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Old 10-26-2015, 12:50 PM   #346  
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Mamacita - it really is completely up to you.
If it helps, my doctor/clinic told me (and still a year into maintenance continue to tell me) that the worst thing for my body is alcohol - that I would be better off eating dessert than having a drink. It's very hard for the body to process alcohol.

This year in maintenance I've pretty much come to the conclusion that the indulgences I have, I want to feel good in my body the next day. Higher fat foods or a little potato type addition are better indulgences for me than sugar or alcohol. I get a glass of Pellegrino (bubbly water/soda) in a wine or whiskey glass and add lemon or lime, and am quite happy with that these days.

Just my experience - I know everyone here has different ones to share

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Old 10-26-2015, 01:34 PM   #347  
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I would not choose to have alcohol on this protocol. If I'm going to have extra carbs/fat/calories, I want it from real food. Even when I get to maintenance, I think a few sips of wine will be a rare occurrence for me.
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Old 10-26-2015, 01:59 PM   #348  
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mamacita - you may want to avoid the alcohol. I am not with a coach, so don't have access to the official IP website, but if you can, I would look it up - I believe, at the heart of it, drinking while on IP won't just stall your WL, it is actually dangerous and they warn you about the potential of severe hypoglycemia:

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Old 10-26-2015, 02:46 PM   #349  
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Good morning all!

mama, thanks for asking the question about alcohol. I have had the same thought. One of my and my husband's favorite things is to curl up with cocktails and movies on days when it rains or snows because we don't feel guilty about not being outside. This last weekend I told him that the first snowy weekend of the season I planned on having cocktails and watch movies. Now I'm not so sure.

I have been experimenting with the packets and having a great time! I made my green chili this weekend (thanks for the green onion suggestion hysteria!!) and saw a recipe for "tortillas" with the potato puree. They didn't quite turn out. I ended up with more of a potato cake mush, haha!

My counselor did warn me not to mix the packs with egg whites too often since that would eventually alter my protein intake. Thanks for the book suggestion HIS! The pictures on her website look amazing!

Question for everyone: My husband is having difficulty with me being on this program. Not in the way that he's not supportive, but he's overly supportive and he feels guilty eating in front of me (yes, I realize how lucky I am ). He's 5'10" and 165-170, so he doesn't need to lose or gain a thing, but he feels bad every time he eats something. The only thing that I've had a problem with is when he eats cheese, my weakness, haha! Other than that, I want us both to live our lives as if I'm not on a diet because my eating habits (obviously) need to change once I reach goal. H'm, maybe I just answered my own question. I need to tell him that this isn't a diet, I have to restrict what I eat even when I reach goal. Thanks for listening everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon!
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Old 10-26-2015, 02:50 PM   #350  
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Missy, I usually refer to this food plan on P1 as a medical protocol, as that is what it is for me.
In restaurants I just briefly explain that I have medical issues with pancreas (or insulin) and need some adjustments.
I've learned over time, the simpler and more straightforward, the better.
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Old 10-26-2015, 04:57 PM   #351  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
Background: Although I certainly wasn't fit when I started the protocol, I was probably more active than the average IP user. I've always been a walker, and I hiked, and I live on a hobby farm where I occasionally have to lift 50-pound bags of feed and things like that. I also have a degree in exercise physiology so I knew what to watch for in terms of warning signs of over-exertion.

I didn't do any formal exercise the first month on protocol. Then I started purposeful walking. Just a mile at first, and gradually increased the distance and pace until I could walk at least 3 miles in one go, at about 3.5 mph. I was careful about watching my heart rate and weight loss pattern. If my weight had stalled, I was prepared to change/reduce my walking. I also wear a FitBit and try to always get in 10,000 steps/day.

Once I was about 20 pounds from goal, I started the Couch-to-5K running program. This begins as a very low intensity program, with just short jogging times interspersed with longer walking times, so I didn't feel like it was too much exertion. I was careful to have some calories before my morning exercise (usually 1/2 RTD shake) and I made sure to have my full protocol breakfast afterward, within 30-60 minutes of exercise.

Note that this is NOT IP protocol, and you have to be cautious about exercise with such a low caloric intake. However, I firmly believe that all dieters should be at least walking.

