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Old 06-13-2003, 10:12 AM   #46  
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LOL!! Dog food tasters! That's a good one.

Hope you're having lots of fun today with your lil' pink room, Jello.

Cafe~ Here but waiting for Friday to be over with! My vision is a little blurry and I hope that doesn't mean a migraine is coming my way. As soon as my tea cools down enough, I'm going to make a preemptive strike with my drug of choice.

I actually have lots of little tasks piled up this morning - hoping I can complete them and kick back this afternoon.
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Old 06-13-2003, 11:03 AM   #47  
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Friday! I sure hope life starts to resemble something normal by next week. DH took his sick self to work again today, he's improving.

DNW, how's your plan going with DN's help? I wish my "weigh in with the DH plan" a couple months ago would have worked. He just wasnt interested and I wasn't firm about dragging the scale out and making him watch.

Dog food tasters. I once tried to explain to DS where some mean kids would end up one day. I'll have to remember that one.

Tomorrow, cook out at my parents with lots of family. Wish I had lost some of this stupid weight. I can hear it now. "gee, she's gained weight". I don't know what I'm going to wear. It's suppose to be hot/humid. cry.

*trying to shake off the straw*....
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Old 06-13-2003, 05:55 PM   #48  
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Tiger - Hope you have fun at the cookout anyway! By now, you have found something fun to wear, I hope.

All - have a great weekend!!
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Old 06-16-2003, 09:17 AM   #49  
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My li'l pink room is BEE-U-T-FUL!! I started to do the glazing technique like the lady at the Home Depot demonstrated. Hated it. Fortunately, it wiped right off. Instead I got an old scrubber brush and did this sponging/light brushing technique with it. Just a little white paint/glaze pattern over the pink. Toned it down and added texture. Then added my light pink dyed curtains and a green ivy swag with little pink flowers added. A pastel blue, green and pink throw rug, a pink flowered runner over the dresser ... well, you get the idea. Darn, I'm good.

One room down, 8 more to go.....

Pink room took 2 days and lots of sweat and exercise. (Tough to do with cramps but I guess I'll "enjoy" Aunt Flo while she's still around because I'm going to kill her soon. ) Sunday, I got a new burst of energy and decided to go out and straighten out the shed in the back yard. 6 hours, 4 trash cans and 7 trash bags later, the shed is also beautiful. Well, as beautiful as a weed wacker and some gardening tools can be, I guess.

Best part - no time to eat!!! Lots of exercise, got in plenty of water and ate very little. Take that, Aunt Flo!

Tiger, how'd the cookout go? Your family sounds like mine. Well, I mean the distant relatives anyway like my snobby Aunt Rose that I only see 2 or 3 times a year ... and that's plenty. Hope you had a good time.

Cafe, whisper those magic words again, would you? I will so NOT miss this crampy, achy feeling!

Big news ... well, for me anyway. I read some of the Curves book and have officially started their weight-loss program. Actually, they have two: low-carb or low-calorie. I took the quiz and it looks like I should try the low-carb and so that's what I'm doing. Never tried that before. It's 2 weeks and then you add some carbs. Couldn't hurt. So I went to the food store early Sunday before the crowds and stocked up for 2 weeks worth of menus. Then I went home and split up all the food (chicken breasts, ground turkey, cheese, etc.) into individual servings. I'm going into this new program gung-ho! Hope it lasts.

OK, as you may have noticed, the boss isn't in and Jello's got time to ramble on and on and on.... Guess I'll go and pretend to get something done.

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Old 06-16-2003, 09:44 AM   #50  
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Happy Monday!

Jello - wowsa! You got more done this weekend than I did, that's for sure! You are awesome. Sounds like something has solidified in your mind - and I mean that in a good way, LOL!! Keep us posted on how the low carbing is going.

Well there's a continuing trend at Chez Cafe - the dining room table is in use constantly. I'm actually making it a goal to keep doing this long enough to make it our constant habit.

Also, I did the dreaded books this weekend. Totally up to date now, I'm so proud. Still looking for a way to make this painless.

AND - now this is the biggest news, LOL! I woke up at 6:30 this morning - NO ALARM. This NEVER happens.

So - maybe my efforts to reduce the stress in my life are having an effect? We'll see.

Food-wise... today is the first day of the rest of my life. Too many treats this weekend - alas. Between graduation parties, cooking out on the grill (OK I guess that was healthy food) and... yeah, I have to say it... ice cream weather... Let's just say I'm not on the weight loss fast track. But overall, a very good weekend here.

OH! Jello - I read something this weekend re: turkey burgers (ok, all burgers, LOL) The magazine I was looking in mentioned that a "fatty" hamburger has only 2 grams of fat more than the expensive "extra lean" hamburger AFTER it's done cooking ON THE GRILL, cuz the fat leaks out. So whatever kind of turkey it was (is), it's a good thing.

