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Old 08-29-2002, 08:48 AM   #256  
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Dyan, I'm saying a prayer for you and your sister and family. I wish there was a way to explain why this happens but I don't have an answer for you. {{{Dyan}}} I'm so sorry.

Tiffany, guess I won't talk to you until after I get back. Hm, now what can I say here to pick on you now that you can't fight back for another week. Nyah, nyah, nyah!! Tiff is a big banana!!!! Hm, guess you would take that as a compliment. OK, how 'bout .... Neener neener. Queen Tiffany is afraid of water!! Nah, you've already admitted to not liking the stuff.

Hm, guess I just don't have anything bad to say about you, girlie. I'll miss ya!

That goes for all of you. I hope to be able to post again today before I leave here but it might not happen. I've had 2 weeks without the boss here and yet I haven't done any of the work I wanted to have done for him when he gets back next week. Whew! Thank goodness I won't be here when he comes back!

You guys better be good while I'm gone! I'll be reading all the posts and taking notes when I get back. I'll also be ready for the next challenge. I'll NEED it!!

Have a great week!
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Old 08-29-2002, 09:16 AM   #257  
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Thanks Tiff & Jello. I'm doing better, just trying to think about it. My sister isn't in to mood to talk (which I can understand) so I sent her an email and told her I'm here when she's ready. She also doen't know that Lisa is pregnant. I know it will crush her.

I will try not to let all this personal stuff get me too down.....

So I will start over with a......

Ggggoooodddd Moorrnniinngg Ladies ,

I hope everyone has a 3 pointer of a day!
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Old 08-29-2002, 10:54 AM   #258  
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Hi all

Once again, I am swamped under today and won't be able to come out and "play".

Dyan - I am so sorry for your family's loss, I will keep you all in my prayers.
Tiffany - hope you like the new job better than the other one.
Jello - if I don't get to "talk" to you again before you leave, have an awsome trip, and I expect a full report when you get back, hopefully the weather will hold up and you won't have a rough flight.

Have a good day all,

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Old 08-29-2002, 11:14 AM   #259  
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Hey girls!

well im just on my way to calagary to go shopping. i love to shop.....but my DAD went and invited this "friend" of mine who is a little over baring. She drives me nuts. shes like....RIGHT by my side no matter where i go. when i go shopping i just want to go by myself and just DO IT. i dont want people following me around and stuf......grr!!!! but anyways...itll be fun!

well i gotta run! my hair brush and makeup are calling my name! have a great day!

p.s. im in for the sept. gym is having one too so it will be all the more reason to work hard!!!!
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Old 08-29-2002, 11:25 AM   #260  
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I'm back. Just finished reading the post and wanted to jump in with a quick hello this morning. Got back about 8pm last night and DH reminded me that he needed a birthday card and wrappings for a co-worker's 50th birthday TODAY! Had to do a little scrambling and crafting to dig up something. They are being really nasty to her, he stopped and bought a can of prunes (don't know why he couldn't have got the card and paper). I warned him that this is a woman close to or in memopause so she might not think that all this is funny.

Anyway I made it through the meetings and without too much damage. Lost my dancing banana on Tuesday, darn it. I drank tons of water and even hit the fitness room at the motel yesterday morning. I need a GOLD star for that one.

Dyanm, So sorry about your sister's loss. This will not be an easy time for her.

Well my desk is totally covered so I've got to run. Hopefully I'll get a break and be back later. Chow
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Old 08-29-2002, 12:25 PM   #261  
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Dyan - sorry for your pain. My thoughts are with you & yours.

Jello - Have a good triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! Hope that yell made it to you.

Tiger - Puffins. nummy. Health food good.

Huntress - you and me both swamped!!!! Dang it I'm busy @ work.

Semo - Major snaps for hotel fitness room. Done that, not easy, thought I needed a medal. Here's your crown:

Tiffany - Hope everything went great at your job!

