Weight and Resistance Training Boost weight loss, and look great!

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Old 06-09-2003, 09:22 AM   #1  
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Thumbs down LWL #106 - week of 9 June 2003

Just wanted to start this week's thread before hopping in the shower...TIRED today...must be the weather or yesterday's free meal!

Got a LOTTA catchin' up to do today...laters!
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Old 06-09-2003, 09:32 AM   #2  
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Morning all,

Supposed to be a BEAUtiful day here in the motorcity. I have my clothes all ready so I can run while the kids are at football/cheerleading practice.

Robin - the Isolateral machine is a chest press machine, but unlike the nautilus machines, each side works independently so you can have your right side press more weight than the left or vice versa. I am still feeling that workout.

On BRx, my protein intake is at 188 grams a day. I feel like I am constantly eating, and I feel like a pig. I munch on FiberOne cereal all day long at work like it was chips or something so I am getting in my 45grams. I am also trying to wean myself off of caffeine. I don't know how or why, but over the past 3 weeks, I have picked up a regular coffee habit that I just don't need to have. If you all here about a short, crazy woman that snapped unexpectedly at work in Detroit, it was probably me.

later y'all!
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Old 06-09-2003, 09:58 AM   #3  
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Morning folks.. I'm tired too, Mrs Jim, but I know why. I stayed up too late soaking up a backrub and watching stupid sci fi with my boyfriend. Those moments happen too infrequently for me to just sleep through them!!

Consequently I kind of sleep walked through my UB this morning. Had to lower the weight on the last set on a few moves. Tsk, lack of sleep = lack of power. One thing I have noticed with freeweights is that when I do my LBWO, my UB gets a workout, too. Lifting the weights off the rack (no cage yet) to do squats and lunges, etc. is a mini workout all its own.

Tik - I'm a coffee drinker. I love my coffee, and I wouldn't dream of giving it up. It's one of my few vices.
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Old 06-09-2003, 10:32 AM   #4  
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Tik - you are in Detroit? My DH's family is in Redford. We are visiting back there in August.

My protein intake is 260 a day......talk about being a pig LOL!!

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Old 06-09-2003, 10:59 AM   #5  
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yep, I live in Motown. been here about 6 years now but I will ALWAYS be a Tennessean. shoot me a message and maybe I can show you our new improved Ballys when you come up in August.

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Old 06-09-2003, 11:43 AM   #6  
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WOW. How do you guys get all that protein in (sample menus/helpful hints??????)

I am going to do cardio today. I'm still adjusting to the back-at-the-gym schedule and bar study schedule and I'm like a baby who has day and night mixed up. I set my alarm for 3 am for the gym but since I didn't go to bed until about midnight, it was not happening. I can't seem to get my schedule straight.

There is a very surreal quality to my life staying home all day with the books and the cats (they camp out on my bed while I'm studying). I get out to see the chiro once a week but it would be nice to go other places as well. I am scheduling a massage.

I feel my AB work from the weekend (yeah! I can't go too hard on any other body part but I can hit abs hard and the pain feels GOOD!!!) Does anyone do abs every day? I know we discussed this a long time ago but I don't remember what we said.

Happy Monday everyone!!!
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Old 06-09-2003, 12:30 PM   #7  
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I do abs everyday ... no particular w/o program, I just do them for about 10 minutes after my w/o...

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Old 06-09-2003, 12:34 PM   #8  
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Susan! It is just too cool to see you around here again! At least *your* cats are good enough to stay OFF your books while you're reading them...Megan seems to enjoy planting her chubby body on top of the Sunday paper, or in front of the monitor.

I am REALLY tired today...didn't sleep all that well. Just seemed muggy last night...and kitties were restless (on the bright side, Sparky and Megan are both good friends now - on Saturday I was watching the Belmont Stakes with Sparky cuddled next to me...little girl jumped up on the sofa and started GROOMING Sparky's face, ears, neck...he didn't mind at all! I just wish Jim had been home to see it - he was up in Marin recording again).

