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Old 03-30-2011, 07:23 PM   #301  
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I am Tracey G

I just found this site and am loving it!!!

I started IP three weeks ago. Had my 3rd weighin today and I am down 13 excited!
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Old 03-31-2011, 01:08 PM   #302  
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Hi Fellow IPers!

So far it's been 4.5 weeks and 16.5 pounds lost on IP. Wahoo! I want to extend a hello and am excited to exchange information, ideas, stories and thoughts.

All my best...
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Old 04-01-2011, 11:44 AM   #303  
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My name is Katy and I just turned 26. I was very active growing up-in 3 sports in High School plus marching band. I started on my college swim team before I injured my shoulder halfway through the season. It pretty much ended any swimming I could do, but I kept eating like I was as active as before. I gained a lot of weight, but started WW my senior year. I lost about 40 pounds and was running about 15 miles/week before I did too much too fast and injured my knee. When I stopped running I started eating emotionally. I gained back all the weight I lost and then I started traveling 80% for work and gained about another 50 pounds. So now I am about 110 from where I wanted to be originally. Eating healthy/making good decisions is very hard for me while traveling since I eat out 3 meals/day 3-5 days/week. I needed something very structured and rigid. My mother started IPD last week and said it would be perfect for my travel and based on my researched I agreed. I met with my coach yesterday and started my diet as soon as I got home. I leave for Fort Worth on Sunday and am looking forward to adjusting my life on the road to something healthier.
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Old 04-01-2011, 06:25 PM   #304  
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Hello I am a mom of 2 beautiful boys and live in Edmonton, AB...I am new to IP, week 1, day 4....first weigh in on Monday. I like the plan so far, but worry that I will get tired of the vegetables that are on the plan in phase 1.

I have been heavy since having my second child, it makes me upset and a little depressed so I decided to do something about it. I just weighed my heaviest at 186 lbs and couldn't believe that I let myself go there. 3 years ago before I had my first child I was about 128 lbs.....I am so dissappointed in myself, and being its a new year, decided to make a plan to lose this weight once and for all and get back down to my 128lbs. I had tried WW with no success as I found that it was not strict enough for me, I do better on a strict regimen. I did lose 16lbs on WW but ended up gaining it back, this was super discouraging for me. I found that nothing was off limits and this was my weakness....I would eat what was within my points but then still want more.

My husband was and is super supportive of me and thinks I am beautiful no matter what size, but I told him I do not feel like me and miserable me is not a good one. I want to be able to do things with my children and husband for a long time, so this was just the program that fit exactly what I was looking for.

Good luck to everyone
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Old 04-03-2011, 10:21 AM   #305  
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Hi, y'all! I have just started IP this morning after several weeks of preparation, removing carbs from the house, and saying goodbye to some of my bad-for-you favorites.

I am 31 and an Accounting student. I am in my junior year and plan to graduate November of 2012. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have 2 adorable furbabies, Mouse- the cat and Arthur- the dog.

I have always had problems with weight and was a chubby kid. Being overweight runs in my family, as does criticism for that weight. I was told as a kid to suck in my tummy so I wouldn't look fat. Anytime I asked for a second helping of something, I would get dirty looks from my mom. At the same time, my dad was getting thirds, so I was understandably confused.

I really started trying to be proactive about my weight when I hit puberty. I went on a SlimFast diet one summer and went from a size 18/20 to a size 14/16. I was 150 lbs and thought I was hot stuff. That winter I helped at a book store and hurt my back lifting a box of books. My doctor told me my back was hurting because I needed to lose my "spare tire." Being a teenager, I was overly-dramatic and devastated by his lack of compassion. What self-esteem I had gained was lost.

During the course of my high school years I put on enought weight to go back to a size 18, but stayed at a steady weight until I hit 18. BOOM! Everything started to change. My monthly cycles went crazy and I put 90 lbs on during the school year. I was living in a dorm on campus and was too proud to ask for help with food. I lived off of poor college kid food: ramen noodles and potatoes.

