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Old 03-17-2008, 12:18 PM   #226  
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Penny, way to go. Isn't it amazing when we put back the temptation how long the good feeling last??? Way longer than the lovely taste of something. I will try to keep that in mind.

Skiing was fabulous again. A beautiful day devoid of many other skiers. I don't understand why - perhaps the economy and it's a spendy sport. But regardless, it was wonderful. DH found my binding was broken when he was re-doing them for the new boots, so we drove back via Medford and bought new bindings. The old ones worked for the day as DH had to snap them in. Looking at the other, it was cracked and ready to break. Then we looked at his and his were cracking too. so we bought two sets of bindings and new boots for him. I was blown away on how much more stable I was with excellent (read not cheap) boots. I insisted he get some too. He was against the idea, but when he tried them on in the store he was sold. His deal was better than min - originally they were $10 more and they'd taken $20 more off than mine. Great deal.

Last week I realized I deleted my exercise database by accident and I was really sad as it was on a USB drive and was pretty much gone. I recovered data through 1/10/08 and I found an old version of it on DH's computer. So I used the old version, added the data till 1/10/08, then used my food log to piece together the last 2 months. Most was easy. If it wasn't something other than walking, I remember the exercise thoroughly, so I think I'm back in action. That took a while.

Penny, I'm glad your back is feeling better. Did you ever get any answer what happened and how to avoid it in the future?

Well, I suppose it's time to work. I'll chat with you all later.
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Old 03-18-2008, 07:17 PM   #227  
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Oh girls I guess when everyone else was sick I was just buying some time. I felt pretty lousy at work today. I felt it coming on for a bit sinus stuff today I felt a bit achy and run down. I was already to go work out but thought it best to relax tonight and just drink some hot tea with lemon, gingerale and water have dinner and go to bed really early. I still have plenty to do at work 3 more folks to see and reports to tighten up.The green tea and hot shower is helping. Oh thank goodness cause being sick right now isn't so good. I wish I could tell you how many folks want to go in my suitcase. Guess the kids picked a real special place and many folks would feel pretty lucky to get to spend 3 weeks there. I guess for me I love it but in my mind I would rather have them closer to home. But I look forward to seeing the family and meeting my new gs. I have 3 planes to go on and that isn't so thrilling either two Delta and then United on the way there. I am not sure if we can take 2 suitcases a piece or one? Anyone happen to know? I am thinking of taking my computer. What do you all think? Or will it be a pain to take? Any thoughts? My intake today was okay. Last night I had some cornbeef. But made a sandwich of cornbeef and decided two days would be really naughty so dropped the sandwich to my mom for her lunch.
Marie great deal on those boots good for hubby to look how much better your doing already.
Penny glad you having some relief with your back. Exercise has improved mine. I notice my posture is much better lately.
Judy sounds like your doing pretty good thats great. When do you think your going to be ready to start looking at houses? Maybe the interest rate will be to your benefit.
I hope to exercise on thurs. by then this sickness will hopefully be behind me.
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Old 03-19-2008, 01:08 PM   #228  
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Morning everyone - almost halfway done with the work week. I'm recovering form the weekend non-stop. Resting up for it to start again Saturday morning.

Exercise is good. Yesterday 2 miles WATP Jogging and 1 mile WATP walking. Today I doggie walked for 1.5 miles. It's so nice of my pups to take me out in the drizzle.

Food stinks but I did something different. Yesterday I logged every bad thing I ate. Wow, it was bad. Ok, I logged it until I ate properly for dinner. Good thing for skinless, boneless chicken. Helped the total to be less horrendous. I promised myself to keep logging it no matter what until my brain shifted into the eating properly gear. I'm hoping it will move that shift along quicker.

Carol, I hope you're feeling better. I understand your desire to forgo the trip to HI if they lived closer. You could always take a trip there if they were nearer, but you can't always hug your family when your there thousands of miles away. Maybe you could convince them to move... BTW, are you going to go ocean kayaking. That would be such a blast.

Penny and Judy, hope you're both doing ok.
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Old 03-19-2008, 06:10 PM   #229  
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Carol - I hope you got over your bug ok. Your corned beef sounded good - I haven't had that for years. When are you off to Hawaii?

Marie - I'm glad you've had some good skiing weather. You asked about what was wrong with my back. It's severe arthritis of the three lower vertebrae and i'll need my hip replaced in a few years. There's not much that can be done about the back problem except back and ab strengthening exercises, which I've started doing. I have a lot less pain now and have started working out at Curves again. I'll just have to be careful when lifting heavy objects. I even did some yard work - moving some small plants to get things ready for our new patio which they will hopefully start on in a month or two. I'm really looking forward to it, our old concrete slab is so cracked and awful.

