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Old 03-01-2006, 11:05 AM   #1  
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Default LAWL Losers & Friends- March 2006

It's a new month everyone!!!!
Post over here!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:09 AM   #2  
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OH WOW .... It is March isn't it !!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:11 AM   #3  
1dayatatime(on LAWL)
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DUH!!! This year is sailing by.......
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:12 AM   #4  
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I am amazed it is March already. Hope March takes all of the snow with it!!!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:12 AM   #5  
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Can I re-post my question over here ?

OK guys ... I have a question ...

How do y'all break your food up through the day ? when I started the program (many moons ago) I was told to break my plan up like this ...

B - F F
AM Snack - bar
PM Snack - bar (or 1/2 a bar if I prefered)
(optional 1/2 bar as a snack)

and to "throw" in my Fa and Dairy throughout the day

I am just looking for some different ideas how to break things up so I don't get "bored"
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:17 AM   #6  
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Carmen~ glad that red is working out for you and that you are back around here. Missed you

Christie~ people say the stupidest tings sometimes… I wish all I had to do was just sign up and LAWL lost the weight for me…LAWL is not a secret weapon that makes the pounds vanish…be proud of the weight you have lost.

Beanie~ I was going to have to hire a PI to find you soon

Moneek~ great loss

Norissa~ I have tried every food rule in the book and I always seem to fail that way. I don’t necessarily plan out my meals to be anything in particular just because I know that being that strict on myself makes m want to rebel (guess mom was right, huh?). What I have found helpful is writing out my diary for the whole week on Saturday afternoon and then going grocery shopping and tweaking a little by what I buy (usually switching up produce because you never know what you will find fresh and in good condition this time of year) then it is so much easier to not have to stop in the middle of a busy day and say what will I eat tomorrow. I often end up changing some things around, but everything is already separated…like today I didn’t have apple juice with breakfast so I will have 15 grapes for a late snack instead….hope that helps
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:20 AM   #7  
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Good Morning ladies!!! How you all been? I know it's been a while but i've been busy getting another job...I went to the COD yesterday and i was down 4...I was like "Oh wow"...I'll be doing the meal replacemts for dinner to see if it will speed up my weight loss...we'll see...hope all is well...! Gotta Go...


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Old 03-01-2006, 11:21 AM   #8  
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Default look great......!!! I hadn't seen your new pic...major diff. wow wow lol....keep up....
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:21 AM   #9  
2BorNot2B...its up 2 me
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I have a lot more food than you do in a day but I usually break it up like this

21/2 p, 4f, 4v, 4s, 2d, 1 fat

1/2 or Protien, Starch, Dairy and fruit

Snack -
Fruit and Veggie, or Fruit, Veggie and Dairy if I didn't do it for breakfast

Protien, Starch, 2 Veggies fat

Fruit sometimes 2, Starch

Protien, starch, veggie, fruit (if left)

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Old 03-01-2006, 11:22 AM   #10  
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Thanks sheenie - it does help, gives me some new ideas ... ya know

Katie - I live in Missouri, and it has been near 70 all this week !! Going up to 72 supposedly today It only snowed 2 times this winter, and none of it stuck around more than a few hours, if at all. This weather is so unusual for us ... but I am not complaining
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:23 AM   #11  
2BorNot2B...its up 2 me
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Shennie I will need a to find you! You are doing great!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:25 AM   #12  
2BorNot2B...its up 2 me
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La's - wohoo on the 4lbs. Isn't that a new picture of you too? Looking good!

Katie - I do think you are looking hot!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:26 AM   #13  
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Norissa I was told to try and eat my starches earlier in the day and not have them for dinner. I've been doing that as much as possible and still seeing a loss.

Moneek congrats on your loss glad to hear it. Hope your meal replacements at dinner time work for you. I bought them, but since they cut my starches down one I only have two and the replacements you have to count a P & S, so I haven't used them.

I WI at home this AM and with my night grown on my weight is down to
202.6. It is getting so much closer to 199 I can't wait So now I will get dressed and go WI at the center and see how much with clothes on it goes up
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:26 AM   #14  
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Shennie, I am laughing that we all posted all morning on the Feb thread. Glad that someone knows what is going on around here.

Carmen- You know, I think that they should give her back a few months. Maybe I will ask for her. She is not one to stand up for herself. In comes the big bad older sister!!! So glad that red is working so well for you. I love red too. Everytime I wake up early to exercise and try to talk myself out of it, I remember, "You can only stay on red if you get your exercise in everyday, so get your butt out of bed!!!" I respond well to food bribery like extra proteins. LOL

Beanie- What is your weather doing? Our snow is melting away!! Yahoooooo!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:27 AM   #15  
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Mrsbennie I looked at yours and said out loud four starches I want one
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