I'll still by the extra lean for meatloaf, of course, but that will save me some $$ this summer with my grill. Mmmm, burgers. (where's that Homer Simpson icon when you need him?)

Last edited by Cafe976; 06-16-2003 at 09:50 AM.
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Old 06-16-2003, 10:25 AM   #51  
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I survived the family gathering...barely! I got hit by a golf car! Youngest son tried to take me out! BrotherInLaw was co-pilot. I actually flew up on the hood! I know it was/is funny, but I am a little sore. Where's a video camera when ya need one?!
And to think, I was worried about someone getting hurt on the 4wheeler.
I ended up wearing tan capri's and a plain white shirt. Blend in, not draw attention. I was insanely jealous of cousins in shorts and strappy tanks that looked cute.
My uncle is doing Atkins. He's lost 15 pounds in two weeks. He's not a large man, but could afford to loose a few in the tummy. We didn't talk about it too much. I didn't want to act too interested.

Jello!! Go Girl! Your room sound adorable. I just bought gold metallic glaze for DS's bedroom. He already has Notre Dame bedding, blue and gold. Not sure what technique I'm doing yet. Now, I just need to get a burst of your energy!

Cheers to fresh starts and keeping an eye on the goal!
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Old 06-16-2003, 01:52 PM   #52  
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Hello ladies! Mind someone else butting in? Saw one of you post on a thread Jana did and thought I would come and peek in. You ladies are a gas!

I am 4 months from the GASP half century mark, been married 31 years almost, have two grown kids 30 and 25 and the most adorable grandson in the world who will be 3 next Wednesday. My dh is retired Navy and we live in the south for the last 2 years. He now works as an electrician/electronics controller for the city. I have 2 pets, a Yorkie named Fortune (my husband's little joke that he would cost us that much) and a cat named Butterscotch. I am not at the moment working but am trying to get back to work since quitting last August. Unfortunately, I am obviously not in demand! I have lost 90 lbs since January on a fat and calorie counting diet, I do 45 minutes of water aerobics 7 days a week and I still have about 170 lbs to lose.

I still have all my innards and outards, but am going through menopause and the **** that goes with it.

NO, the avatar is not my husband as I have been asked numerous times, but the star of the JAG tv show. He is my eye candy to keep me from eating the real stuff!

Hope to talk to you all again soon.

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Old 06-16-2003, 03:25 PM   #53  
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Talking Welcome gma2one!!!

We have a great time here and everyone is very kind, supportive and friendly. I am 54 and have been doing the menopause shuffle for 3 or more years have my ear if you need any advice and a hot flash buddy!!

I am very impressed with your 90 lb. tell us more!!

Jello: The room sounds have motivated me to think about painting my living room again.

Hi to everyone else...can't write much more the work gremlin is chasing me around the office.

Last edited by DNW; 06-16-2003 at 03:28 PM.
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Old 06-16-2003, 03:44 PM   #54  
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Good gravy, I missed something scanning the posts! Tigerlily, you don't live in South Bend or Mishawaka do you (reference to son's bedroom and your state listed)? I grew up in North Liberty and lived there until I married, traveled with the Navy for 20 years and when dh retired we moved back to the area for 12 years. My son graduated from John Glenn and my daughter from Penn. We always take one trip up there every fall to see Penn play football. We moved down south to be near my grandson and for better job prospects for dh. We are going to Indiana the 26th to the wedding of my long time girlfriend. It is about a 10 hour drive from here. It is always neat to meet someone from somewhere you recognize!

DNW: Thanks for willingness to help with the menopause issue. I refuse to take hrt and have used "herbal" stuff, but mostly just hang in there knowing it will pass sooner or later! I do take vitamins everyday to help with bone density etc. As for my weight loss so quickly, I went on a 1600/400fat program, cut out all soft drinks (I drank only the full octane stuff) and exercised every day. I have slowed down in the last month or so, but I was sick with a lot of problems for about a month and then we went on a mini vacation so I gained weight with both those issues. I am trying to get back up on the horse good and strong now! I dropped 20 lbs in the first 2 weeks and I think that was just from getting off the soda. I have lost between 2-4 dress sizes (depending on whether it is a dress, suit, pants etc), a cup and 2 circumference sizes with my bras and generally even having a lot more to lose am feeling much better. I have more stamina now and can walk around the mall etc without being exhausted after just a short distance. DH doesn't have to let me out at the door and go park anymore!

