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Old 02-24-2011, 12:48 PM   #226  
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I am 30 years old and have been fat for the past 25. This is the year I am breaking that trend!

I'm pretty active and ran a couple of half marathons last year at my current weight. While I loved the training and the accomplishment, I know I can do better once I get this 80 pound monkey off my back.

I'm hoping to meet my goal by October and have seen my family have AMAZING results, so their success is my motivation.

Thanks to everyone for their support and postings - it's such a help to have a community!
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Old 02-24-2011, 01:10 PM   #227  
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I'm 46 - been married almost 24 years and have 4 children age 8, 9, 9 & 10. I have been overweight most of my life. Mildly when in grade school and high school. Dieted & starved my way to pretty skinny in college and then went up and down. This winter my doctor put me on some meds for cholesterol, high blood pressure and told me that my blood sugar was too high. My paternal grandmother died from diabetic shock when she was in her 40's. I took that as a wake up call. My children are young and I worked really hard to become a mother - they are all adopted from China. I want to see them grow up and become adults. There are too many fun things that I miss out on or don't feel like doing because I am overweight. I know this is going to be a slow grind at times but I know it works (one of my sister's lost a bunch of weight on IP). I've been OP for almost 3 weeks and have lost about 15 lbs. It feels good and I am so ready for the next 15 to melt away!!!
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Old 02-24-2011, 06:48 PM   #228  
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I just started IP three weeks ago and I am already burned out. Hopefully this site/forum will help me reach my goal! Its tough when you don't have a support section!
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Old 02-24-2011, 06:54 PM   #229  
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Originally Posted by ElexisC View Post
I just started IP three weeks ago and I am already burned out. Hopefully this site/forum will help me reach my goal! Its tough when you don't have a support section!
Welcome! You will find all kinds of support here to help you along your journey. Glad to have you here.
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Old 02-24-2011, 08:23 PM   #230  
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I started IP three weeks ago today and so far I have lost 15lbs and 10.5" which to me is a huge accomplishment as I have struggled to loose any weight at all in the past four years.

I'm 24 and married to an amazing man who has supported me and has even "half" done IP with me and he is loosing weight too. I have always been a bit "chubbier" (although looking back I wasn't I was just more physically mature than most of my friends). In high school I started running and was actually happy with my body for the last bit of high school. I moved to go to post secondary school and it was a tough time for me, I gained a bit of weight that year maybe 10-15 lbs but lost most of it over the summer. Around my third year of university I started experiencing a lot of intestinal pain and spent a lot of time in and out of doctors and was eventually diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (which basically means we don't know whats wrong with you). At the same time I started gaining weight rapidly even though my diet was basically the same and I was going to the gym 3-4x/week. I remember crying on my husband (then boyfriends) shoulder becuase I was so frustrated with my body and the pain I was in.

I continued to try and lose weight but nothing ever worked for me. I started going hardcore with exercising 4-5x/wk and eating 1500 calories a day when I got engaged...I did this for a long time and did not loose a pound. I was so frustrated.
Since I have gotten married I have continued to be active (gym 2-4x/wk) and try to eat ok (not the best I will admit that). Despite that I still managed to gain 35lbs in the two and a half years I have been married. Most recently after Christmas I had a period where I didn't go to the gym but continued to eat okish (nothing over unhealthy but I could do better) and I gained 10 lbs in less than two months. Overall my body is a mess.

I learned about IP when a co-worker of mine did it and lost a fair amount of weight. I shrugged it off as a fad diet but after trying to lose weight the "healthy" way for years with no success I knew i needed to figure out other options as I was only getting bigger. I did a lot of research and thought I would give it a shot. So far its been a struggle as I am clearly a carb addict but it is slowly getting easier and with the results I'm seeing I am so motivated to continue.
I am a social worker which is a very stressful job and I work with mainly women and most of them are very overweight. I am convinced that a lot of it is due to stress eating (which I am awesome at). I am not nearly as big as a lot of the ppl I work with but I can see myself getting there and it scares me. I know I have to do something about this now before it gets out of control.