When you move to P3, your existing muscle mass will refill the glycogen stores, so you'll probably see the scale go up 2-5 pounds. However, as you exercise and build muscle mass, that muscle will burn more calories, which in turn reduces fat. It's a trade off.
Thanks so much. This really helps. I was hoping that if I exercise while doing Phase III that I won't see the scale go up by 2-5 lbs. I will have to test things out and see.
I'm starting to workout with a personal trainer on Saturday so I decided to skip Phase II and head right into Phase III starting tomorrow. Not sure if this will work for me, but I'm willing to try.
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Old 10-27-2015, 08:53 AM   #352  
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Sunflower, please pop in here when you can and let us know how your plan is working out.

MIssy, you have a great attitude about how to handle the situation with you and your husband eating different things. My husband hates most veggies so we've eaten differently for a long time. You adapt.

I had another day of some extra fat and calories yesterday, but around 5 pm I realized I had failed to drink ANY water at all! I was never a water drinker prior to IP, so obviously it's easy for me to fall back into that bad habit. I had to drink 80 oz before bed. Bleh. The scale crept up a pound this morning, which could be from the water, but I'll be watching to see if I need to stop the extra fat. With only 2 pounds to goal, I really just want to be done.

I get to pick up my race packet on Saturday. I'm pretty jacked up about that. I'll just get a t-shirt for this 5K, but at the one right before Thanksgiving, I'll get a shirt, mug, and a medal!
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Old 10-27-2015, 11:06 AM   #353  
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I went for my WI today, down another 1.4
It's been pretty steady losses the last few weeks, looks like this is the new normal for awhile.
BUT WOW!... when I added it all up, my total lost is an even 48 lbs!!
I don't know why, but this kind of freaked me out a bit. When I first started, I was kind of thinking, if only I could lose 50 lb... well, now that I'm almost there, it just feels very strange. Because I'm not done yet, and maybe, OMG, did I not really realize back then just how much extra weight I was carrying around. Some denial, huh??
Anyway, whatever this is, I'll get over it, because I still have another 20 to go. So I'm just hoping the losses keep on this track.

Well enough about that.
Remember a couple of weeks ago, I was asking about alternates (and got some great advice, and BTW, thanks all for helping me think through it )
So I have tippy-toed over the line. Got some of the samples from Nashua, some Proti-thin drinks, some EAS drinks.
I've tried a few over the last week or so, found some I really like. I still have some to try, and hope to find some favorites. I've been trying to juggle between them and IP packets.
With my decision to change my goal, which means another 20 lb to lose, which means at least another couple of months, $$$ for the IP stuff was really adding up!

Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
I get to pick up my race packet on Saturday. I'm pretty jacked up about that. I'll just get a t-shirt for this 5K, but at the one right before Thanksgiving, I'll get a shirt, mug, and a medal!
HIS - I have looked into my crystal ball this morning
and I foresee that you will soon be buying a trophy case to display all your new awards!!!
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Old 10-27-2015, 11:51 AM   #354  
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Good morning all!

I haven't gone for my first weigh in yet, but I put on my favorite purple dress and I can tell that the bloat in my midsection has gone down. Now I don't have the prominent lumps above and below the belt, and that's a good feeling .

Last night I experimented with 4c sliced cabbage, 2c sliced mushrooms, Mrs. Dash garlic herb, and crushed red peppers. I sauteed everything in a tsp of coconut oil and added 2 packets of soy sauce at the end. I think it turned out husband thinks I should have omitted the cabbage, haha. I've never cooked cabbage at home. Who knew that I'd like it!?

I hope soy sauce isn't a no-no .

Congratulations on 48lb blueskies! That's fantastic!

Have a glorious day everyone!

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Old 10-27-2015, 12:10 PM   #355  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
Sunflower, please pop in here when you can and let us know how your plan is working out.

MIssy, you have a great attitude about how to handle the situation with you and your husband eating different things. My husband hates most veggies so we've eaten differently for a long time. You adapt.

I had another day of some extra fat and calories yesterday, but around 5 pm I realized I had failed to drink ANY water at all! I was never a water drinker prior to IP, so obviously it's easy for me to fall back into that bad habit. I had to drink 80 oz before bed. Bleh. The scale crept up a pound this morning, which could be from the water, but I'll be watching to see if I need to stop the extra fat. With only 2 pounds to goal, I really just want to be done.

I get to pick up my race packet on Saturday. I'm pretty jacked up about that. I'll just get a t-shirt for this 5K, but at the one right before Thanksgiving, I'll get a shirt, mug, and a medal!
Will do. It will be interesting to see what I weigh come Saturday after 4 full days of Phase III AND working out 4 times this week (that's my plan anyhow, 30 mins cardio on the crosstrainer for now).

