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Old 10-22-2015, 09:24 AM   #316  
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PreciousMissy and Fearless74, welcome! Hope to see you posting more about your journeys soon. Missy, I had never done a meal replacement protocol, either. This one has worked very well for me.

Destony, it's nice to "see" you. I've heard hula hooping is a good workout. Probably great for your core!

Amber and Beth, it's interesting to read your thoughts about extra fat, especially now that I'm fighting this feeling of being a bottomless pit every evening. I'm sure more fat would help. But what I crave every evening is meat. I've started eating 2 oz. of deli turkey before bed. Makes me wonder if I'm anemic or something.

I'm hoping to hit -55 pounds lost by my WI on Monday. Then I just have one more week on P1! That seems unbelievable.

We are under a flash flood watch for the next 3 days. I think I can get my walking in this morning before the storms come, but tomorrow's running plan might have to be done on a treadmill at the gym. Running in a little drizzle is one thing; running in a torrential downpour is another.

Last edited by HereIStand; 10-22-2015 at 09:25 AM.
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Old 10-22-2015, 09:53 AM   #317  
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Hi Linda! Was thinking about you yesterday Wish we lived closer - that hula hoop class sounds like a blast!

Amber - do you track your macros? I was just curious with the addition of the healthy fats how much they changed? I am keeping my carb right at 20%, with fat / protein fluctuating a bit between 35 - 45%, respectively.

HIS - we were typing / posting at the same time - I saw on the news about the TX rains - ugh from one extreme (drought) to the other. Hope it holds off enough for you to get your runs in - DH says there is just no comparison, treadmill vs. running outside. Interesting about the meat and it absolutely could be your body telling you something - mine has definitely been for fat - mayo, avocados, and even the container of Rocky Road ice cream I had a brief struggle with last Friday (the last obviously being fat, nuts, chocolate & sugar...& I don't even LIKE Rocky Road hmmm).

Took my last dose of Miralax last night (for now). Still no bad side effects, but not yet as effective as I thought...I was aiming for a daily goal I am also impatient. Keeping up with the hot sauce / cayenne too. Definitely feel better than I did Monday though.

Janeva's Pizza Burger is a hit! I like this MUCH better than the naked burrito and the Marinara sauce is amazing! I will be making the sauce into maintenance & beyond! Reminds me of the OLD Pizza Hut sauce from my 80's childhood.

Still feeling really good today - scale crept up a teeny bit this morning but I am 99% sure TOM is really getting ready to start so if I am TOM bloated, can't wait to see what the scale says by Sunday / Monday

So, being mentally / physically back in the game, DH and I decided last night to go ahead with our little get together Halloween night with a few friends / family to celebrate both Halloween and my birthday. Until yesterday, I had ZERO interest in having the people I love around me eating candy and drinking beer, while I sat back and watched
It also helped that DD19 came home and cleaned up the house - including her little sisters room! My biggest hang up with the get-together was the house being such a wreck (in my OCD opinion ) and having to do everything to get ready. Bottom line is I hate to clean - I keep my kitchen spotless, but have a bad habit of letting the rest of the house go...and then what would normally take maybe an hour or two takes 4 or 5. I have a few things I need to get done - the stove and kitchen / bathroom floors. DD19 can help out a little more next week.
The really fun part will be that we're asking the adults coming to participate in the 'haunted house'.
DH goes ALL out for Halloween - the front of the house becomes a haunted landscape that has to be navigated to get candy - DH has a bunch of mannequins lining the walkway and hides among them to scare the older kids (I will walk out to little ones too scared to come up & he doesn't mess with the little ones...). We've done this for years and have become a neighborhood hot-spot - last year we made the online local newspaper
Last year, DD19 and her friend participated so we figure the more the merrier
The menu right now is looking to be fried fish and shrimp...probably pizza for the kids
DH asked me what we were going to do for a birthday cake and I tried to explain a mug cake to him but yah, I am going to indulge with a mug cake and make some peanut butter 'ice cream'

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Old 10-22-2015, 12:12 PM   #318  
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Good morning all! Thanks for the welcomes. And happy whenever-it-is birthday hysteria.

When I got home with my IP stuff last night my husband said "I didn't think you were starting that until Friday." I had set an appointment for Friday because it was the only free time I had that aligned with my coach's. A meeting was cancelled at the last minute so I called and she was able to fit me in.

"Why wait?!?" I told him. I am ready to get started and I think I need to strike while my iron is hot, and committed.

