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Old 10-03-2015, 11:32 AM   #211  
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Beth, I just have to say thank you for sharing your thoughts and your struggles. This diet is easy, the losing weight part of it. Well, maybe not easy but, you know, we’re all doing it, it can be done. The changes are visible. What isn’t easy is the emotional, mental part of it. You, and Amber, and others here, have expressed that part of it very eloquently, and it’s something we all have to struggle with as we try to leave that “fat person” behind and learn to accept and embrace this new identity we’re building. Not easy for me, that’s for sure, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get there. I hope so. But I know that it helps me so very much to hear others expressing the thoughts in my head.

And on a lighter note...OMG, size 8!!!
That has got to make you feel so fabulous. WTG! You still have more than 10 from goal --- can 6 be very far off

manda, so great to hear you managed a situation that was challenging, and now you know you can do it. I’ve had a few occasions where the food available didn’t allow many good choices, I love the idea of just eating a bar to make up for it

HIS, glad to hear the scale is moving again, and what you’re doing is starting to work.

Linda, great NSV Nothing makes your day like a compliment like that!

Weather here has turned to fall with a vengeance, 40s in the mornings. Yesterday I was trying on some sweaters I haven’t worn since last winter ended, most are just too big. I’m still hesitant to buy any clothes (I’ve done that a few times since I started IP, every time, I was only able to wear them a few times, before I had to put them away because they were too loose.) So I definitely have to get to a couple of thrift stores this week, hope I can find a few things. I did find a nice fleece jacket in my closet, got it as a Christmas gift some time ago, it was too small, so I just never wore it. Put it on this morning (DH took me out for coffee) and it fit , just a bit loose, but wearable.

I’ve been watching the weather on the east coast, and hope everyone is doing OK. We are so happy we vacationed there last week when it was sunny and hot and dry. Would not have been fun if we had gone this week!

I do have a bit of an NSV (though a mixed feeling one)..I mentioned we had vacationed with my sister.. Well we are now pretty much the same size, and she’s been very supportive of my diet. She’d been cleaning out her closet and brought me a boxful of clothes she didn’t want any more.
Including some cute capris, still had the tags on, that she bought but never really liked the color.
They fit perfectly ...but I probably won’t get to wear them because it’s TOO COLD OUT, and by the time it warms up, they will be TOO BIG
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Old 10-04-2015, 09:34 AM   #212  
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blueskiesahead, well, that's definitely a mixed NSV!

We are having cool weather, too. I am down to two dress outfits: a dress w/ jacket, and a pair of black dress pants. I've been putting off buying anything because I so want to be one size smaller, but I may have to go thrifting this week. Yesterday I went to a baby shower and my choice of clothes was either jeans or a gypsy skirt that's one-size-fits-all.

I had only cucumbers and celery at the baby shower. The cake didn't tempt me a bit, but I really wanted some of the fresh fruit!! I did end up having a Quest bar last night, and sure enough, the scale was up a pound this morning. Dang it. Back to shakes today.

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Old 10-04-2015, 10:06 AM   #213  
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HIS, ---fruit and cake, funny, it's the same for me. I have half a cake in the freezer, it's been there over a month. Before IP, I would have been in there the next day, would probably have eaten it frozen!! Now it isn't even on my radar.
BUT...yesterday was Apple Day and everywhere I went, there were all those little cubs and scouts selling apples, and OMG I so wanted one!! Juicy and crispy and yummy apples! But I resisted, just gave them a donation. Sure had a craving for them all day though, but when I got home, I had some rhubarb instead
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Old 10-04-2015, 12:09 PM   #214  
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HIS - I spent about $60 the last time I went thrifting and got 4 pairs of pants and 3 shirts - except the jeans, all work stuff b/c I finished out the summer in my dresses so I had no pants. I got all 10's, and 2 pairs have belt loops
For our friends funeral I splurged at CK - but they seem to run a little small and the pants have a belt. I was a little disappointed by the cut of the blouse I got - and have run into the issue a couple times now - M are perfect through the waist but my linebacker shoulders make the arms too tight...again it depends on the brand - some M's are fine. DD19 commented I should have gotten the M in the CK blouse but there was a huge difference in the shoulders and it was uncomfortable.