Judy - I hope you're having a good trip to Oakland. I looked at the videos you mentioned on the web and have ordered one that looks easy. It's filmed against the backdrop of the pacific ocean, so that will be nice to look at.

I went to my plastic surgeon today to talk about getting my implant replaced (I need a smaller since I've lost weight.) I decided to wait till later in the year, by which time I hope to lose 10-20 lbs. This will give me an added incentive to lose weight as I've been stuck for such a long time now.
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Old 03-19-2008, 07:29 PM   #230  
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I am feeling better thank goodness the 8 to bed and some nite time meds. surely knocked it out of me a little still hanging in but I am on a mend. Today I got a lot of work done and feel much better about that a light at the end of the tunnel. One more report to finish then just progress notes for the month and I have been taking notes to what my supervisor needs to watch for in my mail and what needs to be sent out, I will review that with her on monday. We fly out on tues at 5:50 am and land in HI at 2:30 in the afternoon with a 5hr. time change. We have to fly from Syr. NY to Cinn. Ohio, Arizona to Maui. The airlines are Delta for the first two planes then United. I hope we have no issues with flying then maybe I can talk him into going again he hates the flying and airports its hard as with his trouble walking he has to depend on others and look different well thats life and yah can't stop living. Oh how well I know that! Guess thats why I am such an on the go person.
Marie to me this week is flying fast and before I know it tues. will be here. I have so much to do packing, hem a couple pair of pants for the hubby, Easter etc... Oh don't feel to sad about your intakes I ate a brownie today oh so good. Hahh hah
Penny you can do it keep working on it. Look at how far you have come. If you want something bad enough its worth working toward no matter how long it takes.
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Old 03-20-2008, 11:44 AM   #231  
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Morning all,

Today is my Friday. DS2 and I decided to go skiing tomorrow so I took a vacation day. It's a good thing as work is not fun with all the state reports. Skiing is way more fun!!! On Saturday, Obama is to be in Medford so I'm trying to find out how to get tickets. So far, they haven't released details. DS2 and I both want to go. I'd like to see Hilary and McCain as well. I've never gone to a polical rally before.

Food was ok yesterday. Not as out of control as Tuesday. DS2 and I did yoga when I got home and it was more difficult as we hadn't done it in a while (except the two times in 2 months for me). I lost my balance on the triangle pose and fell over. I knew I was going and rolled with it. See??? Skiing has helped. No boo-boos or anything. I sure did laugh though.

Doggies took me out this morning for a walk. Brrr. There was some wind which was unusual for 5 am. I'm still chilled 3 hours later (and one skinny mocha later).

Penny, my mom's back problems were arthritis in the lower vertabrae. Took 3 surgeries but she is pain free now. I think they're fused and have a rod. I hope your back continues to improve. Do you take Glucosin Chondritan (I have no idea how to spell it). My father in law has had countless back surgeries and was nearly unable to move from an accident. He started taking the stuff and is quite a bit more mobile. And then there's Blizzard, my doggie who was diagnosed with severe arthritis and hip dysplasia at the ripe age of 10 months. Our vet put her on it and said she wouldn't live long. She's now over 7 years old and moves better than at 10 months. I'm a firm believer in the stuff.

Carol, I hope the flying goes ok. Just remember if DH doesn't want to go again, it doesn't mean you can't. I bet the brownie tasted yummy.

Well, time to work.
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Old 03-20-2008, 02:48 PM   #232  
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Happy first day of spring! I'm finally checking in. The "business center" at the hotel was basically one computer in a little closet, and I read your posts on my BlackBerry but it's no fun responding that way, too hard to use the little smilies and sometimes the pages have too much data for a handheld. The trip was great, good conference and meetings, and I got to have dinner with one of my favorite people--a guy I think of as my big brother who just happened to grow up in a different family in another state.

I worked out a bit, mostly walking, walking, walking around in Berkeley and San Francisco, but I wasn't focused on my program, and I totally fell in love with a particular gelato place I wanted to end every evening there. So I'll have my work cut out for me to finish this month with a net loss. I'm traveling next week, too, just to keep the pressure on.

I'll do personals next time. Sounds like everyone is hanging in there!

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Old 03-20-2008, 09:24 PM   #233  
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Carol - I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not looking forward to the surgery, but it's actually a good incentive to get back on track.

