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Old 08-22-2002, 02:42 PM   #136  
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Semo ~ YIPPEE , we LOVE secrets . I'm afraid to even start watching those shows.....I did watch once. They had on Barbies, and I collect them. I have about 70 and if I added up all the money I spent I would probably drop dead . Some were gifts, so I didn't buy them all.
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Old 08-22-2002, 02:53 PM   #137  
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I better not tell anymore of my faults for awhile. Believe me I have lots of bad habits, just can't seem to get rid of a bad habit without picking up a new one in it's place. Oh well, credit card payments are my motivation to keep getting up and going to work every morning.
Works slow today.......can you tell?
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Old 08-22-2002, 03:26 PM   #138  
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Slow here too. Going crazy..... get to leave in less than 2 hours! who-hoo. Don't know why I'm getting all excited. I've got to run to the store, go pick DD from preschool, go home, do 20 min of step, cook dinner, feed the kids, get them ready for a bath and then, then I may get to relax. Oh well, just another day in the life of.......
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Old 08-22-2002, 03:33 PM   #139  
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I remember those days when my boys were young. Trust me, your little ones will be up and grown before you know it. Enjoy your time with them.
BTW think this thread has already helped, I haven't had anything in between meals (big old candy dish on my desk too) and I am on my second 34 oz bottle of water.
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Old 08-22-2002, 03:46 PM   #140  
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YYYEEEEHHHAAAWWW!! Now that's the kind of stuff we like to hear! .

So for the challenge, what are your goals.....


Mine is
Food: 1200-1400 calories
Water: 64oz
Exercise: walk 2 miles, 20 minutes of step and I'm adding some kind of structured exercise. ie. walking around the mall doesn't count?

My kids are all young. The oldest is 3. So bascially I have 3 kids ages 3 and under. Cheyenne is 3, Lucas is almost 17 mos and Kaleigha is 5 months! The three of them together....... are alot of work. But I love them to death and wouldn't change a thing .
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Old 08-22-2002, 03:48 PM   #141  
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Legs! I didn't see that one this morning...

I'm still up in the air on the whole band thing. The school does not have instruments. The music store rents them at $52mo, or purchase for $1300. DH was going to check the pawn shop. But then, we'd have to pay for it out-right....and I already have the "back to school financial blues"....not to mention youngest sons bday is in a few weeks....then Christmas sneaking around the corner.

The I made are gone. I ate the last three with my lunch. I hope DH doesn't bring any home in his lunchbox.

I picked up a yoga video at the library. Rodney Yee for beginners. I have a vision...both the kids in school, house is quiet, candles, curtains blowing in the breeze, and me doing YOGA. It could happen.

Welcome Semo

I have to get my butt cleaning. For some reason I've had a terrible time keeping up lately. I can't believe I used to think that staying at home would give me a clean house. LOL! Guess I wasn't thinking about the kids staying at home too!

Later taters!
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Old 08-22-2002, 04:17 PM   #142  
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Tig! Butt cleaning!? What's that? Sounds kinda' kinky....

Sorry. I'm a bit silly here today. I'm leaving in 20 minutes ... ooh, 19 now ... to go to the gym. Meet with my trainer at 5:30. I think I'm gonna ask if I can hop on her scale just to see.

I gotta know!!!!!!!!! I just can't stay off the scale.

My name is Jello. And I'm a scale-a-holic. :hypno2:

Geez! MORE new smilies! I just printed out the last batch!

P.S. Just heard that Barry Manilow commercial again. He's now singing "Can't Smile Without You". That's how I feel about you guys!!!!
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Old 08-22-2002, 04:17 PM   #143  
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Okay, H20 - At least 64 oz each day Exercise - At least 30 Min per day, five out of seven days and Food - To make the best choice that I can at each meal and no snacking in between. Once a week I have a free meal, which means that I can eat what I want but that does not mean ALL that I want. This is the way that I lost 40 pounds. (gained 20 back, dang it) Took a long time to lose but I could stay with it. I HATE journals and counting calories so I just try to do well at each meal. I just sort of lost interest in everything going on around me for awhile. You know....needed to feel sorry for myself and eat everything in site to console some feelings that I didn't want to deal with. Anyway it's time to get over it and move on. The funny thing is it really wasn't anything major just life in general. (Maybe Hormonal thingy) When you get my age you can use that hormal thing as a good excuse when you just want to blow up or just be hateful sometimes. Let's you get away with more fits and people just seem to accept it as normal. LOL
Finished my second bottle of water, WooHoo.
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Old 08-22-2002, 04:24 PM   #144  
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Semo, congrats on the H20.