I don't think I will ever be able to just go grab an M (and forget S lol) without trying it on

And I hear you both on the fruit - rhubarb and chayote have been lifesavers !

blue - I appreciate having a place to go and 'talk' all these thoughts and feelings out. I am fortunate to have both 3FC and IRL friends I can lean on - unfortunately, DH can't relate very well as he's never had an issue with his weight and while he is proud of me, wouldn't have very productive / helpful thoughts regarding some of these issues

Hit my original goal weight this morning - 150!!!! This has been one of the most productive weight loss months I've had in awhile. I know I said 10/10...but think now I am going to restructure to phase off / be P4 by December 19 - this is the last Carbon Leaf show of the year and I plan to have dinner and a beer with our friends

ETA - DARN IT! Hit an IP-wall again *sigh* Had a mug cake with chayote-cream-of-wheat for breakfast and then started cooking / prepping for the week and cleaning the house. About an hour ago, I thought my legs were going to come right out from under me I stopped, sat, & ate a bag of bbq crisps with some cucumbers I had soaking in apple cider vinegar with salt...wasn't enough & was still feeling lightheaded, so grabbed some hard boiled eggs and another bag of crisps. I feel much better now and know my health is the most important issue...but still wonder how much this potentially sets me back.

I have my P2 date(s) - either November 21 or 28 - the 28th is the Saturday after Thanksgiving and would put my 1st P4 day on December 19th...the 21st gives me a week at P4 before December 19...and I was thinking I don't want to worry about getting sick that night...It really will depend on where the scale is on the 21st

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Old 10-04-2015, 03:54 PM   #215  
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Beth, you've really had some good recent good weeks, weight-wise. And in the midst of grief. You're to be commended.

I'm the same with tops, re: shoulders. I just have a big ol' skeleton. Even when I'm thin, I have to buy men's gloves and hats because my bones are just bigger than most women's. But I did buy a cute casual top at WM this week that was a size 8-10 (M), and I can't remember the last time I could wear that size in a top.

OMG, yes, apples!!! My favorite fruit! Hubby and I were supposed to go to NC this month to see family, and if we ended up at the orchard with those fresh apple cider donuts, I was going to be in serious trouble. As it turned out, the vacation was delayed until December, so I dodged that bullet.
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Old 10-05-2015, 10:21 AM   #216  
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My official WI was today. I'm down a total of 49 pounds. Just one pound away from the -50 mark, and 9 pounds from my goal. I also lost a little more off my waist.

I went to a pot luck lunch yesterday afternoon, and, as is my usual practice, I had to grab something going out the door to take with me. Fortunately I had bought deli turkey this week so I weighed out 6 oz of that, and I had stewed rhubarb already made up, and marinated cucumbers. (Those cucumbers have saved me from many a dietary crash-and-burn.) It was a tasty lunch and I wasn't tempted at all by the pot luck foods.
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Old 10-05-2015, 10:54 AM   #217  
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HIS - congrats on surviving the pot luck! One thing I know IP has given me is an appreciation for everything going into my mouth. Obviously the test will be maintenance but these are situations we are all going to have to prepare for - ie, knowing our limits, trigger foods, portion control, etc...for the most part though, I plan to be prepared when going into unknown situations so I can't justify a ton of unhealthy eating. We travel and go a lot on the weekends - & both DH & DD10 have appreciated the cooler full of pre sliced veggies & water b/c it means not stopping at XYZ fast food junk-joint

Shocker after my sodium laced weekend that I was up +1.5 on the scale this fingers were sausages, which is why I've been hesitant to permanently resize my rings. They weren't as tight as they have been, but weren't circling around either.

