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Old 03-16-2006, 10:50 PM   #751  
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Originally Posted by ama36
Has anyone ever tried Weight Watchers? I'm wondering if it's easier than lawl?
I did WW and honestly, I think LAWL does a better job of teaching you how to eat the foods you need in order to be healthy and to have balanced nutrition. When I did WW, like someone else said on here, I learned how to get in the points without necessarily eating balanced nutrition.
No weight loss plan is going to be EASY!!!
Believe me, I wish it was!!!!!!!!!
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Old 03-16-2006, 11:00 PM   #752  
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Too funny about the Tex-Mex soul food. You know, my MIL cooks soul food, but I never have. My grandmothers both did, but my mom started cooking "healthily" She never fried anything except on rare occasions. My Dad did learn to cook some great biscuits though.
I love fried okra, but it's one of those things that I like to eat, but I could not bring myself to deep fry something and then eat it.
I love Mexican, and actually we have a booming Hispanic population, so we have some great Mexican restaurants.
I laughed at your thinking of being "skeered" in B'ham. We live in the "burbs" so we are not "skeered" but downtown B'ham does have crime like a lot of innner cities.

It has been fun to jump on the Birmingham bandwagon with American Idol again with Taylor. I really like him and his funny moves.
Poor "Chicken Little" Is he getting the sympathy vote or what????????
Simon would have a coronary if he was voted as the next AI.

Shennie, So sorry you have had to go through the ordeal with changing schools.
I grew up in private school, but my children are going to public school where we live. Our public schools are as a good as the private school I went to. In the small town where I grew up, our public schools were not great.
I wish your DS the Best in his new School.
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Old 03-17-2006, 12:36 AM   #753  
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I was thinking about her today too.Let's keep praying for her and all her family. I hope her brother is doing fine.

I hope that you enjoy the recipe!
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Old 03-17-2006, 07:16 AM   #754  
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Gooooooooood Morning chickies! Well it's a half day for me today at school and then off to WI. My 6 year old DFS said this morning "I'll give you 50 cents if we can stay home today." It was! It seems I have done a POP week! I hope the scale reflects that today. I have to admit my surprise about eating on plan this week. My DH actually ate with us. He liked most of what I cooked, expect the veggies. Heaven forbid he actually eat them! Any hooooo.....Mary I am a transplanted southren girl myself...and the hardest thing about this plan was giving up sweet tea and a few other favorites. Well the kids are coming in so I am off! Have a POP day to all!
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Old 03-17-2006, 07:54 AM   #755  
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Happy Day!! <- that is the closest I can find!!!

Good morning chickies!!! Well the scale was even more evil this morning - yes, I did weigh - couldn't stand it - just knew I would have a loss - well, NO that wasn't the case - a gain - 2 lbs!!! What is up with this?? I'm not giving up, but just more determined to stay POP and get that scale moving in the right direction again - I am realizing that I think some of it is muscle gain - I've really been working hard and toning nicely. But with all that muscle - I still have to be burning more calories - I will just keep working hard and staying around here for motivation - I know I can do itj.....I guess my goal for now is going to be getting back to 161 by the end of the month.......I should be able to do that - as of today - that will be 4 lbs.....

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and TGIF!!!!!
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Old 03-17-2006, 08:23 AM   #756  
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Good morning, ladies!

Katie, hope you had a wonderful date! I was thinking about Bre too ... hope all is going well with her brother.

Mary, good luck with DH! It will be so nice!

Today is DH's birthday ... yes, he's a 6'3", 215 lb leprachaun A friend will be keeping our kids for the evening, so we are going on a date ourselves! I was so proud, because I turned down going out to lunch this week with friends because I knew we would be going out tonight ... gotta save up that sodium!

HeatherPP, my scale showed me up a little this morning too. *sigh* But I'll go WI and get the REAL deal. We'll see how it goes! Today is my official 8 week WI. I get measured! Woo hoo! Can't wait!

HeatherCP, Leah, and Mary, I am from the midwest, but now live in Tennessee. I've never been a huge fan of sweet tea or soul food. BUt apparently you don't have to be eating a lot of sweet tea or soul food to put on weight, because Lord knows I managed just fine!

I'll write more later, ladies!
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Old 03-17-2006, 08:25 AM   #757  
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Good morning

Happy San Patrick's Day!

Is lucky day and I have some good news,"I save a bunch of money by switching to Geico" I'm sorry is a bad joke, I'm in a jokey mood, Ijust heard the commercial right now. Just something to at least start the day happy.

Well get back to serious:
HeatherPP : I admire your determination and it really motivates me that you are not going to give up, no matter what.

Candleprincess: What your DFS told you is really cute!

Well I wish all of you have a great day and a lot of blessings for all of you.
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Old 03-17-2006, 08:28 AM   #758  
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I hope that you and DH have a wonderful evening!
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Old 03-17-2006, 08:49 AM   #759  
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I was just told yesterday, that if I do not get down to my goal weight by the goal date, I have to pay extra for the additional weeks. $5 per week. But it clearly says you do not have to pay anything if you do not make your goal week.
Anyone else hear this?
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:18 AM   #760  
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Ama - I would talk to them about this and look in your contract - find where it has the guarentee - highlight it and show it to them. If they don't cooperate - call the magic 800 number!!!

