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Old 03-02-2011, 08:14 PM   #256  
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Hi everyone! I was referred to this sight by my coach, so Billie if you see this thank you!!
I start IP tomorrow, I am so nervous, scared, and excited all at once. If any of you could give me some tips and tricks of the trade that would be great!!!

A little about myself... My name is Amy, I am 26 and a mother of 4. I am married to a wonderful and amazing husband who is currently deployed. We are currently stationed in Fort Hood TX.

I am looking forward to loosing weight, making myself healthier and better for myself, my hubby and my kids. In the mean time I would love to make some new friends!

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Old 03-03-2011, 12:35 AM   #257  
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Hey! I'm Tatiana, I'm finishing day 3, just started on Monday. I'm 25, 5'6 and I guess I'll be using my coach's scale as my weight which was 228 (why does it seem that my at home scale is always lower than scales at doctor offices, clinics, etc?!). My goal is 160 for now, I have no idea what my body will look like at that weight since I can't remember being that small! I'm naturally muscular and have a big frame so we'll see! I have PCOS so I'm no stranger to the concept of low carb and I have done short stints before. I decided mid January that I'd be starting a diet for the last time and began with Atkins. I lost about 9 lbs my first week and then only 3 lbs in a month, I was very strict (I have a good amount of will power!) and I exercised quite a bit, so I got very discouraged. I ended up going off the diet over week ago due to a bad stomach bug and read something about IP and looked into it more. I got excited about a more structured program, that way I know if it's me or if it's the diet should I have slow weight loss. I'm only disappointed with the limits on exercising, as I just discovered Zumba and I like it a lot! I also have a fairly active job as a nanny to 16 month old triplets so I'm hoping that the calories are enough!
I'm very excited to be on this program and would love to be a success story! Now if only I could learn to love the taste of whey protein and drink water without using the bathroom so much!
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:19 AM   #258  
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Hello,i am Ricki. I read about IP in a newspaper. Sounded great. Decided to research it and was led to your site. Wow amazing people and info. I have really enjoyed reading about all of you. I am very shy and was afraid to go to a clinic and sign up. Have failed at so many other diets. I am doing IP online with idealtogo. My packets will arrive today. Am so looking forward to getting started. Your recipe thread and newbie tips are a godsend. You all are inspiring. Rosemary's story had me in tears. keep up the good work.
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Old 03-05-2011, 09:35 AM   #259  
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Hi Everyone!

I'm just over a week into my journey and am so glad to have found this site! (It's what has kept me sane so far!!).

I, like so many others, have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I've tried many ways to lose weight - some successfully, some not but it always comes back (and then some)!!

After a 7lb loss at my first weigh in, I am very optimistic this time!

A quick thank you to all the experienced IPer's here, it has made such a difference in my first week. In fact anytime I struggle, I come here and read. Not only does it take my mind off of food, it gives me a kick in the butt and a reminder of what I'm working towards!
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:35 AM   #260  
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Originally Posted by deve67 View Post
Hello,i am Ricki. I read about IP in a newspaper. Sounded great. Decided to research it and was led to your site. Wow amazing people and info. I have really enjoyed reading about all of you. I am very shy and was afraid to go to a clinic and sign up. Have failed at so many other diets. I am doing IP online with idealtogo. My packets will arrive today. Am so looking forward to getting started. Your recipe thread and newbie tips are a godsend. You all are inspiring. Rosemary's story had me in tears. keep up the good work.
Ricki don't be shy! That is one of the best things about posting online. Anonymity. You only have to post what you want, when you want!

Welcome to this forum. READ everything there is a host of info on this site.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:43 AM   #261  
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Originally Posted by ruralchick View Post
Hi Everyone!

I'm just over a week into my journey and am so glad to have found this site! (It's what has kept me sane so far!!).

I, like so many others, have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I've tried many ways to lose weight - some successfully, some not but it always comes back (and then some)!!

After a 7lb loss at my first weigh in, I am very optimistic this time!

A quick thank you to all the experienced IPer's here, it has made such a difference in my first week. In fact anytime I struggle, I come here and read. Not only does it take my mind off of food, it gives me a kick in the butt and a reminder of what I'm working towards!
Rurachick welcome. This forum is great. And like I just suggested to Ricki - READ this forum, almost every question you can think of has been answered. BUT, I will also agree that it is not easy to search this forum.

Once I find the formula for searching on google I will post. Heck most of the time I forget how to search!
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:33 PM   #262  
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SO MANY new people!! Thank you all for sharing your stories. I really am looking forward to getting to know you all!
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Old 03-07-2011, 12:37 AM   #263  
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Default Hi!

First, let me say how inspiring and encouraging your stories are! Thank you for sharing!

My name is Sherilyn, I'm 42 years old, married for 2 1/2 years with twin 19 yr old stepkids (one of each) and a 2 yr old dachshund named Gracie. I have struggled with my weight all my life, and the resulting self-esteem issues. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome, possible PCOS, and recently some thyroid problems. After my HBP scare several years ago, I lost about 40 lbs and was able to go off those meds (permanently!!), but then got complacent and gained almost all of the weight back.

