The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 12-20-2006, 06:52 AM   #1051  
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Hi Cindy - glad you could check in. So you are still busting it, huh? When is this supposed to let up? For your sake, I hope soon.

I did watch the BL finale after watching this season only sporadically. Yep, those folks seem to accomplish the impossible when it comes to weight loss. For the first time it dawned on me how much the motivation of money plays into the game. Jaron and the other "previously sent home" winner really brought it home because they looked gaunt to me. Too thin, not good. Not to say if given the opportunity I wouldn't do the same but how sustainable is that? Not knocking it, just an observation.

Back to being busy and figuring out how to keep on the plan when all you do is work. Much of my life feels like that. I think it takes a huge amount of will to keep going with it. My big slip-up of November could be partially blamed on that. The day in - day out of it can just get to be too much sometimes. But the consequence of not doing it weighs on one too. During my last slip (extended binge), I may have enjoyed it for the moment but I felt like he!! the morning after. Seems nightime eating, something I thought I'd left behind, was only waiting in the wings. The other thing that just worried/worries me is how FAST the weight will come back when you stop making the effort, that and what other people will think. That is lame I suppose but at the same time if it spurs some motivation I guess that concern can't be all bad. You just know that "some" people, even people that care about you take secret pleasure when you fail - human nature being what it is. The thought of a few people I know being silently happy that I fail to keep of the weight really bothers me. I have a Dr. appt. the 29th (thyroid by the way), which has me already preparing my speech on why I gained weight in the last 3 months (Guess I'll blame in on the holidays.), and even more than Dr. dread is hair stylist dread. I have postponed an overdue hair appointment because the last time I got my hair cut my hairdresser went on and on about how great I looked, how much weight I lost, etc. I can't bear to see him again until I look like I did at my last appt. or at least closer than I do today.

And on the time thing. When I don't work, a 2 hr. workout is just the best luxury. When I am working it is a luxury but also it just about pushes me over the edge of what I can endure. And why heavens name would I even consdier a 2 hr. workout? Because I want to reach my goal sometime in the near future dang it.

On to another thought. After reading Skwigg's most recent post on Alwyn Cosgrove's book Afterburn I ordered it. I haven't gotten it yet but I have high hopes that it will be something that I can use and that will push me on to reach my goals. Jillian, I am not abandoning you but I need a shot of something extra these days it seems.

Last edited by ledom; 12-20-2006 at 07:00 AM.
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Old 12-20-2006, 12:51 PM   #1052  
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I agree that some of the finalists of TBL looked way too thin. Did you see the episode with Matt and Suzy from the last season on? They both have gained a bit - in fact Matt told the group that he had gained even more and was on his way back down again.

The point being that for some of us this will always be a struggle. There was a thread on LWL about being hungry. Most people said that they eat when they are hungry, but Mel and Meg both said no, they eat by the clock only, and yes, they often are hungry and go to bed hungry, or else the scale will start creeping up.

This really hit home with me - maybe that's why I've not been able to be sucessful beyond a certain point? I need to think about the implications of that for me - I am frankly a bear to be around when I am hungry, and I can't sleep when hungry - at the very least I have to have a glass of milk and hope I fall asleep quickly enough.

Anyway, yes, we need to figure out a way to make this lifestyle a permanent fixture, and not a "luxury" - something we do just like brushing our teeth.

Glad to hear you've found a gym to use - it will be nice for you to have some variation in your cardio. The trainer's class sounds intriguing - I would like to do something like that myself!

Gotta go - too much procrastinating already!
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Old 12-20-2006, 08:53 PM   #1053  
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Hunger - now there is a conundrum. It seems that I am never hungrier than when I am eating high calorie food in great quantity whenever I want it. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. A cheeseburger and fries and dessert and an hour later I am hungry again. When I eat balanced meals at regular intervals it isn't nearly so gnawing. And then there is head hunger and stomach hunger. Since I have changed my lifestyle (with obvious timeouts) I would say that falling off the wagon and not getting proper nutrients is one cause of hunger, another is emotional eating. Poor me, I'm tired - it's there and no else is denying themself, or losing control because I am partying, or I am just kind of bored with the routine - those are the things I have to watch out for. If I am exercising, eating small balanced meal throughout the day I can't really say I get hungry. If what I was doing required me to go to bed hungry at night I would never be able to stick with it.