Awwww man, Jello....did you say there are more smilies?! They really ARE trying to kill me, aren't they?!

My name is Dyan, and I too am a scale-o-holic :hypno2: ! hehe

Hhhmmmm wonder if I should get a butt cleaning too! .

101 smilies.......oh the damage I could cause.......
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Old 08-22-2002, 04:58 PM   #145  
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BUTT CLEANING. har, har, har
But seriously, I just can't seem to get motivated to do it. Luckily DH doesn't notice much beyond a clear walking path.
At least I'm not snack'n.

Semo, I like your approach to food. I'm having problems in that area. I feel like I need a structured plan. But, don't want to follow a plan forever. The first 10lbs I lost was pretty much cutting out junk and eat'n smaller portions.

Tigerlily here, still trying to teach the old dog new tricks.
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Old 08-22-2002, 05:44 PM   #146  
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Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome back! Um, I thought I only skipped one day, though? LOL. Seriously, you guys are the bomb. Welcome, Semo!

Well, or as my father-in-law would say, "Well, Anywhoo" You guys are all doing awesome! I too am on track to have a good day today, and I'm happy about it. Funkytown, you are a distant memory!!

OMGoodness - just realized tomorrow night I'm going to a wedding - almost forgot! Well I shopped for it 3 weeks ago so all I have to do is figure out what to wear. Sorry for that outburst, I was just about to type "And I'm ready to have a good strong weekend, too." And then my mind drifted to thoughts of the weekend, and I glanced at the calendar thinking what ARE my plans... and almost peed my pants, LOL.

Has anyone seen Kayla? Did she go to camp? I miss that kid! ((( ))) I swear when I saw that emoticon I thought of her instantly.

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Old 08-22-2002, 06:33 PM   #147  
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New smilies, new members and BUTT CLEANING. Man, I am SORRY I left here today. Who will be administering the butt cleanings? I don't trust Jo with a rubber hose.

Semo! Welcome woman! Glad to have you, please stay with us, people keep leaving us and I'm sure it's because Dyan has hairy armpits and doesn't wear deoderant. *snort, giggle*

I actually went to Sam Goody to find a Bacon Brothers CD, and they were out. BUMMER. The pimply music geek behind the counter said they are getting a pretty big following and have two CDs out. Impressive.

Cafe, glad to see you. I was laughing when you said that the hyper smilie reminded you of Kayla. Things are quiet without her here. Yeah, she is still at camp. (working on that teen romance, I bet!!!) made me all teary eyed when you said you couldn't smile without us.

Well, my day has sucked. I am going to get that water in and my excercise, but we ate at the mall. I wasn't home from 10:30 this morning until 5:30 and both my meals were out. We had Fridays for lunch, and I had a club sandwich with NO mayo, NO bacon, and NO cheese and some french onion soup. Then for dinner, I had chinese. So, there is no way I will get a point for food today, but I will get a 2 or I will die trying.

Ahhh, the A/C will be fixed tomorrow. Whoo Hoo!!!!

I bought myself a book today. The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold. Should be an interesting read!
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Old 08-22-2002, 06:36 PM   #148  
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I just hate it when I miss out on all the fun things going on here during the day. Wish I had an internet connection at my desk but my company is too cheap to do ANYTHING like that so we are all left to fight over getting on the computer during the day (when the boss isn't looking) and guess who usually loses.

Semo - thanks for the advice on the water, I usually do drink it even if I don't want to, but today I just couldn't make myself. I like the Crystal Lite but it is too much of a pain to try to keep it at work. Besides, I usually just let my water get to room temperature, hold my nose and gulp down 8-10 oz at one time unless I am hot or extremely thirsty.
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Old 08-22-2002, 08:47 PM   #149  
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Aaawwww Tiffany.... that's just wrong! , Your not supposed to tell remember?! zipa the lipa

Haha, Simpson......

Your a silly, silly girl!
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Old 08-23-2002, 05:52 AM   #150  
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I am always so glad when the weekend approaches, get to lay in bed and be lazy. No big plans for this weekend, maybe I'll just clean out the hall closets since they are a total mess. Anybody have big plans?

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