I suspect the scale will go up but hoping I'm wrong.
Can't believe you drank 80oz of water before bed. I would be up ALL night
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Old 10-27-2015, 03:24 PM   #356  
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Sunflower - best of luck & yes, please keep us posted...I would love to jump right into P3 but am scared to death.

HIS - I know there have been times I haven't gotten my water in on busy weekends or when traveling (so we don't have to pull over every hour!) and I swear the scale tends to like me more and I know you know this better than most, but it takes +3,000 calories to add a pound...I think my belly would have still be sloshing around with 80oz >6pm. I hear you on wanting to be D-O-N-E though

- yes, you are very fortunate. My DH is 5'7 and never been larger than 165# - generally stays between 145 - 150. He doesn't 'get' the struggle, but has been supportive and we've been together for 23 years, so he's seen my up's and down's. He knows when my mind is set on something, it doesn't matter what he does (or eats / drinks) but if I ask for help, he's right there. Actually, all my years of dieting has led to us both eating healthier
BTW - I believe some coaches allow coconut oil, BUT the only protocol oils are olive and grapeseed (fwiw I use coconut to cook with and extra virgin olive oil on things like turnip fries)

Another day, another HIS, still working the fat experiment - hard boiled eggs for breakfast (not unusual), 1/2 a small haas avocado with lunch - going to go light for dinner (fish / zucchini) & snack (pudding). Also yesterday I went to the gym & hit the elliptical. I had some serious aggression I needed to release - but made sure to have an afternoon snack. Scale ticked up 0.2, so basically steady & I am remaining below 150 now.

I am tired but had to take work home with me last night...and tonight too.

39 days to my first P3 breakfast!

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Old 10-27-2015, 04:13 PM   #357  
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Blue, 48 lbs.... wow. But I know what you mean about wrapping your brain around it. At my heaviest, I tended to think of myself as 25 or 30 pounds overweight. Part of that was denial, and part never really believing I could ever get down to the weight I'm at now. So when I realize I've lost almost 60 pounds, it's almost too much to think about.

I hope you like the alternative foods. I've been pretty happy with almost everything I've purchased from Nashua.

Missy, soy sauce is on protocol, but a lot of people choose the low sodium variety so they don't retain water.

Sunflower, I was up twice last night, but that's been the norm for me since starting this protocol. It's annoying, but what can you do? (Other than wear Depends to bed. )

Beth, I love your countdown to P3. Last week I bought a jar of peanut butter in anticipation of those breakfasts, and I've started taking it out of the cupboard daily to gaze upon it. LOL. Today I actually said, out loud, to the jar, "You're going to be ON MY TOAST in just over two weeks."

I'm not having any extra fat today, and my calories will be on the low side. I work on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, so I usually have my 8 oz protein & veggies at lunch, then something light right before work, and my snack at the end of work (10pm-ish). So hopefully the scale will reflect that tomorrow.

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Old 10-27-2015, 04:44 PM   #358  
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HIS I did pull out the extra fat on the very last leg before I stopped P1.
I hated that, but wanted to see if I could have one last little whoosh.
It helped some - not sure if it was worth it to be honest, but I had to try it, just to have no regrets and really feel "finished".
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Old 10-27-2015, 11:00 PM   #359  
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Day 1 done...thanks again ladies!
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Old 10-28-2015, 09:54 AM   #360  
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Sigh. These last couple of pounds just don't want to budge. Stayed OP yesterday (although I ate two cups of asparagus, which is crazy high in carbs - why is that not an occasional veggie??), and drank my water.... and the scale crept up a bit more. I didn't get enough sleep, though, so maybe that's a factor. I might try going back to shakes twice a day to see if I can get something going in downward direction.

I am definitely waiting until later in the day to do my running. The wind is blowing at 20 mph right now, which makes for a miserable running experience. I need to order a good waterproof, windproof jacket, but am loathe to spend the money.

My American friends, how are you going to handle Thanksgiving? I will be on P3 at that point, and my daughter will still be in P1. (She's lost 12 pounds in two weeks, BTW!) I don't know how I feel about eating just turkey and mashed cauliflower. Would it be okay to have all 4 cups of vegetables at that meal, just for that day? Then I could at least make a variety of things for her & I to eat. I might also make "rolls" with a pancake mix.
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