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Old 08-26-2002, 03:33 PM   #211  
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Sorry Tiff. I say it so much that it doesn't even phase me. My other saying, when my feet hurt is "Man, my dogs are barking". Don't really realize what I've said until either some one looks at me with a puzzled look on their face or they say somthing like "You can hear your dogs barking from here!" . Bbbaaahhhhaaahhhaaa, I don't even have a dog!! I picked up quite a few sayings when I was a waitress. Instead of saying "God D*** it" I would say, "God bless america". Tried to clean up my act a bit. But when ya spill something, or whatever, you tend to react.

I also try to find low cal stuff when I want to snack. But ya know my cupboards, look like a snack shop! I couldn't even find room for the baby's formula!

Semo ~ sending strong vibes your way

Oh Huntress......where are you? Can you come out and play?
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Old 08-26-2002, 03:38 PM   #212  
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Okay, so I'm gonna post this week's loss, like I'm happy about it (I mean I am, but I just wasn't as thrilled as usual).....

I lost 14 sticks of butter!! WHOHOO

Maybe, that'll make me feel better......Let's see
okay, maybe a little
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Old 08-26-2002, 04:00 PM   #213  
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Dyanm I don't how much that is but a loss of any type is great. WooHoo get the party hats out cause we'll celebrating. I'll bring the cyber snacks. What would you like?
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Old 08-26-2002, 04:25 PM   #214  
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Sorry Semo.....I'm on a butter kick! I think everyone else is used to me and my butter by now. It's 3.5 pounds. Ya figure 4 sticks of butter in a pound package

I would like some Oreo cookie barz....ppppllluuuzzz . Then I'll have to walk 2 miles just to not feel guilty about it.

I'm thinking of heading over to the Great Mall this weekend and picking up the WATP Abs videos. They have a store there called "As Seen on T.V.", there's also a website w/ the same name. At least if I go to the mall, I'll get some walking in AND I won't have to pay for shipping and handling . But just the thought of going to ANOTHER mall, makes me queasy. I wish I had a magic wand
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Old 08-26-2002, 04:40 PM   #215  
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You guys are posting maniacs! Crack me up!!

Nice catching up with you on a lazy Monday afternoon.

Water is done for me - I have half my points left and I'm going to the HUGE mall tonight to run an errand - I think I can do a 30 minute walk without stopping and then run back to the stores I want to visit. Maybe I'll get all my points today????

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Old 08-26-2002, 05:11 PM   #216  
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All I did was go out to mow for a couple hours and you guys filled up a whole page!
3 water bottles down, one to go. I'm also doing great on food today. Me, a food point? hmm, it could happen.

Dyan, 14 sticks of butter! Woohoo! Imagine, all that butter sit'n on your kitchen counter top.

Jello, mower out of gas. Always runs out of gas when I'm the farthest from the house. Some kind of law I'm sure. Now, after all that mowing, I'm out of gas too. If only jiggle'n on the mower shook the fat off!
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Old 08-26-2002, 05:20 PM   #217  
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Dyanm: Three and a half pounds........that's great. I have two sets of WATP tapes one I got the belt with and it really makes a difference using the belt. I tried using hand weights yesterday with the other tape, they were using two pounders and five pounders were the only kind that I had.....Arms gave out rather quickly. I'm going to get some two pound weights before I use it again.

That's the fun of cyber calories what so ever and you can have anything you want.

I have my water done and my exercise too, just have to watch my dinner and I'll be good to go for another successful day.

Well guys, guess I'm out of here until Thursday. I'm already stressing about how I'm gonna get in my thirty minutes of exercise tomorrow. I'm leaving at quarter pass six and have to pack before that, guess I could set my alarm for midnight and then go back to sleep. Did I tell you that I'm a fanatic? When I'm good, I'm really good but when I'm bad........ well you get the idea.

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Old 08-26-2002, 06:28 PM   #218  
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Hey girls!!!

well! i checked this morning before work and there were messages, i come home and holy cow! so you want sories eh? well first i want to say hi to semo! HI SEMO! how are you? Im kayla and im the young'n around here...hehehe...just kidding girls! im not calling you old! really! im not!

he he...i love this little guy! are some stories! Well, camp was AMAZING...i met the coolest coolest people. the guys were adorable.....and i met this one italian boy, cristino...he was so awesome...we talked for hours about all sorts of stuff...he was so sweet and just a really cool person! We had a dance on the last night and i danced with....9 was a 2 hour dance and we only had 10 slow songs...and i danced with my best friend twice! (he came to the camp too) my group created memory journals and we sold the camp picture as was an amazing fun time and we made $33.25 each...which isnt bad. I was the public relations manager/ was awesome. I didnt go in the pool at all though....i sat and put my feet in but other than

When i won the award i was astonished! i just about was the most amazing moment of my life! and it meant so much more than any beuty contest or anything any girl could have meant im smart and i have somthing going for me. I will post pictures of me and Mr. entrepreneur when i get them developed. It was just a super amazing moment..i wish i could have shared that feeling with the whole world! Laine, one of the counselors, said he knew i was going to get it....and Lindsey (a guy actually) said he would talk to some of the head people to make sure i get in as a counselor for next year. it was a very awesome time and i met so many cool people.....there wasnt anyone i didnt like there and i made SOOO many friends!

