The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 01-08-2006, 12:23 AM   #301  
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Hey guys
I'm in the process of learning Jillians week 1 & 2 workouts, man they are tough i can't even do a squat because i have no flexibility and my muscles are so tight.Anyway just want some advice do you guys do extra cardio after Jillians circuit training?

Thanks guys
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Old 01-08-2006, 07:08 AM   #302  
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Starting over with Jillians Week 1 Day 1 tomorrow, working with lighter weights. Just wondering how fast everyone works when doing the workouts. I worked pretty fast the other day, but was so buggered at the end I could barely move for 2 days. I really want to do this and do it correctly for maximum fat loss.

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Old 01-08-2006, 07:21 AM   #303  
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Originally Posted by caroldiem
Hey guys
I'm in the process of learning Jillians week 1 & 2 workouts, man they are tough i can't even do a squat because i have no flexibility and my muscles are so tight.Anyway just want some advice do you guys do extra cardio after Jillians circuit training?

Thanks guys
Just start out doing what you can do. Push yourself as far as you can go each workout and im sure you will notice a change in your abilities given time and work. When I first started I felt like an epileptic seal sometimes!

If i have the energy I like to do cardio after i have finished my Jillian workout, and on my supposed days 'off' I often do cardio then also. If standard cardio machines bore you, get outside, walk, jog, or my favourite...Hike! Keep it interesting so you don't bore yourself into a coma!
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Old 01-08-2006, 10:23 AM   #304  
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extra cardio after workouts: no, not right after the workouts - I workout in the a.m. and about half the time I do a 1 mile evening walk at a brisk pace

how hard to push: well, as hard as you can really. I have heard others here say they imagine Jillian being in the room egging them on. I do that too sometimes. I do drink water, sometimes study an exercise for form or just generally catch my breath when I feel I really need too. Somewhere that you feel comfortable but at the same time always pushing just a little harder than you'd like.
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Old 01-08-2006, 11:39 AM   #305  
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I only do extra cardio on circuit days if I finish before 60 minutes. Then I get on the treadmill and complete enough minutes to make 60. I've been having a hard time making my workouts last 60 minutes I've finished as quickly as 35 minutes. I tried to concentrate more on my form yesterday and added 5-10 minutes, but still had to get on the treadmill.

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Old 01-08-2006, 12:45 PM   #306  
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Default Breakin' out Jillian's book...

Carol - if you feel afraid that your heart rate may be skyrocketing out of control, you may want to invest in a heartrate monitor. Also, for beginners, Jillian recommends that you don't find yourself out of breath in the first 2 weeks of starting any exercise routine. So if you can't even speak because you're huffing and puffing so bad, then I'd take it down a notch. You should definitely be pushing yourself but you don't want to overdo it right at first, either. Check out page 153 to read about this and your heart rate maximum/target.

Squats are definitely hard, if you're having problems with them, either don't squat down "as far" as she suggests, or you can rest your back against a wall as she shows on page 162. That one helps me for when she wants you to hold a squat for an extended period of time. Gradually you should be able to work up to doing a "real" squat if you build up.
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Old 01-08-2006, 03:09 PM   #307  
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Originally Posted by shaunarae2
I only do extra cardio on circuit days if I finish before 60 minutes. Then I get on the treadmill and complete enough minutes to make 60. I've been having a hard time making my workouts last 60 minutes I've finished as quickly as 35 minutes. I tried to concentrate more on my form yesterday and added 5-10 minutes, but still had to get on the treadmill.
Me,too...but I prefer ellyptical to dreadmill.

Alright was day one of week 11. Jumping sumo squats....BWAAAAAHHHHAAAAHHHAAAHHAAAA. Yeah right, Jillian. Not bloody likely. Not without a major head injury. [/rant] I figured it was a good chance to continue practicing regular sumo squats - they are still a challenge. I did like the jumping squats, tho. I think I scared the chick near me when I popped up... oops....she moved away....

Hang in there caroldiem and will be so proud of yourself!!! And you will see yourself getting better at it, soon. Smartbutt is right - A heart rate monitor is quite useful, IMO. In the meantime take it down a notch if it gets too heavy duty.
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Old 01-08-2006, 05:05 PM   #308  
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Gina- OMG about the jumping sumo squats. They are hard enough by themselves. You are doing so great! I like to read your posts to know what is coming ahead. I begin week 3 day 1 on Tuesday and I'm a bit scared. Things are looking harder and I'm still sore! I did step aerobics today for 62 minutes for my cardio day. I'm so happy tomorrow is a rest day. Things are working. I've lost 5 lbs. in 13 days and my body is starting to tone up. My clothes are not tight any more!

