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Old 01-01-2007, 03:17 PM   #1066  
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Happy New Year to everyone!!

Thanks ledom for your support. I did go back a year on the forum here and wow you guys have really pushed yourselves. You guys are pros and so glad your here to help us little newbies

Seeing as its Monday I started from the beginning again and repeated week1, workout 1 at home today and I got my HR up higher then I did at the gym! what a shock...I feel great though.

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Old 01-02-2007, 05:29 AM   #1067  
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Hi chickies!
Hope you all had awesome holidays, mine were a little too good, if you catch my drift! I know i've gained, but i'm way to scared to get on the scale yet to see just how much damage was done! Plus, i still have a hip injury which is playing up every time i get on my treadmill for cardio, so that made the holidays even worse. I'm going to be really OP for the next few weeks to get back on track! I want to be at my ultimate goal by my brithday in July, so i gotta get moving. We're also moving house soon, and i'll burn extra calories with the packing and moving boxes around, etc. I'll lose what i gained in no time, i did beat myself up over it for a few days, but if i lost it once i can lose it again.

Lisa- Welcome! It's great to see that you've come back here and joined us! J's workouts can be tough, but stick with them, you're doing great!

Chick- Nice to hear that i'm not the only one who gained, but i'm pretty sure i gained more than 2 lbs, and it isn't all water weight! I bet by now you're doing great, and no adjustment of the ticker was needed!

Gracie- Sounds like you're doing great! Just make sure you're not doing too much and burning yourself out.

Ledom, Angel, Cindy
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Old 01-02-2007, 10:33 AM   #1068  
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Well, sad to say the sheepish love company? Not really, I am so happy for you girls that walked the walk. I am almost positive I win the prize for hardest fall from the wagon. Today is the day I gave myself as my restart date. What a relief that it is finally here. I am not about to weigh today though - too scary. But, will be grilling lean protein and cooking today at the same time I am purging the fridge. Workout on schedule as well.

Happy New Year to you all. I had the most amazing start with a day long paddle/hike with a good friend. We had the best time.

Glad you are here Lisa.
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Old 01-02-2007, 02:18 PM   #1069  
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Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you all had a great holiday season! I'm afraid I did some damage over the holidays, but hope to reign it right back in and get rid of it very quickly.

I've started a new workout challenge - 500 miles in time for my wedding at the end of September. You see, the town where the wedding is is almost exactly 500 miles from where I live, so I need to get myself there. It will require around 2 miles a day in order to make it in time, so I'm already on my way!

I was very upset when I saw the scale yesterday - the highest I've been in about 4 years, which is not something I am proud of. And, my thyroid test came back normal, so I don't have anything but myself to blame. So, I'm really going to buckle down - going to try to modify *what* I'm eating as well as how much, using the "YOU: On a Diet" food guidelines to try to see if I can turn this ship around!

I really need to make some progress before I will even think of looking for a wedding dress, so this is my plan to get myself there. My mileage can be accrued on an elliptical or by walking. This will give me a lot more cardio than I've been doing, so should definitely help me to meet my other goals.

Hopefully work won't be so hectic, so I plan to be able to check in there more regularly.

Last edited by BfL_Cat; 01-02-2007 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 01-02-2007, 05:54 PM   #1070  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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All I can say is - Thank goodness the holidays are over....

I got rid of the 2 pounds but I don't recommend my method....a lovely bout of food poisoning....

Needless to say I haven't been exercising much....I feel fluffy.... Tonight is back to spin class and a full body workout tomorrow. We will see how clogged the gym is.

Cindy - 500 mile challenge - nifty idea!

ledom - sounds like a beautiful start to the year, a day long paddle/hike.

Graciezoe - WTG on the loss!!

Twinkle girl - I do NOT envy you moving....but you are right, it's a great workout!

Lisa - I need to check out some of those old posts every once in a while. Sometimes it's hard to see your own progress unless you can look back a ways. You'll be looking back at your own posts later - it's pretty fun! It does get easier, I swear!! Just stick with it. You will also see we all did some modifications to suit our own purposes. Welcome to Jillian's Girls!!!

