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Old 10-30-2015, 08:58 AM   #376  
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Thanks everyone for your thoughts on my situation with my diet buddy. It's so frustrating because she has worked so hard and been "misbehaving" since August. Then she laments to me, feels miserable and says I'm going to be back on the straight and narrow. I am supportive, gentle, and coddling with her. She's sensitive and also about my sons age, so we're a bit like a mother/daughter type relationship. I just am so worried about her.
BlueandHIS Thanks for sharing the information on what you have bought- The only experimenting that I have done is with some Quest bars and chips. I do wish the chips weren't so bland- and as for the bars-well, we know now that they are a new formula and not P1 compliant- so I am hoarding
I tried the pancake mix as a mug cake this morning with a Tbsp of WF blueberry syrup-I'll do that again, with other types of WF toppings. Thanks- and it was SO easy- I might try it with the drink mix that I have read about this weekend.
Tomorrow is WI, so we'll see how I do with having the apples on Saturday and being a "no restricted" person for the week.
Welcome to you Jaimie
Beth I'm really glad that you went right to the doctor's. I am anxious for you and hope that everything is going to be ok. You are probably right-your body is telling you that you are done.
Hope that everyone is well.
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Old 10-30-2015, 09:28 AM   #377  
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Originally Posted by jaimie1980 View Post
Hi all! Hoping to join you in this thread. I am not on Ideal Protein, but a very similar plan in my local area branded Profile. It is a multi phase high protein diet with very little carbs (just whats in the shakes/bars/meal replacements) and no sugar, diet soda or alcohol allowed. It sounds very much like what you all are doing.

I am week 3, day 4. Weeks 1 and 2 were a breeze other than the 'keto flu" for a couple days. I lost 8 pounds in week one, and 3 in week two. This week, so far, is not going well even though I have not cheated. Hopefully I will get a whoosh later this week, as I weigh in on Monday.

My goal for this program is to get to 149, which won't necessarily be thin, but I will be 'normal' and I don't expect a model type body. I have had three kids, and haven't been thin since 2000. I weighed around 130-135 most of my teen/early adult years, so i figure a little over that will do me just fine. I can always adjust later if needed. I will need to lose a total of 58 pounds to get there, so I have 47 to go!

I hope I can join you all for some motivation, since there is no thread for my plan. It is a regional thing, and not very big yet.

Welcome! I have from the region and am familiar with this plan. I know a few individuals that have done this and have had great success! This board is a great support. There's also a lot of great recipes on the site.
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Old 10-30-2015, 02:34 PM   #378  
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Wow, miss a couple of days and you miss a lot

Hysteria, thanks for the information. I did make sure to ask my coach about coconut oil and she said it was just fine .

Well, I'm here to confess. I got some news that was really hard to take this week and went off plan for two days. I drank alcohol and ate sausage links. It made me realize that I really do stuff my feelings with food and alcohol. When everything is fine, I can be strong. When I'm being beat down I consume things I know I shouldn't. As a result, the scale went up 4 out of the 10 that I had lost in my first week. I didn't make it in to get my official weight, so I'm just going to go in on what should be my standard day next week.

Yesterday morning it dawned on me what I was doing to myself, so I fixed the IP omelet with some veggies and forced my hiney back to work! When I got here I found out that they were having a party featuring a lot of my favorite foods. It was tough, but I didn't eat anything off plan. I was very proud of myself!

Today I got a salad from the restaurant across the street since I forgot my veggies at home, and have already scouted the menu for tonight's date night so I can stay on plan.

Destony, I have to agree with HIS about your diet buddy. There is something going on that is keeping her from having the desire to go back on plan. Is she burnt out? Is there something going on in her life and food is her escape? You can only control what you eat. Maybe you could ask her how much weight she's willing to gain back before she gets a grip on what's going on. That might click a light bulb for her.
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Old 10-30-2015, 03:50 PM   #379  
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Jaimie - welcome sounds like you have found the right place! I would be interested to know what products you are using and if there are any major differences between your plan and IP protocol

Linda - As we know, this journey is so individual...I wish sometimes there really was a pill to increase willpower - or at least that avoiding temptations was easier. Would your friend be willing to read "Refuse to Regain"? I think there is another self-help book that Amber? Liana? talked about. Idk - truthfully, it's taken me a dozen+ tries to FINALLY get the weight off. I couldn't tell you what the motivation was...I've convinced myself that I didn't want to be "forty and fat" - but it was more than that. If I hadn't run into my co worker and seen the amazing results she got from IP, I may still be at 230+ - or I may may have just been time.