Last week's meeting wiped me out - these week-long meetings always seem to do that...I'm DYING for some time off - I have 200 hours of vacation time accrued right now, but can't take any time off until after my next week-long meeting...which is the week of the 23rd. The meeting ends on the 26th, and I'm planning on taking off from Friday 27 June - Sunday 6 July (my boss is taking the same days so I don't think there's going to be a conflict). Since Jim isn't taking time off except for the holiday, I will most likely be spending the bulk of my time at the stables helping out.

Of course last week was a total bust nutrition wise...I spent most of my time running back and forth (the conference room is in one of our other buildings across the street) 'putting out fires', and forgetting to eat...until after work...NOT a good pattern for me to say the least Oh well...back on track this week though!

Jim and I had a WONDERFUL late lunch/early dinner (whatever you call a meal you eat at 4:30 pm - the Senior Citizen's special...remember that Seinfeld episode?? ) at Chevy's yesterday. They have the YUMMIEST shrimp fajitas - a BIG pile of shrimp...with some great veggies and those awesome flour tortillas fresh from "El Machino" along with pinto beans and rice. (it was my free meal...) Tempted to have a frozen margarita but not wanting a headache today, we opted for iced tea instead .

Jeez, I STILL have a lot of reading to do on last week's thread...gotta run and get some work done though
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Old 06-09-2003, 12:55 PM   #9  
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Hey Guys!

Tiki, how far into C2 are you? I have found that I'm alwats stuffed for the first couple weeks of a new cycle, then my metabolism kicks in and I'm fine...or starving! Cycle 2 is my favorite cycle.

re: coffeee...I gave it up about the middle of March. I love coffee, but only drank a couple cups per week. It was my treat and I miss it but I guess I can live w/o it.

Robin, you were concerned about fiber supps causing bloating? Have you tried them much? I really never noticed much of a problem and usually it is temporary until you get used to it. Don't be afraid to add some. You'll need to in Cycle 3 anyway.

Susan, it's just a matter of increasing protein sizes a bit most of the time. I add extra protein powder to my shakes as well. That helps a lot. And when your metaboism goes into high gear, it's easy!

Enjoy that massage! It sounds great!

Don't you just love sore abs? I work my abs 2-3 times a week.

I had some testing and a first interview for a job this morning at a very high security place. I really haven't figured out why they need such high security unless the owners are paranoid or something. On the phone last week they told me that they are high security and that restrooms & water fountains are off-limits. I wondered if that meant that if I need to use the restroom, I should excuse myself and walk to the nearest gas station 1/2 mile away? The answer was YES! There was a sign that said if you have to leave to find a restroom they will hold your paperwork for you. How weird is that? I had 2-3 sips from my water bottle on the way there and was parched by the time I pulled it out of my purse after I left 2 hours later. Not being able to drink my water was torture!

Oh, and to make matters worse, I walked in the door and realized at once that my contacts were dirty. No idea why I didn't notice sooner. I'd unfortunately used a salt scrub on my hands this morning before I put my contacts in. I ran out of hand soap but I really thought I'd gotten the excess oil off my hands. Obviously I didn't. Couldn't go to the rest room to clean them either! I was aftraid I'd have to take them out but I managed. BTW, these are the new contacts I metioned I was getting. OMG!!! I can't believe how comfortable these are! All the years I've worn contacts and they ALWAYS were so uncomfortable-felt like I had sand or worse in my eyes all the time! This is great!

I've got legs today. Spinning, too, if it clears up outside, but I doubt it will in time. We've had such grey, rainy weather lately. We're not used to being without our sunshine so much here.

If you're interested, I posted about my current nutrition in my journal.

Have a great day!


Last edited by DiamondDeb; 06-09-2003 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 06-09-2003, 01:24 PM   #10  
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Deb - I am doing ok on Fiber. I am still struggling a bit. I am using about 6gms of benefiber a day right now....I will probably double that. I am really trying to get it from fruits and veggies, since I know next cycle I will have to rely on the supps more.

I too ad extra PP to my shakes to make them higher protein. My protein shakes are usually about 60 gms of protein. It takes the pressure off my other meals if I don't get in my 45 gms per meal that I need to hit my goal.

