Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: If you could magically change ONE body part, which would it be?
Feet 0 0%
Lower leg (calves/knees) 1 3.33%
Thighs 6 20.00%
Rear end 1 3.33%
Hips 0 0%
Stomach 16 53.33%
Breasts 4 13.33%
Back area (love handles) 0 0%
Arms 1 3.33%
Neck 0 0%
Face (nose/eyes/ears/mouth) 1 3.33%
Other (care to explain?) 0 0%
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Old 06-23-2003, 07:15 AM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 6/23-6/29

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 06-23-2003, 07:18 AM   #2  
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Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, there's 2 of them to read today, I REALLY LOVE THE SECOND ONE!:


Reach beyond where you are toward your highest possibility. If you attain it, you win, and even if you fall short of the mark, you still win. For it is the reaching that truly counts. Yes, the results do matter, yet what makes them so valuable is the process you go through to attain them.

When you make the effort and get the results you want, that's great. When you make the effort but the results aren't satisfactory, then you've just prepared yourself to come back even stronger next time.

Either way, when you live and act with purpose and passion, you win. When you put your effort toward a clear, positive and meaningful end, you win. Winners are not those who simply have good fortune handed to them. Winners are those people who make the efforts necessary to reach good fortune.

Reach, reach, reach, with every moment, every thought, every action, and you may get the results you want or you may get the experience you need. Either way, you win

.-- Ralph Marston


Believing that you can do it will not, in itself, get it done. Yet believing you cannot do it will most certainly prevent you from ever making it happen.

So the choice of what to believe is clear. Believe that you can, believe that you will, and you're well on your way to making it happen.

What do you truly believe you can do? The difference between impossible and accomplished is largely a matter of belief. A world of things that were once considered impossible are now so common we take them for granted. Each one of those things became reality because someone believed it could happen.Doubt is very easy to maintain, but it won't get very much done. See how many of your doubts you can replace with positive and compelling beliefs.

Every moment of every day, your beliefs guide your actions. Believe that you can, believe that you will, and your reality will follow graciously along.

-- Ralph Marston
Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 06-23-2003, 07:32 AM   #3  
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WATER - DAILY INTAKE OF AT LEAST 64OZ - we all know how important this is, and if you are exercising you need more - and remember, with the summer heat, even more, so 64oz is the minimum you should have-yeah, yeah, heed my own words!

JOURNALING - TRY TO JOURNAL YOUR FOOD INTAKE AT LEAST ONE DAY THIS WEEK - there is not ONE thing about journaling your food that isn't helpful, yes, I know some people don't want to do it, they find it to be a pain, they don't want to do an extra step, it's not in the book, but honestly, it DOES help. Having a problem not losing, journaling may help you find the answer WHY!




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Old 06-23-2003, 08:04 AM   #4  
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Exclamation I'm up for the challenges!

Hey Gang!

Well, I haven't been doing so good with the Power 90 this past week. I've just been feeling like a slug and the exercise gets pushed to the back burner and then there's no time left in the day to do it.

I have buddied up with someone else doing power 90 and we are both re-starting today. I think it will help to have someone at the same stage as I am.

I'm going to try to take DEBs challenges this week. I'm doing not too bad with the SB eating. Not the best, but it could be a lot worse. And I need to be drinking more water. Especially this week--we're supposed to have sun and it's going to be around the low to mid 90's all week.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the board. Hope everyone is doing ok. I'll try to check in later.
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Old 06-23-2003, 08:20 AM   #5  
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Happy Monday,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Today is a new week, lets make it a great OP one!

Deb, I'm up for all the challenges. Funy, I was just thinking on the way to work that I was going to journal today. May even try to figure calories, etc. I need something to keep me focused. In fact, I'm going to go a little further with the new challenge and apply it not only to things off plan, but to things on plan too. Sometimes I eat just to be eating. I'm not really hungry, so I am going to use that strategy with in-between-meal eating. Struggeling right now and am not happy with myself. I am so sorry I couldn't toalk to you yesterday. I really would have enjoyed doing so. We were just walking out the door. Wish you would have called 1/2 hour earlier, was just dozing in the chair on the patio.