Thank you all for your kind words / concern. Called the doctor and I am still waiting for the official results - not sure what the hold up is as generally they are available first thing in the morning.

I feel much better after going home and eating last night. 10oz steak, unweighted amount of brussel sprouts and some proti thin pudding. Had a normal breakfast this morning, avocado with my salad at lunch and feel fine! Still would have more peace of mind with my blood test results.

I did go ahead and change my MFP macros - upped calories / fat.

Amazingly, the scale was still kind to me this morning - 145.6 I would still really love that 5 pound buffer before hitting P3 (ie, 140 - 142...) like HIS, I know the scale is "just a number" but psychologically, I know I will feel a lot better seeing 14X than 15X
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Old 10-30-2015, 04:56 PM   #380  
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Beth, my experience was similar- the minute I went to P3 I was better, and I still lost 5 lbs over those two weeks. Those came back on when the muscles built back up, but it was good to have that buffer.

I don't know of other good books but Lisa really likes the Beck Diet Solution - I haven't read it myself.

Linda, I agree with HIS and Beth - it really is a timing situation, and the only thing that will allow success is personal desire and motivation. Noone else can do it for someone else.
I have learned over time to give feedback as requested, but not go out of my way to "save" anyone, esp. in areas of health, and esp. if there is addiction or other undiagnosed medical or behavioral issues.
It often backfires, even with the best intentions.

I have written about this before but in case you didn't see it, perhaps your friend would find this helpful:
I have several friends and acquaintances that have found massive success through FA or FAA (Food Anon. or Food Addicts Anonymous - you can google either). Your friend might find benefit there, if it is an addiction/behavioral issue. My understand is those issues rarely can be defeated without help or intervention, and support.
I did go to one meeting with a friend and I found the group very warm and helpful. I personally am not an addict, my issue is compulsion, which I have learned are two different things, so I didn't continue, but they offered to cooperate with my Ideal Protein plan if I ever wanted to continue, so I'm sure they would do that with your friend as needed.

My understanding is though many people in the western world have some food and body issues, stress eat at times, over or undereat at times or out of habit, etc..... but a true addiction is different, and if you don't have one, you don't understand it, and therefore what would help you would actually not help the addict. They need help from professionals who understand the problem, and/or support and advice from other addicts in recovery.

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Old 10-30-2015, 05:37 PM   #381  
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Beth, I'm trying not to be green with envy on your ongoing weight loss. I'm happy for you- just wish I could get the same thing going here!! I even checked my inches yesterday, thinking those were improving, but there was no change there, either. Harrumph.


As much I didn't want to run on a treadmill at the gym today, it turned out to be a good thing. I found out I'm running at a faster pace and covering more mileage than I realized, so I'm pretty encouraged. My goal in this first 5K is to finish in under 40 minutes, and after today, I'm confident I can do it.

I found a good hooded rain jacket and a visor at the thrift shop today, so I'm set should the weather be nasty next Saturday.
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Old 10-31-2015, 01:04 AM   #382  
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I feel like a hypocrite sometimes as someone who tells others health should trump WL but then ignores her own advice

Good news is all my blood work is clear and they are reducing my thyroid meds - I am hyperthyroid now - go figure (TSH = 0.25, normal range starts at 1.0) b12 and D look the best they have in about 3 years - cbc was good...iron was a little high still but as the Dr pointed out, I am eating a lot of iron rich veggies and it is just above normal-high was very happy but it definitely solidified the fact that my body is just done...and needed fuel.
Day 2 with the extra protein...
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Old 10-31-2015, 01:50 AM   #383  
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Great news overall Beth - at least you know these are things that can be corrected.

