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Old 12-28-2012, 08:23 PM   #286  
I think I'm losing it!
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Hi Ladies! I'm 46 -- not sure why I haven't posted in this chat thread before. I just read back a few pages. I have the Beck Diet Solution book. I read it a few years ago (before I regained a lot of weight) and it was very interesting... teaches you how to "think" like a thin person. How would you guys like to start a thread in the new year of 40 somethings studying the Beck Diet Solution together? Kind of like a book club. I, too, know how to lose weight -- done it several times. It's keeping it off that is the hard part. Maybe this book will help. Anyone interested?

PS Omniwei- I'm so glad you and your family weren't hurt worse than you were. Accidents are always traumatic, no matter how major or minor. I know the last time someone hit me, I kept waiting for them to call and apologize - really! Never happened! ha!

SUM 38 - Walking 1000 miles! Oh my! That mileage doesn't even register with me. I can't imagine how you did it. I'd love to do half that in a year! Congratulations! That's a really awesome accomplishment!

Sheila22-- Hang in there with the purging. I'm into that right now, too. It's a great feeling to drive away from the Goodwill with an empty car! I just hope I don't go in and see my stuff on their shelves. That's always bittersweet. I'm just a packrat at heart!
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Old 12-28-2012, 11:04 PM   #287  
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Had a day off & only had one thing to do, pick up my hubby's refills! I'm soooo glad cause lately it seems like days off are not really days off. I'm not blaming H, it's just the way it is. I am a little worried about him, he's dealing with a adema in his feet & some dizziness. Course the dr. just readjusted his meds again & said this might happen, UGH!!!
Plenty of exercise today. As H rested I went for a 45 min. walk in the rain. Some of you get we get rain, wind & cold, sometimes ugly dense fog. My eating has been off some, TOM is especially vicious this time around. But I am keeping plenty of H2O going. I'd really kind of like a weight drop soon, but not expecting it. Like I said before the scales & I are NOT on speaking terms. I've even gone so far as to threaten getting a new one!

AwShucks: Welcome to the board. You'll find a lot of support here. Good luck!

Sum: Congrats on reaching your goal. That is awesome! I think next year I'll try something kind of like that. A new kind of challenge to myself. Going to have to figure it out. It's nice to know that neither rain nor sleet nor snow stops you from getting in your miles!

Sheila: So you got your stairmaster workout without going to a gym. Going up & down stairs is a challenge. So is cleaning house. Sorry your kids didn't pitch in, especially when one said they would. It's gotta be rough, hope things will improve. Maybe at some point when all is calm & there's not tension between you & the kids you can ask for them to pitch in some, even if it's just cleaning up their own messes. Moms shouldn't be used a maids. When kids are growing up learning to clean up after themselves will pay great dividends when they go to college, have room-mates or get married. It took years to break my hubby of being a slob, his mom was always his maid. He still slips up on ocassion, but he's sooo much better.

SeeMyFeet: Congrats on the loss! Keep up the excellent work! Proud of you!!!

omniwei: Do take it a little easy/slower. You do not want to aggrevate any injuries & make your healing time longer. Let us know how things go with getting charges filed against the guy who hit you. I really, really hope he is taken off the streets for EVERYONE's safey. YES! YES! I want 2013 to be a really awsome year for those of us on the 40 board!!!

Have a great weekend ladies! Be healthy! 2013 is just FOUR DAYS away!!!
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:44 AM   #288  
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I woke up this morning with every intention of going to my kickboxing class - I make my coffee and look out the window - MORE SNOW! I knew we were going to get a LITTLE snow (called for 1-2 inches) - I seriously think there is probably 6-8 inches out there and it's STILL coming down hard!!! More shoveling! SHEESH.

And my phone got messed up last night (sigh) - it still works but my email isn't sync'ing - I guess anyone who needs to reach me can call me.

I have to go shovel - I don't have a man or a snowblower - the kids are now at their Dad's and if I don't keep up with it I'll never get out of my driveway!
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Old 12-29-2012, 09:05 AM   #289  
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I'm with you on the snow. I was planning on going shopping today but when I let the dogs out this am - more snow. I do it all by shovel, too. And back, and arms and somehow my knees the other day! My neighbors are all retired it seems and love LOVE love to snowblow at all hours. Sometimes I look out and it the middle of a storm - they're out there - doing the street...I think it's a competition to them!

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Old 12-29-2012, 09:29 AM   #290  
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wow - this shoveling is truly a workout! My back is already hurting.

And the snow keeps coming down! It's supposed to stop at 11 - of course they also said we would only get an inch or two! WOW.

Well, after kickboxing I was going to go do a little shopping - doesn't look like THAT is going to happen - no need to be out on the roads if I don't have to be....I can go tomorrow! Unless we have another

I DID buy an SUV this year which is good!!! My old car was a rear-wheel drive - and even with snow tires, it was HORRIBLE in the snow! So at least I have a sleigh!

