The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 02-27-2007, 04:26 PM   #1186  
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Hi Girls,
Well, i was feeling better yesterday so i did some cardio, but now i feel even sicker! Plus we had a death in the family last night, so i'm really not sure i'll work out today. Plus i've got college this afternoon. I'll see. My food was crap last night, we got the news of the death right when it was time for me to make dinner, so we ended up getting take away, i just couldn't cook.

Cindy- I'm studying counselling, and being nearly finished is a great feeling. I've been studying for 3.5 years now, so i'm ready to move on. I'm a member of J's online site, the one you have to pay for. What did you want to know?

Ledom- Sounds like your on track. Great work!

Where has everyone else gone!?!?!
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Old 02-27-2007, 10:51 PM   #1187  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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So sorry for your loss, Twinklegirl! Hope you are feelin better soon. Take some time to grieve.

Today was spin class - it's raining here again. I'm kind of looking forward to warmer weather and longer days so I can ride outside in the evenings. I still enjoy class - but it ain't as fresh as it was. Tomorrow is X bike and front day.

ledom - sounds like you really have your head in the game,

Cindy - inspired or not you are doing it. That's what counts!
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Old 02-28-2007, 12:41 PM   #1188  
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Woo-hoo, I'm down another 2#!

Cardio this morning was tough but great. Thanks to reading your old posts (I think I got through the first 8 pages last night), and all the discussions about keeping your heart rate up, I was motivated to actually use my HRM this morning. Elliptical was good, but what a shocker the treadmill was. Even at my fastest walking speed, I wasn't even close! So, I cranked the incline up a bit ("6" worked for me), and got that heart rate back where it needed to be! The cool thing in this gym is that both that elliptical and treadmill work with any brand of HR band, so I didn't have to wear the clunky watch monitor - it was displayed on the machine the whole time!

Reading your archives also made me feel SO guilty about not doing any mountain climbers. I have been a super-wimp about not even trying to do them! My plan is to keep a check on my heart rate tomorrow and Friday, and if it's not there, the mountain climbers will be done. I've been hopping on the elliptical for a quick minute instead.

Sorry for your loss Twinklegirl. Are you feeling any better physically today?

Chick - good to see you. Thanks, I know you're right, but I have such high expectations for myself!

Ledom - Hi! How's the weather now? At 35-36F here now, it seems so "Springy"! Too bad it keeps snowing! Any new recipes to share? I'm feeling like I need a few new ones.

You gals have a great day. Anyones else out there, lurking? If so, let us know how you're doing. As the rookie on this plan, I could use some other newbie support here!
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Old 02-28-2007, 12:43 PM   #1189  
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Oh, Twinklegirl - I was just wondering if you thought it was worth the $$ to belong?

Besides the forum, what other benefits do you get with your membership?
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Old 03-01-2007, 03:51 PM   #1190  
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Hi Girls,
Thank you so much for your well wishes. I am feeling better now, but in relation to my diet, it was a tough week. I ended up having 2 birthdays, one home coming party and a death. I'm determined to have a good week this week and stop screwing around, i just want to get to my goal weight. My weight is just yo-yoing between a few kilos at the moment and i'm sick of it!

Cindy- I think the website is worth the money, but there are others who join and don't think it's worth it. The main parts are the message boards and the fact that every day you are given circuits to do. I takes the thinking part out of it, which i like. The website also has recipes, a few weeks worth of meal plans, a basic shopping list, a huge list with diagrams of exercises (like the ones in her book). Stuff like that. Also, occassionaly Jillian stops by and posts a message, but that hasn't happened in a very long time. Oh! We also all got to vote and named her second book, that was cool.

Chick- I'm looking to get back into spin classes, i just need to find a day that suits me, hopefully one day this week i'll drag my butt to one.
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Old 03-02-2007, 02:58 PM   #1191  
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Hey everyone, TGIF!

So, it's already another month - anyone have any new goals for March?

I'm working from home today - we had a bit of an ice storm last night, and I wimped out from making the drive this morning. But, that means I also missed today's workout, so I'll have to make it up tomorrow or Sunday.

Have a great weekend!
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:41 PM   #1192  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Today is a rest day....YAY Did anyone listen to Jillian's show from 2/28? She even mentions 3FC..

Cindy - congrats on 2 more lbs!! I should go back thru some of those old posts....I have most of the workouts written down in a notebook with comments on some. It cracks me up every time I come back around to one of the workouts that has planks for 1 note just says hahahaha....I guess 1 minute wasn't happening for me then.

twinklegirl - glad you are feeling better! I'm still liking spin, but I'm really looking forward to being able to ride outside more. This weekend should be nice so I should get a couple rides in.

Where's ledom hiding?
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Old 03-03-2007, 08:17 AM   #1193  
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Hey guys - here but not working the plan so much this past week. I have had a rough week too. DD's birthday for which I hosted a small party. My 19 yr. old precious kitty finally died of old age. And work was super busy. Licking my wounds this weekend and making plans for my comeback next week.
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Old 03-03-2007, 09:24 AM   #1194  
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Ledom - I am so sorry for your loss

Give yourself some time to get over all of this, and I know you'll be right back on track soon.

