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Old 03-15-2007, 01:35 PM   #121  
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Thought I better check in before THUNDER comes a looking for me! Not much to report around here except that Kate gets better every day! She's still a little raspy in the voice box, but is now "fending" for herself as far as fixing her breakfast and lunch...That's a big switch from this time a month ago!
I have what feels like a catch in the top of my foot. It grabs all the way to my toes...if I could just pop it, but I can', I'm limping around in my birkenstocks with Kate yelling for me to put on my real shoes!

FINALLY in the process of doing laundry...I have no idea why I hate this chore so much...BUT...we're to the point where it's got to be done...we're not out of panties yet, but I better not wait any longer...

THUNDER...I think you better change that statement to "OUR" SB BABY....
We who were here at the time felt every little move that child made during her time "IN THE OVEN"

KRIS...PURPLE BATHROOM??? I would love to see that! We went to buy a washer and the store had a HUGE PURPLE FRIDGE!!! I mean LSU PURPLE!!
I bet it's still there too! Poor JUNIOR...

SHIRLEY...What are you making at the moment? I love to crossstitch, but haven't done it in years!

MONET...I know you're glad that James is coming long will he get to stay? Have a good trip and be careful!!

MO... Are y'all still in the throws of winter up there?

JACK...are you ready for THE CATS to play???? Kate is gearing up..she loves tourney time!

Well, I'm off...I'll check in a little later!

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Old 03-15-2007, 02:33 PM   #122  
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Bob-Sorry I know she has lots of SB Aunts. Yup you all were with me all the way thru my pregnancy. I feel as if we are all sisters we've talked so much here. You are all my extended family. Maybe one of these days when I'm riding with hubby on his truck I will get to meet some of my SB sisters!!!

I have got to get some family photos taken. Hubby has promised me for several months now its time to act!!!!!

Everyone take care and have a great SB day!!!!!!
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Old 03-15-2007, 03:53 PM   #123  
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Hi Guys

First off l want to say a BIG THANKYOU for the warm welcome from all, I truly appreciate it. I will slowly get use to everyone and hopefully eventually post to everyone each day like everyone does. My day is going good, I had a piece of WW pita with sugarfree sugar and natural BP for breatfast, for lunch l had a bowl of WW shreedies and so far 3 glasses of water. I am still tried a lot but feel better with our sugar in my body.

BOB Nope our winter is almost over here in Calgary it’s been in the high teens all week and soppose to keep it up till at least the weekend. You should listen to Katie Bob and wear good shoes, I get your problem a lot and my shoes with my orthotics in them really helps. Btw is Katie your wife or daughter? Sorry just trying to figure out who everyone is.

Kris Having your dog shaved is not that bad if it makes him feel better and makes you happy beable to show affection to him without the mess and smell.

What is everyone’s picks for the final 4? DH and I are betting on the tourney and winner gets full body massage so l need all the help l can get on picks.

Thunder l am so happy you had a healthy pregnancy with your daughter and that u had all these wonderful people to be there for you while you went threw it.

Bye all for now.

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Old 03-15-2007, 07:06 PM   #124  
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Hi all.

Nope, didn't finish the bookcase, but I have an excuse!Woke up and could hardly move.) Went to the NH as usual. When I got home DIL (who has a couple of days off) told me her family decided to come tonight instead of tomorrow night. So I had to vacuum and dust and stack the things I am donating from the bookcase. Vacuuming is one of the hardest things on my back. Nothing will get done the next couple of days.

I will be glad to see Lori's Mom again. I stayed with them when I evacuated for Katrina. DS left for Slidell about two days after we got to FL. DIL & GD stayed about two weeks. I stayed about two months. So you know we must get along.

TECH: If it takes a haircut to be able to hug Junior then go for it. We all need hugs! Hot purple that's my kind of bathroom! Shades of purple are my favorite color as is pink. Had bed problem with DS, we limited fluids in the evening. That helped.

BOB: If Kate is well enough to yell at you, I'd say she's doing fine. She's probably right, your real shoes would be better. I don't mind the laundry it's the things that need ironing!!!! I hate to iron and hate to clean the fridge!

DD gave me a little kit with a moon and stars and blacks, navies to represent a night sky with a poem about sunshine, moonlight and God watching over you. I really don't like the design but was doing it to keep peace. I can say yes, Elaine I'm doing the project you gave me for Christmas. I started it before eye surgery and made so many mistakes I gave up in frustration. Thank God it's only a project for a 5x7 frame. I have two projects I want to do next, don't know which it will be. One is a scene of an Amish farm, the other is a bouquet of lilacs which would go perfectly in my bathroom I have a shower and window curtain with lilacs on them. My fav flower. We, that's imperial we as DS did all the work, repainted the bathroom, I have my pink depression accessoriies. purple and pink towels, purple bathmat.