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Old 06-09-2003, 03:23 PM   #11  
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Hey Deb,

Robin and I are in the exact same spot for C2 - 06/01/03. I am tweaking the program a bit with added cardio but overall, I like it. I haven't made my protein goal yet, but have gotten within 20 grams of it. I am having mental issues with my supplements. I just don't want to take them anymore - not the protein powder, not my diet fuel, my calcium supplement, NOTHING. Sounds silly, but the effort to plan the healthy meals and protein is a lot, and to plot out getting the other stuff in too is just too much right now. Maybe I will invest in a protein drink that I like a LOT so having it will be more like a treat and not a chore.
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Old 06-09-2003, 04:41 PM   #12  
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Tiki, within 20g isn't too bad! I think if you're close most of the time it'll be ok. I'm just not sure how it would work if you're significantly under most of the time.

I get sick of supplements, too, sometimes, and "forget" to take them. I never get tired of shakes though! At least, not the ones I make in the blender! I add extracts, fruit, etc. and makes me feel like I'm having a Red food! My favorite is chocolate mint! No matter how good a protein powder is, I can make it better! Yum! I really think my shakes are helpinng me stay on track now since I am not allowing any Red foods at all. You might want to try Grow! if you haven't. It's very good! I use RTDs when I have to (on-the-run) but I've never had one that really tastes fantastic.

I have been weighing/measuring/tracking my food for over 2 years and have gotten very tired of it. I'm not doing any of that for 6 weeks and it is sooo easy! I love this! I know about how much I am supposed to have, though and I'm not getting much variety or trying new recipes. When this 6 weeks is up, I'll most likely be back at it again. But not a minute sooner! If you don't want ogo to all the fuss, why don't you just figure out the portion sizes you need, as suggested in the book, and do it that way?
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Old 06-09-2003, 05:53 PM   #13  
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I had a wonderful workout this morning... I'm finally getting good enough on lower body machines (I'm not on free weights yet) that I can go from one to the next without standing around looking puzzled. Woo hoo!

I've been using the fist method this last week and does anyone else think that they're eating too much food? I had eggbeaters and oatmeal this morning and I felt like I was eating a freakin' buffet. BTW, I tried those new Southwestern Eggbeaters, sooooo good! They have peppers and spices in them so I don't even have to open my eyes to make breakfast!

Tiki - If you find a protein drink that's a treat, not a chore, let me know!!! I can't stand them.

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Old 06-09-2003, 06:05 PM   #14  
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I just had the worse eating day!!! And I'm really angry with myself, it's windy as all get out too, but I just may go for a bike ride to wear off some calories.... My ratio was F36% - C32% - P32% and 2792 calories.... GRRRRR I'm not happy with myself at all....

I know totally what happened I went too long between meals at supper... tomorrow is another day!! I'm gonna have to keep a low profile....

Later all...

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Old 06-09-2003, 06:14 PM   #15  
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Default Monday

Boy that was a long weekend! Had a huge party Saturday night and the house is filled with left-overs that should get the dishsoap treatment, but dh and ds are enjoying them, and dd is coming home tomorrow for a 4 day visit, so I would feel really bad getting rid of it all. Just need to be STRONG! A whole lot stronger than I was yesterday. I'm so bloated, I can now understand the after effects of a post-comp binge.....even my socks hurt on my legs today.

The up side was an awesome workout! boy those carbs gotta be good for something. Did biceps, triceps, and calves. The gym is filling up with college athletes doing their summer lifting programs, and I got stuck in a clump of football players from U of Richmond. Just slid in and did my sets with them as a couple stared in disbelief at the old lady pushing 400 lbs on the calf raise machine One guy offered to spot me on the curl bar, but he was waving a 90 pound bar. That was my exit- maybe next week, guys!

Gotta run and get my hair fixed. I had it cut Saturday morning and it is TERRIBLE I'm so nearsighted that I couldn't tell what it looked like until the girl had put so much hairspray on it it was stuck down to my head and literally gummy. I look like Bozo....

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