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Old 06-30-2003, 10:21 AM   #151  
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Default Top of The Morning to Ya!

Jello, I got the POINT! OMG, did I just type that!

Cafe, we must really get more excitement in our lives!

Nothing to report here either, worked half a day Saturday and then the rest of the weekend did house work. UGH Son and DNL coming in Thru night. I'm planning on taking off Thur, if it rains to buy groceries and finish cleaning, and it's supposed to. DNL has EXTREME allergies, so everything has to be vacuumed before she comes in, curtains, sofa, chairs etc. then LOCK the cat up for the weekend. Even then she sniffs and sneezes like crazy. Damn Cat!
I've told my youngest when he moves out he had better make sure his apartment allows cats. I've put up with that THING for seven years, time to go. (BTW for those of you that don't know me......I don't hate all cats, just her, she's MEAN!)

See you all later.
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Old 06-30-2003, 11:48 AM   #152  
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ROTFL! Semo, the point.

Mmm, yeah, we need more excitement, but then again sometimes contentment is better than excitement? I like having the freedom to be in my home getting things tidy and making good smells in my kitchen. I do not usually get enough time to enjoy that! So it's all good.

Back to work...
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Old 06-30-2003, 04:07 PM   #153  
Long Lost Chickie
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OK, OK! I get the point! I'm not a boob!

You guys are too funny!

And you're also smart so I'm going to ask your advice. I am ... pause for effect ... SICK TO DEATH of salad! This plan I'm following "calls for" a salad for lunch (or at least one meal) every single day. I can't stand it any more. I mean, I like salads but every single solitary day ....???? Augh!

I'm in Phase 2 of this low-carb thing so I can add some carbs. I'm thinking I can add a little pasta or some fruit or starchy veggie to my salad. But it's still a salad!!!

Anyone have any thoughts on this? I want to be kept abreast of your ideas, 'k?

... sneaking quietly away ...
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Old 06-30-2003, 04:18 PM   #154  
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Sorry Jello, I had to POKE a little fun! Oops About the salad, I think it's more for the fiber, try eating low carb veggies, celery, cauliflower, yellow squash, asparagus, green beans or mix some together and eat raw or steamed. (check for others but those are the ones I like) I do eat a salad just about everyday, I love them, I just change out the protein that I put on top.

Later Taters!

Edited to add: Cabbage, I fry cabbage and I like that. Just fry bacon, dump most of the grease, add packaged slaw mix and cut green onions, (twice what you think you'll need on the slaw) fry down to tendersness you like, add crumbled bacon. there you go. Taste like Hot slaw, or maybe like an egg roll. If you don't like either of those don't try it.

Going now.

Last edited by SEMO; 06-30-2003 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 07-01-2003, 12:43 PM   #155  
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Man oh man! I was frightened. I didn't have internet access all morning. Couldn't get to you guys! Well, I simply cannot work like this..... Finally called the computer guys here and they fixed the problem with our 'net access. Whew!

Went food shopping last night. Came home. Put it all away. Then decided there was nothing to eat in the house. Nothing sounded good. Finally ate some steamed brocoli (yes, more veggies...) with lemon. It was all I wanted.

Today, however is a different story. Maybe it's because I'm not really busy and have time to think about food. Hm....

Well, quick check-in is over and, as you may have noted, I've got nothing new to say. Guess I'll get back to work.
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Old 07-01-2003, 01:47 PM   #156  
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Hello, hello! The happy wanderer is back. Actually we got back Sunday night, but I have been so busy trying to get back to normal! Me, normal? Ok, normal as I can be!

We had a wonderful time. Vicki was so shocked and it was wonderful. I was sitting in the bride's room with my back against the wall where she would be coming in. She came in holding a bunch of stuff and I happened to be standing as I had just helped the pianist with her corsage. She looked at me and never said a word, put down a bag she had and stood back up and looked at me again and then it registered and she kind of screamed and started trying to unload the rest of her arms so she could hug me. I cried through the whole wedding (she sat us in one of the family rows, God bless her). At the very end, the minister had pronouced them husband and wife and they were facing the crowd while a quartet sang the Lord's Prayer. I was balling my eyes out and she looked down and saw me and mouthed "I love you" and I blew her a kiss and just boohooed all the more. We really are like sisters. She had dh and I and her and Bob in a picture together. Oh, the outfit went over great and I looked HOT if I do say so myself. That tanning stuff for us real white bread body girls works fantastic (at least the stuff I used did). We also had dinner one night and Sunday breakfast with my son and his girlfriend (who are back together and we are thrilled) and Sat morning breakfast with my older sister and Sat evening dinner with friends so all in all the trip was great. There was only one snag. We left here around 3:00 pm and got into Chicago around 11 pm and about 5 miles before our exit off 80/94 there were signs saying there was construction. WELL, we sat for 2 1/2 hours in traffic, sometimes for 30 minutes at a time at a dead standstill. Instead of being at the hotel at midnight, we trudged in there at 3 AM. Thank goodness neither of us had an attack of needing to go to the bathroom. We took the new Harry Potter audio book, which is 17 tapes and 26 1/2 hours long so at least we weren't bored even though pretty stiff and dh (who is definitely not the most patient of persons) was huffing and puffing and swearing on and off for the 2 1/2 hours!
BTW, I waved at all you ladies that live on the way to Indiana as I passed. Hope you caught it!

We got home and just dumped stuff in the kitchen and living room, ran out and picked up a sandwich and crashed. I got it all hauled upstairs except for the snacks and dirty clothes on Monday and put back away, then started in on laundry. Got into the pool during loads and got in that ole exercise (the hotel pool was really shallow and man after one day, my knees were killing me so I didn't exercise Sat or Sund). Got the downstairs cleaned and the upstairs today and when dh gets home, we will go get our babies from the kennel. (I left them there an extra day so I wouldn't be tripping over them trying to get work done)

Jello: I read the posts about what you said and I think that too many of us totally stress out about losing weight. We freak out at an occasional bad day or even week or month. I have learned to take it all in stride and just go on to the next day when I have a bad one. The more you struggle over it, the less likely you are to succeed. It takes concentration to stay on your program of course, but I think just stepping back, saying, "Hey, I look fine the way I am, but I am going to work at looking and feeling better" is the way to go about it. Make losing weight and exercise a happy situation not one you dread. I tried several programs and exercises before I found one that I could be happy with and fit into my lifestyle and I think that is the key.

To the rest of you ravishingly beautiful women, I hope things are going well for you!

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