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Old 08-10-2011, 03:57 PM   #511  
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Originally Posted by JackieGee View Post
Wuv2BLoved, why is it that I have to stay away from Diet Coke? To be honest, I don't get it. I've always drunk a lot of diet coke on previous diets - and most of the time I was losing. She said it had carbs but I don't see any source of carbs. so I just don't get it. But I can't argue with the successes I see on here so I am staying away from it.

In further answer to the Diet Coke question... I am an advocate of Dr. Mercola's health e-newsletter. He has appeared on our US National news shows and I like very much his advice and counsel in most areas. He includes clips, interviews etc. in video format. This one came today, August 3, 2011 HOW TIMELY IS THAT??? Smile.

At this link you will be able to view the entire 10 minute+ newscast. It is quite informative. WOW! Hope it gives everyone the added motivation they need to avoid products with NutraSweet (aspartame) as Ideal Protein protocol instructs us to do. Smile.
Thanks for the link to this site. It has opened my eyes to the effects tho I dont drink any types of pop. It's nice to be knowledgable about nutisweet and aspertame
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:03 PM   #512  
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Good Afternoon everyone, I am new to the site. I am having issues with my weight and was introduced to the ip diet. I tried herbal magic before, lost 14lbs but did not stick to the program. My biggest problem is skipping meals. I am not a food lover. I came here for support as i will begin the IP diet tomorrow.
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:24 PM   #513  
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Originally Posted by zema View Post
Good Afternoon everyone, I am new to the site. I am having issues with my weight and was introduced to the ip diet. I tried herbal magic before, lost 14lbs but did not stick to the program. My biggest problem is skipping meals. I am not a food lover. I came here for support as i will begin the IP diet tomorrow.
Welcome Zema, I myself sometimes forget to eat so what I have done a few times to remember is set my cellphone to go off at a certain time. I get too busy and forget. This is a great program, have fun with it....Good luck!
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Old 08-11-2011, 05:22 PM   #514  
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Originally Posted by JackieGee View Post
Hi all, I'm Jackie (in case you didn't guess). I just started IP yesterday.

I also like MayKatCooper's questions so I'm going to use them.

Screen Name: JackieGee

Age/Age Range: 60 I turned 60 last september and was feeling pretty old. Two days later my mother died and then mortality seemed even closer. So I went on the Eat Clean Diet and worked out every morning at 5:30 and was doing GREAT. Then at the end of January I blew it and haven't been working out or eating clean since.

Family Life: I'm single and live in Northwestern Ontario canada with my big out of control dog and my evil cat. I have a son, daughter-in-law and 2 year old grandson about 1000 miles away that I try to visit as much as possible.

Occupation: I work for the government as a trainer/instructional designer but I also have had my own business since 1981 - career coach. Over the last year I wrote 4 books (Future Pull and The 7 Day mental diet - they are both on and now I've expanded my coaching to be more LofA rather than strictly career. Actually the stress of finishing my book by a February deadline PLUS getting too enthusiastic and signing up for a boot camp which totally blew my early morning workouts was why I screwed up my great progress from October to February.

Hobbies and Interests: I paint, write, take my dog to the dog park and renovate my house. I'm hoping to go on a kayaking trip next year so I really need to get in shape again.

Favorite Music: Pretty much everything - in my car I have Metallica, GnR, Joss Stone, the Zombies, Billie Holiday, the Eagles and Madame butterfly as well as several ebooks by Mike Dooley and Jack Canfield.

Favorite Color(s): I love all colors - can't choose one.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I like the Body for Life workout because I like the structure and obvious progress. I like yoga but I had both my knees replaced 2008 and I can't kneel. Zumba is fun too. Oh yeah and tai chi is something I enjoy and must get back to.