Ryan (for those of you who know who ryan is:hint: tiff, huntress cafe and dyan should!) called me twice yesterday...i was out of town when he first called and then he called me back later and we talked forever. Hes having girl troubles! so we talked for an hour and then i figured it was time for bed! it was so awesome to hear from him though.....and he called ME not the other way around! oficially OUT of this months challange...i was too busy to bother with points while i was gone! but what can ya do?

cafe, my msn name IS Miss entrepreneur!!! lol!!!!
anyways girls! have a great day and ill talk to you all later!
([email protected])
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Old 08-27-2002, 08:30 AM   #219  
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Alright, where is everyone? We weren't suppose to meet at the Oprah Show today, were we?

Hi Kayla! Camp sounded great. Are you counting down the days until school starts?

My youngest started kindergarten this morning. When he first woke up, he asked me if I could go with him. That was it, he was all grown up and ready to go by himself after that one question. Rode away on the big yellow bus. Didn't act scared at all. I took pictures, maybe I'll post some at yahoo.

So, I have 3 whole hours alone...well, me and the critters....until I have to pick him up. 3 hours. Whatever will I do?!
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Old 08-27-2002, 09:03 AM   #220  
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Tiger, well you'll come here and post with us, that's what you'll do. Must have been tough seeing him go off on the bus. {{{Tiger}}} It's funny. There's a woman here at work who's son just had his second interview for a job he really wants and is really excited about. But it's in California. (We're in Pennsylvania.) She wants him to get the job but ... weepy weepy ... it's 3000 miles away! Her baby!!! (Who is 27 years old BTW.) I guess it's a "mom" thing.

SEMO sounds like me! I'm a fanatic about trips also. I woke up at 3 this morning thinking about what to pack and what outfits to take, etc. Got up and dug out the suitcases and started sorting socks and underwear until Rich demanded I go back to bed. Was up again at 6 and, after the shower and dressing for work, etc. I was at it again.

I was going to skip the gym tonight. Too much to do before the trip. But then I figured I'd need to work off some of the stress so I'll go. Going to stop on the way home and buy Rich some new shirts and socks whether he likes it or not. What is it with men and their old worn clothes anyway? I told him to get some socks because most of his have holes in them. Know what he said? "Well we could sew them." Note the word WE. OK, so not going to happen. I'm buying new ones and I'll tell him they were on sale.

Dyan!!!! Congratulations on the loss of your butter!!! Ya' done good girl!!!

I have to go now. No I mean I "have to go" ... NOW!! Lots of water, you know! Or else I'll be dancing. Who was it that called it the pee pee dance...??

Talk at cha' later!
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Old 08-27-2002, 09:20 AM   #221  
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Man, it IS quiet here. Yikes. Had a 3 point day yesterday. Still haven't weighed in yet. I KNOW I have to potty, but can't seem to get the job done and I feel bloated, so I think I will wait a little while longer before I weigh.

I took the Step-daughter yesterday for her physical, and today I have to take my daughter, and she has a list of complaints for the doctor. She can't sleep, she thinks she has exercise induced asthma, she doesn't want to have any more immunizations and doesn't understand why she has to...etc. So, she is armed and dangerous today.

Anyway, I will post more later, I injured my back a little bit the day before yesterday and I am not sure how, but my lower back is in agony. I did manage to walk last night, there was no way I could ride my bike with my back that way, but at least I DID exercise.

Jo, I can't stress enough how important it is for you to get a HUGE suitcase with some air holes. I will be arriving at your house incognito by the end of the week. Please pack me carefully in the suitcase and make sure I am on that plane. You cooperation is most appreciated.

Just tell your husband, that I am your personal trainer.

Ok, off to the doctor!
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Old 08-27-2002, 09:23 AM   #222  
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Pics of Owen on his first day of school. Luckily he'll have big brother with him on the bus. Otherwise, I'd be a wreck.

I haven't been sleeping for the last couple weeks. I figured last week was because of the whole sax deal. Sax or no sax, $ or no $. So, when that was taken care of, I thought I'd be sleeping good. Not happen'n. Maybe is 'cuz of Owen, first day of school anxiety. I have been having the funkiest dreams, waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to get back to sleep. Think I'll be hit'n the tylenol pm tonight.

