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Old 07-01-2007, 07:16 AM   #1  
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Default Over 50 & Getting Lighter - July/August '07

Good Morning . . .

to our new place for the next couple of months . . . hope we'll all be seeing lots less of each other, lots more often over the next couple of months.

My morning is off to a really strange start . . . both my blood sugar and my weight are sitting at 227. The blood sugar number is a bad thing . Guess I had a hypo not long before I woke up and my Liver took over and gave me a shot of glucose. The scale number . . . well that's the story of my life . . . it will probably keep saying nice numbers until my 'official weigh-in' on Wednesday when it will shoot back up to 229.8 again. Oh well, nice to know there is a lower number out there waiting for me somewhere.

Have a great day moving and shaking things today, gang . . . see you later.
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Old 07-02-2007, 08:03 AM   #2  
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My Goodness . . . where is everybody hiding?

My son and his family (from Alberta) are arriving today to spend a couple of days -- I hardly get to see them, they live so far away -- My DIL is very, very allergic to cats. She has stayed here in the past (when there were 3 cats) and it is not a pretty sight. Now that there are 6 of them, she doesn't dare try sleeping in this house. Actually going to work out quite well. The granddaughters (age 4 and 13) will stay here so I get a nice visit with them. The parents will stay at a local Motel so they will actually get a little time alone for a change. My poor cats will go nuts . . . they are definitely not used to humans that are able to move almost as fast as they can. should be a fun couple of days. Will probably be a few tears from Angelia (the youngest) because of kitten scratches (unavoidable). Becky is old enough to realize it's going to happen. Jazz is her favourite anyway, so he'll get lots of cuddling time.

So . . . I don't know how much computer time I'll get for the next couple of days . . . but I will be thinking about you, gang, and will stop in whenever I get a chance. Keep things moving and shaking and I'll see you really soon . . .
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Old 07-02-2007, 09:31 AM   #3  
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Good morning everyone.

Not much new here but I thought I'd drop in to say 'hi'. Hope you're all having a great weekend.

Meowee - What a great time to look forward to. I hope there are not too many scratches.

Talk later,
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:23 AM   #4  
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Good morning everyone. Just poured me a cup of lemon tea and thought I had better get in here quick. This will be the only day I have on the computer this week. We have gremlins, can't get our computers here in our office to talk to the main office or each other;so they are scheduled into the computer hospital for the rest of the week. What am I going to do in my spare time here? Guess I'd better find a good book to bring in. Probably won't work on Thursday, that's my 2 hour day, since we won't see patients on Wednesday. Had a so-so weekend. Friday got the vehicle back from the garage, had to get the air conditioner charged up. Took off to go fishing and the suv overheated. Let it cool down added water and still it was too hot. Finally got back to town and took it back to the garage and left it. Talked to them this morning and they don't know what happened so it will probably cost me a bunch more. I told DH that we shouldn't have to pay anything but he is so mild mannered. Then Saturday morning I started to clean my house and my vacuum died !!! Now come on it is only 17 years old what's the problem? Needless to say I had to go buy a new one.ARRR
Didn't get the kind I really wanted, they don't sell them here in this small town, but at least I have one. My weigh in was good though, I lost 2.5 lbs
this week. I just keep messing around with the same 3 lbs lose them-gain them. Hopefully with my July plans I can boot them down and out of here.

Meowee: 45 hous is a long time to be without electricity. We can make due but it is tough. Just amazing how everything we do depends on electricity.
Your blood sugar sure did take a jump, hope it is better now. and good luck on your weigh in this week. Having your family there will be fun especially having the GD all by yourself.

Settie: Hope you have a great week also.

Cheryl: Undoubtably you are working way too hard. Do you have plans for the 4th?

We are waiting to hear from our youngest daughter as to if they are coming or not. I talked to her yesterday and they are going to try to cut wheat
tomorrow. Sure hope it's not quite ready, that is selfish isn't it. Otherwise we will sit on our deck and watch the fireworks display they have up at our little lake. It is just 3 blocks north of us and up hill so we get a good view of the ariel display, can't see the ground ones but there are plenty in our neighborhood to see.

Look forward to catching up on everyone next week! Have a great one.

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Old 07-03-2007, 08:03 PM   #5  
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Cheryl thanks for posting about the airless roller you used - I've been checking websites online now to learn more. That system sounds perfect -the sprayer and the roller attachment for my kitchen cabinet project.

Will have to wait now until fall or winter when it is cooler here and I can have the windows open for ventilation. But that gives me time to research what brand of airless sprayer willl work best for our project, the exact color I want to use, etc.

It sounds like things are really falling into place with your move! I lived in Tillamook for a short time and I thought OR was lovely

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Old 07-03-2007, 08:06 PM   #6  
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Wishing anyone that celebrates it, a Happy 4th of July

We are baking here in PHX so limiting outdoor activities for the 4th, other than being in the pool.

