Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: If you could magically change ONE body part, which would it be?
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Lower leg (calves/knees) 1 3.33%
Thighs 6 20.00%
Rear end 1 3.33%
Hips 0 0%
Stomach 16 53.33%
Breasts 4 13.33%
Back area (love handles) 0 0%
Arms 1 3.33%
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Old 06-25-2003, 10:15 AM   #61  
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Countrymom: Thanks for the tip. But I am not sure that is what it is. I mean I haven't had meat for like 2 weeks. I eat mostly chicken and grilled seafood, and for starchy carbs, I eat about 2-3 a week. Now that does not count, I do have 1 slice of sugar free nature's own a day. But that is about it. I have add more fruit, more veggies in my salads (which I eat daily by the way!!) I have had dessert 1 time in 2 weeks! I started this WOE like June 9th, I am going on 3 weeks here and only lost .5 lbs. ???!! Sorry, I just vented again. I will cut out my starchy carbs to 1 a week and see what happens.

Can anyone tell me what is considered a starchy carb?
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Old 06-25-2003, 10:25 AM   #62  
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OLDME, from a post a while back as well as on the

Grains, Beans, and Starchy Vegetables (6 or more servings a day): A serving has 15 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of protein, and about 80 calories. Most have no more than 1 gram of fat. Healthy choices include whole-grain breads and high fiber cereals, tortillas, oatmeal, bulgur, brown rice, dried beans, lentils, peas, yams, acorn or butternut squash, pumpkin
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Old 06-25-2003, 10:30 AM   #63  
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Thanks! Well it looks like out of the list I really only eat about 3, and not all the same day. The bread, yams and dried beans. So I am well within my budget.
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Old 06-25-2003, 10:31 AM   #64  
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Thumbs down Good Wednesday morning!

Morning all!

Another beautiful day here in East Alabama. The humidity is slowly creeping back up to mornal though--should be back in full force by the weekend.

Deb--I've also somehow gotten on a list for real estate brokers--so now I'm getting all those too! Sheesh. I could block emails from anyone not in my address book, but then, like you, I'd miss some that are ok. Glad to hear that your DM will come home on Thurs! Now take care of yourself--please!

Teensy--the emails I'm getting don't have an unsubscribe option. I read somewhere to only do the unsubscribe if it takes you to a website. If you have to send an email, the theory was that it only got you on more lists. Sounds like you have a busy week this week--have fun with all your company!

Heart--I hope you are feeling better soon. I had that crap a couple of weeks ago--no fun! I guess the best way to handle weekends is always to make sure you have stuff you can eat and you like. That way you don't get to feeling so deprived.

Fruit--WTG on the salad. mexican restaurants are the worst for me--even though there are things on the menu we can eat--you have to sit there with those chips in front of you--AARRGGHH!

Monet--I'll try the Mailwasher. I did download an anti spy-ware program yesterday and ran it. Amazed at all the stuff I've picked up while surfing. My browser at the church was hijacked by a spyware program, so I've become sensitive to that as well! I think Belle and I would love to stop by on our way home. It will be the end of July. When are you headed out on vacation?

Jackie--Have fun with the bunco--you sound very well prepared!

Wanttheoldme--evil scale! Don't worry it will drop. I find that I lose in spurts--real fast for a while, then nothing for a while. It is also helpful to take your measurements. A lot of time you will find that even when the scale won't budge, you are still losing inches!

Adrienne--WTG! You are making great progress--it's fun to pull out those old clothes and wear than again isn't it! Even more fun when you have to go buy new clothes.

Country--I'm thankful the EArthlink does a good job at keeping the really nasty stuff out of my mailbox! I know your daughter has to be thrilled with her phone line--at 16 that's a pretty good present!

I haven't gotten on the scale this mornin--forgot all about it! Belle and I have to go to the vet in a little while. Last night she started foaming at the mouth. She doesn't act sick otherwise (and it can't be rebies--she's had her shot and she never goes outside). But I thought we better check it out.

Have a good Op day everyone!


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Old 06-25-2003, 10:32 AM   #65  
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Default OT - News from my ultrasound

Hi everyone,

The news...

We saw the yolk sack and the placenta, but because of the placement (way far back inside) the little office ultrasound couldn't zoom in far enough to confirm a heartbeat. The nurse *thinks* she saw movement, but nothing conclusive.

