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Old 03-05-2007, 08:55 AM   #31  
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Hi all,

I am so pleased, the scale shows a loss of 4#. I really struggled the last two days. When I get upset I want to eat. I would slap my hand when I would reach for something. Have a sore hand but it paid off.

Trying to type and play fetch with Bitsy at the same time.

This morning at 11a we go to Trinity Rehab/NH to entertain. It's Irish time. In the past one of the favorites has been "Clancy Lowered the Boom", I get the audience to help me woth the BOOM BOOMS. It's so much fun.

MONET: You do beautiful works. I like the rose vase. The mugs are interesting design but look too small for my taste. I am a coffee freak, need at least a 12 oz or bigger mug. Remember the huge ones they had in "Friends"? You can be so proud of your work.

SOLLY: Even the pounds though aren't down, the sands must be shifting! You're losing inches instead of pounds. That's a good thing to happen. I think sometimes our body has to rest and play catch-up with itself. We put a strain on our bodies with the ups and downs we have.

ROSALIE: "I feel lethargic and can only walk and play badminton." We all should feel so lethargic!!! I get tired just reading about all you do. You are a role model for us all.

After we entertain, I have to return a collar I bought for Bitsy (we had to cut the last one off, she got her one leg through it and I couldn't get it off), it is too small. The blurb said it was for Pomeranian size dogs, but apparently Bitsy is a little over-weight. I can't imagine why! So if I eat better and don't eat things I shouldn't, Bitsy should lose some lbs too. We are what we eat and apparently so are our dogs! At least in my case. She comes running when she hears cellophane or paper crackle!!

I guess it'll be okay if we have breakfast. lol

May good things happen, Shirley

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Old 03-05-2007, 09:04 AM   #32  
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well, I weighed this am to find that it says 230!!! BUT, TOM is coming either today or tomorrow, so hopefully I really am close to my ticker weight.

Monet_ I really like the bowl and the vase in the middle picture.

Here's hoping for a fresh start this week than this last weekend! Craig had a rough weekend as well, so we need some better vibes coming our way soon!
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Old 03-05-2007, 04:26 PM   #33  
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Thought I would pop in for some replies. My boss is out of town today. it is still busy but not so crazy as when he is here.

Rosalie, better you than me. Freid fish is my favorite thing. I have a hard time passing it up. Hope you did better.

Sef, Wow sore hands have really paid off. Congrats on such a big loss.

Thin, Sending good vibes your way. Hope TOM leaves you with a big loss.

Heading home soon. Gym time then dinner. I have a baked ziti in the oven so it will be quick and easy. Just throw together a salad.

Have a great evening.
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Old 03-05-2007, 05:36 PM   #34  
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Hey everyone! I woke up this morning at 5 and could not sleep, so I got up, got dressed and went downstairs. First, I cleaned in the kitchen. The table in there is a catch all and it was covered! I got it all cleaned off, then went downstairs to my 'garagio' (I love that...another potter calls his studio a garagio since it is in the I am going to use that!!) and threw. I got four or five plates made, a bunch of smallish vases, and a few bowls before Tom got up at 8! I have been trimming and embellishing on stuff off and on all day. We went for a walk a little while ago, and took the baby. His parental units went off on a 'date' for a late lunch.

I forgot to weigh this morning on account of my working so I will try to remember to weigh tomorrow. My bg was not great when I got up, but two hours later, and still fasting, it was great! I took the second one!

I spent a good long time on the phone chatting with my son. He is in Hartford, Connecticut and heading to Worcester, Massachusetts. He has no idea when he will be coming home, but it sounds like it will be another week or two. Sure is quiet without him here!

Thanks for all the kind words on the pots! I appreciate it! I feel kind of insecure about my work still. I am not up to speed yet, but getting there. How I wish I had kept working all these years! I could kick myself.

SEF: Those are BIG mugs! The picture has no reference to show that. They are more beer stein size- probably hold 16 oz each.

SOLLY: I put your piece in the kiln up in the mountains on I am waiting to hear how it did. I just MIGHT be able to finally send it to you! Hooray!

ROSALIE: Wow..your whole family is gourmands! I think I would get along well with them! Especially at mealtimes!

SOLLY and ROSALIE: I purchase a raspberry balsamic vinegar, I think it is Regina brand- it comes in a fat bellied bottle- and use a couple tablespoons of the vinegar, a couple tablespoons of almond or Stonehouse lemon olive oil, (you can use any oil you like) a dash of pepper, salt and a small clove of garlic, add a dash of water and shake it up in a jar. That is all I do...

THIN: I am sorry you had a bad weekend. I hope the week is much better for you!

