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Old 10-08-2015, 02:53 PM   #241  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
I took it ALL off. Even my glasses. I should have trimmed my fingernails and tweezed my eyebrows.

Holiday meals: Even pre-protocol, I had to remind myself that those "special" foods can made any time, and I don't have to fret if I can't have them on the holiday. One thing that I have only ever had once a year is sour cream onion dip, with chips, on New Year's Eve. I'm looking forward to that again this winter, but probably made with low-cal sour cream. And maybe zucchini chips instead of potato chips.

frawnie, I think you are destined for success with or without a clinic. You've really gotten serious about weight loss and educated yourself on making better choices. I get what you mean about your body and you becoming friends. When I awoke this morning and was laying there in bed, I realized how good I felt and how I like how my body feels now. A few months ago, I was just fat and miserable most of the time.
bwahahaha!!!! I don't think I've ever weighed with my contacts in even

Frawnie - EVERYTHING HIS, I am sorry your clinic has let you down. We are here, together on this journey and LOSING the weight! You got this lady!
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Old 10-09-2015, 09:36 AM   #242  
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BETH! I saw your picture on the FB page!! Oh my goodness, you are making such great progress.

The scale bounced back up a little for me this morning. I made pulled pork yesterday and even though I weighed out 6 cooked ounces, it sure seemed like a lot of meat. It's probably not even a lean cut of meat, but I was craving it. I was never much of a meat eater until IP. Now, I LOVE my meat serving!!

This morning's weight gain might be because I'm a bit "stove up," as the old timers say. Up until this week, that hasn't been a problem for me. Coffee usually gets things going in the morning. Hoping it finally does the trick this morning.

My C25K plan calls for a 20-minute run this morning. Two weeks ago, that terrified me, but today I feel ready. I might not be the fastest runner around, but I'm getting it done. Go me.

Later, I'm off to GNC, a thrift store, and then the grocery store. I'm making a birthday dinner on Sunday for my son's fiancee'. She has requested meatloaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and cake. I can avoid the cake and potatoes with no problem, but I'd like to make a separate low-carb meatloaf for me and my daughter, who is also doing the protocol. I was thinking that in place of bread crumbs, I could use ground-up Quest chips. Anyone have any better meatloaf ideas?

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Old 10-09-2015, 10:48 AM   #243  
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Thanks HIS
Sorry - I LOVE my homemade turkeymeatloaf with the Italian bread crumb binding so haven't tried to make an IP friendly version (to be disappointed, kwim?)...I would think Quest chips would work...maybe Janeva's FB page? Or Rainbowsmiles thread here on 3FC...
I've been patiently waiting for the last week for that tens place to drop from "5" to "4"
I am still overwhelmed and amazed that I found something that works!

God knows at times keeping to protocol is HARD, sometimes I'm hungry, sometimes I don't feel well, and sometimes I worry I am doing something stupid to my body, even if I have the blood work that says otherwise...but seeing 149 on the scale this morning puts it all in perspective .

I had the scale victory, but an NSV too - I weigh less than my DH for the first time, EVER, in 23 years...CRAZY!

Made the first batch of brownies last night for the Pig Roast Saturday . Thankful the weather is looking better so the activities the family usually does, like volleyball, will happen! That will keep me away from the desert table - y'all know that peanut butter cake is going to sit in my mind like an annoying fly I have ONE proti thin peanut butter bar left and it WILL be in the cooler just in case...I'd like to flex the willpower muscle a little bit if I can, but won't risk a true cheat this close to goal.

Happy Friday everyone!

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Old 10-10-2015, 09:03 AM   #244  
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I don't have a lot of time to post this morning, but I had to pop in here and say I hit -51 pounds this morning!! So happy!

Now I'm off to do a mile-one run (just working on speed), then shower and to a ladies brunch where I can't eat anything on the menu. I will take some marinated cucumbers and sliced turkey rolled up in lettuce.
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Old 10-10-2015, 11:06 AM   #245  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
I don't have a lot of time to post this morning, but I had to pop in here and say I hit -51 pounds this morning!! So happy!

