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Old 12-14-2007, 02:19 PM   #121  
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Shy, Very funny!

So I went and had the eligibility meeting this AM. Both boys were denied. Apparently I have a couple of near geniouses on my hands. They both scored average to above average.

Robby scored slightly below average on self-care, but that is because 3 of the questions related to toileting and he's not potty trained yet. He also scored low/average on another section, but they're attributing that to him being at the school in strange surrounding w/o anyone he knows. Interestingly enough, he scored above average for Speech, his main diagnosis. They were impressed that he used contractions "don't", and the correct tense on certain things, which is not expected at barely 3. They commented that even though his speech is "fairly intelligable", that's in line with his age, not below average.

Peter scored pretty much above average in all categories. The one area he scored low in was, not-coincedently, the last area the tested him in, after a looong session. He was supposed to match numbers to symbols, and he did one or two, then just scribbled over the page. That was "Peter" for "I'm done". And they understood that. They figure he probably would've scored higher if it had been spread out into shorter sessions. They were very impressed that he was grasping addition and subtraction concepts too.

So while I'm sad that I won't be saving any money by having them go to the preschool in the AM, I'm happy to have reinforced that my boys are very smart!
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Old 12-14-2007, 04:47 PM   #122  
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Lauren, it's good to hear your boys scored well. It's unfortunate that you won't be saving $ for school. Is it a head start program? I've never heard of such testing for pre k. I was just thinking today... is it okay, that I'm okay that my kids are average...I know it's a strang Q, not sure if it makes sence.

Joan, LOL at being too embarrassed to go back to the dentist. I can def. relate. DS had a Female pediatrician, omg it was a nightmare. She was so frustrated with him.
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Old 12-14-2007, 06:59 PM   #123  
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I am glad your kids tested high.

I really have a thing about tests. Not sure they are the best measures. Can a kid brush their own teeth, tie their own shoes and remember where they live? Can they put their own toys away, remember to say please and thank you and not kick the cat? Can the child use a tissue to blow their nose and not their shirt, keep their gum in their and not in their sister or brothers hair and can they not run the bath tub over and then play in the water with their toys? These are the real important questions lol.
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Old 12-14-2007, 11:30 PM   #124  
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Ok I'm joining this group so I thought I would tell ya'll a bit about my kids =)
Jordan-She's 6 and started Kindergarten this year. Boy she is a highly emotional child. Everything she does is girly and if she doesn't get her way, she cries and whines until she gets it! Ahh typical girl...and I hope she grows out of that before the teenage years hit!
Emery-She will be 2 in March...She makes me want to pull my hair out and give her kisses all at the same time. We are potty training so she is constantly taking off her clothes. Total mommy's girl and these days will not have anything to do with anyone else, partly because of the new baby and I'm home on maternity leave. gonna suck when I go back to work!
Leah-my new and last baby. She was born in October and will be two months old on Christmas Day. She is just a cutie..I'm Breastfeeding her and she's loving it, except she's having lots of gas issues. Otherwise she is a great sleeper as of right now and just starting to get her own little personality!

So that's my children in a nutshell... love 'em to pieces!
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Old 12-15-2007, 08:53 AM   #125  
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Christina, Come join us on the Daily chat thread! Wow, 3 girls?! God bless you! Good for you for BF'ing! Have you tried changing anything in your diet to see if that helps the gas issue?

Shy, I know some of the test questions seem silly, but I guess that's why they're the pros! I think it's funny when they say my little guy, who will be 3 in Jan., shows "some oppositional behavior"! He's 3 for goodness sake!!

Alicia, is it oK that your kids are average?! Of course it is!! And i think it's OK if they're below average too, as long as they're trying, know what I mean?
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Old 12-21-2007, 06:59 AM   #126  
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Frankie (8 years old) still doesn't know how to tie fault. I keep buying hime the slip-on Skechers!!!

Cadence (4) refuses to blow her nose.

I'm with you though, I'm more concerned with them doing the best they can, giving every effort, and just being decent people.