I will be honest, looking at how much weight I want to lose and how restrictive the plan is can be a little daunting. I have a long commute to work and this morning I was using the time to think up ways to modify my favorite recipes to fit within the plan.

One in particular is my green chili, which I didn't see the ingredients listed on allowable foods. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Canned diced tomatoes with garlic
More crushed garlic
Frozen diced green chilis
Onion, which isn't permitted cooked, but what about cooked shallots?
Low sodium chicken broth
Pork shoulder, which isn't on the list, but I could use pork loin instead
Various seasonings

I don't use flour or any kind of thickening agents in my green chili, I like for it to be more like a soup. Thanks in advance for your advice!
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Old 10-22-2015, 12:34 PM   #319  
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Missy, I ate my "chili" twice a week. You can only have tomatoes twice a week because they are higher glycemic veggies.
What I did was a cooked up whatever meat I was going to use (for me I used ground beef) say 2 lbs raw (which would be 4 servings). Then I would add 8 cups (4 servings) of the veg - mostly tomatoes (I would use either fresh or canned - just make sure there is no added sugar or oil) and sometimes I would throw in some peppers.
Shallots are fine. I also sometimes used onion flakes as a seasoning (the dried kind).
I believe the broth is "free" now but I didn't use it.

Then I separated out the 4 servings into glass containers and froze what I wasn't going to use.
It was also a nice "go to" as a meal when I didn't have anything else ready.

I did the same type of thing with chicken and other veggies that were not the twice a week variety, and would blend in the blender and freeze that also.

Soups were one of my main meals, esp. during the winter. They just seemed more flavorful to me and also made the 8 oz of protein easier to get down - not so much chewing.

The "daunting" feeling will likely go away after a week or two - once your body gets used to the ketosis and you get in the daily and weekly swing of food prep, it's actually really easy. If you read some of the old threads about travelling on IP there are also some good tips about how to make things faster and easier in general. You also will start to find the IP foods and veggies that you really like. That takes a few weeks.
After about the 2nd months I mostly just ate my favorites, I think that's what most people here do.

Hopefully that helps.

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Old 10-22-2015, 12:53 PM   #320  
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HIS - Hope the flooding doesn't affect you too much where you live. I'm sure at this stage of getting ready for the race you don't want to have to ease up on the running

Beth - thanks for the recommend on the Pizza burger! will have to try it next week. I did get Janeva's cookbook, took it in to show my coach who didn't have a copy so I loaned it to her for a week, till my next WI.
Your Halloween plans sound like such fun! We live out in the country, and don't get a lot of trick-or--treaters out here But our neighbours are having a party, should be lots of kids, should be fun.

..and enjoy the "cake and ice cream"

PreciousMissy- welcome! getting started is the hardest part!
It can be a bit daubnting at the beginning, but there are a lot of people here who have been where you are, and if we can do this, so can you!

