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Old 10-01-2015, 11:00 PM   #196  
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Question: What is a good unrestricted protein item to grab and go? In the last week, I've had several days where I had to leave the house right around meal time. I have no trouble taking a little cooler of water and veggies - usually cut up cucumber, celery, zucchini chips, etc - but other than bars (which are all restricted), I don't know what protein I can take except a RTD shake.

And for the record, I've tried making several of the baked goods with protein packets or protein powder, and find them all disgusting. It's the cardboard texture that makes me gag. So muffins or things like that are out.
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Old 10-02-2015, 07:29 AM   #197  
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HIS - I've tried some of the baked goods and am also not a fan of many, except the banana oatmeal muffins, which are not bad. (If you haven't tried them, I can link the recipe later, just on my way out this morning.)

Otherwise, how about canned tuna? you could add to veggies with some dressing, if you can find a way to take that. I think they also have tuna in foil packets (sorry I don't use them, maybe someone knows). Is there anything else that comes in a can that could work?

I'm assuming you mean something you have at home to bring with you? If you have some deli turkey you could take that in your cooler, or if not, a quick pop in to a grocery store for some?
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Old 10-02-2015, 08:38 AM   #198  
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I find I often have the same issue except I am often looking for a dinner I can eat on the go, I find it a bit easier for lunch or snack. I keep a ziplock bag of cut up veggies with me. For a packet I often use that as the opportunity to eat my restricted item but if I'm going non-restricted then I will grab a bag of crisps, a RTD drink, a RTE pudding, or I'll grab my shaker and dump some cold water in it and shake up one of the drinks usually the pina colada or cran-granata.

I'd be interested if anybody has any ideas for dinner on the go, I find myself travelling for work quite a bit and driving during the time I'd normally be sitting down for dinner. My go to when I get stuck out and about is subway chopped chicken but I can't eat that while driving. Anybody have suggestions of what is driving friendly food that you can grab when you are out and about?
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Old 10-02-2015, 09:11 AM   #199  
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Originally Posted by mandasquared View Post
I find I often have the same issue except I am often looking for a dinner I can eat on the go, I find it a bit easier for lunch or snack. I keep a ziplock bag of cut up veggies with me. For a packet I often use that as the opportunity to eat my restricted item but if I'm going non-restricted then I will grab a bag of crisps, a RTD drink, a RTE pudding, or I'll grab my shaker and dump some cold water in it and shake up one of the drinks usually the pina colada or cran-granata.

I'd be interested if anybody has any ideas for dinner on the go, I find myself travelling for work quite a bit and driving during the time I'd normally be sitting down for dinner. My go to when I get stuck out and about is subway chopped chicken but I can't eat that while driving. Anybody have suggestions of what is driving friendly food that you can grab when you are out and about?
With DD10's dance practice I am out of the house a couple evenings per week, but after getting there, have time to sit and eat.

I have eaten dinner on the road before though - I will cook a turkey burger or grill a chicken breast and then bring a bag of vegetables - sliced peppers, cucumbers, celery sticks (I avoid the goiterous veggies b/c of the hypothyroid). You can always pre-cut the protein into bite-sized portions too...Depending on how long you are on the road, you may want to invest in a small cooler to keep in your car. Also, keep a small packet of handi-wipes in the glove box or your purse. Not very exciting, but do-able when you don't want to stop.

HIS - unrestricted? Dinner? Lunch? For lunch, Quest chips are my go-to
...see my response to manda for dinner

Linda - thinking about you!

Thankfully it is looking like Joaquin is pulling further away from the East Coast. We still have today / tonight's rain to get through

Did too much on the elliptical yesterday - had been careful to watch my HR and keep it around / below 130 but kind of spaced out and when I checked (25 minutes in...), it was around 150(ish) extremely hungry on the drive home from work and had an extra snack. Had one of those hungry nights too where I went to bed thinking about today's breakfast

NSV - the size 8 Banana Republic jeans I got at the thrift store 2 weeks ago FIT (with only a little muffin top)!!!!!!!!! First time in my adult life I have worn a single sized piece of clothing...never thought I would be able to *happy tears*
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Old 10-02-2015, 11:45 AM   #200  
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I bumped the travel thread up so you would see it on the first page, but here is the link also:

I probably ate about half to three quarters of my meals in the car, I was on the road A LOT during IP.
I still eat similarly - I make ziplock baggies of cut veggies and also the leafy veg, and eat on the go. Bell peppers, cukes, celery and pickles are my "go tos". Also grilled chicken in a bag, or the IP chips (now I do Quest chips).
SOOOO easy.