As for decorating, I am a DIY nut! We bought a condo in Sept and are redoing the whole thing. I took an idea for our bedroom from I think it was Trading Spaces. Our furniture is cherry and most of my wall stuff goes with that so I wanted something to compliment it. We have an outside wall with two windows and enough space for the bed to go between them. I painted every wall but that one a maroonish color called Candy apple I think, all the framing and doors gray and then the window wall we striped gray and maroon (18 inch stripes). I am always in for a bargain and couldn't find curtains or drapes I liked so I bought these neat two tone gray checked fabric shower curtains and found metal rings with clips to hang them. They look pretty cool. My bedding is maroon velvet with gray accents. We also wanted to lighten up the entranceway downstairs that was wallpapered this awful tan and black almost harlequin diamond look. We painted it cream and then I sponge/plastic bagged the walls this bright bright green almost lime color. I found some bright green plaid rag rugs for the tile floor and everything hanging on the walls is old fashioned and wood from my old wooden crank telephone to wagons, old west pictures, quilt rack etc. There is a lot more I have done, but I don't want to bore you.

Well, better go!


Last edited by gma22; 06-16-2003 at 03:53 PM.
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Old 06-16-2003, 03:50 PM   #55  
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LOL Faye! Welcome! Great sense of humor you got there! Post with us often! Congrats on the GREAT weight loss!!! At the rate you're going, you'll reach your goal in no time!

Funny about the photo. A little eye candy never hurt. Never watched the show but, wow, he ain't bad! Funny thing is that I was going to tell a story here about how I dreamed that I was having surgery and was under anesthesia and started calling out the name of this certain TV actor. I'm not saying who, it's just too embarrassing. Just hope I don't actually do that.

Tiger, hit by a golf cart!?!? Boy so much for wearing tan and white just trying to blend in and not be noticed! BTW, I know exactly what you mean about those thin little chicks in their shorts and size XS t-shirts. Grumble.

OK Cafe, you've convinced me! Next home project for Jello - dig out the dining room table!! I know it's under that mess somewhere... And thanks for the turkey burger info! I like my burgers grilled - use a George Forman grill when I can't be outside.

Low-carb so far is OK, I guess. It's been all of half a day. Big test will, as always, be when I get home tonight and am sitting in front of the TV. But the menu plans for SIX meals a day so I'm trying to spread them out as best I can. We'll see.

Curves tonight too! Yep, still loving it! Who knew!?
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Old 06-16-2003, 03:54 PM   #56  
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Boy oh boy! I was interrupted so many times while typing my post that I missed DNW and a second post from Faye. Hm, hope my post still makes sense.....

Ah, why should my posts start making sense now!?
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Old 06-16-2003, 04:03 PM   #57  
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Hi Faye! Yep, I live in Notre Dame territory. My kidlens go to LaVille schools. Potato Creek, North Liberty is our favorite hang out!
Your weight loss is great!

I've been trying to lose the same 50ish pounds for a year. I lose about 15, gain it back, lose it again, gain it back. Fighting to keep myself under 200. That seems to be my breaking point, but don't work hard enough to keep it going down.
It's all in my head.
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Old 06-16-2003, 04:13 PM   #58  
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Tigerlily: Wow how neat! I remember being in high school (course there is no longer a North Liberty high school) and we had the Bi-County tourney at Laville every year. My mom before she passed away lived in Argos. My son lives in South Bend and works at Wholesale Spa Network as the showroom manager and a salesman so if you ever want to buy a spa or need help with the one you have, go see Jack and tell him his mama sent you! I also have a sister who lives in Granger and a niece and two nephews that in Mishawaka with their families. Did you and your hubby grow up there? Does your son want to go to Notre Dame? Tell him I used to work for the law firm in South Bend that did a lot of Notre Dame's work and employed a huge number of their graduates; Baker and Daniels. It is in the old First bank building across the street from the Memorial Health and Lifestyle center there on Jefferson.

Well, I guess I better quit yapping about old times! Dh should be home in just a few.

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Old 06-16-2003, 05:20 PM   #59  
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Wow! Lots of action here. Welcome, Faye!

Boss is lurkin - was going to say more - but sorry to hear about your golf cart incident, Tig! Arg, more tomorrow.

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Old 06-17-2003, 08:42 AM   #60  
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Jello, how did your first day of low-carb turn out? Does the Curves low-carb seem similar to Atkins?

Faye, I know all the little mole-hill towns you refer too. DH and I both grew up in Starke County. Aside from college at Ball State, I've lived in Northern Indiana all my life. DS's are 11 and 6. Neither one is talking college...yet.

Yesterday was my 13th wedding anniversary. 13! No wonder it's been such a bad luck year. DH brought me roses. And, we had carry out pizza with the kids. Pizza, I don't think it fits in any type of diet plan.

Today is "don't look at the frogs" day. AKA, I have to mow the yard. If I focus too hard on the lawn, I see the frogs...have to wait for them to get out of the way...there are a LOAD of would take all day to try not to look at them! Frog Crossing! What was that video game? Frogger?

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