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to lose at least 75 pounds, lower my blodd pressure so I can cut down on my meds and reduce the pain in my feet - I want to make my knees last.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Back in 2002 I lost 50 pounds on Atkins and loved it. I put some back on gradually over the years but not all of it. Then over the last winter I lost some weight - not much considering the work I put in when I was eating clean and working out from October to February. Then I went off of it and stopped working out and I have BALLOONED up. I am higher than I've been since about the first month of my Atkins diet. Then a couple of weeks ago I went to get some facial work done - microdermabrasion and lasergenesis and the women who owns the business - a tiny little tight body person - told me she had lost weight on IP and that it was amazing. So I investigated and checked out this site and all the great results convinced me to give it a try.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Eating like a pig - to put it bluntly. Laziness and need to get back on track working out in the morning because it always helps me stay great for the rest of the day.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I have to cut out diet coke (none since yesterday), cream in my coffee (also none) and get back into exercise. Actually right now I feel like I am eating too much. I started yesterday and I really don't feel like I'm dieting enough to have the results you all had on your first week.

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? : Pink? Okay I know that's impossible - but I can dream. I really just want to look like the best me I can.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? I have a little black shift dress that I've had hanging in my closet since 2003. I've never had it on because I've never been able to get it on. Even if I get it on and it falls apart from age, I'd be happy.

Looking forward to seeing the same wonderful results you all have - although right now I just can't imagine it.
Welcome Jackie,
I too want a bod like Pink! I know I can gt the muscle tone as Ive always worked out and weight trained but I think I wold need some nip tuck to get rid of the sag lol! Before IP I was working out hard 5 times a week and eating clean and just not getting the results. It took me 6 months to lose 15 lbs. Although I used to joke that under all my fat was one **** of a hard body! Anyway, I will get that hard body back, though this time Im going to lose the fat first then worry about getting hard core on my fitness.
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Old 08-12-2011, 04:06 PM   #515  
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Hi all, I'm Jodi, I just started IP today.

I also like MayKatCooper's questions so I'm going to use them too.

Screen Name: JodiM

Age/Age Range: 36, almost 37

Family Life: I'm married and have 5 kids, and 1 grandchild.

Occupation: I work for a family run business as a office manager. My parents, brother, sister-in-law, husband, brother-in-law AND ex-husband work here (so you will understand when I say that since coming back to work almost 2 years ago, I have put on over 60+ *I'm convinced part of it is stress weight*)

Hobbies and Interests: Hanging out with friends, spending time with the family... shopping.

Favorite Music: I have very eclectic taste, I like most everything. Lately I have been leaning to Country.

Favorite Color(s): Purple and Aqua

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I loved Zumba, but a broken ankle has kept me from doing that (and who am I kidding? I look horrible with all those skinny ladies, and that didn't help at all either)

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to lose 165lbs, but would be happy loosing 100 for now.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? In the last month I have been put on tons of medicine for different illness/ailments. I never really had health problems in the past, other than joint aches and pains. I am now taking handful's of pills twice a day. That is what caused me to really decide to change this time.
Add that with the fact that I am in the biggest size clothes you can buy, have a hard time walking across the house let alone up the stairs... and everything is becoming hard. Even wiping my tush is a chore, because I've gotten so heavy. (Sad, but true)

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I haven't been on this diet long enough to say, but in the past it is emotional eating. I get upset or depressed and I shovel food in.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Carbs. I am a bread/pasta junkie

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? : I want to look better than me. I no longer want to look like a inflated version of me. I haven't seen the real me since I was in High School... I'm kind of curious to see what I look like without the double and triple chin.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A little black dress! We go to little black dress parties throughout the year for different benefits - I haven't ever gotten to wear a sleeveless dress, and I can't wait! That will be my first purchase, oh, and with the do me heels to go with the dress. (for hubby's benefit of course)