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Old 10-02-2015, 12:41 PM   #201  
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Mmmm pickles....always forget about the pickle. Adding that to my grocery list this week ����
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Old 10-02-2015, 01:31 PM   #202  
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Beth congrats on the jeans, I remember that moment also. Surreal almost - we lose the weight so fast it's hard to align the new identity and let go of the old one. I'm still challenged by that. My coach told me Wed. "you need to try to find a way to remember you are a thin person now, not an overweight person.". I still don't see myself as thin, I see myself as average. Either are fine for me, but I could tell in the conversation I need to just be patient with myself over the next year or two as things get more and more settled with my own self identity.
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Old 10-02-2015, 03:35 PM   #203  
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Amber - I think what I am having the hardest time with is other people. I'm still having a hard time grasping why it took losing 80+ pounds for people to notice me...or care about my opinions...or stop and talk to me.
Don't get me wrong, I still look in the mirror and see the wiggles and jiggles, but I am a realist - either exercise will take care of some of it over time, or it won't. I can't do plastic surgery...just not on my agenda. I'd rather take $10K and go to Hawaii boss and I were talking about this the other day and I said "I'm still the same person I was in January" and she looks at me incredulously and says "Do you REALLY believe that Beth? You are NOT the same person...not at all" and we hashed into a 1/2 hour discussion, touching mostly on self esteem...but she said there is a 'glow' there now that wasn't before...not that I was trying to push people away, but more that I had a defensive layer to protect myself. She knows my history / how I was severely bullied growing up / attempted suicide...She's a great friend It just really bothers me that people are just so frikkin judgmental of overweight people and I can say with 100% certainty fat-shaming's not an internet phenomenon - people do it, even unintentionally, every single day.
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Old 10-02-2015, 04:16 PM   #204  
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It's really good you are starting to get into these things I think.
This last year (since I lost most of the weight, starting around last Sept 2014) have been a lot about underlying mental and emotional things. Body image, personal image.
I have been both overweight and underweight in my life, so the societal and fat shaming part I have gotten to the bottom of in myself, but it took years to let go of all those feelings and self judgment.
Even after doing all that work, still, when I became thin again, I had to face another layer. Esp. in how I related to dating (I'm single, and dated regardless of my size) - one, I am related TO much differently, but more imporantly, two, I relate to OTHERS differently because I am, to some extent, more at ease with myself.
But the bigger change is something I think your boss is picking up on, is just that I am much less protected, which simultaneously means I am both more vulnerable but also much more honest and clear. My boundaries are MUCH better. I don't sacrifice myself or my time for others in a martyr type of way - I am still very gracious and giving, but not to the detriment of my own well being.
I have more self respect, overall.

That's just a little touch on what I have been discovering.
I am happy to continue the conversation whenever and however you like.

I think the biggest thing I have learned, is other peoples' thoughts and reactions and feelings are nearly 99.9% sheerly their own projections of their own issues. Occasionally, like your boss, I will talk with someone who actually can look outside themselves. But I have learned to just be as considerate and compassionate I can about the person, but at the same time not continuing any conversations that I don't want to have.

Remember, you never need to be a victim to other people's judgments. It is completely up to you how you receive them, and you can just let them go.
Because of your childhood situation, it will take a little work, and trial and effort, but you can do it.
It does get easier over time. The first month or two were the hardest for me.
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Old 10-02-2015, 09:59 PM   #205  
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So tonight was a bit of a challenge for me. DH and I had a charity dinner to go to tonight. He's also doing IP with me but he had decided weeks ago when he bought the tickets that tonight would be a cheat night. Easy for him to say he can do it and within 2 days be back on track. I don't have that luxury. And after a few good weeks my weight loss seems to be slowing down a bit.