We have some MIAs...TECH, COUNTRY, HEARTMOM, GATOR, MELF, THUNDER - I am sure I am missing some too! Hope everyone is doing well!
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Old 03-05-2007, 06:27 PM   #35  
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Howdy all. Its been a quiet day in our house today. I just made salmon, brown rice and fried cabbage for dinner. It was yummy. I forgot to weigh today so will have to tomorrow. Sorry I don't have time for replies but have to do some things. I sure love your pottery Monet. The pictures are great. I especially love the mugs.
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Old 03-05-2007, 08:48 PM   #36  
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HI all,

Just a fly by. Am recouping from a trip to the circus in Monroe, La and then after that to a huge game room for all ages. Had a blast at both places but eating was terrible. Back on track again. Gotta get going not going to lose anything by the way I ate this weekend. Hubby got back on the road Sunday morning now hes in Wisconsin and will be heading for Mass. in the morning.

Monet-Your pottery is beautiful. I did a little in High School but it was

Bob-Hiya!!!! Know what you mean by the cough hanging in. I still have mine at nite.

To everyone else have a wonderful week!!!!!!
I'm so enjoying my car!!!!!
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Old 03-05-2007, 09:48 PM   #37  
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Had a good day. Weigh-in was still 193 but I'm holding on. Started walking today. Got a couple of walking partners, a friend & DD. Walked for 20 min. Have a root canal scheduled tomorrow but plan to walk early.

I made a fantastic supper of enchiladas with turkey ground meat & WW tortillas. I'd made them before but never figured out the specs on them before which comes out to about 410 cals total per enchilada. They were yummy & one was plenty! If I'd have thought beyond my nose I'd have added a small salad to that. Didn't even reach 1000 cals for the day.
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Old 03-06-2007, 04:28 AM   #38  
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BOB'S UP AND HAS ALREADY HAD COFFEE....getting ready to brew another pot! Couldn't sleep...went to bed after taking my LUNESTA, but it just didn't work!

Going to start a pot of spaghetti sauce after while. I use my Mom's recipe for the sauce that she makes lasagna with. It's so good, so simple to make and SO GOOD!!!! It simmers for 3 hrs and we got the recipe from a little old Italian Lady when I was but a sprout! So, it's quite old...probably had been handed down in her family before we got it.

Today is another laundry day! maybe, one day I'll get caught up!

I think I'll go get time like the present!

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Old 03-06-2007, 06:01 AM   #39  
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Bob: Today's my laundry day, too.

Monet: What beautiful works of art. I especially like the white one with the flower.

Sorry I've been so MIA. I had a little crisis last week where we heard from Shelley's paternals that her father died in Rochester. Although we haven't heard one peep from him in over 7 years, it's been a bit emotional for both of us. Mostly me, I guess. Shelley barely remembers him. I've been feeling, by turns, angry and sentimental about it all. He was one of those people that was very, very musical and creative to the extent that he couldn't function in the world like a normal human being. Reality was not his friend at all. He could never hold a job or support himself and chose to spend his life in the basement, playing guitar and smoking pot. Nice guy...not a mean bone in his body...but a lousy father and not even close to husband material. He's a little like that song, Starry, Starry Night....where he just wasn't meant for this world. So, now he can rest in peace and live where his head always the clouds.

Anyhow...his mother called me and requested Shelley's presence at is memorial service last night. I'll get into why later on, but I decided to keep her away from it all...we weren't told he was even sick until he died and we both agreed we'd have been happier if we'd been given a chance to go to Rochester when he was sick and said goodbye, but his mother chose to wait and, literally, said, "Now that Kevin's out of the way, maybe we can pick up my relationship with my granddaughter, now that you don't have to worry about him making your life miserable." !!! What a cold, rude thing to say about your own son! Besides, Kevin missed out on his daughter over the last seven years because of his mother and HER actions, not his. I don't know if I've ever told you guys about a day and a half long trial I was subjected to while pregnant with Kyle because she was suing me for visitation and grandparents rights. She also sent me a five-page letter, depicting what a lousy parent and human being I am and how much better Kevin's NEW girlfriend is. She's a mean control freak and I really mean to keep her and her brand of instability out of my family's lives.

Anyhow..I'm getting worked up again, but will, maybe, for therapeutic reasons, come back later and let you in on what Marion put me through seven years ago...but for now...time for coffee...

Talk to you guys later on...
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Old 03-06-2007, 06:46 AM   #40  
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I'm sorry about Shelley's Dad. Too bad they didn't really know each other.
She's happy with "her DAD" right there at your house...

Have you started that laundry yet?