I will not stop until I have gotten to my goal. This is a competition with myself and to prove to myself that I can do this. Whenever I am craving something and want to give in I just tell myself "you have the rest of your life to eat carbs but you need to lose weight now" 15lbs down 45 more to go. I can do this
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Old 02-24-2011, 11:13 PM   #231  
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Originally Posted by Adrean View Post
I started IP three weeks ago today and so far I have lost 15lbs and 10.5" which to me is a huge accomplishment as I have struggled to loose any weight at all in the past four years.

I'm 24 and married to an amazing man who has supported me and has even "half" done IP with me and he is loosing weight too. I have always been a bit "chubbier" (although looking back I wasn't I was just more physically mature than most of my friends). In high school I started running and was actually happy with my body for the last bit of high school. I moved to go to post secondary school and it was a tough time for me, I gained a bit of weight that year maybe 10-15 lbs but lost most of it over the summer. Around my third year of university I started experiencing a lot of intestinal pain and spent a lot of time in and out of doctors and was eventually diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (which basically means we don't know whats wrong with you). At the same time I started gaining weight rapidly even though my diet was basically the same and I was going to the gym 3-4x/week. I remember crying on my husband (then boyfriends) shoulder becuase I was so frustrated with my body and the pain I was in.

I continued to try and lose weight but nothing ever worked for me. I started going hardcore with exercising 4-5x/wk and eating 1500 calories a day when I got engaged...I did this for a long time and did not loose a pound. I was so frustrated.
Since I have gotten married I have continued to be active (gym 2-4x/wk) and try to eat ok (not the best I will admit that). Despite that I still managed to gain 35lbs in the two and a half years I have been married. Most recently after Christmas I had a period where I didn't go to the gym but continued to eat okish (nothing over unhealthy but I could do better) and I gained 10 lbs in less than two months. Overall my body is a mess.

I learned about IP when a co-worker of mine did it and lost a fair amount of weight. I shrugged it off as a fad diet but after trying to lose weight the "healthy" way for years with no success I knew i needed to figure out other options as I was only getting bigger. I did a lot of research and thought I would give it a shot. So far its been a struggle as I am clearly a carb addict but it is slowly getting easier and with the results I'm seeing I am so motivated to continue.
I am a social worker which is a very stressful job and I work with mainly women and most of them are very overweight. I am convinced that a lot of it is due to stress eating (which I am awesome at). I am not nearly as big as a lot of the ppl I work with but I can see myself getting there and it scares me. I know I have to do something about this now before it gets out of control.

I will not stop until I have gotten to my goal. This is a competition with myself and to prove to myself that I can do this. Whenever I am craving something and want to give in I just tell myself "you have the rest of your life to eat carbs but you need to lose weight now" 15lbs down 45 more to go. I can do this
Originally Posted by cmsgrrl View Post
I tend to lurk too - so
Welcome aboard!
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Old 02-25-2011, 11:18 PM   #232  
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Hello, I just finished my 1st week on IP and lost 8.6 lbs. I was totally shocked when I heard this number! Phase 1 was relatively easy, but I assume I won't be losing that much weight next week.

I am 42 (almost 43) years old and am happily married. I have 3 kids, 17, 15 and 4! (yes, one going to college next year, the other to!)

I put on weight when I was pregnant and never lost it. I can't say it's baby fat, when my daughter is almost 5! I really love this website and hope someone can "take me under their wing" and help me with this program. I'm excited to be here! Would love tips, recipes and advice! (who wouldn't, lol!)

Last edited by ljpmo55; 02-25-2011 at 11:21 PM.
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Old 02-26-2011, 07:42 AM   #233  
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Originally Posted by juiceman11 View Post
Welcome! You will find all kinds of support here to help you along your journey. Glad to have you here.
Juiceman, you started a week after I did, but have lost more than I have - you're on my pedestal I've been a lurker this whole time just getting tips here and there, but you've already posted 180+ So I've decided to finally join. Like you said, looks like a good support network.

I'm 230to170 (although I think I'll gun for 160 or a 32 in. waist, whichever comes first). Been a lurker since I started IP, which was 3 Jan 2011; finally joined around midnight last night/this morning This site has been an awesome resource for me, I'm glad to have found it. Anyway, I've decided to finally join, maybe for selfish reasons (to ask questions), but maybe I can contribute something, who knows.

Well, that's about it. Thanks.

