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Old 10-06-2015, 06:16 PM   #226  
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Originally Posted by blueskiesahead View Post
Some questions this morning.

I Feeling the $$$ pinch. So I'm thinking of adding in some alternates to mix in with the IP packets.
For those of you who are doing this, and going to a clinic, did you talk to your coach about it? with what response? or did you just go ahead and not tell, hope they don't notice you're buying less?
Linda, I know you started doing this recently. And some of you seem to have done it all along.

What do you think?
I didn't do Alternatives on IP because I only joined this forum about a month before I finished P1, and wasn't aware they were out there.
Since then I have tried most of the different types, and rarely buy IP because of the cost. When I go to the clinic I buy a few boxes of my favorites, both as a treat and also as a gesture to the clinic because they answer all of my email and phone questions, and visits, for free. I definitely prefer the taste of IP but there are Alts that I like also.
My clinic definitely would not drop me if I used some alts. I didn't do a journal though, so there would be no way for them to know really. I was very sporadic about my buying, some weeks I would stock up, sometimes not. So it's not like they could track my weekly usage.

I have mentioned the Alternatives to my coach, her main point is that she believes the quality of the protein in IP is higher than most. Based on my body's responses, and blood sugar, I tend to agree.
When I did my IP reboot I used one or two IP packets and one or two Alts. I think the Quest powder is about the same as the Ideal Protein Powder, in my opinion.

People do very fine on Alts, sometimes better if they are non-soy non-gluten, so I'm sure you'll be fine

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Old 10-06-2015, 07:30 PM   #227  
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Thanks everyone, for your advice. I do appreciate everthing you've all shared.

I'm not so much concerned with whether alternates will work, there's plenty of evidence here that it does, lots of Ipeeps using them are having great success.
And I've been reading the Alternates thread, so I know I can choose appropriate products that fit the protocol. I probably would still have more than half IP, anyway, since I like the ones I've been using.

I'm just concerned my clinic may not be too happy about it. Understandably.
And I don't know how they'll react. Not sure I can hide it, either, even though my coach doesn't check my journal (as long as all is going well). But I'm sure they know what I'm buying.
I'm in a fairly small community, the clinic is at my pharmacy, I like my coach, and I like the support. Sure I could do it on my own, and with P1, I know I could, especially with all the help and advice available here. But maintenance is another story, and it's going to go on for ---well, who knows how long. And that's where I think I'll be glad to have a coach.
I've read the reboot threads, seems like everyone has to do that from time to time; and I know that part is hard, and having a coach during that process will be important. My big fear is coming back here a year from now having put weight back on and having to start over.

On the other hand, I am going to change my goal, it just feels too high where it is, and another few months is going to be $$$, and adding a few alternates to save some is appealing.

So I just don't know...
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Old 10-06-2015, 08:12 PM   #228  
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Originally Posted by blueskiesahead View Post
Thanks everyone, for your advice. I do appreciate everthing you've all shared.

I'm not so much concerned with whether alternates will work, there's plenty of evidence here that it does, lots of Ipeeps using them are having great success.
And I've been reading the Alternates thread, so I know I can choose appropriate products that fit the protocol. I probably would still have more than half IP, anyway, since I like the ones I've been using.

I'm just concerned my clinic may not be too happy about it. Understandably.
And I don't know how they'll react. Not sure I can hide it, either, even though my coach doesn't check my journal (as long as all is going well). But I'm sure they know what I'm buying.
I'm in a fairly small community, the clinic is at my pharmacy, I like my coach, and I like the support. Sure I could do it on my own, and with P1, I know I could, especially with all the help and advice available here. But maintenance is another story, and it's going to go on for ---well, who knows how long. And that's where I think I'll be glad to have a coach.
I've read the reboot threads, seems like everyone has to do that from time to time; and I know that part is hard, and having a coach during that process will be important. My big fear is coming back here a year from now having put weight back on and having to start over.

On the other hand, I am going to change my goal, it just feels too high where it is, and another few months is going to be $$$, and adding a few alternates to save some is appealing.