It sounds like you're doing this through a clinic, if so, your coach should be able to answer a lot of your food questions.
For your recipe,
I would think green chilies would be Ok ( hot peppers are on the sheet).
Canned tomatoes are fine if they don't have any addedsugar (read the ingredients on the label).
You can have green onions (shallots would be the same as onions) and lean meat like pork loin is OK
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Old 10-22-2015, 12:59 PM   #321  
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Hi Everyone! Doing a little "sneaky pete" at
Fearless and Precious - welcome to you both!! It's an amazing process-!!!
I feel bad not being able to respond to everyone- then I can't remember wo said what on which forum...OY!!
Beth- I've been thinking about you too- trying to get a sec even to pm you.
HIS-it was- amazing! I bought a hoop and can't wait to do it at home tonight...there's even an app for it!!!
I'm a little sore, but hey- whatever- something to get excited about and get some workout in!
I've turned in to the dreaded daily weigher....driving myself bats because the scale barely moves- it fluctuates between 139.4 and 140. Arrrgh. Switched w/i this week to Friday morning because we want to go North Saturday to pick apples- and I will have some apple on Saturday come **** or high water- I want a bit of a HoneyCrisp[ and a bit of a JonaGold.
goota fly boss is back-
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Old 10-23-2015, 06:02 AM   #322  
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HIS, Blueskies and Beth Since we seem to be very similar in ourjourney here...I have a question for you all- I was laying in bed last night and realized that I'm not freezing like I was all the time like I was. I'm concerned (though I can't understand how it could happen) that I've knocked myself out of ketosis...have you experienced this?? Anyone else care to chime in? Amber, Lianna, Frawnie??? I know one thing- my memory is sh*^ ....though I am gooing to blame being 51 and NOT the diet!! I don't blame this diet for anything!!! (Except making me happy!!)
W/I this morning in a couple of hours. I don't expect to have moved... not sure why- don't see anything in my journal that would indicate a problem. Though suffering a little bit of the big C, (let's just say not my "usual" morning constitutional the past couple of days.... Hopefully, inches will be good-Hula Hooped in my living room for about 45 minutes last night- nothing to make me sweat like the night before at the class. I also did a little glute work- I feel it- what a feeling- I really am liking the hooping-
I was quite interested in reading the added fat discussion.
Beth, I'll be honest- I am missing my bag of Brach's Candy Corn. Granted I would only eat it once a season- but enough to make me feel sick and then I was good- how sick is that????
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Old 10-23-2015, 08:20 AM   #323  
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Originally Posted by Destony View Post
HIS, Blueskies and Beth Since we seem to be very similar in ourjourney here...I have a question for you all- I was laying in bed last night and realized that I'm not freezing like I was all the time like I was. I'm concerned (though I can't understand how it could happen) that I've knocked myself out of ketosis...have you experienced this?? Anyone else care to chime in? Amber, Lianna, Frawnie??? I know one thing- my memory is sh*^ ....though I am gooing to blame being 51 and NOT the diet!! I don't blame this diet for anything!!! (Except making me happy!!)
W/I this morning in a couple of hours. I don't expect to have moved... not sure why- don't see anything in my journal that would indicate a problem. Though suffering a little bit of the big C, (let's just say not my "usual" morning constitutional the past couple of days.... Hopefully, inches will be good-Hula Hooped in my living room for about 45 minutes last night- nothing to make me sweat like the night before at the class. I also did a little glute work- I feel it- what a feeling- I really am liking the hooping-
I was quite interested in reading the added fat discussion.
Beth, I'll be honest- I am missing my bag of Brach's Candy Corn. Granted I would only eat it once a season- but enough to make me feel sick and then I was good- how sick is that????
Linda, I can't help you with the "not freezing". I've always felt colder than everyone else, wearing sweaters when everyone is in short sleeves, so feeling on the cool side is pretty normal for me. I didn't notice any change there really with ketosis when I started on IP. Only thought I have - could it be pre-menopausal symptom? There again, no personal experience - I never really experienced any of the hot flashes (at best I had a few "warm flashes") so I'm just guessing at that. I'm sure some of the others will chime in though, with better answers.

Hula hooping sounds fun. I was pretty good at it when I was a kid. Now that I have a waist again it just might be something to try!!

Busy week, been out of town a few times, just all day trips, going again today. Going to take a salad along for lunch, and also some rhubarb compote (I had been eating it hot out of the microwave, much better cold! . Hopefully back by dinnertime, but I'll take along a bar and a drink just in case.

Texas people, that storm is sounding wicked, hope no one is affected too badly. Stay safe!

Have a good weekend everyone!
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Old 10-23-2015, 09:28 AM   #324  
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Originally Posted by PreciousMissy View Post
Good morning all! Thanks for the welcomes. And happy whenever-it-is birthday hysteria.

When I got home with my IP stuff last night my husband said "I didn't think you were starting that until Friday." I had set an appointment for Friday because it was the only free time I had that aligned with my coach's. A meeting was cancelled at the last minute so I called and she was able to fit me in.

"Why wait?!?" I told him. I am ready to get started and I think I need to strike while my iron is hot, and committed.

I will be honest, looking at how much weight I want to lose and how restrictive the plan is can be a little daunting. I have a long commute to work and this morning I was using the time to think up ways to modify my favorite recipes to fit within the plan.

One in particular is my green chili, which I didn't see the ingredients listed on allowable foods. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Canned diced tomatoes with garlic
More crushed garlic
Frozen diced green chilis
Onion, which isn't permitted cooked, but what about cooked shallots?
Low sodium chicken broth
Pork shoulder, which isn't on the list, but I could use pork loin instead
Various seasonings

I don't use flour or any kind of thickening agents in my green chili, I like for it to be more like a soup. Thanks in advance for your advice!
Hi PM - and good for you! Personally, I believe people are more likely to be successful with a mindset like yours - ie, "Just Do It" - mostly because that is how I am
Commute - I live in NoVa, outside DC, and my commute both ways is generally an hour, so I feel you. I am hypothyroid so I have to take my meds on an empty stomach and can't eat for an hour - been doing that for 8 years now, so it's old-hat. If you find it difficult to wait that long, you could always do a drink / shake to take with you.