Working from home today - our furnace wouldn't work this weekend - I looked like nanook-of-the-north on the couch this weekend - it was only 63 in the house Sunday morning and guess what...turns out when they came out to clean the coils in July, they turned off the gas SERIOUSLY? I just paid $XXX for you to turn a handle???? Granted, they ran diagnostics on the system, just to make sure there wasn't another problem...but yah UGH! Blah blah blah

Overall feeling better today. Took an hour nap yesterday, went to bed / asleep by 11:30 and had veggie scramble for breakfast. So far, so good. It's suppose to be 68 / gorgeous in the DMV...planning to take the dog for a leisurely walk at lunchtime - 2 slow miles. This weekend was another reminder of how strenuous exercise and IP don't mix (why?why?why? do I keep doing this...??? I'm really not a stupid person ). As much as DH wants me to do the TurkeyTrot 10K with him & our niece, I'm not going to be ready. I will do the 5K / walk
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Old 10-05-2015, 11:23 AM   #218  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
My official WI was today. I'm down a total of 49 pounds. Just one pound away from the -50 mark, and 9 pounds from my goal.
HIS Wonderful!! SO close to 50, you'll be there (and past) by next WI. So happy for you, especially since you've been struggling a bit the last few weeks

My WI is a day later this week (Wed) and I think I'll be into the 150s. Not counting my chickens, tho

Beth, sorry about that little gain, but like you said, if it's just because of the sodium, it'll be gone quickly.

Cucumbers ...yes definitely lifesavers. Whenever I can, I take a Ziploc of sliced cukes in the car, just in case. The only problem for me is that I live in a border city, and if I'm going over to Michigan (which I do often), I can NOT take veggies with me. So its a bar or RTD, or if I plan ahead and make muffins, I can take those.

Weather here is warming up a bit this week, with sunny days, but it's going to struggle to get to 70. We've had the furnace on too, just for a while in the morning to take the chill off.
We've started cleaning up the gardens, bringing in the dahlia bulbs, pulling out some of the annuals that are not doing well anymore. This afternoon, a trip to the garden center for mums, that's a definite sign of fall.
Next week, we're going to take a day to drive up north and enjoy all the fall colors, they should be pretty spectacular by then.

Busy week ahead for me, I was just lazy last week, and had a few days of just lazing around. I've gotten a lot of stuff cleared off my desk this morning, small things mostly, but feels good.

Have a great Monday, everyone!
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Old 10-05-2015, 12:31 PM   #219  
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Originally Posted by hysteria_625 View Post

Shocker after my sodium laced weekend that I was up +1.5 on the scale this fingers were sausages, which is why I've been hesitant to permanently resize my rings. They weren't as tight as they have been, but weren't circling around either.

Overall feeling better today. Took an hour nap yesterday, went to bed / asleep by 11:30 and had veggie scramble for breakfast. So far, so good. It's suppose to be 68 / gorgeous in the DMV...planning to take the dog for a leisurely walk at lunchtime - 2 slow miles. This weekend was another reminder of how strenuous exercise and IP don't mix (why?why?why? do I keep doing this...??? I'm really not a stupid person ). As much as DH wants me to do the TurkeyTrot 10K with him & our niece, I'm not going to be ready. I will do the 5K / walk
Yeah, that salt will get ya. I've started making zucchini chips with my dehydrator, and I probably put too much garlic salt on them. I have to portion them out in ziplock bags so I don't eat too many. But boy are they a good substitute for potato chips!