Hmmmm....what to do today? Well, it's actually a good day to deep clean something....laundry room?? I'll throw some tunes on and tackle it shortly...I also need to do the kitchen...lots to take to Goodwill!

(sigh) - my driveway is covered again....LOL - but it's supposed to stop snowing at 11!

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Old 12-29-2012, 09:34 AM   #291  
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2FatCats - I have serious snowblower envy - my neighbors with snowblowers do the same thing! LOL If I had a snowblower I would definitely share it! LOL

Hope this isn't the beginning of a really bad winter...this is the first year for my daughter driving in the snow - makes me REALLY nervous!! She doesn't have four wheel drive, but has front wheel - and it's a good safe car...still....(sigh)

On a related note - I can't believe I haven't seen a single snow plow!!! Honestly, with my last car I wouldn't have been able to get out of our allotment!!!
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Old 12-29-2012, 12:18 PM   #292  
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Sheila--I admire how busy and productive you've been these past few days. You are definitely inspiring me to get my major closet clean out done. I know up front I'm on my own with the project. That's a bummer, but oh well.

MrsTryibgAgain--I got a good chuckle when I saw the post about you and your scale. I can seriously relate!

AwShucks and Pluckypear--Welcome!

Sum38--Congrats on 1000 miles! That's awesome.

I go home today after several days of a diet break and eating lots of delicious food. I'm terrified to step on the scale when I get home, but I'm pretty sure it's one of the first things I will do. And tonight I'm going to a family dinner where there's going to be more food. (sigh ). On a positive note, I'm starting to read The New Rules of Weightlifting For Women book. I think I'm really going to do it. Half the book is about diet, though, which I will read but may not wholly incorporate. I'm at capacity with the diet advice, especially the conflicting advice.
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Old 12-29-2012, 03:20 PM   #293  
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I swear TOM gets worse with age I am bloated like a little pig. Ugh.
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Old 12-29-2012, 03:46 PM   #294  
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Well - today was either a waste or an extreme day OFF....LOL. Other than shoveling the driveway twice, I have done absolutely NOTHING (other than watch chick flicks and uh, eat. )

Instead of feeling guilty, I have decided to embrace the day for what it has been - - I took a hot bubble bath, and have completely RELAXED. I have three days left until bootcamp and back to work - - and tomorrow I am going to kick my productivity into high gear. Plan the work, work the plan - and as for today --- RELAX. (okay - I admit - I'm feeling guilty, but I'm fighting it. )

It's been awhile since I've TRULY taken a day of complete rest and relaxation. I'm sure if I had to go back to work on Monday I would be in panic mode - but I have THREE MORE DAYS OFF!!!

If I flew somewhere on vacation I would be relaxing right? So just because I'm home does NOT mean I can't have a vacation day!!! I'm rationalizing...LOL

At any rate, hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday! Only 2 and 1/2 more days of 2012!!!
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Old 12-29-2012, 03:51 PM   #295  
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Hello all,

Everyone seems to be ready to re-focus and is finding ways to exercise in spite of the weather.

Day 5 of my 2 week (hopefully) regimen. So far, so good, although it's been really tough . Calories have been low. That, plus the lingering bronchitis cough and asthma are keeping me from exorcising as much as I would like.

I did go out and buy a hula hoop!!!! thanks to a suggestion in another part of the forum. It's great for me right now (and the fam) DS laughed when he caught me in the act, so I challenged my dSON...The first ever hula effort from my little String Bean/Rubber Band resulted in 15-20 rotations!...It's great exercise wiggling around and bending over and over to pick the thing up off the floor...I like the challenge of seeing how many rotations I can do, so it's become my new time-wasting 'bad' habit. I think this is a better plan for now than trying to finish a 30-40 min workout tape.

Tomorrow will be 50 days since my "New Birthday". Here's to 50 more days...then 50 more...then 50 more days of staying on track and developing a healthy, maintainable lifestyle. So glad to be here.

omg....TH just brought in a holiday goody gift bag from a neighbor, with all the chocolates I LOVE.....give me strength

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Old 12-29-2012, 05:26 PM   #296  
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SeeMyFeet - I bought a hula-hoop too!!! WOO HOO!!! I haven't used it yet - you've inspired me!!! Stay away from the chocolates!!! LOL

Despite the fact that I have only 2 and 1/2 days of 2012, I am proud to say I have placed a crustless vegan pizza in the oven for dinner.

Tomorrow will be a more productive and active day. First task - treadmill for 30 minutes!

Hope everyone has a nice Saturday evening!
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:04 PM   #297  
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Hello all, like Sheila, have been out shoveling, luckily DH has a bucket for the quad, so we don't have to do the whole driveway, just clean up the end and make sure we don't leave any big lumps in the road, one of our neighbors does that, so not thinking of anyone else, we live in a rural area so the plow doesn't come by all that often...