In January, my chiropractor started offering IP and I was intrigued. After watching her for a month, I decided to give it a try. Nothing else has ever worked for me, mostly because I believed I wasn't 'worthy' and didn't stick with it. I started IP on 1/31/11, and I lost 9 lbs in the first week! That was quite the motivator, and I am 5 weeks into it as of tomorrow, and I think I'm going to hit the 25 lb mark! Today I easily wore a pair of jeans that had gotten too uncomfortable, and I tried on a pair of jeans that were awfully tight when I bought them (thinking I'd lose some weight and they'd fit), and they actually fit, too!! My chiro is a wonderful woman who truly believes in me, even when I don't believe in myself!! It is partly a desire not to disappoint her that has kept me cheat free the last five weeks. But I'll take the success however it's packaged!

Seeing the results on the scale every week is definitely a motivator, but the hope that I can undo some of the health problems (pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, etc.) is really keeping me going. I have had chronic back pain, 2 knee surgeries (same knee), and general fatigue in the last couple of years, and even after only 5 weeks I am noticing a lessening of the back pain and more ability to move!

I am so glad that all of you are here to support and encourage! THANK YOU!!

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Old 03-08-2011, 10:02 PM   #264  
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Okay! MY turn! MY turn! So excited and hopeful to be joining you all. My name is Dawn and I am on week 3 of my IP experience... I am just under 5 ft tall and started at 150lbs which puts me in the obese catagory. Week one I lost 5lbs and this week only 2 but it is in the right direction! My concern is my coach originally told me there was a chance of pregnancy with this diet. So I have been really good about my Birth control pills but today she really stressed the high risk of pregnancy. I am allergic to latex. Any input from you wise people would be helpful.
Also when can I start to exercise... my coach wasnt clear on this and I know it will help.
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:18 PM   #265  
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Hello everyone! I am new here. My friend and I are both starting IP (alternative) tomorrow. It will be good to have a friend to go through this together. I found this site about 2 days ago while getting things ready to start. You guys/gals are wonderful!! You all have already taught me so much!

I am 34, married with 6 kiddos (oldest 17 youngest 4). so our house is really busy. My weight gain started after baby #6 and slowly increased over the last 4 years. I am ready to get this weight off and start to enjoy doing fun things with the kids again without getting tried. I learned about IP through a local newspaper. At first I was discouraged thinking I had to go to a doctor to get on the program but the more searching and studying I did found out that I didn't have to. Which is a relief! My grocery bill is already $150 a week I couldn't imagine adding on another $100 plus a week.

Well it will be really nice and fun getting to know all of you.

Best wishes
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:26 PM   #266  
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Originally Posted by Jaclyn06 View Post
Hello everyone! I am new here. My friend and I are both starting IP (alternative) tomorrow. It will be good to have a friend to go through this together. I found this site about 2 days ago while getting things ready to start. You guys/gals are wonderful!! You all have already taught me so much!

I am 34, married with 6 kiddos (oldest 17 youngest 4). so our house is really busy. My weight gain started after baby #6 and slowly increased over the last 4 years. I am ready to get this weight off and start to enjoy doing fun things with the kids again without getting tried. I learned about IP through a local newspaper. At first I was discouraged thinking I had to go to a doctor to get on the program but the more searching and studying I did found out that I didn't have to. Which is a relief! My grocery bill is already $150 a week I couldn't imagine adding on another $100 plus a week.

Well it will be really nice and fun getting to know all of you.

Best wishes
Jackie,I started IP 4 days ago and am also Central Illinois. Princeton area. Where are you located?
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:27 PM   #267  
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I am in Bradford. Work in Princeton. My friend who is starting IP too is in Spring Valley, she works in Princeton too. That is really neat! Of all places little ol' Princeton, lol.

Last edited by Jaclyn06; 03-08-2011 at 11:34 PM.
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:42 PM   #268  
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Jackie, We lived in Buda for 11 yrs before moving outside of Princeton.My husband and I both work in Princeton. Saw Doctors article in newstribune and thought it sounded great. Tried to talk my girlfriend in Spring Valley into doing it but she wanted to see how I did before she tries it.I am doing it online at idealtogo.
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:56 PM   #269  
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That is where we seen the article also. We have lived in Bradford for 5 years now, moved from Peoria but my husband and his family are from Sheffield and Manlius.

Well, now you can tell your friend that there are 2 more people close doing IP. We are both doing the alternative. I am pretty hyped about it. Know it will be hard but hopefully by next spring I can take the kids on a long bike ride on the canal. We go there a lot during the warmer months. It is so pretty and quite.

Good luck & best wishes!
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Old 03-09-2011, 10:44 AM   #270  
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I'm 3 days in, and really excited about the Ideal Protein plan. I have PCOS, and Insulin Resistance has always been a terrible burden! I thought I could do it by cutting down on carbs alone, but I didn't lose a pound. I know this sounds weird, but I've already dropped 5 pounds in 3 days.... Is that normal? Trust me, I'm not complaining I go to my WI on friday, and I can't wait to see what her scale says. I'm just confused, because I really don't feel bad. My energy is ok, I don't feel sick, and I feel good overall. Has anyone else lost that much in such a short amount of time?
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