So I just don't know...
Blue - forgive me if you knew this but I did start with a clinic before going it alone - my $0.02 on the experience...
At the end of the day, no matter how much people talk up Dr. Tran & the owner of Ideal Protein, its a business. There is a core group of people in this to make money. There have been some interesting discussions recently on the FB group about this and how one of the main complaints about IP is the variable costs clinic to clinic and "corporate" not providing guidance.
I'm not saying there isn't an altruistic side to some people running clinics - I got VERY lucky to have made an appointment with a coach who seemed to be generally concerned about MY well being and wasn't just looking for another sale. As desperate as I was I am sure there are ways she could have convinced me to go full-on IP - but I also went in fairly well educated.
I've also been reading some of the comments / stories on the FB group and can just tell there are too many coaches who are in this for the profit
'Oh, you didn't lose 3 / 4 pounds this week, REBOOT (taking away your evening protein and replacing it with 2 more IP products!)' Ugh
I guess this rambling is just to say you need to do whats best for Blue - I get that there are other factors involved, but at the end of the day, if they REALLY want to help you, not just keep your business, they'll take your needs and concerns into account.
Going back to my consultation, the coach I met with made it clear I could only come in to be weighed / measured / meet when I was also coming in to make a food purchase - as I was so limited in what I could use that was only going to be once or twice a month. So again, while she helped me in some ways come to the decision to do it on my own, she wasn't going to go out of her way (ie weekly weigh-ins) w/o benefit to her / the clinic. I don't begrudge...just pointing out
Anyway, I think you should be up front and talk to your coach - get a feel for where they sit in terms of alternate products. Their answers, or lack-there-of, should help you make a decision.
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Old 10-06-2015, 08:44 PM   #229  
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Beth, you're right of course. Until I bring up the subject, I won't know their reaction. And from what I've read on here, every clinic seems to be different.
My WI is tomorrow, and it has to be a quick one, because I have no time, so not a good day to have an extended discussion, but I'll talk to my coach next week.
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Old 10-07-2015, 05:08 AM   #230  
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Originally Posted by hysteria_625 View Post
Blue - forgive me if you knew this but I did start with a clinic before going it alone - my $0.02 on the experience...
At the end of the day, no matter how much people talk up Dr. Tran & the owner of Ideal Protein, its a business. There is a core group of people in this to make money. There have been some interesting discussions recently on the FB group about this and how one of the main complaints about IP is the variable costs clinic to clinic and "corporate" not providing guidance.
I'm not saying there isn't an altruistic side to some people running clinics - I got VERY lucky to have made an appointment with a coach who seemed to be generally concerned about MY well being and wasn't just looking for another sale. As desperate as I was I am sure there are ways she could have convinced me to go full-on IP - but I also went in fairly well educated.
I've also been reading some of the comments / stories on the FB group and can just tell there are too many coaches who are in this for the profit
'Oh, you didn't lose 3 / 4 pounds this week, REBOOT (taking away your evening protein and replacing it with 2 more IP products!)' Ugh
I guess this rambling is just to say you need to do whats best for Blue - I get that there are other factors involved, but at the end of the day, if they REALLY want to help you, not just keep your business, they'll take your needs and concerns into account.
Going back to my consultation, the coach I met with made it clear I could only come in to be weighed / measured / meet when I was also coming in to make a food purchase - as I was so limited in what I could use that was only going to be once or twice a month. So again, while she helped me in some ways come to the decision to do it on my own, she wasn't going to go out of her way (ie weekly weigh-ins) w/o benefit to her / the clinic. I don't begrudge...just pointing out
Anyway, I think you should be up front and talk to your coach - get a feel for where they sit in terms of alternate products. Their answers, or lack-there-of, should help you make a decision.
Blue Beth is right, at the end of the day- what's right for you. In the response to your question, as I read everyone's, it makes me realize JUST how lucky I am to have the coach that I do. I'm not sure that others in the same clinic would be as receptive/helpful to me as I dip my toes to the "dark side" That 1st week, I did "manipulate" my journal and wrote ip products in that mimicked the macros of the off program stuff I ate, like for a bar, I wrote in I had a brownie, and so on. To tell her that a friend gave me her food because she couldn't do the diet due to health issues was not out of the norm- I had one friend who hs divrowhateveertheheck that issue is and couldn't do it, so she sold me her food towards the beginning- and it was a good amount, then another friend in May or June- her hair (she felt) loss was an issue- she has a gorgeous head of hair- and had unnoticeable in my opinion loss- she gave me a shopping bag full- so it wasn't unheard of for me to get food from others. Since, I told her I have picked up chips and we do keep our voices hushed when we discuss.
I agree with Beth about the FB page, reading that can get overwhelming- and some people are just this hour of the morning, I don't want to go there... - Whatever you decide to do, good luck!! -i/m/h/o it was a scary step...but glad that I am gently working my way in to it.
Good luck with your clinic! I agree too, I am going to need them even after I'm in maintenance.