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Old 02-26-2011, 08:44 PM   #234  
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Hi, I'm Mary & started IP almost 2 weeks ago. Like so many others, I had tried so many different things and absolutely nothing was working. I gained over 35 lbs. when I quit smoking about 10 years ago and it seemed from that time on, my metabolism completely died. I've had a lot of stressful events over the last 3 years and this hasn't helped me try to stay on track with even eating properly. But, I heard about this at my chiropractor's office and he had an introductory seminar about it the end of Jan. It took me a few weeks to get a time slot to start but that finally happened almost 2 weeks ago.

I was always a little bigger than most of the girls in my class and remember my dad saying I needed to go on a diet...which seemed to start my yo-yo dieting. I married young and gained a lot of weight with my first pregnancy and just continued to gain. I was divorced a couple of years later and I resolved to get my act together. At 22, and a single mom, I went to work in a steel mill working labour and was the fittest and felt the healthiest I had ever felt. I used to joke that people paid to go to a gym and sit in a steam room and I got all that at work and they paid me too.... But they shut my department down after 15 years and I started another phase of my life. I remarried and moved to Canada and was the happiest I'd ever been. But, we all know what comes with contentment.....and especially if you're married to a high speed metabolism person...LOL But over these years, I've tried lots of different diets and even just finished working with a personal trainer and working out 4 days/wk. and over 8 months, lost 8 lbs. and had regained every pound by the end of the 8 months. Talk about frustrating!

So, here I am giving IP a chance and have decided this is my last big effort....if it doesn't work, I give. But, so far so good...the first week went well and we're pushing onward to the goal!
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Old 02-26-2011, 08:49 PM   #235  
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Originally Posted by kygal View Post
Hi, I'm Mary & started IP almost 2 weeks ago. Like so many others, I had tried so many different things and absolutely nothing was working. I gained over 35 lbs. when I quit smoking about 10 years ago and it seemed from that time on, my metabolism completely died. I've had a lot of stressful events over the last 3 years and this hasn't helped me try to stay on track with even eating properly. But, I heard about this at my chiropractor's office and he had an introductory seminar about it the end of Jan. It took me a few weeks to get a time slot to start but that finally happened almost 2 weeks ago.

I was always a little bigger than most of the girls in my class and remember my dad saying I needed to go on a diet...which seemed to start my yo-yo dieting. I married young and gained a lot of weight with my first pregnancy and just continued to gain. I was divorced a couple of years later and I resolved to get my act together. At 22, and a single mom, I went to work in a steel mill working labour and was the fittest and felt the healthiest I had ever felt. I used to joke that people paid to go to a gym and sit in a steam room and I got all that at work and they paid me too.... But they shut my department down after 15 years and I started another phase of my life. I remarried and moved to Canada and was the happiest I'd ever been. But, we all know what comes with contentment.....and especially if you're married to a high speed metabolism person...LOL But over these years, I've tried lots of different diets and even just finished working with a personal trainer and working out 4 days/wk. and over 8 months, lost 8 lbs. and had regained every pound by the end of the 8 months. Talk about frustrating!

So, here I am giving IP a chance and have decided this is my last big effort....if it doesn't work, I give. But, so far so good...the first week went well and we're pushing onward to the goal!
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Old 02-26-2011, 08:54 PM   #236  
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I would like to introduce myself. I live in Md and have been on IP for 8 weeks. I have tried many other diets in the past and after having two children, I found myself with an extra 45lbs to lose. I have been diagnosed with PCOS which makes it really hard to lose weight on traditional diets. When I heard about IP, I knew it would work for me.
I have lost 22 lbs so far and I do check this site everyday. I am so thankful to all of you for your support. I love reading about everyone's NSV and I have learned so much from just reading threads in this forum.
I look forward to becoming a more active member to the forum. I am excited to be part of such a great group of people all willing to help each other. Have a great IP day.
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Old 02-26-2011, 09:30 PM   #237  
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Hey Ya'll! It is good to be here! I started IP a week ago and experienced horrible..almost debilitating headaches. I was eating plenty of salt, but it wasn't helping. I went "off" diet for a couple of days. My dr thought the problem was carb withdrawals. I am back on diet..first day!...I am doing the alternative diet for a couple of weeks or so to see if that helps with the headaches. I didn't lose any weight the first week which was disappointing, but understanding considering the problems I had.