Wish you were close by and could go to that class with me Cindy. We'd have fun! Told DD about it tonight and she just about died laughing. Then she got really curious about it. I made her promise not to tell anyone - not just yet anyway. I need to find out more details before I start making public announcements among my aquaintances around town.
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Old 12-21-2006, 02:58 PM   #1054  
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Hi Girls!
I too have been AWOL lately, i've had so much stuff going on in my life, it's just crazy. My dad was sick and in hospital, his MS was playing up and now he is even worse than before. He use to be able to walk a little now he can't walk at all. The problem is our house isn't set up for a person that disabled, and it can't be fixed, so in the last two weeks we had to find another ouse eand buy it, we're moving in late January- early February. In the mean time he's in a crappy nursing home which he really hates. So we all visit him as much as we can. Plus work has been giving me lots of shifts (although not any more, the school is on school holidays) and i was finishing off college for the year. And, of course, the usual Christmas stress.
I'm still trying to work out the maintaning thing, i'm not gaining or losing, but it's something i'm going to have to work on!

BfL_Cat- About the BL finale. Some people did look too thin! I always find it interesting that so many of the people lose as much as they can for the final and then put some back on, shouldn't the show be promoting being helathy, not just being as small as possible!?! I also find it a reality check, for instance i actually weigh less than, i think it was Melinda, yet she looks small. I always find that aspect interesting!

Ledom- I hear you on the hunger thing. When i eat right, i feel great and i'm not hungry. But when i eat crap, i get hungry, i retain water, i just feel terrible! You'd think i'd learn my lesson and not eat crap! Let us know how the class goes when you do it, sounds great, and a great way to spice up your workouts!
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Old 12-21-2006, 03:54 PM   #1055  
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Twinkle-Girl, I am so sorry to hear your Dad has been having health problems. I know it must be stressful for your family and yet it sounds like you all are taking great care of him. So, do you have a long break from school now?

That is one of my favorite things about BL, seeing what a certain weight looks like. I have, in the past, gone and looked up the contestants height on the website so I'd have an even better idea about what a certain weight could look like on me.

At the risk of being overly silly about this aerobics class I have to tell you the joke DD made. We were preparing to go out last night and I couldn't figure out which jacket too wear, the heavy one or the light one. I am 53 an in the midst of "the change", I have really noticed a surge in hot flashes lately. (Honestly I think poor diet makes them worse - and also I thought it'd never happen to me, but....that illusion is gone for good.) Anyway I made the comment on the experience while trying to get the weight of my clothing right and how when I got one I couldn't remove any offending garment quickly enough. She smirked and said that ought to come in handy w/ my new class. We got a good laugh out of that.
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Old 12-24-2006, 01:21 AM   #1056  
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Went to the gym at 6 o'clock tonight. Not a soul there the entire time I was there. It was great. I ventured onto some new machines and figured them out. It was a good solid workout but not hardcore. That two hour sweat marathon last week was enlightening. I would love to do that at least once a week, but four times a week - not yet.
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Old 12-24-2006, 04:05 PM   #1057  
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Great Job, Ledom! Yeah, those 2 hour sweat fests are awesome, but not everyday! I was doing 2 hours a day for a while there, and i just ended up really burnt out and hating exercise! I think an occassional one is better.

Well, it's Christmas morning here, and i'm just waiting for my brother to wake up so we can start the official Christmas day celebrations!
I hope you all have a really great and safe Christmas! And that Santa brings you everything you want!
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Old 12-26-2006, 09:48 AM   #1058  
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Morning all my BL friends. I hope your christmas day was brilliant. Mine was nice with my mother, daughter and kitties. Great gifts, great friends, great food. I grilled a stuffed pork loin - it turned out great and is the one leftover I can actually feel good about eating. I sent virtually everything else home w/ those who could better afford the calories.