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Old 03-06-2007, 06:57 AM   #41  
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Bob: That's pretty much most of the reason I didn't take Shelley to the funeral. She has Kevin where he belongs in her mind. She has an honest vision of who he was in her mind. From the days she spent with him when she was little, she remembers his house was dirty, stinky (cig smoke, ashtrays and guitar strings everywhere...amplifiers for endtables and a big, loud, stinky bird in a cage in the corner) and he slept most of the time she was at his house. Court-ordered visitation, thanks to his mother, or she wouldn't have been allowed, by me, to endure it. But at least she had an honest view of who he really was. If I'd have taken her to a memorial service, they'd be stoking him up to be this great guy...which he was in some respects...but I don't need Shelley having some convoluted idea of the father she missed out on...know what I mean?

So, the upside of it all is that Shelley's been bugging us for years to have Derek adopt her so she can have the same last name as the rest of us and now that he's passed on, it sounds cold to say so, but all we need is a death certificate and adoption by Derek should be a snap. It's, truly, what Shelley wants. We never wanted to stir the waters up with Kevin's family to get him to give up rights to her before, but now with him gone, we can finally go ahead with it.
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Old 03-06-2007, 08:04 AM   #42  
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Good morning. Two days in a row for me. I beleive it's a miracle. Yesterday was a total bummer day. I don't know why, but I was so down. All I wanted to do was lie around and do nothing. DD wasn't feeling well so he did not want to go to the gym so I got in 30 minutes on our and did some exercises I got out of a magazine. I was hoping the endorphins would kick in and help me but they didn't. Got to kick this thing, I don't like feeling like this. Food has no interest or should I say, the thought of things make me litterally sick at my stomach. I don't know what's up with that. Nothing sounds good other than maybe McDonalds or something horrible like that. I purposly stayed home this morning and ate my breakfast. oatmeal sounded good at the time. It sounded better than it actually was. No fruit sounds good either. Meat totally turns me off other than hamburger. Go figure. Maybe the day will clear up. Maybe I need a good laugh or something.

Monet, I'm excited my pot is in the kiln. Can't wait to see it.

Tech, I'm so sorry about Shelley's dad. How nice that Kevin wants to adopt her and her the same. What a nice relationship they have.

Toni, is it warming up there? I thought it was going to be warmer today, but it is very cold out there.

Bob, How's the re-application process coming? Are you going to be able to go back to the hospital?

Thunder, jump back on track. It starts getting to easy to cheat when you start doing it alot. Did that make any sense??? I alsways tend to go off the deep end once I start chearting. Then it's 10 lbs right back on there.

Melf, good job on you walking. It is so nice to have someone to walk and talk with. Good luck with your root canal today. I feel for you.

Well, I am going to get some more coffee and get this blue mood kicked to the curb. Have a great day.
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Old 03-06-2007, 04:44 PM   #43  
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Default Howdy

I've been eating everything in sight. But at least my weight is holding steady. Sorry I've been MIA. We have just been so busy with getting the garden ready and visiting my family. It is hard to believe I'll be starting my beans in just couple of weeks. There is still a little bit of tilling before I can made rows. Robert has been working hard every day to get it done.

Monet...your pottery is so pretty. I love how you did the rose.

((Everybody)) I know I say it every week but I am going to be a better poster and get better with replies. I love hearing how each of you is doing.

Love and hugs,
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Old 03-06-2007, 04:56 PM   #44  
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Scale was a little lower today. I almost talked myself out of walking but I got out there & walked 25 mins!! Eating is good. Had another WW enchilada for lunch with a small salad.

Root canal went well. I now have a horrible headache, probably from the tension. but other than that, I survived it! I'm fixing to take something for the headache & lay down a while. DH knows not to expect supper on the table tonight. The injections are wearing off so I'm out of here!
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Old 03-06-2007, 05:33 PM   #45  
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Good evening. Did some laundry today but not much else. LOL my usual. Just got DH out the door on his way to work so now the evening is mine. Trying to figure out what I'm going to have with my cooked cabbage I have left over from yesterday. I lost 3 1/2 lbs this week. Hope I can maintain that loss next week.

Thunderwoman- Did I miss something? Did you get a new car?

Bob- Your dinner sounds great. Think I'll thaw out some turkey tenderloin for tomorrow and make ground meat out of it and make spraggetti sauce from that. I'll bet your recipe is wonderful.

Melf- Good for you on the walking. I'm so sorry you had to have the root canal..

Techwife- So sorry for Shelley. You always sound like such a good Mama.

Solly- Whats going on with you? Hate so bad you're having trouble feeling good. Weather here is nice around 65.

CountryMom- I love love love to hear about your garden.

Hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a good evening.
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