It never really hit me how big I was becoming until my wedding when I was 19. I couldn't even look at my own wedding pictures without feeling shame. And thus, the adult dieting began. I tried doing it on my own- no success. I broke my jaw and had my mouth wired shut for 6 weeks so it could heal- lost 80 lbs, put it and more back on when I could eat solid foods again. Went to WW- lost 50 lbs, have put it and more back on. I was put on Byetta, then Victoza because of insulin resistance- no success.

I am now past the most terrifying number I have ever seen. My scale that weighs up to 400 lbs flashes E at me. The doctor's scale won't weigh me. I am desperate and I am scared. I fell on ice and broke my tailbone a few years ago. At least it felt like it was broken, the x-rays wouldn't go through.

I found IP at my nutrition store where I get my vitamins. The phrase, "Your last diet" intrigued the skeptic in me. So I did some research. I have read so many forums, blogs, medical studies, and clinic pages. What really impressed me was that it was specifically designed for insulin problems. No diet or nutritionist I have been to has ever taken this into consideration. I also loved the fact you gradually introduce healthy carbs back in. My experience with having my mouth wired shut taught me that my first food off of a diet should not be Taco Bell!

I want to learn to eat well. I want to learn to cook without canned goods and premade foods with tons of salt and preservatives. I want to learn how to cook with spices and herbs. I want to eat fresh food, even organic food.

I want to walk my dog in the park or around the block. I want to go grocery shopping without my lower back hurting. I want to fit in the coach section of a plane. I want to not worry if the chairs in the waiting room or in a concert hall or at a ball field will be big enough for me. I want to sit in the back seat of my mom's car and be able to fasten the seatbelt. I want to wear cute clothes. I want to wear sandals. I want to walk in the woods. I want to ride rollarcoasters. I want to buy sexy undies! I want to grow old. I want to live.

All of these reasons and more are why I started IP today. Thank God I have a partner in life who is supportive enough to give up foods that would tempt me, that would encourage me for all of the right reasons, that would be my cheerleader. If he weren't supportive and kept bread in the house or sodas or sweets, I know I would fail. I cannot fail. My parents have wised up and have lost their weight. They are now helping me with the cost of IP. We have gone from a fat, criticizing family to a family who is taking control and getting healthy.
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:13 PM   #306  
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Originally Posted by rjslilmommie View Post
Hello I am a mom of 2 beautiful boys and live in Edmonton, AB...I am new to IP, week 1, day 4....first weigh in on Monday. I like the plan so far, but worry that I will get tired of the vegetables that are on the plan in phase 1.

I have been heavy since having my second child, it makes me upset and a little depressed so I decided to do something about it. I just weighed my heaviest at 186 lbs and couldn't believe that I let myself go there. 3 years ago before I had my first child I was about 128 lbs.....I am so dissappointed in myself, and being its a new year, decided to make a plan to lose this weight once and for all and get back down to my 128lbs. I had tried WW with no success as I found that it was not strict enough for me, I do better on a strict regimen. I did lose 16lbs on WW but ended up gaining it back, this was super discouraging for me. I found that nothing was off limits and this was my weakness....I would eat what was within my points but then still want more.

My husband was and is super supportive of me and thinks I am beautiful no matter what size, but I told him I do not feel like me and miserable me is not a good one. I want to be able to do things with my children and husband for a long time, so this was just the program that fit exactly what I was looking for.

Good luck to everyone
Welcome! The first week can be rough, but it gets so much better. I just finished my 6th week, and I can't imagine what it would have been like without the info & support I've gotten from this forum. You'll love it!!
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:19 PM   #307  
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What a great thread, I am so inspired by all of your stories!

I am 28 and realizing that I can no longer eat whatever I want without it effecting me. I've had two miscarriages in the last year and a half, and although we have two beautiful daughters, I was deeply affected by the losses. Emotional eating began. I have never struggled with emotional eating before. I was great at just eating to live. Not anymore. It's like once that door is opened, there's no going back. Well, I've decided to be proactive and I'm now on my third day of IP. I know- not far, but I WILL go far! I guarantee it!

I know with support and determination we can all achieve our goals!
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Old 04-03-2011, 04:06 PM   #308  
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Great Stories and movation!
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Old 04-05-2011, 12:25 AM   #309  
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Default Need help!