I believe this is OneUh's recipe: Mexican green chili pork - it isn't "chili" per se though:
- Pork Tenderloin (1.5 - 2 #), cut into 1/2" cubes / browned
- 1 can (10oz) RoTel diced tomatoes (mild or original - both are IP friendly / no sugar added)
- 2 4oz cans green chilis (no sugar added in ingredients listing)
- 1/2C chicken broth
- 2 garlic cloves (you do need to be careful with garlic cloves on IP - real garlic has a lot of sugar)...I sub garlic powder
- 1t oregano
- 1t cumin
- 1/4t salt
- the rest is personal preference
- cilantro
- approx 4 green onions
- lime juice
Also, remember you can have raw onions - NOT cooked (learned this the hard way!) - but this does NOT extend to green onions - those are ok

Combine tomatoes, chilis, oregano, cumin, salt, and broth in large sauce pan - cook liquid down by about 1/2 (med-high)
- reduce heat, add pork, cover, and simmer until the pork is done / tender
- add cilantro, green onions, lime juice (if you want)
I usually add this to 1.5C spinach (to get the rest of the 2C veggies) and have a "taco salad" - at least that is what it reminds me of

Linda - I've read that our bodies become keto-adapted & this is why they advise NOT using the ketostix...I am honestly a little surprised you've been freezing the entire time - I had moments of super-cold each time I knocked myself out / went back into ketosis - but only the first 3 or 4 days. Like Blue, I tend to be cold-blooded - even when I was 234 & had tons of padding DH would happily keep the house around 68 if I let him & I keep a heater in my office. I really think you are ok...although keep in mind you most likely will knock yourself out of ketosis with the apples this weekend...but that could be a good thing & give your body a little shake-up.

Getting ready for DD10's Halloween performance tomorrow. Need to go home and dig out her zombie makeup!

I also get to make deviled eggs and brownies tonight

& the Miralax experiment... I read the guidelines and it says it can take 1 - 3 days to be effective. I am sorry to be so TMI but yeesh - its been 3 days again and I really hoped using the it daily would move things along a little better
I've never been one to have the "daily constitutional" - but every other was fairly normal. My mom told me I inherited her "super colon" (ugh!) - boy I wish she was here so I could ask her *sniff*

One disappointment - I ordered a Baltimore Raven's lady sweater for my b'day. The pictures online were awesome! It came yesterday and looked SO frikkin TACKY!!!!! I mean, for +$50 it should look really nice and seriously, it looked like the logo was barfed onto a cheap sweater. I already dropped it in the mail to be returned! It was HORRIBLE!

OTOH - SCALE victory - 147.2 this morning! Forget the tens...I am celebrating every drop in the "ones" digits now
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Old 10-23-2015, 10:58 AM   #325  
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Linda, I have freezing moments, and then crazy hot flash moments.(I had my ovaries removed 5 years ago, and the hot flashes have been my most severe symptom. Still having them even now!) I attribute the cold less to ketosis, and more to having a whole lot less body fat.

Amber and Beth, I experimented with your higher-fat theory last night. I made pork shoulder in the crock pot for dinner, and it's not a low-fat cut of meat. Then I ate 10 oz of it! Along with my 2 c. of cauliflower. It was the first time in many days that I felt sated throughout the evening. I was kind of worried about getting my snack in, and how many calories it would total up to, but I ended up having a protein gelatin (60 cal, no carbs) which didn't feel like too much. I was so comfortably full, I really thought the scale would move UP this morning. So I was shocked to see a 3/4 pound loss!! You girls might be on to something. Maybe there needs to be a Phase 1.5, where you increase your fat intake once you get to within 10 pounds of goal.

When I got up this morning, it wasn't raining, so I laced up in a hurry and got my run in. Five minutes after I got back in the house, the skies opened up. We're supposed to get rain all day tomorrow, and with a bridal shower to attend in the afternoon, I don't know if I'll get my speed work in or not. Might have to do it Sunday afternoon, even though I don't enjoy running after lunch.