Milca - Thanks for the words - they do mean alot - but I'm just the type of person that doesn't give up!!!! and I try not to let anyone else. It was kind of funny - yesterday's horoscope told me to start following the advice I give everyone else. and on another note...... I'm jealous you found the lepracaun

Heather CP - That was too cute about the .50 - I think today I would've had to give in and start my savings account with my newly acquired .50!!!!

Erin - Sending you lots of great data vibes!!!!! Hope you guys have a wonderful time....

Katie - waking up late today from your wonderful evening?? hmmmmm, can't wait to hear the details....
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:21 AM   #761  
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I was also told that since I didn't get to my goal I would have to pay. I could tell they were leading up to this weeks before it was mentioned, so I carried my contract with me each time. It clearly states that if you have followed the plan without cheating you program will be extended until you lose the weight. It took me almost an additional 9-10 months but they extended it. If you have followed the plan they note it on your intake card - that means the food plan plus purchasing the LA bars, they are bound by the contract. Don't let them intimidate you. I love the plan but the contract works for us the way it works for them. GOOD LUCK!
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:31 AM   #762  
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TGIF Chickies!

Went to WI and yes the scale was down 2 lbs. That is just the motivation I need going into this weekend. Nothing extraordinary is going on, but on weekends I blow it more often than not, which explains why I still weigh so much. Anyway...I've got some momentum going on the scale and I don't want to lose it so...I am sticking to you guys like glue - hope you don't mind.

Milca - Geico, hunh?

Katie - How was dinner?

Heather PP - I think you spelled out how much you exercise before, but I forgot. Do you go over 5 hours per week now? It could really be that you need to move your plan up to RED. I read a thread over in the exercise forum that talked about muscle gain vs. fat loss, and it was very interesting. If you like, I could search for the thread and post the link in a bit. I am working only half a day today as my youngest DS doesn't have school and I have to get home to him before DH leaves for work. Add insult to injury, I plan to leave right when the St Pattys Day parade will be going through downtown - Oy.

Shennie - What a horrific situation with your DSs Xschool. I was totally floored as I was reading about the teacher. Was that a Catholic school? If so, that's much worse, and that teacher has bought herself a one way express ticket to ****. What happened to Christian principles? Geesh!

Where's Deets?

Erin - WTG on passing up lunch! Have a great time and Happy Birthday to your DH.

Heather Candle - I would have been soo tempted by the .50 offer! They do learn young, don't they?

AMA - That's true, you will have to buy more weeks unless you can show that you've been POP (including bars) for the entire time during your WL phase.

Leah - I like Taylor too, but his movements are troubling to me too. He's nice to listen to, but painful to watch. Dances quite a bit like DH. When we go out and he dances, people ALWAYS ask me, "he's kidding, right?" Just SAD. Of all the idol boys, my fave is the one whose last name is YAMIN. Can't remember his first name to save my life, but he's the one who looks like a giant leprechaun.

Have fun Mary!

To all you other chickies out there...HERE'S TO YA! <--that's still water, unless you want to give up a F and a S for a green beer!
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:48 AM   #763  
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Carmen: That was funny about your DH and his dance moves! You should see my DH. If you think that Taylor is painful to watch!

I heard the same as Carmen, you will have to be POP on the WL phase. But in case you needed more weeks they sometimes have specials, instead of 7.00 a week they charge you 3.50. Usually they do that after a big holiday for example after Christmas or maybe after summer(I notice that), When I joined the progarm again, they just charge me for WL weeks only, not for stabilization and maintenance weeks.
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:58 AM   #764  
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Carmen - I usually work out around 4 hours per week - so I didn't really think anything of switching plans b/c most people say you have to go over 5?? Do you think that I might be close enough to switch?? If you have time to post the link - great if not - I can search in the exercise thread....
Oh and

congratulations on the 2lbs@!! That is wonderful wonderful wonderful - geez, i need some of those pounds to melt off me too -----

Last edited by PURPLEPIRATE99; 03-17-2006 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 03-17-2006, 10:06 AM   #765  
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Morning Girls! Well I had a great date. We haven't been able to talk like that in so long, just the 2 of us. Being alone together like that always reminds me how much we have in common. We just thing alike about a lot of things. I guess that is what growing up together does to you. We started dating when we were 14, got married when we were 19, and now we are 28. I have known Scott for half of my life! We have shared plenty of hard times, and tons of good times. Anyway, I need to enter a confessional booth about dinner. I won't go into great details, since I don't want to cause any cravings in you guys, but I was not OP. Not crazy bad, just a little of this and that, oh, and I counted sour apple martini as a fruit. Anyway, we had a great time, we both really needed to get away. Gotta go pack an OP lunch for DH, be back a little later!!
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