I hope I get the same results some of you have had. It is very encouraging to not only have a great coach (who has also lost weight on this program), but a message board with other people going through this too.
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Old 08-13-2011, 03:17 PM   #516  
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Originally Posted by zema View Post
Good Afternoon everyone, I am new to the site. I am having issues with my weight and was introduced to the ip diet. I tried herbal magic before, lost 14lbs but did not stick to the program. My biggest problem is skipping meals. I am not a food lover. I came here for support as i will begin the IP diet tomorrow.
Zema, if this is your second day... checklist. How are you feeling? Try to be still today if possible. Your body thinks you've lost your mind and will try every trick in the book to convince you to cave. Don't do it! Grab a dill (only dill or kosher dill) pickle and eat it. Sip at iced water. Get on the forum and start chatting. Please for now, stay away from the cheat forum... it can cause un-necessary temptation. By the end of tomorrow you should be feeling a sense of freedom from thoughts about what you can or should eat. Perhaps you'll discover a new interest and excitement in foods again once you get some of the benefits of this diet kicking in. I'm rooting for you! maykat
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Old 08-13-2011, 03:42 PM   #517  
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Originally Posted by JodiM View Post
Hi all, I'm Jodi, I just started IP today.

I also like MayKatCooper's questions so I'm going to use them too.

Screen Name: JodiM

Age/Age Range: 36, almost 37

Family Life: I'm married and have 5 kids, and 1 grandchild.

Occupation: I work for a family run business as a office manager. My parents, brother, sister-in-law, husband, brother-in-law AND ex-husband work here (so you will understand when I say that since coming back to work almost 2 years ago, I have put on over 60+ *I'm convinced part of it is stress weight*)

Hobbies and Interests: Hanging out with friends, spending time with the family... shopping.

Favorite Music: I have very eclectic taste, I like most everything. Lately I have been leaning to Country.

Favorite Color(s): Purple and Aqua

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I loved Zumba, but a broken ankle has kept me from doing that (and who am I kidding? I look horrible with all those skinny ladies, and that didn't help at all either)

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to lose 165lbs, but would be happy loosing 100 for now.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? In the last month I have been put on tons of medicine for different illness/ailments. I never really had health problems in the past, other than joint aches and pains. I am now taking handful's of pills twice a day. That is what caused me to really decide to change this time.
Add that with the fact that I am in the biggest size clothes you can buy, have a hard time walking across the house let alone up the stairs... and everything is becoming hard. Even wiping my tush is a chore, because I've gotten so heavy. (Sad, but true)

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I haven't been on this diet long enough to say, but in the past it is emotional eating. I get upset or depressed and I shovel food in.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Carbs. I am a bread/pasta junkie

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? : I want to look better than me. I no longer want to look like a inflated version of me. I haven't seen the real me since I was in High School... I'm kind of curious to see what I look like without the double and triple chin.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A little black dress! We go to little black dress parties throughout the year for different benefits - I haven't ever gotten to wear a sleeveless dress, and I can't wait! That will be my first purchase, oh, and with the do me heels to go with the dress. (for hubby's benefit of course)

I hope I get the same results some of you have had. It is very encouraging to not only have a great coach (who has also lost weight on this program), but a message board with other people going through this too.
Welcome JodiM! WOW you are interesting! My oldest daughter has 5 kids and owns/runs a business that fully supports her family. I don't know how you girls do it! Smile.

Purple and aqua are perfect Zumba colors so for now, enjoy watching fun Zumba youtubes or videos or infomercials on tv and just move your hands or fingers, lightly wiggle your hips to the music as you sit and surround yourself with those fun colors. This is baby steps now which is how babies become successful walkers, runners and later Zumba pros. HAHA. I was only able to try yoga for back 5 times during my Phase 1 and began trying to get in the pool and tread water 2x and tore my rotator cuff. Surgery was a week ago and now I'm not allowed to drive for 4 weeks. I've still lost 50lbs to my first goal! Walking is so very much easier now. My back doesn't hurt anymore. I'm off a remarkable number of meds. SUCCESS feels SO GOOD and I know it will for you too! Smile.