Last edited by Destony; 10-07-2015 at 05:09 AM.
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Old 10-07-2015, 10:39 AM   #231  
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Linda, hahaha, I loved your comments about the FB page. It's an ... interesting group. And, yes, Beth, ultimately, any IP clinic exists to make money. It's in their best interest to sell food. I'm sure a lot of coaches really care about their clients, but let's face it, they have bills to pay and need to keep people coming through the doors to buy their product.

But I feel strongly that IP corporate needs to get a handle on all those rogue coaches who apparently don't understand the protocol, or don't care to follow it. Doing so would improve the credibility of the IP program.

My weight is still meandering in a downwards direction. I had a Quest bar last night, but earlier in the evening than usual, and managed to lose 3/4 of a pound as of this morning. Maybe the issue is that I've been eating a little too late at night. I don't know. I get tired of trying to figure out all the nuances of why the scale does or doesn't move.

No matter what, I'm going to Phase 2 on Nov. 2. I'm finding that, emotionally and psychologically, my running challenge is slowly taking the place of the weight loss challenge. Since being OP, I've enjoyed getting up every morning and seeing what the scale shows. I've enjoyed trying on different clothes every week to see what fits. But now the challenge of covering more miles, or running faster, is what I'm looking forward to every day. This is what I'd hoped for, because I knew that once I reached my goal weight, I would need a new goal to shoot for. I have the 5Ks in my short-term sights, then maybe that half-marathon in February, and I've started looking for a marathon for fall 2016. I know it's a long way off, but having something to shoot for helps me push forward.
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Old 10-07-2015, 11:00 AM   #232  
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HIS - and we all need to remember this particular FB group was started & is moderated by an IP coach (clinic owner? not sure...). His post last night about protocol set my teeth on edge...but there is enough other good (pictures, stories, etc...) to outweigh issues like that...and I've also reached out to a handful of people (usually privately) and mentioned 3FC...
So happy for you having such an awesome new goal! Congrats on the date I would have loved to have made it / been completely phased off for my birthday but everything happens for a reason

Blue - this gives you more time to decide how you want to move forward. Again, mvho is that they've made enough money off you to justify continued assistance, regardless if your purchasing $360 a month in products or not...

Linda - - yah, sometimes I see things that just make me scratch my head and also make me REALLY glad I did this on my own

Cayenne pepper! Tony's Creole Seasoning! One of these 2 products has FINALLY helped my Big "C" issue go away in grandiose fashion! if things don't even out quickly I am going to have to cut back on their use...but for now, I am not complaining

Unfortunately though it also seems to be causing water retention and I am playing scale-flux again. I guess to be expected after a 6 pound loss...
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Old 10-07-2015, 11:38 AM   #233  
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Originally Posted by hysteria_625 View Post
HIS - and we all need to remember this particular FB group was started & is moderated by an IP coach (clinic owner? not sure...). His post last night about protocol set my teeth on edge...but there is enough other good (pictures, stories, etc...) to outweigh issues like that...and I've also reached out to a handful of people (usually privately) and mentioned 3FC...
re: his posts about using ONLY IP products. GOSH YES. As I told someone else the other day, there's nothing magical about IP-labeled products. IP just took a ketosis diet plan (Dr. Tran's research) and stuck their name on it. It's like saying Weight Watchers is the ONLY low-calorie diet that works. As long as someone follows the ketosis protocol, they will have the same success as someone using IP products. But, yeah, he's a paid coach, so he has to spout the corporate line.

