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Old 08-14-2007, 03:03 PM   #121  
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Hi gang, well it is Tuesday and that means it "Quiz Day".

Here are the answers for last weeks questions:

#10. Red Skelton's hobo character was named Freddy the Freeloader,and
he always ended his show by saying,"Good night, and God bless"
#11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning
their draft cards or bras or flags.
#12. The cute little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the
front was called the VW but also the Beetle or the Bug.

Now here are this weeks questions and these are the last ones for this particular quiz. Then we can start on the next one.

#13. In 1971,singer Don MacLean sang a song about "the day the music
died" This was a tribute to whom ?

#14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians
sent it up. It was called what ?

#15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic
ring that we twirled around our waists. It was called what ?

Put on you thinking caps and good luck !!!!
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Old 08-14-2007, 03:20 PM   #122  
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Hello everyone. My it is HOT here. We had some more rain on Sunday
Just what we needed, adds lots of nice soupy humidity. Got to work on
Monday morning to find the air conditioner was not working and it was up to 87 in the clinic. Didn't get it fixed until almost 4 pm and we close at 5. Our poor patients were so kind. No real complaining. I brought fans from home so it helped some. Back to nice and cool in here today.

My weigh in was good on Sunday, I lost that same 1.6 lbs again !!!
Went for 2 walks on Sunday of 2 miles each so maybe next Sunday will look better. I had better hurry. My DD is getting married in 8 weeks and I need to get into a pair of black jeans. This is her 2nd time and it is going to be a cowboy wedding. I have faith that I will get down there !!!
I have been eating lots of fresh veggies and not much else. Don't feel like eating when it is so hot.

CHERYL; Good luck on your trip out to Oregon. I know your family must be so excited to get you close again.

SETTIE; Good luck with your new kitties, especially since you say you aren't a cat person. I know Meowee will be able to help you out a lot.

MEOWEE: Hope your babies all do well after surgery. They will be glad to get back home.

Not much going on here, just wanted to stop in and say HELLO!!!

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Old 08-14-2007, 05:29 PM   #123  
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Hi all,

Well, I've been getting my house ready for my 'guests'. I hope they are happy with their new accommodations!

Meowee: I didn't know your darlings were having a surgery. I hope it all goes okay. Give them a even though you say they are little s.

Originally Posted by Donna72664 View Post
My weigh in was good on Sunday, I lost that same 1.6 lbs again !!!
Think of it as a 3.2 lb loss!

I'm on my way to the airport to pick 'the girls' up. If I'm not back for a couple of days - you'll know why.

Have a great day,
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Old 08-14-2007, 07:54 PM   #124  
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Donna...The answers to the quiz are: 1. Buddy Holly, 2. Sputnik, 3. Hula Hoop.
I'm really showing my age.
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Old 08-14-2007, 08:13 PM   #125  
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Donna...Congrats on the 1.6 weight loss, and great job on getting in your walks.
I don't have anymore buildings that need scraping,. but I do have some windows that need the trim painted. You can always come here and help, I'll shed some weight off of you before DD wedding. I have Weight Watchers tomorrow, but I don't think I will see a loss this week, but stay the same. The flab is starting to firm up with all the scraping and painting I have been doing.

Denise...How are your new girls doing? Hope they made the flight all right. I'm getting my cat Princess ready to go to a friends house for the next 5 days. She will not be thrilled about that! I'm sure she will make us pay for it when we get back. She's real good at holding a grudge!!!

Linda...How are your babies doing? Hope they are back to their little devil selfs real soon.

Well girls, Hubby finished painting the barn lastnight. YEAH!!!!!!! We just have some windows to finish painting the trim on and we will be done. Had a septic inspection this afternoon, and it failed. So we will be getting an estimate to see how much to put in a new drain field. Live and learn, the septic was like this when we bought it and didn't know to ask for an inspection before we bought. I'll be gone till next Wednesday, but will be thinking about all of you. Going to take a load of stuff to our son's house, and maybe put money down on a new palce for us. I promise to take lots of picture to share with you all if we do find something. Have a great weekend.

Cheryl ~
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Old 08-15-2007, 01:40 AM   #126  
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HI guys,

I would like to join your group. I am well over 50- 63yrs and need to lose about another 150 lbs. One of my major consequences of being so over weight is painful arthritis in the back and knees. This really limits my mobility and I don't exercise much. I do swim alot which feel great.

My rate of losing weight is slow-don't know if this age or my lack of exercise. I count cals on Fitday and stay between 1450-1750 with those occasional OH my Gosh what did I do- days.

We live in a beautiful but very isolated part of the Northern Cal coast. I doing this weight loss on my own-nearest WW is about 1 1/2 hrs away so like to share thoughts on this process.

Liked the quiz and knew the answers. It is the current day singers and actors who I don't know. You all seem to to have busy lives.

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Old 08-15-2007, 08:16 AM   #127  
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Hi there SUE . . . to the group . . . very glad to have you with us. Definitely true that losing gets more difficult as we get older and the lack of activity; whether for medical or other reasons sure doesn't help. Just remember that it was the tortoise that won that race, Chickie. You can do it -- in fact, we can all do it with a lot of support from all our cyber-pals here at 3FC. Hope you will take a few minutes to check in at the "Introducing Us" sticky at the top of the forum where you can read a bit about us and tell us a little more about yourself. Anyway, really hope that we will be seeing a lot less of you a lot more often now that you've found us.

A big good morning to everybody else too . . . another somewhat humid and overcast day, but again it is fairly comfy in the temperature department.