I'm not having trouble with exercise and the IP protocol, but maybe it's because I was somewhat of a walker before I started the protocol. I'm up to Week 5 of the Couch-to-5K program, and every week I fear the next week but then somehow manage to do all the running and not feel dead afterward. One of my bucket list items is to run a marathon, and I had really hoped to do it before my 40-year high school reunion (in 2016). I don't think I'll be able to do a marathon by then, but I have my eye on a half marathon in late February. I guess I'll see how things go in the next 3 months. I will probably sign up for a second 5K in November. If both the 5Ks go alright, I have a plan for increasing my mileage through the winter to be able to run 13.1 miles in the spring. Depends on how well my body holds up.
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Old 10-05-2015, 01:49 PM   #220  
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I've been contemplating purchasing a dehydrator. Do you use it often? Other than Zucchini chips what do you generally make in it?
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Old 10-05-2015, 02:00 PM   #221  
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Originally Posted by mandasquared View Post
I've been contemplating purchasing a dehydrator. Do you use it often? Other than Zucchini chips what do you generally make in it?
I just got it over the summer, so I haven't used it a lot yet. So far I've made kale chips and zucchini chips, and much prefer the zucchini. Pre-IP I made dried apples, which were wonderful.
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Old 10-06-2015, 08:17 AM   #222  
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Some questions this morning.

I've been thinking of changing my goal from 150 to 135. I originally picked 150 out of the air, just because it would be approx. 50 lb to lose, but as I get closer to that, I know it's not right. 135 is at the top of the BMI healthy range for my height. I'm still losing about the same, no "hungries" or stalls (touch wood). I'll talk to my coach this week. What do you think?

So, second question...
Changing my goal will mean another couple of months on P1. Feeling the $$$ pinch. So I'm thinking of adding in some alternates to mix in with the IP packets.
For those of you who are doing this, and going to a clinic, did you talk to your coach about it? with what response? or did you just go ahead and not tell, hope they don't notice you're buying less?
Linda, I know you started doing this recently. And some of you seem to have done it all along.

What do you think?
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Old 10-06-2015, 09:32 AM   #223  
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Originally Posted by blueskiesahead View Post
Some questions this morning.

I've been thinking of changing my goal from 150 to 135. I originally picked 150 out of the air, just because it would be approx. 50 lb to lose, but as I get closer to that, I know it's not right. 135 is at the top of the BMI healthy range for my height. I'm still losing about the same, no "hungries" or stalls (touch wood). I'll talk to my coach this week. What do you think?

So, second question...
Changing my goal will mean another couple of months on P1. Feeling the $$$ pinch. So I'm thinking of adding in some alternates to mix in with the IP packets.
For those of you who are doing this, and going to a clinic, did you talk to your coach about it? with what response? or did you just go ahead and not tell, hope they don't notice you're buying less?
Linda, I know you started doing this recently. And some of you seem to have done it all along.

What do you think?
Linda and Frawnie also I believe has incorporated alternates into their plan. Not 100% sure if Frawnie was still going to her coach though (??)
I also have 100% faith in you and believe if you want to reach for 135, you CAN do it!

HIS - CONGRATS on being so lcose to -50!!! HUGE milestone!
I am sorry - it's been crazy and I've only been glancing at replies - thank you so much for your encouragement . It's interesting that I was less hungry in the midst of the grief as usually strong emotions like that send me head first into the fridge or a 6-pack. Still holding onto that water weight...but for some reason decided to eat 2 meals that incorporated soy sauce yesterday

Getting ready to launch into crazy-season (quarter end). Weather is supposed to be gorgeous all week so planning to enjoy / soak a little extra Vitamin D at lunchtime. HAVE to make time for myself during these next 4 weeks.
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Old 10-06-2015, 10:01 AM   #224  
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Originally Posted by blueskiesahead View Post
Some questions this morning.

I've been thinking of changing my goal from 150 to 135. I originally picked 150 out of the air, just because it would be approx. 50 lb to lose, but as I get closer to that, I know it's not right. 135 is at the top of the BMI healthy range for my height. I'm still losing about the same, no "hungries" or stalls (touch wood). I'll talk to my coach this week. What do you think?

So, second question...
Changing my goal will mean another couple of months on P1. Feeling the $$$ pinch. So I'm thinking of adding in some alternates to mix in with the IP packets.
For those of you who are doing this, and going to a clinic, did you talk to your coach about it? with what response? or did you just go ahead and not tell, hope they don't notice you're buying less?
Linda, I know you started doing this recently. And some of you seem to have done it all along.