I hate to do it in this rain, but I have to drive into the city today to do a bunch of errands. If traffic isn't too bad, I want to go to a NY&Co store to find some black dress pants. They have tall sizes, and I could order online, but since I've never bought clothes there before, I really want to try on a few styles.
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Old 10-23-2015, 11:16 AM   #326  
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Beth - I go through cycles of tracking, seeing what works for me. I always tracked for the first few months of maintenance, and now I'm just doing it from time to time and seeing if I can eat a little more intuitively. But because I tracked for so long I have a general idea of the calorie range and macros.
My fats (in P4 - I didn't track macros during P1) were always on the high side, about 40 to 45%. The percentage went up if I didn't get quite enough protein in. I usually shot for about 100 to 120 g of protein. If I went under 100 I noticed my blood sugar "hungries" started to swing more.

Linda - Liana likely could help more, I only could answer from my own experience but not the science of it all.
I did start getting cold on P1 but it was because of the lost weight - just not having the layers. Now that it's getting colder here, I notice I'm freezing all the time - just not used to not having the fat to warm me up.
On the days I exercise it's better - so I'm wondering if your exercise might have helped rather than any change with ketosis. The ketosis certainly didn't keep me warm.
I never worried about being in or out of ketosis when I was on P1 - I just assumed if I was on program that I was in it.

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Old 10-23-2015, 11:23 AM   #327  
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HIS - you were posting as I was, just saw your post.
My doctor actually tells people to add the fat if they have a stall - it can accelerate the loss in those situations.
Your post reminded me also, that when I had those symptoms I also tried to get as much of the fattier meats in as I could - I ate red meat quite a bit, at least half the time. I needed the extra calories.
Esp. if you are exercising, you will need them at this stage.

What my doctor/clinic would always say is "try it - if you stall or gain weight, then cut it out again".
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Old 10-23-2015, 11:37 AM   #328  
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Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

Thanks for the recipe hysteria. Blueskies also mentioned that green onions can be cooked. I'll have to give them a try. I bought shallots yesterday but ate them raw in my salads. My commute is also an hour on a good day, two if it looks like there is a slight chance that moisture will come from the sky.

I found a recipe online for a tomato soup "bread" so I am going to have my 8oz for lunch and try the bread tonight. I also heard that the potato puree wasn't all that tasty but could be made into a "tortilla". I'm very excited to start experimenting with different packets.

Have a wonderful afternoon all!

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Old 10-23-2015, 11:38 AM   #329  
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Thank you ladies!!!
Turns out, I likely have knocked myself out of ketosis. I thought I read somewhere that we can have up to 5 "extras" a day- you know, like stevia and such. I took that to mean that 5 servings of WF products too- so if I had Strawberry syrup which is 1T serving, having 2T was fine, and if I had pancake syrup on a pancake 1T was fine, I was still under the 5 extra thing. Yeah, not so much- it's 2 servings a day limit on WF who up until recently rarely put anything extra except Franks Red Hot or Horseradish on my food, has been experimenting with the WF products. So, that being said, the apple tomorrow won't be a big deal I'm already out of ketosis. I gained 1.2 lbs, but took another 1/2 inch off my waist. She explained to me the weight is just water, so I'm not overly devastated. Sunday, I'll jump back in hardcore, maybe no restricted things for a couple of days (thank gawd for Krispy squares) and hopefully be back in ketosis by Wednesday.
HIS I usually have ice cold hands and feet, but then have a hot flash at the same time...OY - I apologize to anyone I ever laughed at when they told me they were having a hot about cooking form the inside out! Be safe driving!! Oh shopping for clothes...What is up with the new sizing of pants??? 24, 26?? WTH??
Onward and upward-OH and to the new people who have just joined us- I want to reitterate the importance of keeping your food log- without it- my coach never would have known what the problem was and who knows how long I would have gone on???
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Old 10-23-2015, 02:12 PM   #330  
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I don't post on here much, but I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of the posts I see from everyone. I'm always learning something new (and I've done this before)!

I have a good friend that is also on this plan as well (we both do alternatives) and she can't believe how easy it is and how fast you lose. Since then I've found out two other friends are on the plan. It's nice to have my friends support group, but I also really like the support I receive here as well. No offense to my friends, but I prefer this site's support to theirs. Maybe is the quasi anonymity the site offers...and just the varied experiences you learn from.

Raining here today, which I think is crazy being it's the end of October and I live in what I call the tundra. (Though some of you are more tundra located than I). I'll take the rain over the bad four letter word any day!

Have a great OP weekend everyone!
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