Now I'm off to do a mile-one run (just working on speed), then shower and to a ladies brunch where I can't eat anything on the menu. I will take some marinated cucumbers and sliced turkey rolled up in lettuce.
Great work!!! Good luck on the run and at the brunch!
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Old 10-10-2015, 12:12 PM   #246  
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HIS - congrats! good luck with the brunch - you got this lady!

Linda - hi! Hope you have a great fall weekend!

Deviled eggs and brownies are ready to go, along with some extra willpower took a nice brisk 1 mile walk to burn the extra quest chips I am having with my turkey burger
Switching up lunch again this week - rutabaga with pork loin - plus my body / psyche seems to like being out of the rut.
Btw - anyone else made the naked burrito? I might have done something wrong and maybe it is the fact I equate Hispanic food with cheese but I wasn't overly impressed
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Old 10-10-2015, 08:49 PM   #247  
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I picked up some chayote today since I read everyone raving about it...and wow it did not disappoint! All I did was throw it in a bowl with cinnamon, nutmeg, and WF 'apple butter' to microwave - omg it was sooooo good! Could have fooled me for real baked apples!

Finally located some frozen rhubarb too, can't wait to try the compote.
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Old 10-10-2015, 11:00 PM   #248  
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Originally Posted by Kalaya View Post
I picked up some chayote today since I read everyone raving about it...and wow it did not disappoint! All I did was throw it in a bowl with cinnamon, nutmeg, and WF 'apple butter' to microwave - omg it was sooooo good! Could have fooled me for real baked apples!

Finally located some frozen rhubarb too, can't wait to try the compote.
I still haven't tried chayote. And I only just made stir fried cauliflower this last week, with orange chicken. It's SO GOOD! Why did I wait so long? The rhubarb compote is good, although I'm quite happy with just plain stewed rhubarb with some sweetener added.

My daughter, who is 3 days into the protocol, came over tonight so I could show her how to make a few things, including Big Mac in a Bowl, dehydrated zucchini chips, and turnip fries. I'm quite content with eating basically the same meals every week, but she needs a lot of variety, especially with vegetables. She was very irritable; I hope she has a big weight loss the first week so she's encouraged and motivated to keep going.
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Old 10-11-2015, 06:16 AM   #249  
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Hi All!!
Beth I applaud you for being able to get all the treats ready that you do for the gatherings. I really have to focus when I make my weekly brownies or wahtever for the guys who mow my lawn. If I had to make a lot of stuff, I'd likely cave to temptation. it's beautiful here on the Cape -though a bit chilly (who isn't always freezing in ketosis??-lol) We're in the process (long arduous process) of gettign the boat ready for the winter. He does all the mechanical stuff-replace hoses, winterize, staff like that, while I unload her, wash everything and store it up in the attic. People tease me about my little "dollhouse" I look at it as our "summer house" so it's all set up as one.
HIS Like you, I can eat the same things and be fine. Then when I try something new, I wonder why I don't experiment more often!! Like Jicama- I had bought some at Stop and Shop, but had to peel it and all that crapadoodle-it was okay but a pain in the shorts- well now that I have found it all precut- oh baby- I like them better than turnip fries and I believe the carbs may be lower than turnips- The Chaote- I wish that I could buy that all prepared too- I bought it once- don't know if I made it wrong or what..but not overly impressed. How did the run go?
Frawnie good luck with whatever you decide about the coach. I can't imagine doing this without the trendous support from my coach. She is amazing.
Well, I have an interesting afternoon coming up- normal Sunday routine of cleaning the house, and continued process of getting the boat "ready for bed" -it takes a couple of weekends to get it done because M-F my DBF leaves for work at 5AM and doesn't get home until 7PM, and I am out the door at 7AM and back between 5 & 6 PM, so as you can imagine that shoots weekdays , anyhow, going to run to the grocery store to get stuff to make a vat of corn chowder to take to my DexH's house for a football party this afternoon. It's something I used to make as a staple for all of our parties back in the day. It's been a very long time since I've made it and hope that it comes out alright. I can't try it- lots of butter, cream and bacon.....and corn...He's smoking ribs, and said that he would put some on the side so they don't get sauced for me to try. I'll bring some Jicama sticks that I will roast with cinnamon and stevia. I like those cold much better than warm- I love them as fries, but by the time I get to eat them they would be cold and I don't like them like that. I like them crispy burned also- as I do with my grilled veggies.
Yesterdays weigh in, back in to jeans and pullovers- and .8 gain, inches stayed the same. I know in my head that that's not bad-but it's my first + number, so in a way it's kind of screwing with my head. My rational brain says-DUH- .8-your clothes weigh more than that so you lost weight AND with clothes on, your inches remained the same, so if you (me) had weighed in in your summer clothes that you have been going in wearing since May, you would be down in weight and inches would likely be down too- My head has always liked to mess with me. Something, at 51 years old, you would think I would have a grip on by now. As I told my diet buddy (who I was always scolding for being the daily weigher-) this will be a week of weighing every day....and driving myself that much more crazy. (I say that somewhat tongue in cheek)
Anyhow, have a great Sunday my dear 3FC friends.
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Old 10-11-2015, 09:41 AM   #250  
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Originally Posted by Destony View Post
HIS Like you, I can eat the same things and be fine. Then when I try something new, I wonder why I don't experiment more often!! Like Jicama- I had bought some at Stop and Shop, but had to peel it and all that crapadoodle-it was okay but a pain in the shorts- well now that I have found it all precut- oh baby- I like them better than turnip fries and I believe the carbs may be lower than turnips- The Chaote- I wish that I could buy that all prepared too- I bought it once- don't know if I made it wrong or what..but not overly impressed. How did the run go?