Kayla - Shopping... I'm green with envy...

~Cafe, hanging in there.
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Old 08-29-2002, 01:04 PM   #262  
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Hi All,

Got an email from my sister. I feel so much better. She sounds positive. She knows it was nothing she did. She knows it was her bodies way of telling her something wasn't right. AND the best news, the Dr. said there is no reason they have to wait. they can try again right away! YIPPEE . I'm glad she knows all this. I knew it, but it's not something that you tell the person that's going through it. Ya know?

Jello ~ Have an unbelievable trip. We'll be thinking about you.

Tiff ~ Hope things will work out on the job front.

Huntress, Cafe, & Semo ~ Sorry ya'll are swamped.

Kayla ~ Have fun at the mall.

It's really slow here and at work. Ho-hum, whatever shall I do? HHmmm , guess I'll surf the net or play some games....
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Old 08-29-2002, 03:19 PM   #263  
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Good Afternoon!
I've been out running errands. There is a big Festival in town this weekend and I don't want to go anywhere near there unless it's to actually visit the festival. Traffic gets crazy. It's called the Blueberry Festival, and it's HUGE. Craft booths and tons of food! I might go one day w/my mom just to check out the goods. Looking is fun, even if I can't buy. $sax

Dyan, glad to hear things are looking up. I miscarried after the my first child, before my second. It's natures way, but doesn't make it any easier to accept.
I need to get my "butt cleaning", 'frig needs cleaned out and laundry needs done.
Hope everyone is staying OP!
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Old 08-29-2002, 03:57 PM   #264  
One day at a time. :)
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I don't have time to chat yet, but they told me that I surf the internet if I get time. WOOHOO. Like I said, I haven't had time to read anyone's posts yet, but I might later.

Having a GREAT day!
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Old 08-29-2002, 04:57 PM   #265  
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Hey there...........I finally managed to get un-swamped for today, but tommorow it will be the same thing all over again. I have the worst headache, probably allergies from wearing too much perfume and stuff but boy does it make it rough to get through the day. Hope you're all doing well, life has been so crazy the last few days that I haven't had time to think about the program. I'm hoping that things calm down soon so I can catch up with what has been going on with everyone.

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Old 08-29-2002, 05:32 PM   #266  
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Hi there, still trying to work my way to the bottom of this mound of work. That was a biggie at the meeting, to have the warehouse manager and secretary crossed trained. I wanted to hold up my hand and say but if I'm going to be the one responsible for my job then I don't want someone else doing it. It is good business to cross train and I understand, I just don't want anyone else doing my stuff. They don't want to do it my way, Besides it good job security.

Doing good so far today. Now tell me about the mini challenge thingy. And what was a Puffin? I have to tell you girls that I live in a very rural area, we do have indoor plumbing but ain't much else around here cept corn and soybean fields.
We're going to our oldest house for the weekend. Leaving after work tomorrow and will be back Sunday, then relax on Monday. Check in tomorrow, have a nice evening.:kiss: :kiss:
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Old 08-29-2002, 10:13 PM   #267  
One day at a time. :)
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Hi Everyone!

The new job went well. You know when your computer goes down and you have to call Tech Support. That's what this is basically. The company provides Ethernet for Dorms and Frat houses and other college housing. They do the jack in their bedrooms, etc. With college starting up, the lines are really going crazy. So, I take the calls, on 8 lines, which were busy all the time. (I didn't get to leave for lunch, I had to eat at my desk) and I assign the calls to the techs, etc. Very interesting for sure. They said I could surf the net if we were slow, but we really didn't get slow much at all.

Well Jo, I hope you have a wonderful trip, I am positively GREEN with jealousy. I hope this is the trip of a lifetime. Enjoy and I will miss you so much. *Big Hug!*

Dyan, I am glad you are doing a little better now. Did you play some games today? I like to play Yahoo Pyramids and Gin, but I don't have much time right now.