THUNDER: Get that family photo taken. One of the last pictures taken of my DH was the whole family gathered on and around the couch on the patio. A neighbor took it with a hand held 35mm and it came out beautiful. It means so much. Besides it's a history of your family.

MO: Sounds like you are doing good with woe. You'll get used to the posting, it does seem intimidating at first.

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 03-15-2007, 07:29 PM   #125  
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My bathroom is about the color of this text...maybe a tiny bit lighter, but not much. Somewhere between my text and Sef's text above my post. And its accented with bright, shiny white wainscoting and the white suite and I made purple/white gingham curtains. I still have to make a three-quarters white/one-quarter gingham shower curtain. I got a grommet punch for the rings. Its really pretty. Purple has always been my favorite color and I've always wanted a purple bathroom. It's actually quite elegant. My next room to paint is going to be my living room. I have denim colored furniture with blue toile curtains I made in 2003 or so, so I'll probably keep them and paint the room a medium-ish mushroom color with beige trim. We have a neat ceiling that is painted the trim color that we found under a drop ceiling when we moved in. We had to jack it up a bit in spots, but it looks nice now.

Anyhow...I'd love to chat, but the Sabres are playing the Florida Panthers (I think it's the Panthers...the Florida (insert some dangerously wild cats). Game time in about 1 1/2 minutes!!

Talk to you later!! My recliner awaits!!
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Old 03-15-2007, 08:02 PM   #126  
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Hi everyone

I just almost finished a post and the darn thing disappeared on me. My chicken parmesan is ready so will go and eat and maybe I will get back later. I would love to know which key I hit for this to happen.

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Old 03-15-2007, 08:07 PM   #127  
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HI MO...I'm definately an overweight woman....KATE is my MOM who lives with me and I'm so glad you're here with us...please stick around and get to know us!!...As for the BB tourney;...I'm a HUGE TENNESSEE COLLEGE FOOTBALL FAN and could really care less about BB, but I do pull for KY when they are playing BB...TN never has a team good enough to make it as far as KY does ( I'm from there originally) but they've been good this year beating FLA and that's what matters!!!! I'm definately a GATOR HATER!!! We pretty well cover the SEC when it comes to sports, so get ready....when football starts (college) we can get quite vocal on here!!!!

MONET...a friend led me to a really good red wine's an Australian Shiraz ...made by YELLOW've got to try's GREAT!!!

TECH...Hope your team wins...I hate hockey...don't know anything about it but would love to see your bathroom!!! Don't be surprised if I drop in one day and say...I'VE GOT TO USE TO TODDY!!!! you always have to agree with KATE????

SONYA...come on down GIRLFRIEND!! I'll whip up some fried chicken and gravy!!! I agree...get those pictures taken!!! I need to see my NIECE!!!!

I'm off to relax....hope EVERYONE has a good EVENING!!!

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Old 03-15-2007, 08:09 PM   #128  
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ROSALIE...Mine disapeared too...had to go back to do it again...HELLO!!!!

What's up with you tonight??

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Old 03-15-2007, 09:33 PM   #129  
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Shirley you inspired me to get in my bathroom & clean like I hadn't done in a long time. DH walked in there last night, turned around & headed back to the bedroom & said "I think I took a wrong turn!" He was so pleased & so was I!

Walked this morning. Had a busy day & I'm fixing to head for bed.

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Old 03-15-2007, 09:39 PM   #130  
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O.K. lets try again. I went for a short walk this morning. Only had time for a 20 minute walk as I had to go bowling. If I am up early enough I will go walking about 6.30 then come home and shower and get ready to go out again. But to-day I didn't have time for that so went out about 8.30 and walked for a while then went off to bowling. Eating has been fairly good to-day except for a bit of the munchies this afternoon. So for dinner I just had the chicken parmesan with some brussels sprouts and some mixed veggies. Thought I had better keep off the starches tonite. I also had a small glass of red wine

BOB - Not much doing tonite. Just finished dinner, have a little bit of sewing to do and then maybe some reading. Take care of those tootsies.