What do you think?
Re: your goal weight. I think a lot of people modify their goal, up or down, as they get close and figure out how they feel. If 135 puts you at a healthier BMI, that's the number I'd go with. And if your weight loss isn't slowing down significantly, that's probably a sign that you can get to a lower weight than 150.

I've only ever done alternatives, so my answer is coming from that perspective. On the IP FB page I'm on, some people say that when they tell their coach they're going to use some alternatives, they get kicked out of the clinic. I probably would keep quiet about it.

This is my OPINION about the IP program: The IP company took a ketosis protocol and stamped their name on it, and now people think that ketosis protocol = IP. Not true. You can do the ketosis protocol using products from other sources. Again, on the FB page, some IP coaches say, "You will never get the same results if you don't use IP foods/vitamins." Absolutely false. I think if people need the accountability and support of a coach, and they can afford it, they should go to a clinic. But if they are self-motivated and willing to self-educate, they can do the ketosis protocol without an IP clinic.
Stepping off my soapbox now.


Went to the thrift store yesterday to look for size 8 jeans, as my 10s are getting just a wee bit big. No luck (everything was too short or too tight), although I did find a really cute pair of size 8 cropped pants that fit and are going to look great with heels! But my big score was finding a like-new Actifry machine, and it was 50% off, so I paid a grand total of $20 for a machine that sells for $175 on Amazon!! I brought it home and made turnip fries, to go with my hamburger on a lettuce "bun." Ate them with a dab of no-sugar-added ketchup. So amazingly good.... I might try making chicken fingers in there tonight. Or fried cauliflower rice.

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Old 10-06-2015, 04:23 PM   #225  
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Hi Everyone!
Much like Beth right now, I am getting in to a really crazy time at work, so I briefly glance at the threads and at home after supper, I usually fall asleep in the chair with my fingers on the keyboard. So, my apologies if I haven't been in touch with people.

Originally Posted by blueskiesahead View Post
Some questions this morning.

I've been thinking of changing my goal from 150 to 135. I originally picked 150 out of the air, just because it would be approx. 50 lb to lose, but as I get closer to that, I know it's not right. 135 is at the top of the BMI healthy range for my height. I'm still losing about the same, no "hungries" or stalls (touch wood). I'll talk to my coach this week. What do you think?

So, second question...
Changing my goal will mean another couple of months on P1. Feeling the $$$ pinch. So I'm thinking of adding in some alternates to mix in with the IP packets.
For those of you who are doing this, and going to a clinic, did you talk to your coach about it? with what response? or did you just go ahead and not tell, hope they don't notice you're buying less?
Linda, I know you started doing this recently. And some of you seem to have done it all along.

What do you think?
Okay, my thoughts- I went through the similar thing with the goal weight. I just realized at about 148ish, I wasn't going to be happy at 140, so I dropped my goal to 130. I'll see how I feel at that point, and decide then if it's time to phase off or it's keep on going. I also felt that my body is really gong to tell me when it's time when the weight loss really slows to a stop. I average about a pound a week, and I'm good with that, though everyone is telling me to stop-nope, not ready and that's that.
After "researching" 17 ways to Sunday on here, I bought some Quest bars that were still within protocol standards, some EAS carbvantage chocolate drink, Quest chips and a couple of other bars that fit the macros. I seem to be doing ok. I have learned to limit the off program bars to 2 a week, and I play around with the chips and drink with no problem.
First, I mentioned to my coach that a friend gave me a bunch of food and there were some alternatives in the bag. She told me that "There are alternative products out there" and was a bit guarded. The next week, I noted in my journal when I ate something that was alternative and noted the numbers, and we've kind of opened a dialogue about it. I don't add a ton, I'm still primarily IP, (and I have spent a ton of money to have variety literally could go without buying IP food for about 3 weeks) she has told me what to be careful of. I told her about the expense, which she understands- she's done this too and 3 years in maintenance. She's a really super coach- I think I'm very lucky to have her. So that's my story ☺
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