Well, I have an interesting afternoon coming up- normal Sunday routine of cleaning the house, and continued process of getting the boat "ready for bed" -it takes a couple of weekends to get it done because M-F my DBF leaves for work at 5AM and doesn't get home until 7PM, and I am out the door at 7AM and back between 5 & 6 PM, so as you can imagine that shoots weekdays , anyhow, going to run to the grocery store to get stuff to make a vat of corn chowder to take to my DexH's house for a football party this afternoon. It's something I used to make as a staple for all of our parties back in the day. It's been a very long time since I've made it and hope that it comes out alright. I can't try it- lots of butter, cream and bacon.....and corn...He's smoking ribs, and said that he would put some on the side so they don't get sauced for me to try. I'll bring some Jicama sticks that I will roast with cinnamon and stevia. I like those cold much better than warm- I love them as fries, but by the time I get to eat them they would be cold and I don't like them like that. I like them crispy burned also- as I do with my grilled veggies.
Yesterdays weigh in, back in to jeans and pullovers- and .8 gain, inches stayed the same. I know in my head that that's not bad-but it's my first + number, so in a way it's kind of screwing with my head. My rational brain says-DUH- .8-your clothes weigh more than that so you lost weight AND with clothes on, your inches remained the same, so if you (me) had weighed in in your summer clothes that you have been going in wearing since May, you would be down in weight and inches would likely be down too- My head has always liked to mess with me. Something, at 51 years old, you would think I would have a grip on by now. As I told my diet buddy (who I was always scolding for being the daily weigher-) this will be a week of weighing every day....and driving myself that much more crazy. (I say that somewhat tongue in cheek)
Anyhow, have a great Sunday my dear 3FC friends.
Thanks for asking about the run. I've been going at a pretty slow running pace on the C25K, and really want to improve that, so I did just 1 mile with the intent of pushing myself to run it 2 minutes faster. I did it (!), but I definitely need to make speed work a part of my regular training to be able to run at that pace for more than a mile or two. And I hate speed work, especially sprints. Well, if it was easy, everyone would do it, right?!