I have been reading these blogs for curiosity the last several weeks since I have started IP and now seriously need help ...!!!
I have always been very fit at 115 lb and after having 2nd child gained over 80lb!! After deliver quickly got down to about 162 but weight did not seem to move.
Had thyroid cancer (sep of 2010) and half of it was removed, however the problem for not loosing weight was completely different - I only ate 1x or 2x every 3 days - always career and family took priority and I would forget to eat. I only ran on 2 Venti cups of coffee all day long .. This is sad ..
IP was easy to start as I had about 4x more meals a day v.s what I usually would have (NOTHING). The only problem was finding time to cook and eat. I have never been junk food eater or had a sweet tooth (well, maybe 1X a month before period) but that was it.
I have lost about 23 lb in 7 weeks and have another 25 to go. I SLIPPED and ate 6 croissants yesterday and had a little bite of chocolate tonight!!!!! For the first time in my life I actually feel hunger and particularly lurking around the kitchen for sweet stuff - anything SWEET. I justify it by telling myself it is that time of the month again but I know that is not it. I need some help -
I do not understand why this is happening but there is got to be logical explanation for it. Also, I am not going to gain weight because of my devilish acts in the last few day, right?? I would appreciate any info I can get!
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Old 04-05-2011, 04:30 PM   #310  
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I have not read this entire thread, but am curious about IP as my BFF just came to visit and said her chiro recommends it. I hadn't heard of it before.

I looked online and found a place that has it near me.

How different is it than Medifast? Has anyone here done both and can compare? Medifast gave me some big gastro intestinal issues and I think it was the soy and the malitol in the products. Will IP cause some of the same issues?

My understanding is that her chiro charges about $350 for the first week and $85 every week after that for food. Is this about what the rest of you have paid?


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Old 04-05-2011, 04:51 PM   #311  
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Originally Posted by Babiesfat View Post
I have been reading these blogs for curiosity the last several weeks since I have started IP and now seriously need help ...!!!
I have always been very fit at 115 lb and after having 2nd child gained over 80lb!! After deliver quickly got down to about 162 but weight did not seem to move.
Had thyroid cancer (sep of 2010) and half of it was removed, however the problem for not loosing weight was completely different - I only ate 1x or 2x every 3 days - always career and family took priority and I would forget to eat. I only ran on 2 Venti cups of coffee all day long .. This is sad ..
IP was easy to start as I had about 4x more meals a day v.s what I usually would have (NOTHING). The only problem was finding time to cook and eat. I have never been junk food eater or had a sweet tooth (well, maybe 1X a month before period) but that was it.
I have lost about 23 lb in 7 weeks and have another 25 to go. I SLIPPED and ate 6 croissants yesterday and had a little bite of chocolate tonight!!!!! For the first time in my life I actually feel hunger and particularly lurking around the kitchen for sweet stuff - anything SWEET. I justify it by telling myself it is that time of the month again but I know that is not it. I need some help -
I do not understand why this is happening but there is got to be logical explanation for it. Also, I am not going to gain weight because of my devilish acts in the last few day, right?? I would appreciate any info I can get!
OMG! You are a text book case of what not to do. That's tough love, if you're still reading.

First, you were in starvation mode (Google it) and systems shut down to preserve energy which, most often, =s weight gain and other serious or potentially serious consequences.

7 week with a +3 pound lose is fantastic. 6 croissants verges on grotesque; vicious self-assault????? You didn't slip. You fell into a lava and fat-filled crater.

Huge infusions of carbs and fats invariably lead to acute cravings. WHY DO THIS TO YOURSELF? Of course, you'll put on weight; and of course, you can take it off by getting back into ketosis. But the collateral damage!

I'm sorry if I sound as though I'm flying off the handle, but what you're doing scares me silly. Please, please, please, sit down with your coach and have a heart-to-heart discussion about Eating.

EDIT: Now that I've calmed down a bit, I hope you realize that what I said about being scared was right from the heart.

Last edited by Linden; 04-05-2011 at 05:15 PM.
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Old 04-05-2011, 05:08 PM   #312  
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Originally Posted by NannyOgg View Post
Hi, y'all! I have just started IP this morning after several weeks of preparation, removing carbs from the house, and saying goodbye to some of my bad-for-you favorites.