Marie - Good for you to take a day off for skiing - you deserve it! It must be even more fun with your new boots. I've been taking glucosamine/chondroitin for a couple of years but I think I need to take a higher dose. I'm glad your Mom overcame her back problems, even though it took a lot of surgery. I'm hoping to put it off for as long as possible. I'm going to do all I can to strengthen my back and abs as I feel that may postpone the surgery or I may not even need it. Also, losing more weight can only help.

Judy - Good to hear from you, I'm glad you're having a good trip so far. My video arrived today and I'll start on the new exercises tomorrow. I fast-forwarded through it and it looks do-able with some good but fairly gentle ab and back exercises.

I'm feeling reinvigorated with my new goal for October. I managed to do some more yard work (between rain showers) without my back hurting much.
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:35 PM   #234  
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Happy Saturday everyone!! Well, I went skiing on Friday and today. So right now I'm totally tired. I came home and took a 2 hour nap with Blizzie and Kody. I forgot sunscreen today and I have a slight pink. OK, I did put on the oil of old lady last night with SPF 15, but I don't think it helped. Luckily my SPF lipbalm was in my pocket and my lips aren't burned. Tomorrow I plan on being a bum the entire day. Maybe play with stained glass or stare out the window. We've been on a go, go, go ride all winter.

One funny story from the ski hill. As DH and were getting ready at our car, another couple was next to us and were so obnoxious. Every detail of them getting ready was dissected. Hubby: Do you want a snack? Wife: no, I have a protein bar for right before we hit the slopes. Hubby: Do you want to put a banana in your pants? I cracked up at that point. I literally couldn't stop laughing. Banana in the pants... I can't look at the bananas on my counter now in the same light. I know, I have a dirty mind...

Penny, it rained up there? We've had 2.5 days of gorgeous sunny weather. It's amazing how 280 miles can make. Good luck with your new video. I hope it helps the lower back.

Judy, good luck on your program. You made me laugh at the business center descriptions. Hotels do take a big leap in some of their descriptions.


Last edited by Marie; 03-23-2008 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 03-23-2008, 12:47 PM   #235  
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I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I know that this is an important spiritual time for many people, but if you just want a good laugh, Google Washington Post Peeps Contest and see some of this year's entries.

It feels good to be working out and I have finally chased the sugar out of my system from this last trip. My weight's back up to 220 but I think I can get if back down to where I was a month ago, 217.5, if I'm really focused this coming week. So far so good! The first blossoms are out on the trees, which always makes me feel optimistic and energized.

Carol, the big day is almost here! I'm very excited about your trip to Hawai'i'.

Penny, you are being very brave about these surgeries. I'm such a baby about them that it's acutally good incentive to stick with the journey and not totally relapse. I've had two knee surgeries and the only way I can avoid another one is to continue to chip away at weight loss. I hope the video helps with your back.

Marie, I hope you're having a fun day being a bum and thinking about bananas. I'm worried about you and the sunburns. Maybe you should stash extra sunscreen in your pockets and your car? You don't want to be one of those old ladies with skin like beef jerky.

I had a lazy day yesterday, and caught up on some movies. Things We Lost in the Fire was really good, and that Benicio Del Toro, hot-cha-cha! Time to run errands and do chores.

See you tomorrow! judy
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Old 03-23-2008, 09:44 PM   #236  
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Girls its really crazy I can't get over I am really leaving in one more day oh my. So much to do so little time. Wish my wt. were down a bit more but oh well no time any of that now off I go to the beaches at least in better shape than a few months ago. Looking forward to seeing that little baby and my grown kids. I will be glad when the flying is over and we land safe and sound in the island of pardise. The weather there is around 80's cooler at night and the a.m. hrs. I need to purchase a new sweatshirt zip up on my way home mon. cooler on most plans so I plan on taking it aboard. My Easter was abit wild 23 of us wow. I ended up making a turkey breast in the crock at the last min. as I had added guest the day before. But it all worked out good company and nice family get together. The turkey and ham excellent I must say and my desserts were great.
Hope you all had a super day. Marie I loved the banana story I would of died. Hah hah Judy good for you exercising this last week got away from me with work etc, no extra exercise here. Too busy but I will go for some nice walks daily on vac. the baby and me...
Penny hope you enjoyed the holiday too.
2 bathing suits packed one new one old just in case I need an extra. I am taking my computer as a carry on and will keep it close to me at all times with my camera too. The kids by the way had 80 stuffed plastic eggs to find they had a ball, my dgs said can you believe I found money in my eggs I really did and it was a dollar and then some quarters and pennies in another on all the rest had candy. We had a good time and though it was busy I would do it again in a min. its what life is all about enjoying good times with the ones yah love. Well talk to you all soon aloha.
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Old 03-24-2008, 11:48 AM   #237  
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Carol, I hope your trip is absolutely perfect. I freeze on planes so definitly get the sweatshirt.