I just found pre-cut jicama last week. I tried it heated with cinnamon and Truvia - bleh. And it's just okay, cold and plain. I'm going to try it as hash browns, but I can't see myself buying it frequently.

Isn't it funny how our brain fixates on those numbers instead of reality? Of course your clothes weigh at least a pound - or two! I have no doubt you lost weight, with all the activity you've been doing with the boat and social gatherings. (And you're making me glad I just have a simple kayak. Easy to bring in and put away. ) You've been doing so well with sticking to protocol amongst all that great food. Stay the course, girl!
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Old 10-11-2015, 09:46 AM   #251  
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HIS – YAY to you for getting past that stubborn 50. I’m so happy for you.
Your daughter will have a good example (that would be you ) to follow, so I’m sure she will be successful. I like a bit of variety too, even tho I have a lot of the same meals. I keep a small file of recipes I’d like to try so when I’m looking for something, I have them handy. I did take a lot of time at the beginning reading some recipe threads, you could suggest that she does that. Also I just (on Friday) got Janeva’s cookbook, and I haven’t had time to try anything, but lots of really good ideas there. Maybe a nice gift to give her?

Beth - How was the pig roast? Sounds like so much fun, but OMG! The temptations

Linda, good luck getting the boat put away. Guess that means summer is really over.
I haven’t found cut up jicama (I would love that) – will definitely have to look for it around here. I’ve tried chayote, it was OK. I picked some up yesterday, but will have to try some other recipes.
Don’t get all stressed out about that TINY gain, JEANS ARE HEAVY!!
Next time you weigh in, bring along a pair of tights and change just before you go in,
you’ll probably lose 3lb

Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I’m having the family over, although a very small group this year. My MIL passed away in the spring, and my BIL passed away late summer, so his family is staying home his year.
Even so, I’m cooking a turkey. Actually it’s easier to cook for a lot of people. Hard to cut down on all the things you need to have to go with the bird. And I always like to have at least one new thing (usually it’s an appetizer or dessert), but this year I found a recipe for kale and Brussel sprout salad, hope it turns out Ok. Fortunately, they are all used to me trying out things.
In any case, there will probably be more food than we need, but leftovers will get sent home with them all.
And since I'm cooking, I can make some OP veggies for me, so I should be OK (just have to avoid those other tempting goodies!!)

I want to get lots done ahead of time this morning, so I'd better get at it.

Just wanted to wish all the other Canadians here a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Old 10-11-2015, 09:52 AM   #252  
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Originally Posted by hysteria_625 View Post
Btw - anyone else made the naked burrito? I might have done something wrong and maybe it is the fact I equate Hispanic food with cheese but I wasn't overly impressed
The first time I made it I wasn't that thrilled with it but I tweaked it just a bit with some more seasonings (1/8 tsp habanero powder, and a lot of fresh garlic) and I use my dairy allotment by adding 1 T shredded low fat cheddar and topping it with homemade pico de gallo and chili garlic sauce instead of the mockamole. It is in my regular weekly rotation now.
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Old 10-11-2015, 01:12 PM   #253  
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Originally Posted by frawniemae View Post
The first time I made it I wasn't that thrilled with it but I tweaked it just a bit with some more seasonings (1/8 tsp habanero powder, and a lot of fresh garlic) and I use my dairy allotment by adding 1 T shredded low fat cheddar and topping it with homemade pico de gallo and chili garlic sauce instead of the mockamole. It is in my regular weekly rotation now.
Phew! Habanero! lol - that might be a bit much for my mid-Atlantic tongue I figured there was a reason there are a lot of options to add to it...I might try to make the mockamole (I love guacamole) and try again next week

Linda - I commented on the Turkey Day thread ...but yah, summer's over. We used to have a boat so I feel your pain! I still can't find jicama sticks around here...I know TJ's sells them but there isn't one handy to us...wish Wegman's would get on board! I don't mind peeling / cutting though and think I will try the cinnamon / stevia for something different. I LOVE the fries I've been making with Tony's Creole Seasoning

