coffee, with tons of whipped cream and dripping with caramel. I don't miss my Starbucks (when it is out of sight), but I was practically salivating looking at that delicious concoction. YUM!

I will try to meet this week's challenges. As far as snacks, I don't really even look at calories, unless it is in salad dressing or something, but I will post some of the snacks that I am eating throughout the day.

I also wanted to post a before & after picture of myself, but to be completely honest, I pretty much destroyed all the pictures of myself that I didn't like once they were developed. I don't know if I would have a decent before picture to post. I will look though. I also have no idea how to post a picture on here. If I find one, then I will come back and ask for help!!

Country: I know what you mean about "shrinking." I was joking with my mom about the new obese guidelines. I told her since I am almost an inch shorter than I thought, that if I hadn't lost the weight I had, I'd probably be considered obese. I was 152 pounds, and 5'4". As far as shoes, you may want to check all the back to school sales; you want to take care of your feet if you are doing so much walking. A few years ago, I went to Famous Footwear when they were having their "Buy One Get One 1/2 off" deal going on, and bought two pair of tennis shoes (Avia & Reebok). I only wear them to work out, and haven't even worn the second pair yet. My first pair is still holding up well. If you spend a little more on them, they usually hold up better.

Teensy: Let us know how the carrot cake turns out; that is one of my all-time favorite sweet foods. I have a recipe that I haven't tried in my book, "Get the Sugar Out." Thanks for the compliment; only people here who have also worked so hard can understand what hard work and dedication it takes to lose weight and keep it off. I hear that Rene Zellweiger (sp?) is getting paid 1 million (I think) to gain 20 pounds for the sequel to Bridget Jones diary. What a life....gain it, lose it, gain it, lose it. We all do that, but we don't get paid the big bucks

Quilter: I love corn-on-the-cob when in season. I've had it a few times this summer as well. Oh well, you had company and had to feed them well, and what kind of cook doesn't eat her own food?

BOB: Never had a pedicure, but would love one. I had one scheduled during my last pregnancy for a Saturday morning, but daughter decided to make her debut on Thursday. I will have to get one one of these days. I would love to have some dry skin exfoliated off.

Motown: Welcome & Good Luck. Congratulations on your cancer survival; that's fantastic. I agree with you about Atkins being too high fat for your situation. I was actually reading an article about that the other day. You really need those fresh fruits & veggies and the fiber from the whole grain. Come over and ask questions anytime. I learned so much from reading the posts that it took me awhile to join in, but I am so glad I did.

Deb: Sounds like you scored big at the garage sales you hit. I can't wait for the weather to cool off here so I can hit a few of those on a Saturday morning. My cheesecake turned out o.k.; there was too much crust and not enough cheesecake, but definately something I can work with. I am so very sad to hear about your grandmother, and not quite sure what to say. It's hard not to take it personally, but don't give in to it. There's always a reason for us to give in, and not take care of ourselves, but there are so many more reasons to not give in and take care of ourselves!! You are worth it!

Melf: Time gets away from us. 5 years; what devotion and commitment. I think you said that you are 10 pounds from goal, and you've been there before. You can and will do it againg. Keep up the good work, and happy SB Anniversary!

beach: Sounds like your daugher landed a great little job! Good for her.

Fruit: I once heard that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I find that this is so true for me. Take snacks and even lunch to work if you can so you are not tempted to eat stuff that you shouldn't have. Do whatever you have to do, and you will do great. Good luck getting into the swing of things, and eating right!

I finally broke down and bought some ground flaxseed, after reading up on all the positive benefits. It has kind of a nutty flavor, and is pretty good, but I'm kinda stuck on what all I can use it in. I know I can put it in my yogurt, oatmeal, cereal....but does anyone else have any other ideas?

Well, now that my novel is complete, I better get going. Have a great day, everyone!
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Old 08-18-2003, 10:58 AM   #12  
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Hey Deb & Rosalie: We were posting at the same time; imagine that, it only took me 30 minutes to write mine (ha).