I have an ultrasound scheduled with the BIG radiology machine at 9:45am tomorrow. I guess we'll know for sure then.

The rollercoaster isn't finished for me yet. *sigh*

Please keep saying strong peanut prayers for me!


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Old 06-25-2003, 11:07 AM   #66  
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Good Wednesday morning everyone. Gheez, you miss one day around here, and catching up takes awhile.

I was so busy yesterday. We left the house around 9 a.m. and didn't get back home until almost 3 p.m., and that's with two little children. I was exhausted. Plus, I live in the Phoenix area, and the heat wipes ya out. I had to go to the outlet mall and return a pair of shorts I bought (when I washed them the brown tag bled onto the white shorts). I then had to run a gazillion errands...Wal-mart, Costco, Trader Joe's, and took my 11-month old to the doctor only to find out she has a double ear infection. So we now have to worry about keeping this antibiotic cold for the first 7 days of our trip, and remembering to give it to her at regular intervals. At least she should be feeling better by the time we pull out of here Friday a.m. I am staying home all day today to do laundry and pack. I hope to workout with an exercise tape when my baby is asleep. I haven't worked out at all this week.

I bought some bread, pitas and tortillas at Trader Joes, and hope they will get me through the entire trip since there really aren't any health food stores where we will be in Iowa. I also bought some of those little packets of ranch dressing, since I know the nutritional count on those. We will leave Friday morning and won't be back until around the 11th. I am going to miss you all. I may try to log on when we are gone, and check in.

I weighed 129 this morning, and seem to be fluctuating between 129-130. Some days I am as low as 128.5 or up to 131, but pretty steady at 130. I pray for no more than a 2-3 pound gain during this trip.

Debelli: I hope you are feeling better soon. That TOM is bad enough without feeling sick too. That miracle fruit sounds really interesting. Red Robin is an American Restaurant, and has burgers and stuff. I'm glad to hear Mom's coming home tomorrow.

Fruit: I can't wait to see the picture of the float; how exciting for you! You did a great job at lunch. I always get the fajitas when I go to Mexican Rest. minus the rice and tortillas. It seems to fill me up just to eat the meat with the onions, peppers, guac, s.c. & beans. I feel totally satisfied with that. I always eat over on the portion sized though. Hey, we do our best, right?

Talitha: Wow, what a story. Isn't it amazing how one event in our life and one a-hole can really affect our life for a very long time? It sounds like you have found a gem in your husband! Remember that the scale doesn't tell the entire story; you are probably losing inches. I am impressed that your husband even notices. I ask my husband (22 pounds later) if he notices, and he says, "well yeah, but when you live with someone and are with them everyday, it just happens under your nose, and isn't as noticeable." Whatever!!

Daramus: Welcome back and congratulations on all the positive changes in your life. I didn't know you before, but look forward to getting to know you, your wife and little peanut.

Want: You are doing a great job on your eating! I love the Blue Bunny ice cream. I stick with the Health Smart fudgesicles because they are also low in fat and calories and the sugar alcohol is really low. BUT, my mom just had me try one of her Blue Bunny NSA drumsticks, and it was delicious. I better now buy any of those, because if they are in the freezer, watch out! Laura Scudders makes an all-natural peanut butter (smooth or chunky). I get it at Costco, but have seen it at the regular grocers as well. Try not to get discouraged; I know it is hard, but you will eventually see the losses. You may be building muscle also, and that weighs more than fat.

Gator: Boy, what a repair job. I say we go back to horses and buggies. They had to be more reliable. I hope your knee feels better soon, and that it is not serious. Is it the same knee you had surgery on before?

BOB: So sorry to hear about your friend's husband. What a tragedy. You never know is this game called life. You really have to live every day to the fullest! I have a friend who just lost her husband (he was 40). He got a staph infection (they think from a guinea pig bite), and died.

Heart: Hope you feel better soon!

Jack: I love to play Bunco; do you play every week? Sounds like you are really planning ahead; hopefully you will be able to stay strong, and not give in to all the yummies they will probably have there.

amhlawyer: Congrats on the 2.5 pounds. You sound just like me. I am so happy to be away from Atkins and doing SB too. I really feel like my body is thriving on this way of eating, and I was not happy on Atkins. Atkins is not a lifestyle change; SB is. I've read several times that you should not eat anything 3 hours before bedtime, so I am sure that eating early has a lot to do with your success. On the days that my husband goes to the gym after work, we eat without him. He usually gets home those days around 6:30-7:00 and that's too long to make the kids wait to eat, and I am usually starved by then. We eat together the other 4-5 days a week. I wish you continued success. The weight loss helps keep you motivated, doesn't it?