I had to change my thyroid meds twice during P1 and once about a month after P1. Since then they have stayed steady and levels very good.
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Old 10-31-2015, 05:42 AM   #384  
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Thank you everyone again for your thoughts. In my head, I know most all of this, and as someone who can no longer indulges in alcohol, I know that until I decided the time had come, it was ultimately me that was going to have to make the decision to stop. in my heart-that always wants to save the world, I still find it tough to stand by and watch her do this to herself. I've been the yo-yo forever- I was the little girl in 6th grade that was at Gloria Stevens... regardless, I'll just be here and pray that she doesn't give up on herself. Again, thank you for the advice- and it's helpful to have the reinforcement of what I already know is right- I can only control me and my actions. It's just that- like I said, she's become like a daughter to me, and we know how with our kids, we want to protect them and see them succeed. I think I may pick up one of the books for her, and see if that helps her.
BethWOOHOO!!! I am so happy that all of your tests turned out well. I know we've all worried about you!
HISCongratualtions on the pace! You are going to rock the run!! Thanks again for the info on what you ordered. I took waht you and Blueskies had posted for me and started putting together an order from Nashua. I;m one who likes the drinks as long as they are of a milkshake consistency when I make them. That's one of the things that I dislike about the Carbvantage ones -they really don't thicken, even with a little egg white and spinach.
Happy Halloween one and all! WI this morning at 9- I hope it's not too scary- hopefully it stayed the same (of course I hope it's down but) because my coach told me to expect it to stay if I was going to eat the apples last weekend. We shall see. I have missed my restricteds (self imposed because of the apples) I hope that everyone has a great day!
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Old 10-31-2015, 09:02 AM   #385  
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Beth, great news on the lab reports. I'm sure once the thyroid meds get straightened out, you'll feel even better.

Linda, have you tried the Quest protein powder for shakes? I think it makes a pretty thick drink. Of course, I usually make it with spinach and some ice, in addition to the water.

Still no movement on the scale. I've been stuck at this weight ( +/- .5 pound) for 9 days. I've tried extra fat, no restricted snack, more water.... Kind of disappointed that I won't reach my goal by Monday's transition to P2, but it is what it is. I'll just keep hoping that maybe during the 2 weeks in P2, I'll drop down a bit.

I'm going to pick up my race packet today! But I got a text message yesterday that the t-shirts are delayed until race day, so I'm kind of bummed about that. No running today. I'm busy all morning, and the gym will be closed this afternoon. I'll do some speed work tomorrow afternoon, I think.

On a high note, my daughter lost a little more weight this last week. She said she's lost about 13 pounds in 3 weeks. The first two weeks she was pretty irritable, but yesterday she was in a great mood. She said the change in her thyroid med is probably helping, too. She got switched from Synthroid to Armor thyroid med, which seems to doing a better job for her.

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Old 10-31-2015, 10:12 AM   #386  
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Beth So happy to hear your lab results showed nothing serious is going on. Strange about the thyroid, but if that was what was causing all the symptoms, getting that sorted out might get you back on track to finish P1 --- if that's what you want, of course --- or continue to P2 without all the worry you've been having.

Linda - I'm so sorry about your dilemma with your friend. All you can do is let her know you're there to help when/if she's ready again. Everyone is so right, and we all know from our own personal experiences, she has to make the decision from within herself.

About the Quest powder -- HIS is right, it makes a nice thick shake. I use 1 scoop, 6-8oz water, about 1 c ice, and blend the heck out of it. I have found with all the drinks, making them in the blended with ice makes them thicker.
BTW, I love the choc/PB mixed together, my new fav

HIS That race is coming up fast! You sound more than ready, I'll be clapping for you on the (virtual) sidelines.
So glad your daughter is off to such a great start

I had a nice little find at the thrift store yesterday. Stopped in at one, hoping to find a winter coat or jacket. First thing I saw was a knee-length red wool coat, Chadwicks, perfect fit. Size 8.
And then my eye spotted a black leather jacket, Banana Republic, it looked brand new. Size SMALL

...whoops, my computer glitched and posted before I was finished.
Anyway, I went home happy

Hope you all have a Happy and Fun Halloween!!

Last edited by blueskiesahead; 10-31-2015 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 10-31-2015, 04:51 PM   #387  
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blue Nearest border is in the Sault which is 7 hours away. I have ordered stuff from lowcarbgrocer. I love the Smaps cereal. I know some people complained it was too crunchy but I love them with a little bit of vanilla drink. I love days BBQ snacks and they are cheaper then quest (10.14 for 6 bags vs 3.99 each for quest) BUT they have 10 g of net carbs and not 5g.