Zane, glad you have found an exercise buddy. That will help keep you motivated.

Everyone else, have a great OP day.

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Old 06-23-2003, 08:30 AM   #6  
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Good Morning everyone!!1
I didn't get on all weekend. trav is and I decided that we would take the weekend off from all of our everyday stuff. I didn't get online, run erraneds, work. I did cook, but it was all minimal work. It was a very relaxing weekend. We walked together everyday. Last night we had a serious idscussion about exercise. I;m not doing very well in that area. I don't have much time and certainly don't have any support. He NEVER exercises. The gym near our house is offering 1 year for $99, and I am dying to join. It's open 24 hours, and only 1/2 a mile away!! I know that financially we could have done it if it wasn't for our big trip to Kansas next month and Hannah's wedding. This wedding in adding up like crazy. We are spending $250 on what I wear, $130 on him (g-man). Although Hannah has 8 bridesmaids, my other sister Melissa and I are doing her big shower on our own and it will cost about $250 each in the end. That is before we even start on the gifts I have to get her for her 3 showers and a wedding gift!!!! I am so frustrated. The other bridesmaids are all single 19-22 and live with parents with money to blow, and Melissa's husband is a cradiologist, so they certainly aren't hurting over this. I love my sister, but maybe I should have backed out, or asked if I could do something else rather than be a bridesmaid.
Ok, sorry I'm whining. I just needed to vent

Anyway, I'm having a great time getting my house/life organized and in order, thanks to You should really check it out. I feel in control again.

Debbie's challenges should be pretty easy for me. I always drink between 90 and 120 oz of water a day. I'm allergic to caffeine, so I'm not really allowed to have much else. I actually bought a 2 liter of C-free Diet Coke 2 weeks ago as a treat for myself, and I've totally forgotten about it. Maybe if I am down on WIW I'll break if out. I journal in my posts, but I haven't been taking the time to put it into Fitday, so I am going to try to do that at least 3 days this week. I like the temptations challenge. That may be pretty hard with the bagbysitting on Mon & Wed, but I am going to try it today. If I ever cheat, it's when I'm watching the boys. I'll let you know how it goes....

So for my own personal challenge I am going to try to stick to 1 starch a day this week, and I am going to walk at least 4 times. I'm out the door as we speak. I'll log my exercise when we get back!!

Have a great day everybody!!
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Old 06-23-2003, 09:03 AM   #7  
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How much alcohol (red wine and champagne) is legal per day--which artificial sweetner should I be using in my coffee each a.m. (only 1-2 cups per day max) I have the book but would love to hear some confirmation of what really works and what really doesn't--I've been very good on this diet for about 2 wks and have only lost 2 lbs., but am afraid I'm sabotaging the diet because of honest mistakes--just not knowing what's really legal and what's not. I have only about 7 lbs I'd love to get rid of but to no avail. Don't really drink enough water and am afraid the alcohol could be a hinderance. We socialize a lot and I'm pretty sure red wine and champagne are legal--I know champagne has 0 carbs. If anyone has some extra time I'd appreciate some help and input. Thanks--new in Lake Conroe, Tx (about 45 minutes north of Houston--
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Old 06-23-2003, 09:52 AM   #8  
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Hi ladies, hope you all had a good weekend!

We went to a 50's car show on Saturday. It was fun, but I had the worst swollen ankles! I thought we weren't supposed to get that until much later in pregnancy??? I have it tops on my list to ask the nurse practitioner tomorrow, because it really worried me. I spent the rest of the evening lying on the couch with my feet propped up. I am happy to say I can see my ankle bones again, though.

Sunday we went to a Children's Theatre play with DH and my stepson. So overall it was a nice weekend.

Tomorrow's my appointment - I am getting really anxious. I'm about 1 week shy of the point where we found my blighted ovum from the last PG, and I am praying we find a happy, healthy little peanut tomorrow. Please keep me in your thoughts!

My eating has been out of control. Urgh! I've been craving fruit like mad, so that I at least can give in without too much worry. I just need to cut out the junk. I've given DH instructions to tell me NO the next time I want something bad. We'll see if he comes through - although I admit it's a hard position for me to put him in, isn't it?