Hey, you gals never told me that Jillian used to post here on 3FC! I've been reading back through your first posts (it has helped immensely to know that you went through the same difficulties I am), and I stumbled upon a link to that thread. I'm looking forward to reading more of it.

I did decide to join her online site - I'll do at least a quarter and see what I think about it. So far not so good - the site seems to be very, very slow. Twinklegirl, have you run into that? I do like the daily circuits, and as I have Adobe Acrobat, I can "print" them to a .pdf file for future reference. How often do they repeat?

You gals have a great weekend - Ledom, I hope you're doing ok.
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Old 03-04-2007, 10:54 AM   #1195  
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Woo-hoo - just wanted to pop in quickly and brag that I hit the 100 mile mark this morning - DF and I got out butts out into the cold and walked a brisk 3 miles before 10am! We normally only do 2, but I wanted to hit this milestone.

Ony 400 more to go!
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Old 03-05-2007, 11:21 AM   #1196  
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Happy Monday girls!

Chick - were you able to ride outside this weekend? We had a mini-spring ourselves, but it will be super cold again soon.

Ledom - how are you hanging in there? I know how tough it can be...
But, just remember, April is right around the corner, and you want to be in shape for kayaking....

Twinklegirl - Hopefully this week will be better for you, and there will be a Spin class in your future!

Started week 7 today - wow - I really need to push myself harder - even though she said to go heavier on the weights, I was still able to do at least 12 reps on most of them. Guess I need to go even heavier.

One issue will be my "rows" - the cable-pulley tower that I'm using only has 15 plates, and I'm already lifting 13! I know that's a good thing, but we don't have any other back row type thing here, so I'll be maxed out soon. Wonder if there is some way to use the Lat pulldown machine for the rows? Any suggestions?

Ok, enough of me playing with the "smileys" - time to get back to work!
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Old 03-06-2007, 06:13 PM   #1197  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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We had beautiful weather this last weekend, got in a 2 hour ride on Saturday and another hour on Sunday. Yesterday was Xbike and Front day....I was supposed to get some weight training in over the weekend but I never made it to the gym.

ledom - I SO feel your pain at the loss of your cat... 19 years is a good long life. Not that it makes the loss any easier.

cindy - WTG making it to your 100 mile mark! Quite the milestone (pun intended?)

Hey Twinklegirl!! Where's my working girl angel-eyes?
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Old 03-07-2007, 08:24 AM   #1198  
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Hey - angel-eyes, I miss you too!

Twinklegirl, how is your semester shaping up? We are just a little over a week away from Spring Break. I am so ready for it.

Cindy, it was so cool when Jill posted here. She is one smart cookie.

Gina good for you on your bike. This week has been such a struggle. I have my food in control, I have even begun my once in a blue moon effort to give up diet coke. But exercise - whew I seem to have hit the wall. I am trying but my sessions have gotten pretty short as I just don't seem to have the oomph to finish one. I know it'll be back - in the meantime I will do what I can.

Thanks for you lovely remarks about Tweeg. Yep, she was sure part of the family. We got her when my 23 yr. old daughter was 4. As crazy weird as it sounds I sometimes felt she helped me raise her. When DD needed comfort that cat was always there. She was just the best pet, smart and she always maintained her dignity - right up to the end. Sometimes an animal comes into your life to teach you. I know that I learned from Tweeg, it is never easy to let got but she was so old and frail. I know she has a special place in kitty heaven and certainly in our memory.
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Old 03-07-2007, 01:21 PM   #1199  
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Hey gals - glad to see you all!

Today was cardio - I wasn't able to keep my heart rate as high as I wanted during the walking part, as my shins are still aching from Sunday's walk. But, I did what I could - 75% is better than not at all!

I am really sore today - I mis-read yesterday's workout and did BOTH incline db press and db flys, with heavy weights yesterday during one of my circuits. It was supposed to just be incline db flys, but was on two lines!

And, my back is actually sore too - so even though I did always do 12 reps on Monday's workout (I've switched the days of Front and Back), I did manage to make myself sore. Certainly not used to that feeling - I must have a pretty strong back in general - maybe we all do?

I've discovered Kashi TLC cookies - very high fiber and pretty tasty. One, yes one, with a glass of milk is incredibly filling. Yes, I could eat the whole box, but it would take some time, as they are very chewy, and I'd be very full. If you feel like you can handle having them in the house, give them a try. 130 calories a piece, but 4g of fiber, 5g of fat and only 7g sugar per cookie.

OK, time to get back to work!
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Old 03-08-2007, 09:29 AM   #1200  
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You know Cindy - you are doing great. By this point in the program your body is getting tired and sore and sometimes you must deviate a bit in order not to burn yourself out.

Such a delicate balance, hey?

So this morning I looked at my naked self long and hard in the mirror. I think it is important to do that every now and then. I even talked to myself a little bit. I also journaled on the subject last night. It just seems like a time of contemplation for me.

Last night I did a yoga tape, I have found a great one that is really easy but just squeezes all the stress out of your body in 30 min. or less. I have done it twice now before going to bed and I swear I sleep better. So today I hope to get to the gym and do the last two circuits of day 5 of week 9. It will have taken me 3 sessions to get through that one day. It feels right for this week though.
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