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Old 01-01-2012, 08:44 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default *** January Chat ***

Good morning and Happy New Year! I'm not one for resolutions but do plan to end this year even healthier than I am right now which sure is better than January 9011.

I managed to avoid the bad stuff at the party last night although I did indulge in a tad too much wine. BGL is 4.3 this morning but weight is back to 182! That's possibly from the sushi which was absolutely delicious and worth it. Clean eating is the plan for today and no wine.

So ... how is your first day of 2012?
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Old 01-01-2012, 02:47 PM   #2  
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Happy New Year!

I'm not much for resolutions, either. I would like to simply focus on being healthy, excercise, and eating well in the new year.

I hope everyone has a year filled with health and prosperity in 2012.

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Old 01-01-2012, 03:21 PM   #3  
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good afternoon,
i am not doing resolutions either. i do have some goals, that i hope to make. mostly they are changes. these will be adjusted as/if the need arises.
today we went to the gym and had a nice excersie hour. stopped by the store, grabbed some fruit and veggies. came home, made yummy burgers and showered and put our jammies on for the day. what a nice relaxing day it has been.

hope you all have a great day
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Old 01-01-2012, 05:20 PM   #4  
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No resolutions here either. I too want to make changes as/when needed and plan to be healthier at the end of 2012 than I was at the end of 2011.

Ended up weighing a couple of lbs more today than yesterday, but still made my goal of starting the new year weighing less than I weighed at last docs visit. So I'm well pleased.

Happy New Year to all and I hope we will all have a healthier year this year.
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Old 01-01-2012, 05:27 PM   #5  
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So, My resolution is to continue what I have been doing, but to help myself do it better. Low carb, but sticking to plan better, to plan meals ahead. Exercise, more often and regularly. To get enough sleep.
I am doing this by changing how I work. The plans have been in the works for months, and now we are starting the new program. I am going to be on call this week, but doing very little clinic, just a few new mother and baby visits, and next week, I will just do clinic and not be on call at the same time. It is a big change from how I have worked for years, and I am excited about trying it.
THe plan is to exercise in the morning when on call, and in the evenings/afternoons when I am on clinic. The on call week, I might have to cancel/change my exercise times due to work, but I have the whole day to try.

I had a delivery New Years eve, and a good nights sleep. Beef stew in the slow cooker. Breakfasts made for the next couple of days. Planning lunches.
Ticker is correct for starting the year!
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Old 01-02-2012, 07:38 AM   #6  
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Happy New Year everyone I know I am late but I am all moved in now the fun part going threw and putting stuff away.. we unloaded everything in aunts garage now we have to organize everything. At least I dont have no worry about nothing right now I dont have to be in a rush. I am hopefully going to be getting back on food plan and workout plan this week.

Oh by the a nice present from the old house I got a allergy attack on the last load . It was pretty bad now It will take a few days for me to get rid of it.. At least I am not sneezing an deyes watering any more I am jest all stuffed up. Well I will be able to check in more often so more later....
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Old 01-02-2012, 07:58 AM   #7  
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Good morning.

I guess I should reinstate my ticker but hate to do it when I'm up another pound to 183. It's time to start getting more fibre and liquids. I mean water, not the other liquids which have been plentiful this holiday! Today I purge the fridge of any leftover temptations. There must be five pounds of exotic (and rich) cheeses in there plus other tantalizing things. I see a lot of veggie soups in my future.

Here we go, girls, marching into the new year with determination!
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Old 01-02-2012, 09:48 AM   #8  
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Good Morning!

fbs at 84 this morning after a sleepless night. My last day of rest before returning to work tomorrow. I am concerned because my partial plate is still very uncomfortable The dr said it may take a couple more days for the remaining swelling to recede.

I have been under 1000 calories and on plan with carbs for the last several days. I just don't feel like eating. The plan for today is to try to increase water and fiber....

Fatmad, here's hoping that the regular schedule will allow you to take better care of yourself.

Ruth, I am with you.... let's get that last of the temptations gone. (I think my fridge is already cleaned out)

Trish, hoping dh is continuing to recover.

Hi Bonnie! It will be nice to have you back.

Be Back Later.

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Old 01-02-2012, 10:28 AM   #9  
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Back with you ladies

Most things have settled down around here with moving and renovations, so I will be getting back on plan.

I didn't gain anything over the holidays so that is a good thing and last A1C was 6.3 so everything is good. I just need to control the carbs a little bit more.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:22 AM   #10  
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Originally Posted by Riemontana View Post
Good Morning!
fbs at 84 this morning after a sleepless night. My last day of rest before returning to work tomorrow. I am concerned because my partial plate is still very uncomfortable The dr said it may take a couple more days for the remaining swelling to recede.

Trish, hoping dh is continuing to recover.
Rie - Hope the partial plate gets more comfortable as time goes on. I got DH Merck medical book out and read about IBS. I learned that all this stress in our home can very possibly have made a bad situation worse. DH and I had a long talk in the wee hours of the morning and I now know what is going on with him. He wants to sell our house and get a 2 bedroom condo or apartment so he doesn't have to deal with a yard and let them fin for themselves. He sees that they have no intentions of even trying to help by paying their share of things. Yet they can take the kids and go out to eat and shopping and I know they didn't pay their bills so they could buy Christmas. I'm thankful to know he isn't willing to go broke for them and it won't do any good for us to lose all we have. We need to sit down with all of them and talk to them and then maybe he will start getting better when he voices what he is thinking. You know it really isn't our responsibility to meet all their needs... it really is her husbands job to do that. I won't go into any more detail but suffice it to say that NONE of our rules are being taken into consideration by her, her husband or her children. Not only do they not help pay for the utilities etc that they use, but they are filthy and refuse to help keep things clean. I've never had a bug in my house and I have to work constantly going behind them to clean to keep from having them. I am ready for them to get out if they are not willing to change PERMANENTLY. I think Tony's health depends on it.
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:44 AM   #11  
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Ruthie - I'm beginning to think that fiber is very important to weight loss. I too plan to purge my fridge of somethings as well. I plan to do that tomorrow as the trash goes out for pick up Wednesday. I need to stock up on more health friendsly foods.