Hopefully angel-eyes survived all her Xmas shoppers....and Nikkii...
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Old 01-03-2007, 10:16 AM   #1071  
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Morning! Well, yesterday went good. I had a good workout and a good menu all day. As a result I feel really good this a.m. But, I have really been sleeping on this break. I think I have just been worn out. I can't seem to get enough sleep now that I have the opportunity for it. I feel a little guilty over it but at the same time, I think I really need it.

Chic, so sorry you had to lose those 2 lbs. the hard way. And I hear you on the fluffy part. Not working out just doesn't work for me anymore. Even when I am eating like a mad woman I never really let the exercise go. Maybe for a day or two, but it has become essential. I wish food were easier. And when I am in the right mind set food kind of is easy too. There is a girl who has a weight loss blog lynntolean it is called and she described her Christmas Day binge after almost reaching her goal in 2006. It is so accurate and really almost brought tears to my eyes I identified so much. Anyway, she is doing great and if you all enjoy weightloss blogs as much as me and haven't seen hers I highly recommend it.

I chickened out on the strip aerobics class last week. I just wasn't feeling it. I felt ridiculous after my last 2 months but I will go when I regain a little confidence and relose a little weight.

I am not sure when I will weigh again but I am thinking I need to pretty soon because maybe a ticker would be motivational.

Speaking of tickers, Cindy your walking goal is great.

How are those workouts going Lisa?
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Old 01-03-2007, 04:08 PM   #1072  
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Hi Girls!
Yesterday was my first full day OP for a while, and like you Ledom, i feel great this morning. I am a little sore though, kind of a nice feeling. Yesterday I did my workout, and boy, was it a killer! My calories were good and i started packing boxes to move. I'm still too scared to step on the scale, who knows where it could be!

Chick- Sorry to hear you were sick! That's terrible!

Ledom- You take as much sleep as you need! And when you go, i'd love to hear about the strip aerobics class, sounds interesting!

Cindy- That sounds like an awesome challenge for yourself! Great work, and i know you'll make it with time and miles to spare!

Where's Nikkii gone? Hi Angel!
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Old 01-04-2007, 08:00 AM   #1073  
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TwinkleGirl - we are back in the game!
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Old 01-04-2007, 10:18 PM   #1074  
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Hey everyone

Sorry to be a stranger but I started a new job this week and I am just exhausted but very happy. I may be MIA for a few days due to my workload but I have been keeping up with my weights and spin classes...aiming for 2 a week for now.

Hey ledom, I hear about the strip aerobics class. I have been wanting to try pole dancing but can't seem to bring myself to do it yet...but I will soon that is if I make it thru JM's workouts...hurts so good

Have a good nite ladies.

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Old 01-05-2007, 09:43 AM   #1075  
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Hello everyone!

I'm feeling pretty good today, because the 5# I'd gained (or retained) because of the holidays is now gone. I'm not sure if I should put that on my ticker, or start it over, as I'm now at the weight I should have been starting out. I kind of hate to acknowlege that higher number was even seen!

I'm liking this eating program I'm doing - nothing that different, although I'm allowing myself more carbs than I typically would - as long as they are in some natural form, or only whole grains, as long as they don't contain high fructose corn syrup. For the first time in ages I had a ww english muffin with natural peanut butter on it for breakfast yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised to be pretty full for at least 3.5 hours. DF is doing well with this as well - his waist is already down an inch since Monday!

How is everyone else doing with their plans this week? I'm not so good on the exercise front - I really need to get myself back on track there - not sure what the obstacle is, really... just laziness, I think!

Hope everyone has a good Friday, and a great weekend!
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Old 01-05-2007, 09:59 AM   #1076  
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Morning Lisa and Cindy - Cindy, that's great. I finally got up the nerve to weigh this a.m. too. I am where I was on Dec. 1 which was also up, but at least the Christmas weight is gone. Now for the birthday/thanksgiving lbs. I piled on. But, nevertheless, at least the scale is going the right direction now. I have been thinking about playing with my diet some as well. Nothing too radical but I have recently read snippets here and there by some of the internet bodybuilders. My thoughts have to do with carbs too. I know I have to have them or I'll be way off the deep end - gotta have my healthy carbs. But, I am going to have most have them right after a workout. I am also going to try to have a couple of meals w/ really light carbs, like just those found in vegetables or fruit - no grains.