So, it is great weather for snow shoeing, DH and I did a big hike, my pedometer didn't track right, so I'm not sure of the distance, it was a long one, yesterday I went around our loop once with the dog, about a mile, today I did it twice, the first time was breaking trail, amazing how you can sweat when it's only 20 some degrees out...the second loop was much more enjoyable, we're going to get out for a long hike again tomorrow, feels great but is hard. We got our snow shoes at Sam's a couple years ago, they've worked great, you just need the right amount of snow.

Have to get caught up on thread, can't believe it's at 20 pages, I probably have 5 or 6 to read. This is a great group, still pretty much maintaining through the holidays, we're getting back on track, just have dinner with my parents, last big meal of the holidays, got delayed due to the weather, all cookies are in the freezer or eaten, all candy is eaten, so we're back to having to snack on oranges and bananas...

best to all may have more to say after I'm done reading, hope everyone is doing well, best to all
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:59 PM   #298  
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Just got caught up, whew!
Omniwei~so sorry to hear about your accident, that sux, glad you and fam are ok
Sum~congrats on the 1000 miles, I wonder if I could do that...
Sheila~you're like a whirlwind, I'm hoping for that kind of energy
SeemyFeet~have done Atkins a time or two in the past, the problem I have is that even though I know I could lose weight I cannot go back to it, there are good things in it, like trying to eat more whole foods than processed foods, we started out switching to whole grain breads, then to wraps and now pretty much just have breads, white potatoes for a treat now and then, also switched to brown rice instead of white, slow burning carbs like peas, sweet potatoes, etc. our neighbor has had great success on Atkins, but her husband complains that she absolutely will not cheat and does have the bacon cooked for a snack, that doesn't seem're supposed to eat nitrate or nitrite free bacon on that of luck
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Old 12-29-2012, 11:25 PM   #299  
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Hey Shiela22--did you get a kid hula, or a "real" one? I couldn't wait for mail order, so I bought a kid one. I'll get my $3 out of it!....I consider it my $3 gym membership for a few months, ha...

kelijpa--I must be some kind of masochist to try anything like atkins again....I hate it .... but it works for me for wt loss....I could never stick with it long-term, that's why I'm only planning for 2 weeks....I'm in phase 1, in ketosis, and have the 'Atkins flu' now. I'm just seeing how long I can go. (Personally, I think sleeping for 2 solid weeks would be a better plan!) I need to stop and think what the next plan will be--can't up the carbs too much or I'll gain it all back.....Ha, while cleaning the cabinets I found a stray chocolate chip....ooooo ......can you imagine!....I was so happy at winning The Lottery, I popped it in my mouth automatically....all the while, my brain was screaming NO! NO! NO!...and I spat it in the trash! I guess I'm more dedicated to this than I ever thought I could be! I have a big big summer weight loss goal, and I am motivated by how miserable (and likely to give up) I will be in mid/late Feb if I have not achieved much weight loss. I know it will be easier to get it off now rather than later.

chatter chatter.....I have been so brain-dead the past few weeks...TOM, then bronchitis/mucinex, now atkins flu.....what am I doing to myself???

Oh...I sooo love having DS just walked in, rhythmically and enthusiastically patting his backside to the music playing
....."Do you do that at school?... because it will SURELY impress the ladies".....
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Old 12-30-2012, 12:21 AM   #300  
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Had a so-so day. Didn't sleep that great last night, H was having issues & he couldn't seem to get comfortable. Didn't get my walk in, plenty of H2O, but eating was probably a little on the heavy side.
Yes, SUM, I believe that TOM's do get worse with age, is maybe we don't "bounce back" like we used to? Or maybe we are that much closer to the end of having them? More hormones running crazy? Who knows...I wonder if there's ever been a study... I am sooo ready for TOM to take it's leave. I feel ache-y, bloated, craving salts & just flat-out cranky. Hate it! Who would've thought that 37 years of this stuff & I still hate this part of being a woman. Oh, well...

kelijpa: That snowshoeing sounds like a heckova workout. Glad you are keeping on track exercise-wise in spite of the weather. GOOD JOB!!!

Sheila & SeeMyFeet: A hula hoop? I used to be awesome at it, but last time I tried like 3-4 yrs ago, I couldn't even get started. Oh, well. Let me know how it goes. I used to have such fun doing that! See: I LOVE how you caught your son. That was TOO FUNNY!!!!

ALL who have snow: Be careful out there. Stay warm. Remember this when summer heat is unbearable.

Going to go grab a shower & head to bed. Stupid TOM has me so sore & ache-y, and I haven't even shoveled ANY snow. Yup, I'm pretty pathetic. I really hope I can get up for a walk tomorrow AM. Cayber-hugs to you all!!!
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