Judy, you're so right about the sunscreen. The bad thing was that I had sunscreen in the car but it's torturous to walk to the parking lot in ski boots more than necessary. Luckily the burn was slight and gone by morning. But I decided that putting on oil of old lady every morning would be good for my dry skin regardless, so that's my new resolution. I did it yesterday (and before I went and sat by my pool (yes, the snow has FINALLY melted and it was warm yesterday) and this morning (a rainy day). Hopefully that will be much better.

I brought a banana for my morning snack. I swear that couple ruined bananas for me though.

I did 2 miles WATP jogging and 1 mile walking this morning. I promised doggies if it wasn't raining this afternoon after work I'd tak them out. Poor Kody moped all morning while I got ready fro work.

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Old 03-24-2008, 06:48 PM   #238  
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Aloha, Carol! And bon voyage! I will have a Spam sandwich with pineapple and think of you .

Marie, I used to be very cavalier about sunscreen, but a few years ago I finally got serious about sunscreen. Although it doesn't sound like too much sun will be a problem for you today.

Penny and Jules, I hope you're doing well!

Being a more disorganized than usual Monday morning, there was no time for a workout. I forgot that I had a lunch meeting, so the big salad that I mistakenly packed just became an early dinner, so I can work out when I get home this evening. I'm heading back out of town in the morning, returning home on Friday. I'm expecting a nice workout facility in the swanky hotel "spa" we're meeting at, and I bought a few protein-rich snacks for the plane and for those times when I'm "starving" and need a healthy option. I'm determined to do better than I did last week--no daily trips to the gelateria, or to Mississippi's equivalent (sno-cones? or plain ice cream)!

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Old 03-24-2008, 09:04 PM   #239  
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Carol - Have a fabulous trip, you must be so excited! Sounds like you had a great Easter with your family.

Marie - I hope you don't give up on bananas - they're full of potassium
That's such a funny name - "oil of old lady" - I'll never think of it the same again.

Judy - Thanks for sharing the info about the peeps competition, the entries were hilarious. Some people definitely have too much time on their hands. I'm sure you'll start losing again now you're away from the gelato bar. I also think Benicio Del Toro is a hottie - he doesn't have the usual movie star good looks, but he for sure has a certain "something"!

I've been faithfully doing my ab workouts and can really feel it! I saw an interesting show on TV last night on TLC "I Can Make You Thin!". Some british guy who is a motivational speaker and teaches people how to do "tapping" to stop food cravings and emotional eating. It was a bit gung-ho for my taste, but I'm going to try the tapping next time I'm headed for a binge.

Juls - I hope everything's fine with you.

Last edited by penpal; 03-24-2008 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 03-25-2008, 11:27 AM   #240  
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OK, what do they mean "tapping". I'll try anything at this point. I'm so lucky I really like to exercise or I'd have gained back everything I'd lost over the last 2 years. My food intake (or at least desire and thinking about food) is at an all time high. I guess I haven't eaten as much as I've been dreaming about it. That's nearly as frustrating. I can't get my mind off food. So I'd tap, dance, whatever to get my mind on something else. Even skiing lately I'm dreaming about food. But not bananas... eeks.

We took doggies out after dinner last night for a 1.5 mile walk. Added to the WATP in the morning, I balanced out the food dreams. This morning, my heel spur was so painful that when I stepped on it getting out of bed, I almost fell on Kody. So I did yoga instead. tonight I'm going to start doggie treadmill lessons. That should be entertaining. I'm thinking of videotaping it. I'll probably use the exercycle so my heel gets a good break. As I'm sitting here, it's throbbing. I guess too much use of it yesterday.

Judy, I'm usually obsessive about sunscreen as I had two severe burns and the derm. dr. said I could never get a severe burn again. I usually where sunscreen to bed, all winter long and slather it on every couple hours in the summer whether or not I'm outside. The change came when I changed my bathing schedule. About a year ago I switched from showering in the morning to washing my hair in the evening so it could air dry (so that it would grow longer as I have fine hair). That left the mornings to style it and get ready for work. That's when I stopped using the sunscreen first thing. I'd remember if I was going to spend the day outside - unless like Saturday I forgot. So I came up with a new routine - always put old lady oil on before the makeup. The derm dr. would appreciate your reminding me to be more careful. And yes, I put it on this morning before the make-up. Three days straight now.

OK, I suppose I should work.
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