And, yes, I've gotten some good recipes via that FB group, so it's not all bad. Just annoying at times.
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Old 10-08-2015, 08:49 AM   #234  
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So I had my WI yesterday, and another 1.8lb bites the dust
I am finally in the 150s!!

As you can see
I changed my goal from 150 down to 135. I'm still losing at pretty much the same pace as I have been, no slowdown yet really, and I think this old body wants to lose a bit more. 135 puts me at the top end of my BMI healthy range. Sure hope I can keep going forward without too much "diet fatigue" and without hitting a wall. Maybe as I get closer to that new goal I'll hit some resistance and have to reconsider, but for now, it feels right to keep at it.
Even though that means I'll be here, slogging away TILL THE END OF THE YEAR....oh my! ....
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Old 10-08-2015, 09:36 AM   #235  
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I guess I'm lucky, I go to a clinic where the coach is also the owner, who is a chiropractor and runs an IP clinic in his office, he is really nice, I don't buy every week and have never been questioned about it, I buy all the vitamins in amazon and have never been asked why I'm not buying with them, never told them I've been buying them somewhere else.
I started the IP diet on June 1st, and as of today I have lost 57 lbs and I'm just so happy. I have to say that I did cheat a couple times, last time was 2 weeks ago for my birthday "week" it was really bad! I share that with him, and he said is ok, it happens, we had a long conversation about what to do while "cheating" which was great and realistic, he can not pretend I would never cheat, as he mentioned that thanksgiving is coming and what to do, etc and the end he said, the important thing is that now you are back in track, follow the protocol 100% and let's keep doing this!
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Old 10-08-2015, 10:12 AM   #236  
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Blue, I think that's a realistic approach. We can't really know what our bodies are going to do at a certain weight until we get there, you know? But, yeah, the longer I'm on this diet, the more respect I have for people who do it for a year or longer.

Zu, you're making amazing progress! The important thing is to keep moving forward. Slips happen in maintenance, too - you might have a day where you eat much more than you should, and then you have to regroup and make better choices for a while. It's a more realistic way of eating, and I think your coach's advice is wise.

I was really hoping to see the -50 mark this morning, but missed it by 1/4 pound! But soon... I'm coming for you, 150s and size 8 jeans.
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Old 10-08-2015, 11:06 AM   #237  
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Originally Posted by Zu1976 View Post
I started the IP diet on June 1st, and as of today I have lost 57 lbs and I'm just so happy.
Zu- That's fantastic progress, 57 lb in 3 1/2 months is amazing,
Sounds like you have a good coach, we all sometimes have an occasion when it's hard to stay OP, but knowing ahead of time and planning for the "least bad" cheat helps. But he's absolutely right about getting right back on track after. That's what counts.

Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
No matter what, I'm going to Phase 2 on Nov. 2. I'm finding that, emotionally and psychologically, my running challenge is slowly taking the place of the weight loss challenge.
Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
I was really hoping to see the -50 mark this morning, but missed it by 1/4 pound!
HIS oooh, 1/4lb Soooo close. but it'll be gone tomorrow, even if not officially
Interesting what you said about being emotionally and physically ready - I'm wondering maybe if your body is close to reaching a point where it needs to be. And giving yourself that firm date for Phasing off and concentrating on running will probably alleviate some of the stress of trying to get those last few lb off. And since stress makes it harder to lose weight -- bonus-- you'll probably start losing more
And once you get into the marathon training... well, just saying, but I don't know any fat marathon runners In fact, I have a friend who has been doing marathons for years, and I swear he doesn't have an ounce of body fat.
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Old 10-08-2015, 12:59 PM   #238  
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zu - welcome & congrats on the WL and I agree, slip ups do happen - you just have to get back up, dust off, and move on!
- my personal experience is this last time falling off the wagon was it (happened over Labor Day)...for some reason (probably YEARS of low carbing) it takes me about 7 - 10 days to really get into ketosis, as opposed to 2 or 3 - and that is 7 - 10 days of keto-flu h3ll I went through it 3 times (start-up, around July 4th & Labor Day)...I've been on IP since 1/30/15 and am now too close to goal to fall off / go through that again