I am 31 and an Accounting student. I am in my junior year and plan to graduate November of 2012. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have 2 adorable furbabies, Mouse- the cat and Arthur- the dog.

I have always had problems with weight and was a chubby kid. Being overweight runs in my family, as does criticism for that weight. I was told as a kid to suck in my tummy so I wouldn't look fat. Anytime I asked for a second helping of something, I would get dirty looks from my mom. At the same time, my dad was getting thirds, so I was understandably confused.

I really started trying to be proactive about my weight when I hit puberty. I went on a SlimFast diet one summer and went from a size 18/20 to a size 14/16. I was 150 lbs and thought I was hot stuff. That winter I helped at a book store and hurt my back lifting a box of books. My doctor told me my back was hurting because I needed to lose my "spare tire." Being a teenager, I was overly-dramatic and devastated by his lack of compassion. What self-esteem I had gained was lost.

During the course of my high school years I put on enought weight to go back to a size 18, but stayed at a steady weight until I hit 18. BOOM! Everything started to change. My monthly cycles went crazy and I put 90 lbs on during the school year. I was living in a dorm on campus and was too proud to ask for help with food. I lived off of poor college kid food: ramen noodles and potatoes.

It never really hit me how big I was becoming until my wedding when I was 19. I couldn't even look at my own wedding pictures without feeling shame. And thus, the adult dieting began. I tried doing it on my own- no success. I broke my jaw and had my mouth wired shut for 6 weeks so it could heal- lost 80 lbs, put it and more back on when I could eat solid foods again. Went to WW- lost 50 lbs, have put it and more back on. I was put on Byetta, then Victoza because of insulin resistance- no success.

I am now past the most terrifying number I have ever seen. My scale that weighs up to 400 lbs flashes E at me. The doctor's scale won't weigh me. I am desperate and I am scared. I fell on ice and broke my tailbone a few years ago. At least it felt like it was broken, the x-rays wouldn't go through.

I found IP at my nutrition store where I get my vitamins. The phrase, "Your last diet" intrigued the skeptic in me. So I did some research. I have read so many forums, blogs, medical studies, and clinic pages. What really impressed me was that it was specifically designed for insulin problems. No diet or nutritionist I have been to has ever taken this into consideration. I also loved the fact you gradually introduce healthy carbs back in. My experience with having my mouth wired shut taught me that my first food off of a diet should not be Taco Bell!

I want to learn to eat well. I want to learn to cook without canned goods and premade foods with tons of salt and preservatives. I want to learn how to cook with spices and herbs. I want to eat fresh food, even organic food.

I want to walk my dog in the park or around the block. I want to go grocery shopping without my lower back hurting. I want to fit in the coach section of a plane. I want to not worry if the chairs in the waiting room or in a concert hall or at a ball field will be big enough for me. I want to sit in the back seat of my mom's car and be able to fasten the seatbelt. I want to wear cute clothes. I want to wear sandals. I want to walk in the woods. I want to ride rollarcoasters. I want to buy sexy undies! I want to grow old. I want to live.

All of these reasons and more are why I started IP today. Thank God I have a partner in life who is supportive enough to give up foods that would tempt me, that would encourage me for all of the right reasons, that would be my cheerleader. If he weren't supportive and kept bread in the house or sodas or sweets, I know I would fail. I cannot fail. My parents have wised up and have lost their weight. They are now helping me with the cost of IP. We have gone from a fat, criticizing family to a family who is taking control and getting healthy.
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Old 04-05-2011, 09:59 PM   #313  
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Originally Posted by Linden View Post
OMG! You are a text book case of what not to do. That's tough love, if you're still reading.

First, you were in starvation mode (Google it) and systems shut down to preserve energy which, most often, =s weight gain and other serious or potentially serious consequences.

7 week with a +3 pound lose is fantastic. 6 croissants verges on grotesque; vicious self-assault????? You didn't slip. You fell into a lava and fat-filled crater.