I am optimistic!
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Old 02-26-2011, 09:56 PM   #238  
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Originally Posted by Shrinking Sandra View Post
My name is Sandra. I am 25 years old and my IP journey hasn't actually started yet. I will start on March 21. For now I am just eating healthy and having no carbs.

I was a hairdresser for 6 years and no am a stay at home mom to a beautiful 16 month old girl.

I have always been big. I remember being in 5th grade and was 5'5'' and 140lbs. We went on a class ski trip, which was supposed to be fun, but was humiliating. I had to rent the skis with other kids in my class. We all stood in a line and shouted out our weight so an employee could give us the right size. Anyways, and you can imagine being 10 years old, standing with other kids who were MUCH smaller I lied. I said I was 90lbs and ended up breaking the skis. This is when I started my first diet. (there have been MANY and they all failed)
A few years ago I went through that experience again. A few friends decided on the spur of the moment to drive to Quebec (were from Toronto) to go rip-riding and bungee jumping (north America's highest bungee spot) Anyways there was a huge scale that you went on (everyone can see the numbers) I was 237lbs and I was told "sorry the weight limit is 230. (I ended up going by signing a waiver) Again humiliating.

After giving birth I went down to 220lbs and was around the same weight I was before I got pregnant, but my tummy which was once (somewhat) flat now resembled jello.

I saw an old school friend on facebook and asked her what her secret was. She lost around 40lbs in 14 weeks. She told me about IP and is now a coach. I will be seeing her for the first time in March.

My motivation for this is my wedding. July 23rd I am getting married (happens to be our 5 year dating anniversary) I always pictured myself as a beautiful bride, I do not want to look like the stay puff marshmallow man from ghostbusters.

I would love to start now, but being a SAHM and planning a wedding, we couldn't fit it into our budget until next month.

You have all inspired me so much thank you.
Sandra - Welcome to the forum and the IP way of life. You will love it and be a beautiful and healthier bride! I just wanted to let you know that there are alternatives to waiting till the end of next month. I haven't touched an IP product yet and have lost 30 pounds in about 9 weeks. The earlier you start the further you can get! Just say the word and we can get you tons of information on how to get started without the "official" products. Dr. Tran's book which you can link to at the beginning of the daily post is a great place to start. Trust me.. all of us understand the finances of this. But we aren't all under a tight deadline like you! Either way, start now or the end of March, you will love this diet. It truly works and is a lifesaver. Good luck!
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Old 02-26-2011, 10:07 PM   #239  
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Hello everyone. I am ending Day 3 on IP. Just wanted to introduce myself.

I am Tina. I am 39. Married with 3 kids. Disabled due to a host of neurological diseases I have. Live in the Phoenix Metro Area.

I used a drug called Neurontin last year and packed back on 30 lbs that I had previously lost after my son was born. I am not able to exercise anymore due to Intracranial Hypertension or increased brain/spinal fluid pressure when my heart rate and blood pressure get up. So I have been really struggling to get this weight back off.

So far so good, I peeked at the scale this morning and have already dropped 4 pounds!!
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Old 02-26-2011, 11:16 PM   #240  
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Originally Posted by blastergirl411 View Post
Hello everyone. I am ending Day 3 on IP. Just wanted to introduce myself.

I am Tina. I am 39. Married with 3 kids. Disabled due to a host of neurological diseases I have. Live in the Phoenix Metro Area.

I used a drug called Neurontin last year and packed back on 30 lbs that I had previously lost after my son was born. I am not able to exercise anymore due to Intracranial Hypertension or increased brain/spinal fluid pressure when my heart rate and blood pressure get up. So I have been really struggling to get this weight back off.

So far so good, I peeked at the scale this morning and have already dropped 4 pounds!!
Hi Tina.
I know exactly how you feel. I have had two major back surgeries in the past 2 years and the meds are no friend to keeping the weight off. Not being able to exercise is also a drag.

I just started IP a couple of weeks ago and after a killer first week, it feels like a breeze now. I also have energy that I have not had for years.

This is a great place to meet others and get a wealth of information. Stay strong!
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