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Old 06-23-2003, 09:56 AM   #9  
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Ladyporsche - Welcome! I'd say if you only want to lose 7 lbs., that 2 # in 2 weeks is excellent!

I use Splenda to sweeten my drinks. It doesn't have a funny aftertaste to me like Nutrasweet.

Sorry I can't help with the alcohol question, but I don't drink (especially now that I'm pregnant!). I'm sure someone here will have the answers, though - this is a wonderful, extremely helpful group of people!

Again, welcome!

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Old 06-23-2003, 10:37 AM   #10  
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LadyPorche - I use Splenda, too. It tastes just like sugar to me.

I only drink red wine and I did have one of those low carb beers at my sister's b-day party. I felt like a dork though. I'll stick to the red wine. As far as I know, you can have one glass a day, although I only have one or two a month. I'm junt ont a big drinker.

Hope that helps some. 2 lbs is a great start!!!
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Old 06-23-2003, 10:43 AM   #11  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Well since I don't post on weekends, I have some catching up to do. First off, we went on our date Friday night, dinner and movie. We went to Outback where I ate the grilled shrimp (very good) and fried sweet potato chips and side salad it was very filling and good. Next, we ran to the movies due to being very late and we had to sit in the very front row. Need I saw more about the neck? Anyways, Finding Nemo was just so cute. I laughed and laughed. WHich I tend to do loudly. Hey somebody's gotta support the movie. Anyway, It was very cute, although some one asked about the shark part. It is brief but scary for the Little ones. Some little girl was screaming like crazy.

Saturday, we had a birthday party at McDonalds for my newfew. I did good and did not eat at all. I had some water. No cake either! Then it rained all day, so we headed to the gym and worked out. and then I ate lunch at the gym, sweet potatoe chips and turkey and cheese sandwich with no bread. Later that Night we ate outback again to go this time. (Can you tell we really like that place)

Sunday, was not so good day for me. After church we had to take some of the youth to travel an hour so my husband could preach at a youth detention center. So we had to stop for lunch at fastfood. I fell and ate nuggets What can I say pier pressure and the smell of Mickey D's in van. Anyways, I did pretty good the rest of the day, besides a few sixlets I ate (more pier pressure) So, feeling so ashamed, I ate a salad for dinner. So we shall see. I guess I could have been much worse right? The kids are so sweet, asking why and I also eating right, lol, that I look good already. Whatever, lol. Anyways, back to work on Monday waiting for boss to come running in and distributing work. I guess I should get prepared.

Later Ladies.
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Old 06-23-2003, 10:46 AM   #12  
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Default new to list and sugarbusters

Hi everyone,

I just thought I'd introduce myself
I'm 33 sahm and wife.

I just started sb today and hope to lose
about 40 pounds by the end of the year...
I don't know if that is too ambitious... but that's my goal!

If no one minds, I'd like to post my menu's for each day. I'd love input on them on whether or not I'm eating the right things, too much of one thing or leaving something out.

I'm also going to join the exercise board. I've just started doing Walk away the pounds tapes a few weeks ago and have really become hooked on them!

I'm pretty good at getting my water in, so I'll take the water challenge

Looking forward to getting to know you all.
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Old 06-23-2003, 10:48 AM   #13  
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Thumbs down Good Monday Morning!

Morning all!

AHHH--back to something of a normal schedule! Two weeks before I head to NC!

I see we would ALL wish away our stomachs if we could--well, isn't that what we are here for????

JenninMN--I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! I hope everything goes well--it sure sounds like you have a lot of hormones kicking around in there!

Ladyproche--I agree with Jenn--if you are trying to lose 7 lbs, then two is an excellent start! I wouldn't have more than one glass of red wine a day, skip it if you can. Splenda, Equal, Sweet-n-low, are all accceptable sweetners. Some of us find we like some better than others. Many of us use a sweetner called AGAVE (it's a liquid a lot like honey), but you can probably do with one of the ones I listed above. Don't know about the chanpagne, the bood really recommends dry red wines, but I suppose a dry champagne would be OK (it is wedding season!).