Sad to say I am so glad it is over. As special as it is, it is a WHOLE lot of work. I am ready to pass the torch to DD but I suppose all the hostessing is a bit much for her yet. I keep trying to refine the extent of my efforts but it is one of those areas where I am yet a little obsessive compulsive.

So now I am just making a quick post before heading to the gym. I am really looking forward to it too. Love my new gym.

I guess it is a little early to start telling you all my goals for the new year, but my mind is already there. We'll get to it I am sure.

Hope everyone is well and happy.
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Old 12-26-2006, 06:38 PM   #1059  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Hey chickies!!

I just got back last night - so I'm trying to catch up at work today. Uggg....

Gained 2 pounds - not changing my ticker unless it sticks for a few days. I'm calling it water weight for now

Had a really nice trip - don't wanna fly on any more airplanes for a while tho....what a hassle. I didn't work out except forwalking, didn't log my food, so I'm figuring 2 pounds ain't bad. Back to spin class tonight!

My sisters are coming in tomorrow - dunno how much time I'll have to post this week, but I wanted to check in.

Hope everyone had a happy Xmas!
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Old 12-27-2006, 08:04 AM   #1060  
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Gina- Welcome home. Have fun with your sisters. So, I'd say 2 lbs. during Christmas week, while on vacation, is downright amazing and no doubt water weight. Spin class will probably take care of it.
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Old 12-28-2006, 01:11 PM   #1061  
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Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a awesome holiday!!

Well I've been doing great on keeping active these last three weeks. I've upped my cardio to 6 times a week for 70-75minutes each time. I've also added an extra day of weights, so I'm now up to 1 hour a week. I purchased the new BL DVD and try to do a interval workout once or twicw a week.

Now on to that not so good news. Between holiday parties and my birthday, I know NO EXCUSES, I've managed to only lose two pounds in three weeks. It's better than a gain. I started back on track yesterday, so here's hoping for better losses. I joined the newyear/new you challenge on this site, so I hope that will motivate me.

Have a wonderful and safe New Year!
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Old 12-28-2006, 05:54 PM   #1062  
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Hey chicks!!

Sooo happy to find this forum along with Jillian's book. I started my first circuit workout today...OMG! I found the scissors quite challenging and HR was right up where I wanted it. I just joined the Challenge also and part of the Blue team and so excited. Anyways just wanted to give a shout out and looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Old 12-30-2006, 02:09 AM   #1063  
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Me again

These workouts are killers! I have just completed the second one and I can't seem to move my body. I also have done a spin class and another one tomorrow morning....god help me. I have a few questions though...

Has anyone completed Jillian's 12 week program....I was looking at the upcoming weeks and it looks scary
Are you guys adding more cardio after your circuit?

I found it challenging at the gym trying to the circuit training with machines such as leg extensions on the machine and then jumping jacks smack in the middle of everyone and then hope that the machine is still available when I go back the second time around. Have you guys found that to be a problem?

Gina, Wow your quite the spinner and your hard work is paying off, your pics are inspiring Are you able to do Jillian's 4 circuits a week and the spinning? I would like to get more into the spinning but for now I will be doing it on Wed and Saturdays in addition to the 4/week circuits.

OK thats it for now. Happy New Year to everyone and talk soon.

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Old 12-30-2006, 04:37 AM   #1064  
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Aahh Lisa - I remember those first weeks so well. Several of us have done the circuits in Jillian's book. If you wade through the earliest posts on these threads they sound very much like your post. It's hard! I am still doing Jillian's workouts from the book. When I finish 12 weeks I just start over again. It does get easier. And I do make modifications. Instead of jumping jacks I get on one of the cardio machines. Up until about a month ago I worked out at home - just joined a gym. So far it seems to be working out. The few times something has been in use I substitute another exercise. I am sure all gyms are different in terms of machine availibility goes though. Anyway, welcome. You'll come it love those workouts by the way - they hurt so good.

graciezoe, sounds to me like you are doing great. Soon the holidays will really be over and for me that can't come a minute too soon.
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Old 01-01-2007, 06:13 AM   #1065  
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