Sef - You actually iron? Most of my stuff is shaken and folded or hung up. I try not to buy anything that needs ironing. And if I do it gets pushed to the back of the cupboard. . Enjoy your visit with Lori's mom. The worst chore for me is vacuuming now I have carpet in every room. It was so much easier when I had wood floors.

Tech - Get that dog shorn so he is huggable again. Don't worry about what the neighbours have to say. Purple/lavender are my favorite colors too.

EricsMom - It looks like you have got the hang of posting. Don't worry if you don't always have time to address everybody. What did you have for dinner tonite? I noticed you didn't mention having any protein at lunchtime. It is a good idea to have some protein at each meal. Also make sure you eat enough veggies. Have you read the SB book? If you have any questions just go ahead and ask. Someone is sure to have an answer for you.

Thunder - Hope you get those family pictures taken soon.

I went out to the store this afternoon and picked up some small plant pots and some seeds. I'm going to start some basil and parsley and a few other herbs. Maybe I will get it done tonite.

So I'd better post this before I lose it again.

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Old 03-15-2007, 09:42 PM   #131  
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Melf - We were posting at the same time. It looks like Sef is inspiring us all to get working.. Glad hubby appreciated your efforts.
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Old 03-15-2007, 10:22 PM   #132  
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i'm off to bed...I'll talk to y'all tomorrow!!!

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Old 03-16-2007, 12:09 AM   #133  
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Good evening,

I was doing some cross stitching tonight. Needed a break.

Saw that I missed a couple of posts to answer.

MONET, ROSALIE, SOLLY: That bookcase has turned into a real project. It's just a standard size and I can't believe how much was crammed on the shelves.

Now I am looking at the bookcase across the room. It's like painting a room. You finish the job, look through the door and can see the room across the hall should be painted too. Didn't think it needed painting until you did the first room.

Believe me Rosalie I know about moving. 35 years in the same house. I had two gallery sales and three garage/yard sales. When I emptied the attic with the help of some friends, we put the stuff in the garage so I could go through it. It filled the garage completely! I felt like one of those hermits you read about, their home was so stacked with junk there was only a little path through it all. Did you look at things and think why did we think it was worth saving and put it in the attic? I couldn't believe the stuff that was up there.

TECH: My bedroom is lilac. I bought a sheet and comforter set that has lilac and pink flowers. Bought extra sheet set and made curtains.

BOB: Didn't know I did. Maybe because I'm probably closer to her age at 70 than to yours! Age has privileges you know. We get the senior discount!

MELF: Glad I could help!!!

ROSALIE: I usual don't buy anything unless it says wash and wear, drip dry, do not iron. So many things now are blends that it seems more ironing is necessary. I usually let it pile up until I want to wear something then while the iron is out....... Probably be easier to do it as it's washed.

Okay that's enough!

May good things happen, Shirley

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Old 03-16-2007, 07:55 AM   #134  
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Morning all,

Whoohhoooooo!!!!!!! I have lost 2 more lbs as of this morning. That makes 8 lbs in all in 2 weeks. Hopefully before hubby gets home next weekend it will be 10 lbs or more. All because of eating right!!!! It pays!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone have a great day!!!!!!
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:58 AM   #135  
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Good morning, all my buster buddies!!!

I had a great day yesterday. The drive up and back was pleasant, the time with Bonnie was great. I threw a bit on her wheel...just got two large bowls done...then I mixed a few glazes. I left early and was home by 6 in hopes of seeing James. Unfortunately, that was not meant to be. I finally called him when we had not heard from him at 7pm. He said there was a wreck on the interstate in Boston that made him miss his flight. Then the ticket agent at the airport was in a snit and sent a plane to Atlanta with empty seats, even though there were about five folks wanting to get on it. His lugguge was put on that plane. The rest of the flights to Atlanta were over booked, so he was promised a seat on a flight this morning at 11. Unfortunately, he had no clothes, or toiletries with him, so he had to go to the CVS and purchase a contact lens case and solutions. Needless to say, he got the ticket agent's name and is planning on raising a ruckus about it. What is really irritating is that the weather in Boston is so is snowing so his flight this morning may be delayed or cancelled. He is SO ready to come home!

I am hoping the parts for my wheel arrive today. I have stuff I could work on, but I am not having much fun with the paper clay I made. It is taking too long to dry!

Last night I started an Etsy account. It is an online site for artists to sell their works on. I do not have any listings yet, but once James gets home and can help me with photos, I hope to get it up and running. I am hoping it turns out to be a good thing.

I had intended to write replies now, but my stomach has started growling. I better go eat some breakfast, then come back!

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