Jenn in MN: I have to tell you that you are the main reason I logged on today. I have so much to do, but wanted to check on you. So sorry to hear you couldn't get more conclusive evidence of the heartbeat. The yolk sac is always a positive sign. I am continuing to pray that your appt. this a.m. proves that the little one is doing well. I will check later to read your post. Best wishes!

Well, gotta go switch laundry and start packing!

Talk to you all later.

Last edited by Pancho; 06-25-2003 at 11:10 AM.
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:38 AM   #67  
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JenninMN--Must admit that I was also a little worried that there was no report from you last night or this morning when I was on. Checked back to see if anything new was here and saw your update. Try to dwell on the positive--the sak and the placenta! I've sent up a prayer for you that it will be all good news tomorrow and that you dont' go nuts waiting today!!!!!

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Old 06-25-2003, 11:43 AM   #68  
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Jenn - did they do an internal u/s or an external one? Internal is almost the ONLY way to go this early to ensure seeing the h/b. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow at 9:45 - is that EST or central time or what? I think I have it figured out (your 9:45 is MY 10:45!) I'll send extra good luck vibes your way! Hey! My mom' in Minneapolis today and tomorrow for business! small world, eh?

Pancho, thanks for the encouragement! Yes, I totally agree that this is a lifestyle change (and shall I say, slightly cheaper than Atkins, too?!)
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:59 AM   #69  
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FILLISE: We will be on vacation July 5 to about July 17. Let me know when to expect you! How is Miss Belle?

JENN: Sounds like things are looking pretty good. I hope you get all the reassurance you need at the radiologist appointment. I know how you feel, worrying and all. I lost three babies, and had three. I feel sure things will work out fine for you! Having morning sickness is a good sign! That means the hormones for maintaining pregnancy are strong.

DEB: Poor Eli! He is not going to know what hit him!

PANCHO: Where are you going on vacation?

LAW: WOo Hoo! Congrats on the loss! I know what you mean about eating late. I hate it. My hubby is never ready for dinner until 8ish... and that really screws me up!

WANT: I know you feel discouraged, but don't give up. Some of us are just turtle losers. I am extreme. It takes me a month to lose a pound! I can be totally good, and still not lose. My doctor claims I have NO metabolism! It is on account of my thyroid, which he is trying to get regulated right. Its better, but still SO hard to lose! Have you had your thyroid checked? There are new guidelines for the normal range of TSH, which most doctors use to diagnose an underactive thyroid, or Hypothyroidism. The new range is .3 to 3.0. If you have not had yours checked recently, you might want to ask your doctor to do that. It could make a big difference in your weight loss, or at least help you deal with the frustration of slow loss if you know the reason!

ok..gotta go do more work!
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Old 06-25-2003, 01:10 PM   #70  
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Default Thanks!

Sorry I didn't get on to post last night or earlier this morning. My appointment took longer than expected, with the blood draw and having to find me a spot in radiology this week.

Then we had to race off to the baseball game. I had a hot dog (yes, with bun ) and peanuts (Thanks, Jack-K!).

The weather was very weird - it was a full-blown thunderstorm everywhere else, but the stadium was dry. We got a few drops here and there, but it all passed around us.

We got home just after 9, and I was exhausted. We just climbed into bed when the tornado siren went off!

So downstairs to the basement we went, until the worst had passed. I didn't get much sleep, with all the thunder and lightning booming every minute, but at least our house is still standing. An area not too far from us was leveled. Scary stuff!

Thanks for the reassurance, everyone. I'm just hanging in there until tomorrow. Today should go by pretty quickly, and I have my finals for IT Management class tonight (ugh!). Needless to say I'm having to prop my eyes open with toothpicks.

Adrienne, yes, it was the internal one. You're right, it's far too early to pick anything up on the external.

ttfn again,

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Old 06-25-2003, 01:45 PM   #71  
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Default Journaling...