Last edited by shaunarae2; 01-08-2006 at 05:10 PM.
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Old 01-08-2006, 05:10 PM   #309  
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shaunarae that is fantastic

OMG Gina, not sure I am ready. I am so bummed, woke up sick w/ runny nose and sore throat. It is rest day and I have been doctoring and resting in bed all day. Such a wimp when I get sick. I am most upset that I may not get to exercise tomorrow. Is this torture addicting, or what?
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Old 01-08-2006, 05:28 PM   #310  
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hahahaha Chick.. I'm just picturing someone looking at you and scootching away when you're doing the jumping sumo squats. Too funny! They're probably like "what the..."

Thank god she doesn't have THOSE in her videos. I think I'd be in the hospital!
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:52 AM   #311  
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Hey Guys

WOW Thanks for all the advice guys i really appreciate it. I started today i did Day 1 Week 1 of Jillians circuit training. It was tough, I couldn't finish teh last circuit i only got half way.There was no way i was going on the treadmill, after that

Now i'm learning Day 2

Not lookign forward to the jumping sumo squats

Take care guys and have a great workout
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Old 01-09-2006, 06:20 PM   #312  
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Originally Posted by SmartButt
hahahaha Chick.. I'm just picturing someone looking at you and scootching away when you're doing the jumping sumo squats. Too funny! They're probably like "what the..."
I get a lot of that look - from the chicks that do their weight training the regular way....lots of rest between sets. I'm always running around like a maniac trying to keep my heart rate up. Other than the fact that we would all be running each other over it would be fun to work out with others trying to do the same circuits.

caroldiem - for you!! Don't freak - anything I don't feel comfortable doing I modify - the point is that you are doing it...

WTG shaunarae!!!

ledom - hope you are feeling better!!!!

Smartbutt...DVD's getting easier yet?
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:03 PM   #313  
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I've actually decided to make my own version of a fitness plan, based on what I've learned from Jillian's books, and based on my own physical shape. It's been sad for me to have to accept that I am very out of shape. When I try to even lightly jog, the extra weight on me immediately makes my ankles, knees and shins hurt...badly. No matter how much I do or don't stretch before, or partway in (i've tried it all), I get horrible pains in my lower joints. Because I've always told myself that I'm "only" 30-40 lbs overweight, I never thought it was possible that I could be this unfit. I put myself in denial and just kept falling off the wagon. As I've mentioned before, I'm so good at talking myself OUT of exercising and IN to eating fast food - I'm a junk food junkie, completely.

But my new plan is basic: I want to net under 1000 calories a day. That means for the most part, eating 1200-1300 calories per day and doing some sort of exercise to take off the rest. Even if I'm at 999, I'm going to consider my goal achieved that day. I eat whatever I want to for the most part (in smaller portions) but I tend to eat healthier now, because I don't really want to starve myself all day just so I can have that cheeseburger for dinner. I've learned a few healthier substitutions that I can live with and not feel deprived, and I'm paying more attention to how much protein I'm eating, which I've never thought about in my life.

My exercise plan is going to be M-W-F cardio only. We have an elliptical-precor thing (with the arms) and a treadmill at home that I can use to achieve this. T and Th I'm going to do the front workout and back workout, respectively. These burn TONS of calories so they will most likely be my 2 higher calorie intake days. (But still with a net of 999 at the most, as the goal.) Saturday and Sunday my BF and I tend to do a lot of walking around and that's physical enough for me, until better weather hits and we can go back to learning tennis together.

Anyway sorry for the long post, I just thought I'd let everyone know what I'm doing, and maybe this will help with that accountability thing.

I'm really so inspired by all of you, whether you're having good days or bad days. It's so nice to feel like we're all in the same boat. I continue to be amazed at Chick and ledom's dedication to the exercise plan. You girls ROCK!
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:56 PM   #314  
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Evening ladies - SmartButt I think you have to do what is right for you. It sounds like you have a good plan for yourself. I modify a lot. When I first started the program I worried over it but I don't anymore - like you said, I take what I have learned from the book and make it work for me and my fitness level. I am getting a great workout even with the modifications.

I laid off today due to my cold, but I am feeling a lot better tonight and will give it a shot in the morning.
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Old 01-09-2006, 11:11 PM   #315  
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Yep - I think your plan is something that should work for you - because you created it for yourself - after research. I'm with ledom as far as modifying goes - I don't think doing anything that causes immediate pain does you a lick of good. A slow burn the next day might be unavoidable occasionally - but IMO it should not be the norm.

Learning tennis together sounds great!! It's so cool to have someone doing it with you. Just for the record you are inspirational to me, as well...

Ok - enough about how wonderful I think Smartbutt is. Back to ME...

Another DORK moment for me, today...left the tennies at home. Had to attempt Week 11, Thursday workout in (brace yourselves for a giggle) birkenstock clogs. I kid you not. Step ups? Not happening...not even with tennies. I think I did get some bonus hamstring action trying to keep the shoes on while jogging in place. And NO I did not kick them at anyone...just in case that's what you were thinking... I'm starting to think I'm sabotaging myself...quite annoying.

On a more positive note: I'm still in love with back extensions - I do them while hugging a 10 lb plate now...neato!
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