Hope everyone has a good week!

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Old 07-04-2007, 10:44 AM   #7  
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Good morning everyone. I just stopped by to say hello while I'm having my coffee.

Hope all of you are doing okay. I guess it's a bit quieter because it's summer.

Talk soon,
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Old 07-04-2007, 11:46 AM   #8  
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Happy Independence Day to all the Yanks . . . and a great big Good Morning for everyone.

I'm back . . . the relatives have headed on to the next group in New Brunswick (DIL's side of the family is huge). So . . . . all six cats and their human serving wench (me) are planning to veg-out for the rest of today . . . we are all exhausted. But it was a great visit. However, I ate way, way, way too much . . . suffice it to say, I'm back up to 229.4 (so much for the 227), but at least that is 0.4 down from last week, so I will change my ticker at long last. Must be that all the extra walking and walking doing multi-touristy type things along both the boardwalk and the beach saved me a little. We had what I would call perfect weather for the past couple of days -- warm but not unbearably hot; no excess humidity; and a lovely gentle breeze. More of the same today but tomorrow we are getting rain again.

Anyway, gang . . . got to get things moving and shaking around a few other 3FC places as well as here . . . have a great day and I'll see you later. . .
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Old 07-04-2007, 12:01 PM   #9  
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Good Morning and Happy 4th of july!!! Thought I would pop in and see how everyone is doing.

Linda...Sounds like you are busy spoiling your grandkids. What a nice way to spend the weekend. I sure your kitties will have fun being chased around the house and cuddled.

Donna...Did your daughter make it to your place, or are they cutting wheat?
Hope your suv didn't cost you more money. It seems things happen in three's when they want to break down.

Hy...We bought our sprayer at Lowe's for around $69.00. I enjoy painting now, but still have to do touch up with a brush near the ceiling. Tillimook is a beautiful little town. I can't wait to move back to Oregon. I miss my mountains and the ocean.

Denise...Hope you are having a nice weekend. I noticed that you live in Winnipeg, which is about five hours from me. I live 75 miles west of Fargo.

Well ladies, time for me to get back to packing. When my hubby get's home from work, we are going to finish painting the computer room and then start on the upstairs bathroom. Friday we are going to pressure wash the house and outbuildings, so we can start painting the house on Saturday. I hope the weather cooperates. Not too hot and no wind.

Have a great day!

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Old 07-05-2007, 10:20 AM   #10  
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meowee I forgot to thank you for starting this new thread: Thanks!

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Old 07-05-2007, 10:27 AM   #11  
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I've got my July goals all figured out and in place so that is an accomplishment in and of itself.

It's hot here, as everyone knows, so no outdoors as far as any physical activity, but I have plenty to do indoors with our on-going remodel projects. I can swim, but have to wait until evening, which is a bit of a problem since active exercise at night keeps me awake until the wee hours.

My 4th was great and I did everything in moderation, including the picnic-type foods we had.

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Old 07-05-2007, 04:22 PM   #12  
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Hi gang . . .

I've been having another busy day. Way to little computer time for me. Would you believe . . . a bunch of relatives from Ontario just "popped" in unannounced early this afternoon. Love to see them but, wow, a little warning would have been nice. This is what happens when you live in a touristy-type of harbour town. At least nobody is staying with me tonight. So they are gone for the evening (I begged off dinner by promising to share lunch tomorrow).

Food-wise, things have been pretty good today -- well a lot better, anyway. We'll just have to try out best for tomorrow. I'd better get a move on again. I have a few more places to visit around 3FC before I can feed the feline menagerie and myself.

Have a great moving and shaking kind of day, everybody . . . see you soon.
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Old 07-05-2007, 10:12 PM   #13  
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Hi everyone!

Meowee - Wow! You've been busy. I hope you get some 'Me' time fairly soon.

Hy - Good for you in getting your 'July' all thought out. I'm more a day to day person. I guess I can't think that far ahead.

Cheryl - Too bad you're moving - we could meet in the middle for coffee.

Hi Donna

Talk soon,
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Old 07-06-2007, 01:24 PM   #14  
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Hi Girls . . .

Got home form the lunch outing fairly eary by complaining about not feeling too well -- unfortuntely it happens to be true -- I was up at 2:30 am because I had one of those lovely hypoglycemic events that we diabetics are known for -- so beween having what amounts to 2 breakfasts (2:30 and 9:30) and a not so low-calorie lunch -- this is not shaping up to be a wonderfully controlled eating day. Hopefully things will get better and my life will get back into the groove soon.

Hope you all have a great moving and shaking kind of day, gang . . . see you soon.
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:48 PM   #15  
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Meowee - I'm sorry to hear about your sugars being out of control. My ex (who I was married to for 20 years) was type 1. He had many of those episodes. I know he never felt very well for quite a while after.

Take care of yourself. Have you been too busy?!
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