blue / HIS - - nope, can't say I know any severely overweight marathon runners either.
His - did you take off your socks??
I've always wanted to train for the Marine Corp...we'll have to keep in touch through 3FC / maintenance in 2016 I have a feeling my knee is going to prevent me from really doing it, but holding out hope! Maybe even doing the 1/2 marathon by next October

Another food-filled weekend coming up with DH's uncle's Pig Roast Saturday - I am making 2 more pans of that under control and DD10 licks the spoon & bowls for me
& I think I've developed a new appreciation / lack-there-of for the booze and have no issues there (plus this uncle does not allow "open" containers until the sun goes down - lots of red solo cups)
...BUT I saw on the FB invite page the peanut butter cake I absolutely LOVE is making an appearance.
I asked for the recipe years ago and was told it is family secret thats been handed down from DH's great grandmother, who was Cherokee, only to the eldest daughters - go figure
Unfortunately, I think I am going to have to take my own food though, after what happened at his uncles b'day over Labor Day. This uncle slow roasts a whole pig, but the pride-n-joy is the BBQ sauce its smoked with *sigh*
Turkey burger, peppers, cucumbers, 2 Quest bars (just in case) in a cooler for me...
BUT it is just ONE year...just like Halloween, my birthday (coming up), and Thanksgiving ONE year. I definitely have motivation for maintenance too - next year will be the BIG 4-0!
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Old 10-08-2015, 01:09 PM   #239  
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Reading through everyone's posts lately has helped me realize that it is time for me to quit my clinic. The coaches there have not gone out of their way to be supportive but that could be because I am very much a "do it myself" kind of gal. I research, google, read and listen to people here and on the fb page to get my advice and support. I have enough food stocked up to last me well into maintenance (even though I am still a little ways from my goal weight). I have found alternative products that work for me so I will be able to continue on using those once I deplete my IP products. and if needed I can buy them from ppl on fb or ebay even but I don't think I will.
I have learned how my body processes certain foods and that I don't have to eat til I'm bursting to be satisfied. This has truly been a learning experience and an incredible journey. I am feeling good in my own skin and that has been such a long time coming. My body and I have become friends. It can be stubborn but I am going to win this battle of the bulge. I think we will live happily ever after, after all.
Blue -- congrats on the new decade! I am looking forward to seeing that in a couple more months myself!
Zu -- we are all human; we will make mistakes and eat something we know we shouldn't but when that happens, don't let it be the start of a snowball careening out of control! You are doing great!
Beth that pig roast sounds amazingly good! Sending vibes of strength for you because I know for myself, I'd be super tempted to eat some!

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Old 10-08-2015, 01:47 PM   #240  
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Originally Posted by hysteria_625 View Post
His - did you take off your socks??
I took it ALL off. Even my glasses. I should have trimmed my fingernails and tweezed my eyebrows.

Holiday meals: Even pre-protocol, I had to remind myself that those "special" foods can made any time, and I don't have to fret if I can't have them on the holiday. One thing that I have only ever had once a year is sour cream onion dip, with chips, on New Year's Eve. I'm looking forward to that again this winter, but probably made with low-cal sour cream. And maybe zucchini chips instead of potato chips.

frawnie, I think you are destined for success with or without a clinic. You've really gotten serious about weight loss and educated yourself on making better choices. I get what you mean about your body and you becoming friends. When I awoke this morning and was laying there in bed, I realized how good I felt and how I like how my body feels now. A few months ago, I was just fat and miserable most of the time.
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