Jello, my DH same way about clothes. I have to hide torn up sweat shirts so he wont wear them...after he quits asking for them, I throw them away. When the coast is clear. Oh, and hats. He has baseball hats that reeeeekkkk. I wash them hope'n they will fall apart! And the "WE" word....I could go on and on about that one.
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Old 08-27-2002, 09:23 AM   #223  
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Gooooodddd Mooorrrrnniinnnggg Ladies!

Jo~ It is I that has to always do the peepee dance!! Hehe. But I look more like that white squishy thing, they have dancing around. So.....when are ya leaving?

Tiger~ I still remember (very clearly) my DD first day at pre-school and the first day I dropped her off at the sitter. She was only 3 months old, and as I was backing out of the driveway, I had tears in my eyes (both times). She started preschool when she was 2 1/2, and I was so worried about her making friends and what not. Preschool isn't like regular school, in the fact that it doesn't end. They go all year round, and alot of these kids had already known each other, and so she was the newbie . Yesterday when we got home she was telling me, in the most whiney voice possible, how she didn't have any friends. I bought this little act the first time and it broke my heart. But yesterday was about the gazillionth time she told me this. I just looked at her and told her that with her attitutde, I wouldn't want to be her friend either. Totally, not what she was expecting.....So she let it go. way off subject.....

I'm feeling more like myself again today. I want to thank everyone one for your support. Sometimes this can be a VERY difficult journey. One that before this, I dreaded taking (obviously, by the size of me ). I try to remind myself that only a few months ago I was 33 pounds heavier ( the weight of my oldest!). I still have a long way to go, but I could be gaining instead of losing and then what would I do? Could I end up being one of those peope, who one day, just can't seem to get out of bed? That thought alone is enough to scare the crap out of me. So Mon-Fri, I get my arse in gear and drink my water, get my exercise and try to eat right. speaking of which.......Do ya'll realize that we are now passing the half mark on our 30 challenge and next week week we will "officially" post our mini Halloween goals? I need to try to be as realistic as possible, when it comes to my mini goals. I want all this fat off soooooo bad!

So here I sit, drinking the debil juice, having to do the peepee dane

I more thing

Last edited by Dyanm1; 08-27-2002 at 09:26 AM.
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Old 08-27-2002, 10:55 AM   #224  
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Well OK Tiff but you'll be pretty cramped in there with all the other people I've been asked to smuggle aboard the plane. Hm, perhaps a little bribery will get you to the top of the list??? What cha got for me, hmmmmmm????

Have you noticed I'm posting a lot these days? Gotta get it out of my system. I'm gonna miss you guys like CRAZY!! And when I do get back here, the boss will be back and I won't be able to come here as often. Darn reality!!

Um, Tiger, it's not supposed to be "sAx" that causes you to lose sleep at night. Seriously, it's a guy thing with the clothes. Even my mother still says the same thing about my father. It's the same all through the ages.

Ah, Dyan! You're the "dancer"!! I knew it was someone here. The dancing does help a little. But just a word of wisdom to all of you. Never blow your nose when you have to pee. It's just gross.

Know what I just realized? I have my first official weigh-in for this program on the week I get back from vacation! Oooh, this could be BAD!!! Maybe I'll pack yet another pair of walking shoes and hope the weather holds out. It's pretty funny. I've decided to pack all sorts of sweaters and warm fleecy things and then my friend in Scotland reports that they've "finally gotten their summer weather". No no no!!! But I've checked. Their "summer" weather is something like 65 degrees Farenheit. Hey, I'm living on the east coast of the US here. Temp's don't drop to that even in the middle of the night these days!

Have I mentioned that the people we're staying with have a big farmhouse with sheep and horses and chickens, etc. I'm hoping it's a lot of physical work so I can get lots of exercise. And who knows. If the sheep and cows, etc. are really cute, I may become a vegetarian while I'm there!

3 more days. Starting to panic. Hey, it's what I do.
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Old 08-27-2002, 11:31 AM   #225  
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Jello ~ Take a deep breath. Breath in.....hold it......breath out......again......breath in......breath out........ Your gonna be fine!
I am so jealous , I wanna go too. Whatever Tiff offers, I'll double it......

Tiff ~ CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on your 3 pointer day! How'd the Dr. visit go? I am so not looking forward to my kids hitting the teenage year....... They'll all be in high school at the same time! When Cheyenne is a Senior, Lucas will be a sophomore and Kaleigha will be freshmen. I can already picture all the drama. My brother and I went to high school at the same time. I was a senior and he was a freshmen, so I pretty much acted like I didn't know him , c'mon he was a FRESHMEN for cryin out loud LOL.

Hehe Jello! Trust me, I know better than to even think about coughing or sneezing when I gotta tinkle. You would be surprised how often "things" happen when your pregnant. But that's a whole 'nother other mom's know what I'm talkin about.....

Tiger ~ what cha' doin? Man, what I wouldn't give for a few hours of alone time. aaaahhhhh I could just master the possiblities

Gotta run (you know what that means. gotta tinkle)
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