Linda I know it is hard to see your friend do this to herself but believe me she has to decide that she has had enough...I say this from personal experience since I went on a 29 day binge and my daughter tried to talk me out of buying and eating junk many times. Everyday I would get up and say that's it. Today is a new day. But by lunch or at night I would cave. Why? Well if I had the answer to that question I would not be where I am today. One day I got up and said the same thing...that's it but I came to this site and wrote about it. This had worked for me in the past so I did it again. I have had 5 days of no cheats.

This brings me to the fact that today is Day 6 of clean eating. This morning I got up at 4am (argh..could not sleep), had breakfeast at 7am, had to bring my daughter to work, went for a walk with my mom, had to go to store, had to get daughter again...all this to say that I did not get to eat my lunch till 1pm. Well I was watching TV this afternoon and my brain started talking to me about food...ehm...chips would be good...just one bowl...I got up and drank lost of water.
But this got me thinking about me not being able to get back on the wagon during my 29 day binge. I recall a few times not being able to eat lunch until late or because of practice not being able to have supper till later than usual.
My purchase quest bars or chips and carry them in my purse. I like the chips because of low carbs (sour cream is my favorite and I hate regular sour cream chips...go figure) and love the bars because of high fiber.

Today is Halloween (just in case you did not and I felt a little depressed. Yesterday I dressed up as a gym teacher for work, yes I wore old seats with a hat, whistle. Now the reason I was bumed is because last year when I weighed 127.6 (ah just writing it kills me) I wore my 15 year old daughters school uniform as my 'costume'. I remember her saying that some students thought we looked so much alike (I am 51)...she told looked so great in my uniform last did it once mom, you can do it again. It took all my strength not to start balling my eyes out.

So I am letting go of the past and looking forward. I can't change what I did, I can only control what I will do. I don't want to be such a bad example for my daughter. She looks at pictures of me from 10 years ago (I weighed 251) and she can't believe its me. I know I have come a long way and I did not do it by quitting so one day at a time for me.

Believe me ladies, whatever your story, you are not alone. I really feel that this site makes a difference. Just writing my story makes me feel better and I hope that it will help others like SOOOOOO many of your posts have helped me.

Have a great...trick or treat!
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Old 11-01-2015, 06:55 AM   #388  
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I'm ashamed to admit that I did not make it through Day 6 without cheating. I should of gone to be last night when I was tired but nope...watched tv half awake/half asleep and then saw all those Halloween treats left in the living room...well you can figure out the rest.

So...this is Day 1 again (for the fourth time) of a reboot without a cheat. Or I guess I could say Day 7 of reboot with a major cheat on Day 6...funny how it took a week to loose 9 pounds but one night to gain 5 pounds.

Today is another day...have a great one ladies.
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Old 11-01-2015, 07:22 AM   #389  
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Well, I'm sorry that this happened, BUT today is a new day so you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try, try again. As they say, today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can do this!!
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Old 11-01-2015, 08:36 AM   #390  
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L13, this is a hard time of year to be on a diet. I know you can do this, but you have to convince yourself of it. You have to come up with some coping techniques that work for you. Maybe having holiday food in the house just can't happen for the time being.


The human body is a funny thing. I stayed OP all day yesterday, and even turned down lunch with some lady friends because I really wanted to make sure I was sticking to my plan for the day. After DH went to work at 9:00 pm, and I'd had all my food for the day, all I could think about was candy. We don't get trick or treaters, so I had no Halloween candy, but I knew there was a bag of some Lindt chocolate truffles in the freezer. I did the math and figured out I could have two without going out of ketosis for the day. (Yeah, I'm the queen of justification.) So I ate two. I had mixed feelings - happiness that I was able to stop at just two, but worried about how it would impact my progress.

This morning the scale was down 1.25 pounds. Go figure.

I'm not going to make evening candy a regular habit. But I'm grateful that maybe the extra calories are what I needed to kind of get a bump in my metabolism.

Now I'm off to do my speed work run. Then church, pot luck lunch afterward (I always take my own salad), and the rest of the day will be spent on wedding projects.
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