So I decided I was going to do my best but not get to upset if I broke plan to just be careful I didn't overdo it.

So dinner was a buffet. They were almost out of green salad by the time we got up so I couldn't have much but did take what I could it was lettuce with cucumbers and tomatoes so it was IP friendly except it seemed to have been lightly tossed in an oil and vinegar. I grabbed a few dill pickles. I grabbed some raw broccoli and celery. They had cooked veg. I took a couple pieces of broccoli and cauliflower and avoided the carrots but it was loaded with butter I avoided the potatoes, the vegetarian lasagna, and the mayo salads. It was roast beef but it was covered in gravy. I took a couple of slices looking for lean slices with the least amount of gravy possible as I'm sure the gravy had flour in it to thicken it. I had a tiny bit of horseradish ( there was no jar so I didn't know if it was mixed with mayo or anything so made sure to just have a little taste to play it safer). I had water and a cup of black tea and stayed right away from the dessert table even though DH decided to indulge with a plate full of sweets(he also had the lasagna).

It's been tough this week as twice they've ordered in pizza at work that smelled so good but I politely declined.

Needless to say tonight I came home from the dinner hungry and went right for my snack. But that wasn't surprising since I didn't get my full meat or veg servings with dinner. All in all I'm glad I stuck with it. And am just hoping that the gravy and any hidden carbs in dinner aren't enough to knock me out of ketosis again.
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Old 10-02-2015, 11:02 PM   #206  
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Manda it sounds like you made fantastic choices and my guess is you will be completely fine.
In those situations in IP, I did similarly to you, in that I usually ate less than I normally should, and I took a bar with me and ate that as close to the meal as I could, for example on my way home. One time I even ate half a bar in a bathroom stall I didn’t plan it but there was three hours until I got home and I knew I needed the added protein, and I felt like eating it in front of the host would make them feel like I didn’t like their food - it wasn’t a close friend, it was a work function at the owner’s restaurant.

Having a bar in my purse always saved me. Having an extra restricted in special situations like that won’t throw you out of ketosis.

Great work!!!!!

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Old 10-03-2015, 06:10 AM   #207  
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Beth and Amber as I sit here with my coffee reading this thread, how I wish we could sit together and talk about this over a good cup of coffee. I just see SO much of myself in this. (I'm sure others do too)being bullied, the lack of self esteem, that layer of "protection", so much...reading what you have learned Amber, Beth-what your boss was saying- so much, so much just really hits me-like right between the eyes. It's hard to describe, but so very comforting-like a good therapy session-(I'm not making light- these things are things I'm going to have to learn to live with cohesively-something I dn't think I have ever done-hence the 80lb weight swingS)I want to say good bye to the yo-yo. I wan to be comfortable in my own skin, (depsite how much excess there is right now-ok that was meant to be light) to not be so worried about other people and what they think of me, to have (and feel as though I deserve) more self respect (I've always had that "not good enough" perception of myself) Thank you both for sharing these innermost feelings and thoughts with us- I know that I wouldn't be successful on this journey with out learning what I am from my new friends here.
Manda Great job! I've been in a couple of similar situations over the last 7.5 mos. That's what I have done also (except the "cake" incident-lol-good news was I did the right things after) The first and second times out in those situations, I was so nervous about what I was putting in to my mouth- I think though, that's a good thing. I will need to forever be conscientious of what Iput in my mouth. Many of us will have to-probably all- but who knows.
NSV (I'mm counting it as one) last night on my way grocery shopping, I stopped at the bank where I used to work and saw one of my old customers (I saw them last about 9 mos ago-as Tony and I were sharing our crazy deserts at a local restaurant) I said hello and we chatted and I said how I hadn't seen him lately - then he said to me I have to tell you something- I didn't know who you were at first until you brought up the shop -(he often visits the hot rod shop next door) Linda, you look amazing- which one are you on. So I told him IP- he told me about he and his wife doing it last year, but as I could see...he jiggled his belly-we talked about those that are succesful and those that put the weight back on-he said he was good for a while, but then threw caustion to the wind. Then as we were leaving he again told me how fantastic I look and that I look like I'm 30 again (he knew me then from my days at the bank) That sure made this 51 year old feel like a million bucks!
Beth size 8!!! You go girl! I was kind of disappointed yesterday to put one of my favorite soft turtleneck sweaters on and, well, it was all stretched out....I think it may be time to hit the thrift shops. I also NEED to start clearing out the old clothes. I'm really having a hard time with that. A negative to being the clothes hoarder that I am I guess. I need to sell some of the stuff to buy new stuff.
Well, it's Saturday-w/i day in a couple of hours. I'm going to have to bite the bullet, no more shorts and tee shirts (you know, lightweight (just finsihed my coffee -you know what that means.. so I couldn't resist weighing myself-damn you new scale! I know it will be very different at the clinc at 930, but I was 140.6 woohoo!! - 140 was my original goal with "wrapping paper" as I call it)the weather here is terrible, we're getting that horrible wind and rain. It's cold too! (50's) fortunately, no more real threat from Joaquim though. I really was thinking about how fearful the people along the Jersey/NY coastline must have been when the cone of uncertainty put them in potential harm-after Sandy- those poor people. We've been lucky here on Cape Cod, at least in my lifetime- nothing like that. The really big ones were before my time - Bob was bad- but not the magnitude that they suffered.
Have a great Saturday everyone. I think I'm going to check out Trader Joe's today too for Jicama. Everyone on the FB page is posting pictures of it ready to cook- so I'll see what I can find. Have to replentish the Collagen supply. Maybe I'll try a powder this time. I've been through 3 bottles of the Country life one, not sure whether or not it's making any difference, but at this point don't want to risk it- and need to restock my Quest chips. Has anyone found a drink that is similar to IP's premade vanilla? I bought the EAS Carbvantage Choc fudge- I mean it's ok...but I was hoping it would be a little thicker, you know what I mean? I certainly like the price compared to IP though, so I can deal. But- when it comes to vanilla- I LOVE vanilla.
Have a great day my 3FC friends