Okay don't faint but I've actually been a good girl today and am keeping track of today eats. Breakfast was a no go..didn't eat was too tired. Lunch was:

1 cup lettuce
2.4 oz tomato
1.1 oz Radish
.6 oz onion
1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese

At fitday they said this comes to 78 cal. 1 gram fat 8 carbs and 8 protien

I haven't even snuck a chip one today. I mowed for about 30 minutes. I know it's not truly exercise but it sure was hard. I did one of the ditches. It's just too hot to stay out to long. Gonna try for the other ditch tonight.

I hope every one is having a super blessed and full day. Remember it's all about being the best you that you can be. And YOU are WONDERFUL!!!!!!

Love and hugs,
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Old 06-25-2003, 02:08 PM   #72  
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Back from lunch and I had 2 pieces of skinless chicken and kidney beans and water, it was good. But I think these beans are gonna stay with me! heartburn city. Oh well tonight my dh is speaking on a radio station for the christian channel so right after work, we have to drive to New Orleans (about an hour) so dinner will be late tonight. We are going out to eat, so I will have a salad and grilled chicken breast.

Countrymom, I feel like pig compared to what you have eaten today! I could never do that. Besides I detest cottage cheese.

Well I guess I should finish opening my mound of mail I got here. So busy, busy... not at work, but just life in general. Dr.'s appt. tommorrow I will ask him about this weight loss or rather NO weight loss issue. I am sure I will get an ear load. I will make dh sit in the hall, so we don't have his comments interferring.
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Old 06-25-2003, 03:08 PM   #73  
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Tonya, if you only have 20 lbs to lose, you are not going to lose a lot quickly. But the inches will show up probably sooner than the scale. I lost inches very quickly. Hang in there. You did great not giving into that bagel.

lawyer, congrats on your 2.5 loss. That is great. You really need to add some veggies to your meals. I didn't see any listed. That will help fill you up plus the fiber.

Country, good luck on being down tomorrow. Those tight rings are always a sign.

Talitha, with all that walking and exercising I'm sure DH can see some improvements. Don't worry about that scale, it can be fickle. Just let your clothes be your judge.

Deb, hope you and Eli are still married after today. But I'm sure he knows when to keep his mouth shut and just agree with you. Hope you feel better.

Susan, Hope Belle checks out ok. That would be scarry.

Jenn, think positive. I'm sure you will see that heartbeat today. Prayers coming your way. Glad you were safe last night.

Pancho, Good luck on your trip. Just be conscience of what you are eating and do go on a binge (as I tend to do) and you will do fine. Sounds like you are well prepared and that is the key. Hope DD gets feeling better. We only play bunco once a month, but we don't really play. We just sit around and talk all night and then roll one time for the gifts and eat dessert.

Off to the gyno, fun fun.

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Old 06-25-2003, 03:14 PM   #74  
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Default Tonya....

Don't go by today's lunch. Some days I eat wayyyy more. Plus today is not over yet..LOL Your lunch sounds yummy. I am hungry for some beans.

Love and hugs,
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Old 06-25-2003, 03:41 PM   #75  
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An update on Miss Belle--When the vet opened her mouth she has some huge red stomas in there--so it is probably a bacterial infection. We got ten days worth of antibiotics and that should hopefully cover it. He took some blood to make sure that there were no other underlying causes (kidney problems, mainly) but everything there was just fine. Anyway if she is still doing it after a week, we have to go back, but I'm hoping this will take care of it!

JenninMN--I was so focused on your u/s yesterday that I totally forgot that you were in the area hit by the bad storms last night! Glad to hear that you came through it OK! We will be waiting to hear the good news tomorrow!

Crystle--WTG on lunch--you did better than I!

Want the old me--your lunch sounds great too!

Jackie--It was scary when Belle started foaming at the mouth all of a sudden. Fortunately she didn't act sick in any other way--otherwise we'd have gotten Dr. vet right out of his bed last night! Now notice, when I was sick I did not go to the Dr. (though I probably should have), Belle wheezes a little and I'm on the phone making an appointment as soon as the office opens!

Have a good afternoon everyone!

Um, Deb--if you feel that bad, I say Eli deserves whatever he gets! Having just had the crud AND TOM too, I know how bad you feel, and my personal philosophy is if I'm miserable--everyone has to be miserable. So I say let him have it!!! LOL!
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