HIS - glad your run went well and sending positive thoughts to your daughter. I am sure with your help she will do great I love Blue's idea of gifting Janeva's cookbook

Happy Thanksgiving Blue! Sorry for all your family's losses this past year. How difficult

Oh man - chayote is amazing I've even started peeling / dicing / seasoning / storing & taking to work with me (cooking there) to have with different b'fast options. Idk - I guess it just scratches the missing-fruit itch and it a lot quicker than the compote - actually I've been keeping both around

The Pig Roast went really well! Lot's of family time - DD10 had a blast with the kids. I did ok IP-wise. Ended up eating P2 protein - I ate my 8oz turkey burger before we arrived, but then found a pan full of non-bbq'd fresh pork...and went back for probably 16oz total of meat - and 2 restricted products. I did stay away from the peanut butter bar - yay me! I slacked on the veggies though - usually there are a couple veggie trays, but not this year - the only choices were celery w/ peanut butter and carrots. I had brought some pre cut cucumbers and peppers but never went to eat them.

Quiet day today!!!!!!!!!!! Got all my prep done for the week - Pork / rutabaga is in the crock pot, curried cauliflower is cooked, Wed / Thur DD10 dance night dinners ready for reheat. I get to actually watch football this afternoon and maybe take a nap

New favorite (mostly) IP-friendly "ice cream"
- Proti Thin vanilla pudding
- 1T PBFit
- 1T WF Caramel dip
- 1 packet stevia
- ice
- 6oz water
*drool* ahhhhhhhhh! This has been a lifesaver - and so much faster than freezing my pudding

Oh - and decided to stop taking the collagen supplement. I really think I was having a mild allergic reaction to something in throat was sticky / itchy constantly...took the last one Friday morning, none since, and its stopped. Sucks, because it was making a difference...Back to Biotin, 5000mcg

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Old 10-12-2015, 10:44 AM   #254  
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Happy start to a new week, everyone!

My on-protocol meatloaf turned out pretty well. I used 16 oz. ground beef, 2 bags of BBQ Quest chips (crunched up into crumbs), 1 egg, a dribble of milk, and 1-2 Tbsp. of no-sugar-added ketchup. My daughter liked it and took the leftovers home, so it passed muster. The "normal" people at the table were having cornbread, mashed potatoes, and broccoli with their meatloaf, but my daughter is already sick of broccoli, so I offered to make mashed cauliflower. That was the first time I tried pureeing it in the Ninja, which worked great and she liked it.

She loves dehydrated veggie chips, so I ordered 6 more trays for my dehydrator so she can dry 10 cups of zucchini at one time. That machine will look like a small building on the countertop. The things we do for our kids.

Her challenges are a bit different than mine. She's hypothyroid; she's single and works full-time; her job involves being at a lot of events with food (she works in the marketing department for a hospital system). So she has to have foods that are easy to transport and prepare. I don't know if she'll ever be thin - she takes after my husband's side of the family, who are all apple-shaped with thyroid problems - but I'd sure like to see her get down to a healthier weight. I was planning to be in or close to P4 for our American thanksgiving meal, but she will still be in P1, so I've decided to eat OP foods in solidarity with her on that day.

I wore my new (thrifted) Ann Taylor size 8 skirt to church yesterday and got a million compliments! Even one of my young friends, a guy who's about 26, told me I looked "cute." That was a nice NSV.
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Old 10-12-2015, 03:44 PM   #255  
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HIS - the meatloaf sounds great & what a fantastic NSV & I really hope my daughter comes around too - it is wonderful you are so supportive! Love the picture in my mind of the towering dehydrator

Sorry everyone - its been one of THOSE days again...hungry, hungry, hangry *sigh*. There is a definite pattern and I knew I was amping up over the weekend - yesterday was hard too, but I was able to distract myself with TV, a walk, a, not so much I already had my stashed Coconut Cashew Quest bar and been eating cucumbers like crazy - I've almost eaten a whole cucumber today!

Another day or two and I should be past the worst

40 days and 40 nights - the countdown to P2 continues
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