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Old 10-03-2015, 10:13 AM   #208  
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Thank you, everyone, for the replies about food and traveling. I tried to reply to everyone individually last night, but 3FC kept telling me there was a problem with the page and it needed to be reloaded, so my replies kept disappearing. Anyway.... yes, I needed some ideas for both unrestricted packets, and animal protein that I can eat in the car. I'm not a big fan of the Quest chips (texture seems to be my big problem with a lot of soy isolate foods), but I do like the WLS pretzels, although they're on the low side of protein grams. Someone on FB found a protein gel at WM that's in one of those squeeze packets; I might give that a try.

Beth, I am both envious of and glad for your size 8 accomplishment.

LindaRe: the vanilla drink. I have had Muscle Milk, EAS, and Hydroxycut vanilla RTDs. I personally like the Hydroxycut the best. But I've never had the IP drink, so I don't know how it compares.

Manda, it sounds to me like you made some good choices at the dinner. I've had to do the same, and followed the principle that a little extra fat is better than too many carbs. It didn't seem to affect my weight loss at all.

The scale finally moved in the right direction for me this morning. I have been doing shakes twice a day, no Quest bars, and drinking a little extra water. Seems to have helped. Today I'll finish up Week 4 of the C25K program. It's much cooler here this morning so I hope that helps with my running pace. By this time next week, the plan will have me running 20 minutes in one go. I'm trying not to be intimidated by that idea. But I plan to power through! I very much want running to be part of my daily life in maintenance, to help with metabolism. And to give me a challenge to work toward, once the excitement of weekly weight loss ends.

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Old 10-03-2015, 10:17 AM   #209  
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Default Have the guidelines changed for Phase 1 on occasional vegetables?

Could someone please tell me if the guidelines changed from 4 cups a week to 2? I think 2 was the old guideline and my coach may have misunderstood. I am referring to the occasional vegetables.

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Old 10-03-2015, 10:19 AM   #210  
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Originally Posted by bearcooper View Post
Could someone please tell me if the guidelines changed from 4 cups a week to 2? I think 2 was the old guideline and my coach may have misunderstood. I am referring to the occasional vegetables.
4 cups/week of occasional veggies.
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