Hope you can get that exercise mojo working Cindy - I know you know what I'm talking about. Is there some way you can ease in to it? In the past when I have found myself drifting too far away from exercise I can sometimes trick myself by allowing myself some very EASY workouts. Before long it isn't so hard to add some intensity. I think a large part is just getting into the habit of it with very little pressure other than to just show up. This technique has gotten me through some "just don't want to" spells.

At any rate, glad to hear things are evening out for everyone. Lisa, hope your work schedule won't interfere too much. I am on easy street right now because I am still on break but it only lasts one more week and then I'll be fighting for workout time and energy too.
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Old 01-06-2007, 12:51 AM   #1077  
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Hey JM girls!

Well Cindy I hear you! I get soooo bored of going to the gym after so many years so I find myself getting into major ruts. What helps me get thru it is great music downloaded on my mp3 player and I just keep telling myself I will do a quick 20 min cardio workout but once I start I always end up doing more. Oh ya and it helps when I schedule my cardio time when they are playing my fav soap, Young & the Restless...keeps me on the machines longer. I also did the BFL and had great results and kept most of the weight off for a few years until now of course. I find BFL way of eating very balanced and easy to follow.

Hey ledom, you on easy street?? never You are so dedicated and just the fact that you have continued posting here for over a year shows your a round of applause for you

OK ladies I'm off to bed and spinning class tomorrow and my weigh in.

Have a great nite!
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Old 01-06-2007, 06:11 PM   #1078  
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Did I scare everyone away Well hope your all enjoying your Saturday and what weather we are having here in Toronto!! No snow and awesome temperatures although it is a little scary I gotta watch Al Gore's movie, yikes global warming.

Ok on to more positive news. I lost 1 lb. Yay! OK I know its not much but I worked out pretty heavy this week so I am hoping by next week the number will be just a little higher....ummmmm like 3 lbs

Enjoy your weekend!
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Old 01-06-2007, 11:09 PM   #1079  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Originally Posted by lisa008 View Post
Did I scare everyone away
Oh no! Of course not!! on another pound gone!! I would die without my MP3 player....and I can also totally relate on the trick of talking yourself into a 20 minute session and then doing more. For me, if I just start, I'm fine. It feels so good once you get warmed up.

ledom - congrats on getting back to preXmas weight....give yourself a pat on the back! You are doing fine!

Originally Posted by BfL_Cat View Post
I'm feeling pretty good today, because the 5# I'd gained (or retained) because of the holidays is now gone. I'm not sure if I should put that on my ticker, or start it over, as I'm now at the weight I should have been starting out. I kind of hate to acknowlege that higher number was even seen!
What higher number? Yay Cindy for 5 pounds gone!!

twinklegirl - WTG for being OP!!! All that moving will be a great workout!

As for me I had a beautiful bicycle ride with DH...more planned for tomorrow. The weather is a little nippy...but as soon as you get warmed up it's fine. So much more interesting than spinning...squirrels and deer and ducks and geese I did put some weight training time in today as well...front day! Back day tomorrow - to round out a kick butt weekend! Feels great!
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Old 01-07-2007, 07:06 AM   #1080  
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Morning - Hey Lisa, you are too too kind. You'd think I'd have done the job already with how long I have been posting here !!! But, I will take credit for persistance.

Anyway, everyone sounds really good. Congrats on that lb. Lisa, and you are right about anticipating a good loss this week. I think you have to get some good momentum going in order to get one of those 3 lbs weeks and it sounds like you got it going! Gina, I so hear you on outdoor vs. indoor cardio. Nothing like fresh air and nature to make a workout enjoyable.

I have had a couple of excellent workout weeks. I have sore muscles head to toe too. I know I have increased my weights and added some variation since going to the gym, plus just not skipping any has me feeling pretty pumped. Even if I am not back down to my low weight I feel SO much better.

My start with this lifestyle also came via BFL. I think it is just the best way to get going on good nutrition and bodybuilding. I still base my diet largely on that WOE. And as for eating I am getting re-energized with ideas of how to put together my daily menu. I tried a new chicken salad recipe this weekend that goes in the files. I also tried some ww pasta this weekend. It was so much better and seems to have changed since I last tried it. I am recalling a lovely meal I had this summer with grilled vegetables in marinara with salmon that I am going to try to recreate. I am about to do a big push into vegetables and ways to cook them that will make them more inclusive in what I eat on a daily basis.

So, here is to another good week ya'll.
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