Talitha--HA! I remember so well when all my friends were getting married how much their weddings would cost me as a bridesmaid. Sheesh, I think forking over the money for the dress should count as the wedding present! I always wanted to be supportive, but by the time we finished with the list of the dress shoes, jewlrey, hose, even the color of nail polish--I was ready to strangle them!!!! Thank goodness I'm too old for that nonsense now! Good luck, I know you will have fun and your sister will appreciate your efforts.

Jackie--I know where you are coming from. I like Deb's 15 minute challenge! I'm planning on using that one as much as possible this week! You'll get back in the swing.

Zanne--me too on the 15 minute challenge. I've been a slug too--so let;s both get our butts in gear and get moving!

Deb--Good new challenge this week! Sorry to hear about your cold--really, I can't get mine to go away completely--nose is still running. I hope yours gets better much more quickly! I hope your DM is doing better too! Let us hear from you when you get a chance!!!

BOB--Glad to hear you are high and dry! I guess when it finally rained the heavens really opened up! We are having gorgeous weather this week--finally!

ARC--Glad to hear that you are back OP! Do the best you can if you stay OP and try not to worry about how fast the scale moves (I know, much easier said than done) then good things will happen, I promise!

Time to get to work! Have a great day everyone--let's make it the first day of a great OP week!

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Old 06-23-2003, 10:57 AM   #14  
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Talitha: just a little note about weddings too. I am standing in my friend's wedding. Who calls me out of the blue, we haven't talked in over a year to ask me to stand. I did not even know she was seeing anyone Well, I guess it was the moment and I said yes, but after thinking of all the expense and talking it over with DH, I declined. I am preparing to get pregnant as everyone knows and still designing my nursery and figured that would be money better spent. Well I thought I was in the clear. Until she called me a couple of weeks ago to tell me somebody dropped and she really wants me there, So I got a free dress. Although everything else will cost an arm and leg. At least, the dress is free! Feel kinda bad, but hey I was honest. So now instead of dropping $400 and I am dropping $200 (go figure) Next, thing is the party she wants for the girls is out of town. So I don't know if I am going. She knows I don't drink or gamble so really not much for me to do. Besides 6 out of 7 girls have breast implants and 3 out of 6 work in the entertainment business (if you know what I mean). Geez this will be a great match up, I am sure they will be able to spot the pastor's wife with no prob. My husband is performing the service.
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Old 06-23-2003, 11:27 AM   #15  
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Hi all! Long, busy weekend for us. Hubby finally got back from his 8 day fishing trip and I'm so glad to have him back! He grew a beard and the kids were a little leery of him. It took them a bit of time to get back into the groove with "daddy" but it happened.

Okay, I really fell off the wagon yesterday. It was a planned fall, though, and really it was only my second serious deviation from plan in about 8 or 9 weeks so I'm not beating myself up over it. We went to a baseball game yesterday and we were invited to a suite where they have all the free booze and food you can stuff in your face! I had lasagna and garlic bread and beer and... then the dessert cart came. Oh, my! I finally chose the peanut butter cheesecake (foregoing the oreo cheesecake and the snickers pie.) I have to say that I felt bloated and ill after all that, but I'm back on plan and I didn't do TOO much damage, so far.

I am taking Deb's challenge to heart and I just chugged 24 ounces of water. Ugh... feeling a tad ill... I'll let it settle a bit then go in for more. I had to drink a ton of water when I was pregnant and I had cut out all caffeine, and I still don't drink anything caffeinated anymore.

bloviator - welcome!

Jenn - I will be thinking about you. We struggled to get pregnant and I remember that early ultrasound at 7 weeks when we saw these two microscopically small little tadpoles with beating hearts. I know how stressful it is to wait to see that, I hope the best for you!

Talitha - I sure could use some organizing skills. I want someone to nominate me for an Oprah organizing show or something! Like a makeover for the organizationally challenged!

Want - I'm lazy, but I'll respond to your pm soon!

Okay, off to drink more water! I'm on plan and looking forward to my big salad at lunch! I can do this. I did it for 8 weeks with only minimal cheating. I'm motivated and looking forward to how well I'll look come Thanksgiving! Happy Monday!

Last edited by amhlawyer; 06-23-2003 at 11:33 AM.
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