Huge infusions of carbs and fats invariably lead to acute cravings. WHY DO THIS TO YOURSELF? Of course, you'll put on weight; and of course, you can take it off by getting back into ketosis. But the collateral damage!

I'm sorry if I sound as though I'm flying off the handle, but what you're doing scares me silly. Please, please, please, sit down with your coach and have a heart-to-heart discussion about Eating.

EDIT: Now that I've calmed down a bit, I hope you realize that what I said about being scared was right from the heart.
Thank you for bringing me back to reality! I am back on track - no cravings today of any sort. As I analyzed the last few days I think drinking very little water during the "evil croissant day" had something to do with "NO-NO"cravings and the following day I have seen exactly what you are describing - carbs/sugar make you want more carbs/sugar ... BTW - this was my only slip in 7 weeks!
Humans are "designed" to accomplish whatever it is we wish to accomplish as long as we put our minds to it and that requires discipline. The beautiful part about this “diet” is that it is really not a DIET – it only teaches how to eat properly to maintain excellent health (and being FIT is an added bonus).
It has been an easy journey for me so far (except for those croissants that should go back to wherever they came from .. France? Lol). I wish everyone even an easier transaction to healthy life! The results are always very rewarding!
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:13 PM   #314  
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Originally Posted by CarrieA View Post
I'm CarrieA and I'm glad to have finally found a diet that works. I've done several diets over the years (WW, Atkins, grapefruit, Dolly Parton, counting calories just to name a few) but have not had much success. The diets always required way to much work...counting points, calories, carbs, etc. That's what I love about this diet it's easy and no counting. I also love how quickly I'm losing the weight...well it's not as fast as some but it's better than the other diets I've done.

I live in Illinois just across from St. Louis, MO. I'm a 43 year old "house kitten" (stay at home mom), I've been married for 22 years and have two active boys (14 and 11). I spend a lot of time running my kids to their different activities (football, baseball, basketball and swim).

After a friend of mine lost 32 lbs and 28 inches in 2 ˝ months I knew I had to try out this diet..hoping for the same success...NOT....(she is the poster child for my doctor). For Christmas this past year I told my husband that I wanted us to do IP as a Christmas present to ourselves. After he did some research (he’s an Engineer so everything has to be researched to death) and hesitation he gave in. We started February 9th after our Super Bowl party. As of the last weigh-in my husband has lost 21 lbs (needs to lose 15 to 20 more) and I’ve lost about 17 lbs (35 to 40 lbs to go).

Like so many we had gotten tired of the same veggies (broccoli, salad, celery) and I’ve gotten to where I can’t eat the Waldon Farms dressings. So after going through the recipe threads I’ve found so many yummy things to try...Big Mac in a Bowl, turnips into fries or “fried potatoes” with onion, bell pepper and celery..tastes like potatoes, a new salad dressing someone suggested with oil, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, Italian seasonings and splenda..really makes the salad much better. I’ve also started adding into my salad some diced ham and hard boiled egg whites and subtract a little protein from my dinner. Changing things up a little makes the diet a lot more tolerable for a little longer.

I look forward to going through this journey with all you. Keep up the great recipes and wonderful insight into your IP journey.
Hi Carrie
I was just reading through the intros and noticed you live by St. Louis. I live in Granite City. Are you close by? This forum is a God send. Lots of support and ideas. Good luck to you.
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Old 04-06-2011, 10:11 AM   #315  
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Originally Posted by Babiesfat View Post
Thank you for bringing me back to reality! I am back on track - no cravings today of any sort. As I analyzed the last few days I think drinking very little water during the "evil croissant day" had something to do with "NO-NO"cravings and the following day I have seen exactly what you are describing - carbs/sugar make you want more carbs/sugar ... BTW - this was my only slip in 7 weeks!
Humans are "designed" to accomplish whatever it is we wish to accomplish as long as we put our minds to it and that requires discipline. The beautiful part about this “diet” is that it is really not a DIET – it only teaches how to eat properly to maintain excellent health (and being FIT is an added bonus).
It has been an easy journey for me so far (except for those croissants that should go back to wherever they came from .. France? Lol). I wish everyone even an easier transaction to healthy life! The results are always very rewarding!
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