Deb: If you go away with the kids, pack a sandwich or something to keep you on plan, or you can always order a salad. You are lucky you don't get cramps. I, too, am expecting that TOM by the end of the week. I get really BAAAAAAAAD cramps since I had my daughter a year ago. They were always pretty mild prior to that. I see my ob/gyn for an annual the first week of September and will mention it to him.

Rosalie: Welcome Back! Glad to hear you were down 1/2 pound after being forced to eat that yucky stuff. Now, it's all in your hands, and you can eat what you've been craving. Good luck with the new job; I hope you will be able to join us often still.

Take care girls!
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Old 08-18-2003, 10:58 AM   #13  
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Debbie--Good mot. thought. Here's my contribution, somewhat along the same lines:
We are what we repeatedly do. (or don't do!--my comment) Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

Got my walking in today. I walked somewhat slower as I felt draggy. Probably my breakfast, which was not so good. It was mini shredded wheat with fresh peaches with a mixture of milk and cream. Yum. I love cream, but the calories are probably not so good. We had the cream leftover from a dinner party we had Friday night. The cream was calling my name, so I had what was left. Now I don't have to worry about it any more. Wonder why I didn't just dump it out???!!!

Debbie--WE love you. Even more important, God loves you
Never forget that your value, dignity and worth come from God. His opinion of you doesn't change with His "whim". I hope that thought makes it a tiny bit easier on your heart as you thing about your GM.

I've been reading this past weekend about supplements and losing weight. MONET--did your dr. ever put you on carnetine? I read a very interesting book on that subject. One thing it did say about legumes--dried beans--is that they are generally a starch. That is, they are a starchy veggie that happen to have more protein than most veggies. Just what the book said. I'm not trying to sabotage anyone's eating plan.

Gotta go. Have lots of stuff to do today.
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Old 08-18-2003, 11:54 AM   #14  
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Am I ever going to get started back? I've gained so much of my weight back and feel so bad over it. But I'm really trying today. I may have to take one hour at a time. If I could just make it for two weeks I think I would be back on eating right again. Maybe Deb's challange about the exercise will help. I did walk a few minutes on my treadmill. And thanks Melf for the note it might have spurred me on. Okay I can do this..........
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Old 08-18-2003, 11:58 AM   #15  
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Monday Morning Quickie---

I'm at work, so this needs to be short. Hello everyone! I hope you all had great weekends and that you all did better than me in the eating area. Got on the scale this morning and was up THREE!!!! Geesh! What's my problem? I stopped journaling around lunchtime on Friday and that was when it all went to you-know-where. Back with my nose (and sizeable rear) to the grindstone this morning.

DEB---I remember you mentioning your GM and all her criticisms. The sad thing is that she will never learn how wonderful her life could have been if she'd have just been a little (or a LOT) nicer. Some day she will get it, but it's probably not going to be while she's on this earth. BTW, some of our friends are very generous with Paul giving him money for taking the time to get them up and running. Here's a good example of when that backfired. One friend said she would pay him $200 for a day (Saturday) of help. Well, he came home with no check and then next week she "gave" him two $50 gift certificates to two restaurants that are not near where we live and that we NEVER go to. It was like she was giving him a present the way she had them wrapped in a bow. I think repaying a service is NOT a present. It was kind of weird. We still haven't gone to those restaurants, and everytime she sees us she asks if we have. Part of me wants to say, "That's why money is the best way to repay then they can use it for what they want!" Oh well, enough of that. His knowledge and expertise is a gift and I'm happy that he's so good at what he does. So I shouldn't gripe. It's just when things need done at our house and he can't get to them because he's at somebody else's house is when it gets to me. But that's what I get for marrying a nice guy. He has a hard time saying no.

Okay, it's almost lunch time and I'm going so healthy today. Take care. I'll try to be back on later.

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