I have a question, SIL lives in south Jersey, and got head start for my niece...she didn't have to get tested, and they aren't low income, she just said it was universal preschool becaue their taxes are so high. I guess this is not a state-wide thing, maybe only in her school district?? Cadence will be 5 in March, so after May she'll be done and I'll be saving about 200.00 a month (she only goes three morns. a week) WOO HOO!!! Although I'm going to be sad for her to go to kindergarten...she's the baby, and that's it for me, so it'll be bittersweet :0
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:15 AM   #127  
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Pam, I'm not exactly sure how Head Start works. I have a friend that used to work for them, and I got the impression from her that they are for low-income families. That being said, living in NJ makes most families low-income, in my opinion! Seriously though, I always thought it was for gifted kids until she told me that. What do I know... I thought it was a state program, so I can't imagine the rules would be different for different areas of the state.
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:17 AM   #128  
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Oh, and Peter can't tie shoes, he's always had velcro! He now has a pair of workboots that have ties and he's very interested in seeing how it's done, and tried to do it himself, but he's very self-critical and loses his mind after a few tries!
Peter refuses to blow, Robby is just learning so he'll do it sometimes.
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Old 12-21-2007, 12:15 PM   #129  
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Yeah, I always thought it was for low income as well, I know that's how it works here in PA. Maybe she just called it that, idk...I do know that they even supplied the bus both ways, 5days/wk!!! And I know for sure they would not be considered low income, unless somehow she finagled something. Dunno, it was 5 years ago, and she & my bro. have since divorced, don't talk to her much now...
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:10 PM   #130  
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When we lived in TX, the schools had a preschool, not sure if they called in Head Start. DS couldn't go because we supposedly made too much. Well he went to daycare that was supposed to also be pre-k. But if the kids didn't want to, they didn't make them participate. When DS started K, we moved to MO and he was WAY behind.

DS(just turned 9) tries to tie his shoes but really only knots them. He got tired of trying and now slips his foot into the shoe. Oh and he has two good brand name pairs of shoes and he insists on wearing his soccer shoes. I guess they slip on easier, lol.
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Old 12-30-2007, 11:33 PM   #131  
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Hi everyone hope you don't mind if I join in
I have 3 kids 1 is a girl 16yrs(Kyra) & twin boys(Erik & Matthew) will be 2 in January. My toddlers keep me on my toes for sure our main issue is suppertime, they do great for breaky & lunch but dinner time is aweful they don't want to eat anything except ham or hotdogs, very frustrating I keep trying to offer healthy foods like carrots,beets,potatoes, but it's hard because 1 will eat one veg & the other won't dinner time is the most frustrating meal.

Any tips would be great or recipes etc for toddlers.
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Old 12-31-2007, 07:32 AM   #132  
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Jan, I feel your pain! My little guy will be 3 in a couple weeks and he eats NOTHING! Chicken nuggets, meatballs, cereal, taylor ham. I guess he gets enough protein, but he will not eat veggies! I give both boys V8 Fusion or Harvest Surprise (by Juicy Juice) a couple times a day. Each 8 oz. has 1 serving of fruit and 1 serving of veggies. And they like it. Actually, I just checked the Harvest label, it has 2/3 serving of veg. and 1 1/3 servings of fruit.
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Old 01-01-2008, 02:56 PM   #133  
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Lauren good to hear I'm not the only one with kids who LOVE processed food, I wish I never gave it to them. We buy the v8 blended juice also usually banana mango or pineapple peach, it has the red check mark for a healthy choice that the heart & stroke foundation approves that product all these juices have veggies in them too. I try to only give them juice when they get up from nap & sometimes after lunch or I'll cut it with water.

I forgot about meatballs they usually will eat meatballs,meatloaf it's more a fave of Eriks & they really like scrambled eggs. I can't wait to start them on peanut butter after their 2nd b-day(pedi recomended we wait till 2)
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Old 01-02-2008, 08:01 PM   #134  
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Jan, we waiting til my oldest was 2 to start PB, but I think my little guy was a little less than 2....we figured there was no family history of food allergies, and #1 didn't have a reaction.
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Old 01-07-2008, 04:50 PM   #135  
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DD and DS started a new school last Thurs. So far DD is adjusting very well. She already has friends and seems to like it. Oh and has a boy calling her. Sounds innocent...I HOPE!

Ds on the other hand is not taking it well at all. It's his third day and all I have heard is negative comments about school. Where at his old school I didn't really hear to much past homework time. He doesn't like the teacher, the school, or anything really. Not really sure if I should give it more time or if I should meet with the teacher. He said he was crying for me in school and he was sick at school.

Oh and now DS has this obsession w/death. Well talking about it and thinking about it. Sat next to me the other day and had a discussion about death I wasn't expecting and wasn't ready for. Hasn't had anyone close to him die, so I'm not sure where it's all coming from. He just turned 9.
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