You can expect amazing fast loss in your very first weeks perhaps even months. Cheating slows down the process puzzlingly. First off it takes 3 days to return to ketosis but even after returning, it seems the chain or amazing rapid loss slows down. Soooo, money also becomes a factor... just that much longer to have to purchase the IP foods. I so want you to experience the joy of that first 15 then 25 then 50 and on OFF! You're gonna love how much better you feel! Smile.

Pasta... try either Miracle Noodles (google it) or zucchini. If you have a spiral shredder you can make amazing angel hair. With a regular veggie pealer you can make lasagna fake noodles. Cold raw or warmed it works fantastic as filling your 2cup veggie requirement - 1 cup marinara or the Walden Farms (WF) Tomato Basil is unlimited and pretty good (a little spicey which I like. I fill my home made meatballs with veggies. Smile.

Best suggestion my coach gave me - Dill Pickle. I turned there every time I was grabbed by a craving or felt hungry ... and it really helped! Smile.

Enjoy! This is day one of adventure, recovery/ of those dreams you talked about in your bio, and SUCCESS! Smile. Wishing you all the best! maykat
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Old 08-13-2011, 04:42 PM   #518  
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Maykatcooper, I absolutely agree about staying away from the cheat thread. It does cause unnecessary angst and stress. Unnecesssary because if you stick to this 'no cheat' diet it absolutely works and it's virtually painless. I also have stopped reading posts that are bemoaning bad days and low losses (which usually go together). I wish I was as supportive and positive as Wuv but I need to focus on the positive to move forward.
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Old 08-13-2011, 04:48 PM   #519  
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Been reading for a while, 1st post. Been on OP for 3 weeks and having difficult time this week. Only thing on my mind is how long I have to go, not what I have already done. need to change my frame of thought
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Old 08-13-2011, 05:30 PM   #520  
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Originally Posted by JackieGee View Post
Maykatcooper, I absolutely agree about staying away from the cheat thread. It does cause unnecessary angst and stress. Unnecesssary because if you stick to this 'no cheat' diet it absolutely works and it's virtually painless. I also have stopped reading posts that are bemoaning bad days and low losses (which usually go together). I wish I was as supportive and positive as Wuv but I need to focus on the positive to move forward.
I bite my tongue a lot when I read some of these threads with the negativity, that is why I try to turn the negative to positives. When you start a journey you have to think positive and what the outcome will be. You know you will have obstacles that will test you but you have to have the mind set that you can do it and get passed it or through it. YOU are the most important person to YOU. IF YOU think or know YOU can do it, NOTHING can stop you! IF you listen to everything everyone says and take it to heart then you will always have that question. Take what people say when its negative like a grain of salt or let it roll. YOU are the best friend you will ever have. Believe in yourself
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Old 08-13-2011, 05:39 PM   #521  
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You're absolutely right Wuv, but you are very caring and kind and supportive, it seems, no matter what someone says.
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Old 08-13-2011, 10:28 PM   #522  
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Originally Posted by JackieGee View Post
You're absolutely right Wuv, but you are very caring and kind and supportive, it seems, no matter what someone says.
Thanks Jackie, its just the type of person I am. I don't know strangers everyone is a friend until you do something to get on my bad sad then look out.....I am not so caring any longer...haha
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Old 08-19-2011, 08:44 AM   #523  
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Hi! I'm Michelle, I'm a SAHM to 2 wonderful kids 1 & 3 and wife of 6 years to a wonderful husband. I just found IP when my local clinic issued a Groupon for it and I'm really excited to get started! I think the thing that resonated with me the most was when I read about how a balanced diet is just supposed to keep you in balance, not help you lose (or gain) weight. I have between 50 and 75 lbs to lose. I've been overweight my whole life so I'm not exactly sure where I want to be.

I can't wait to dive right in!
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Old 08-19-2011, 08:58 AM   #524  
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