Cafe, let me respond to your post. OH THAT'S RIGHT. You didn't say anything about yourself. Just an ominous "Hanging in there". What is going on with you girl? You ok?

Semo, get that work taken care of yet? LOL, never ends, does it?
I hear you about the rural area. We live in Central Illinois and the corn and soybeans are EVERYWHERE.

Huntress, I hear you hon. Hang in there, when things calm down, we will all still be here!

Tig, Ahhhh, the Festivals. We just had our Sweet Corn Festival. The Covered Bridge Festival is coming soon....I didn't go. I like crafts and food too much and I can't go without eating too much AND spending too much! Has he started practicing the sax yet?? I can't wait for that!

Kayla? Are you back from shopping? What did ya buy me? I like Yankee candles. A LOT. LOL....

Well, I am off to bed! I am zonked. Talk to you all sometime tomorrow.

Working Girl!

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Old 08-30-2002, 09:06 AM   #268  
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Good Morning Ladies

Man am I ever tired , I feel like walking death. How's everyone doing?

Tiff ~ I play Mah-Jong. My mouse is too stupid to let me do anything with speed. I play other games at home.

So I went Lane Bryant last night to pick up some draaaws (undies), when lo and behold I spotted some jean on sale for $9.99. You can't buy anything in that store for that amount of money so I jumped on it and bought 2 pair. Also bought a bra that was reg. $30 for $9.99. I swear that store is ssssoooo expensive. draaaws were like $18 a piece . I can't wait til I can shop in "reg" stores. Anyway, bought the jeans one size smaller. They are super-dee-duper tight, but I can get them on, zipped and buttoned . I'm hoping by Christmas that I won't have the same problem. Clothes are weird. A friend bought me a pair of capri's for my b-day and my mom got me a pair of jeans that are smaller than the ones I bought yesterday, and they both fit just fine. Even after washing, so go figure.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a GREAT 3 pointer day!
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Old 08-30-2002, 10:22 AM   #269  
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Good Morning All! Looking forward to a long weekend. We're heading to Nashville right after work. Love going to see the kids but will be difficult eating what I should.

I got this in an email this morning and thought it was cute:
I am passing this on to you-------It is definitely working for me. I
think I have found inner peace. I read an article that said the way to achieve inner peace is to FINISH things I had started. Today I finished 2 bags of potato chips, a cherry pie, a fifth of Jack Daniel's, a small box of chocolate candy and strangled the living crap out of someone I didn't like. I feel better already. Pass this along to those who need it.

Only had a one pointer day yesterday, once I screw up it takes awhile to get back on track. Anyway, water was my one point, I exercised one mile so that didn't count and did well on eating until dinner. I made nachos and ate TOO many chips.

Dyanm: Good for you finding such good bargains and SMALLER jeans. I would not worry about the size on the label as so many manufactures sizes vary. You know when your getting smaller and that's what matters.

Anyone have big plans for the long weekend? I'm just glad to be off.

Back to work before they figure out that they could run this place without me.

Last edited by SEMO; 08-30-2002 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 08-30-2002, 10:41 AM   #270  
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Angry TGIF!

Howdy Ladies!
Lots of corn and beans around my neck of the woods too. Not very tall this year with the lack of rain.
Tiff, Covered Bridge Festival in the Terre Haute area? My sis lived down there for a while. All the family has been to that Festival except me.
DS has not started practicing the sax too much yet. They are learning one key/note at a time, so only a couple toots and he's done. I know I'll be needing to get ear plugs.
Semo, inner peace...I thought I was going to get a good piece of advice. I have issues in the "finish things" department.
Dyan, I've been slipping into tighter jeans too. They work as a reminder during the day...pressing on my jelly roll! I hope to be wearing them comfortably by Christmas....maybe even having DH say they are droupy in the behind!
Huntress, sounds like you need a long weekend to relax.
Dirty dishes call'n my name. woohoo.
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