Bonnie and Lindyloo - Welcome back. Been missing y'all.

Fatmad So glad you are getting a better work plan and hopefully it will make things easier for you in other areas of your life especially your weight loss plan.

I almost decided to try the Dukan diet because I know a woman at beauty shop who does it, but I decided that I really don't want to do a fat free diet and put the book back on the shelf. I bought a roasted chicken to eat for the week end and realized that I just couldn't do an all day of nothing but protein. The thought of eating all that protein and nothing else makes me feel nauseous. So I couldn't do it any way. Besides the WW/Moderate LC seems to be working for me.

DH and I've been talking about the way we need to eat especially for his IBS. When we first married, we ate a lot of raw fruits and I would get veggies and cut them up and we ate them with low cal dressings for dip. So we are going to go back to eating that way again. I've kind of been doing that already on WW because the veggies are freebies. It will be helpful to both of us.

He has to go for another INR blood test at the hospital today and then I'll bring him home and I will go to the store. Have to go to Wal-mart to exchange a movie and then to another store for better fruit and veggies.

My WI shows that I actually only lost 11 lbs in December rather than 12 or 13, but a loss of any kind during the holidays is a plus as far as I'm concerned. We are all back OP and going in the right direction.

Have a great Monday!!!
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Old 01-02-2012, 03:47 PM   #12  
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so far a fairly good day here.
trish...i feel your pain. when our son lived with us (for the 4th time). he bought this old trailer and was getting it livable. but, seemed to not be moving fast enough for us on the work. he always ate out, and again ate with us. (yes he has has a huge weight problem). bought computer stuff he didn't need. we finally had to sit him down and say. look we love you and this is really hard on us. but, you had until (this date) to move out. if you can't than you will need to find some place to live. but, you can't stay here anymore. you can't use my car when yours dies anymore. you have to grow up. he started working on the trailer and we saw that so he had a two week extension. it was hard knowing he could have been living in his car. but, he made his choices. best of luck to you.
DH goes back to work tomorrow so i can get back into my groove again. stay warm. we are heading into some really cold temps for the south. i have my firewood ready.
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Old 01-02-2012, 07:58 PM   #13  
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Hi all: chipper and lindy loo, welcome back, hope to see more of you.
Had a quiet day, just a couple of visits which is nice after such a busy weekend. Stuck to plan today. My problem now is to get through the evenings without snacking. Moved around a bit, but didn't get outside much. Lots of snow today. It just keeps coming. I am happy because I will get the cross country skis out tomorrow and start on the flat trails and get into skiing shape.
Hives have been bad again.

Trish, I hope you and your DH can get through this trying time with tough love. I am feeling mildly this way about DD, who doesn't seem to realize that she has to contribute to school expenses. So we will have to draw some lines there too. In the long run, it will likely save us from going down the road you are on now. I strongly recommend some kind of meditation, tai chi or yoga class for stress reduction too, especially for DH with the IBS, but you as well. Guarantee it won't hurt, and should help some.
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Old 01-03-2012, 07:53 AM   #14  
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How the heck can I go all through the holiday without eating Christmas baking and then succumb to two pieces of lousy Christmas cake last night? Grrr! I don't even like the stuff - it always makes me want to go and clean my teeth. I had "lost" the darn cakes but they showed up during my purge yesterday and I should have pitched them then!

"So forgive yourself and carry on" says Ruthless. Oatmeal with raisins will hit the spot this very cold morning - it's -28F out there. I had planned a walk for the mail this morning but will wimp out and get with it on a slightly more moderate day. The treadmill will have to do.

Family angst - been there and survived. Just stick to your guns because eventually the kids will be gone and there will be just you and your partner. This too shall pass.

Weight down a tad to 182.4 and BGL a good 4.3, normal person's FBGL.
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Old 01-03-2012, 11:00 AM   #15  
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Hello Friends!

fbs up a little at 89 this morning. I didn't sleep well. My weight is holding. I was on plan yesterday, including a couple drinks last night at pool. Still under for calories and carbs for the day. My goal for today is to really up the water....

Ruth, tell Ruthless that you are on track now and exercise those pieces of cake away today.

Mad, isn't it funny how our adult children can easily get into a mindset that we will do everything? It always surprises me. Even in the smallest ways, it seems that we have to constantly set limits. I am in my 50's, I wonder if my parents still feel this way?

Chipper, nice to have you back. It sounds like you handled your son in a way that works for you and him.

Lindyloo. Hello !!!! Good to see you.

Trish, I won't try to give you advice because you and dh have enough people pushing at you. I hope that you find your way through it. Your dh is in for a lot of trouble with the IBS if he doesn't get his stress level down and I wonder about the effect on you, as well. Remember, no one can take advantage of you without your permission

Well, I still have a very sore mouth but I am back at work today. I should be worried about food choices but I just don't have any appetite. I certainly can't eat my usual salads.... Later

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