Just talked to the Vet's office and all three of the triplets came through surgery with flying colours although they are feeling a little 'uncomfortable' right now and have just been given their morning paid medication. Around here it is definitely a little quiet with half the feline menagerie missing from the premises. Purrecious is trying her darndest to take up the slack and seems to have made the normal amount of morning mess all by herself. Guess she misses the kittens. The two old guys are just happy to be enjoying the peace and quiet.

Nothing else is too exciting in my neck of the woods. Waiting for my local handy-man type to come and install some new doors on my downstairs sewing room so that I can shut out the cats once in a while and actually get something done for a change. Just too many fascinating things to play with in there.

Hope everybody has a great day going on . . . keep things moving and shaking just as much as you can (or want) and I'll see you all later . . .
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:06 PM   #128  
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YEP, that's me. Got to work this morning and the air wasn't on again, now the repairman says it is dead !!! Well that's just grrrrreat. I might get this weight off yet if this keeps up.

DENISE: Thanks, that's a great idea, I will think of it as 3.2 lbs. I feel lighter already. Hubby and I went for a mile and a half walk again last night while it was still 92 out. I sweat my, no it's still there. Well if it doesn't rain, I might get another walk in tonight, IF I survive work today with no air.Hope you get home with the "new girls" alright and they don't give you too much grief

SUE:we love having new folks join us. I hope you went to
the "introductions" that Linda mentioned, you'll get a quick view of each of us and then we can learn more about you. Quickly I just turned 61 and yes it is awfully hard to lose the older we get, BUT, we will get there it just takes a little longer. Be really careful with your exercises if you have back and knee problems. Be sure you get some professional advice as to which ones will work best for you.

CHERYL: Don't know if you will get this before you leave. You are so darn smart, good job on the quiz. I would love to come help you paint, if only to get a chance to meet you.Good luck with the house and a safe journey.

Better cut this a little short, have laundry to fold and then get ready for a busy and sticky afternoon with patients. It will be hard for those that are
rehab patients and have to do exercises in the gym, hopefully I can get enough fans to help them out and keep them cool.

Have a Great Day DONNA
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Old 08-16-2007, 10:28 AM   #129  
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Good Morning . . .

A nice one shaping up around here -- sun is shining; humidity and temperature levels are quite pleasant. Wow, I hope it continues.

Nothing very exciting on my list for today. Hope to get the kittens home. All this peace and quiet is driving me

Have a great day, gang . . . see you later . . .
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Old 08-16-2007, 01:00 PM   #130  
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Hi everyone,

Welcome to the group Sue.

I got 'my girls' home and they're very interesting!!! They have been to every inch of my house. In anything they could, behind anything they could ... Actually they're not too bad. The funniest thing so far was when one of them was investigating the piano and as she jumped up she hit a key. I didn't know cats could fly. They're already getting used to me a bit and will even come over for a pat.

I guess I'd better go and see what they're up to. Have a great day.

Talk soon,
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Old 08-16-2007, 04:21 PM   #131  
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OMG . . . kittens have been home less than two hours and Frick (the dumb blonde) has pee'd on the couch again which is something she had not done in the last couple of weeks. Maybe she's just mad at me? I do not know what to try next. Obviously she can still smell something on the couch. So far Frack and Freckle seem to be okay. Freckle even came and cuddled for a few minutes.
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Old 08-18-2007, 03:21 AM   #132  
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Hi there . . .

Where is everybody hiding?
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Old 08-19-2007, 03:01 PM   #133  
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HI Again.

Thanks for the welcome-went to the intro page and wrote up info and promptly accidently deleted everything. Got furstrated but will do it again another time. Then one of my dearest friends came for 3 days. I had a great time, but I have regained 5 lbs that has taken me weeks to lose.

The only way I seem to lose anything is to preplan, weigh and record every bite of food and drink. I just can not do any mindless eating. If I am not so structured I just troll for food everywhere-particuliarly the sweets. I don't have that normal full sensation after a logical amount of food. Anyway for three days I let down my diligence and now have 5 lbs to relose.

While the joint pain is so tiresome, it is a constant reminder to lose weight. So I am back on program again. I just decorated a old bowling ball for the garden and in carrying it, knew I did not want to regain than amount of weight.

About 2 montha ago we got a cat from the local humane society-she is large long long hair who is so talkative. We really are enjoying her. She is the official queen of our place. She reminds me of when our kids were teens, very independent, wanting quick, good service at home and has an opinon about everything.

again thanks for the welcome
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Old 08-19-2007, 03:42 PM   #134  
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Hi there . . .

Our weather is a little better today but I'm still nursing a barometric-pressure-change-induced migraine. The kittens are still (well at least 2 out of the 3) nursing grudges about the pain they were caused by their little 'surgeries' earlier this week. Somebody urinated on my bed yesterday and this morning I found a wet cushion. Hope they get to feeling better soon. This is getting very, very tiresome. All my other cats have been SPCA cross-breeds and definitely have been a lot easier to get along with than these very beautiful, but extremely high-strung little purebreds. Hey, it was a weak moment and they are definitely cute.

SUE . . . amazing how easy it is to put it on and how hard it is to get it off, isn't it. I'm like you. I absolutely have to think about and record everything I eat or it's like it never entered my head or my mouth. Expect I'll be doing exactly that for the rest of my life. Hang in there, chickie . . . it will be worth it in the end.

Have a great rest of the day, gang . . . see you soon . . .
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Old 08-20-2007, 09:47 AM   #135  
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