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Old 03-13-2007, 02:34 PM   #31  
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Karen ~ my 4 year old daughter is completely potty trained during the daytime but I've gone back to putting Goodnights on her. They're much better than Pull-ups. Like you, I was so tired of washing sheets every single day. When we decided to put our house up for sale, I decided that I could not be changing her sheets every single day so I went out and bought a package of Goodnights. She doesn't like wearing them but she has to until she stops wetting the bed. She's my youngest and I refuse to stress out about it. Just isn't worth it. Someone once told me not to worry about potty training as the day will come when my child will be walking down the aisle and at that point, they'll be potty trained. If they're not, then it's their spouses problem;-).

Jnn: my son will be 9 in April and he's going thru the same thing pretty much as your son. He could care less about grooming. Actually, it seems like he's very proud of being stinky... It's frustrating as I still bathe him just to make sure that his body (and teeth) are getting cleaned. His 6 year old little sister has been doing this all by herself for over a year now and does a better job than some adults that I know. All of my friends tell me that this is a phase and right as you adjust, another phase kicks in... Good luck!
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Old 04-22-2007, 07:58 PM   #32  
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So I am "paying for my raising" with her
LOL!! The "mom's curse"!! Thanks mom, right? They're gorgeous Michelle! Kailey is definitely a diva!! She has that evil sparkle in her eye! BTW, they're not too big on my screen.

I'm gonna make this a sticky, so we don't lose it again.
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Old 04-22-2007, 08:22 PM   #33  
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Hi - my little guy is Liam, he is 3 years old, and he loves singing and dancing. In January this year, he jammed two CDs in my car CD player, it is a single player - ERGHHHH. Anyway, we have been enjoying the radio since then and he sings along in the car to all the songs -his favourite is Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape. On one trip he took along his Fisher Price Star station microphone-it was too cute!!

I must say how much I am loving the 3 year old stage and I hope he stays like this forever - we havent had tantrums for ages - and he is my little friend and helper - I think I am blessed to have such a well behaved, well mannered boy - he loves helping me in the kitchen, packing his toys away. He has just become so independent so suddenly but it is in a good way- if you know what I mean?

This photo was our Christmas portrait that we gave to my family.

Last edited by LBH; 11-28-2007 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 04-24-2007, 12:02 AM   #34  
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I'm so glad i found this thread! I'm a 29yr old mom of an 8 eight old boy.. Jacob. He's wonderful. This is the greatest year yet. But before I get into that..

Michelle - I'm not sure how to make the thumb sucking pass. Unfortunately I was one myself until I was about 25 years old. My teeth are perfect though thank the stars!!:-) My mom tried everything. I mean everything. Grounding, doctors, counseling, the works. I just had to make up my own mind. (my db says at night while i'm sleeping i still do it but i can't do a thing about that!) Never did it in public just nighttime. I do know that making a huge deal of it (at least with me) made me want it all the more. Hope that helps a little.

Anyway back to the greatest achievement of my life. He's so handsome. And can be so caring. And probably the best helper ever. I never thought we would get to this stage of him listening and helping. But we did. Everyone told me when i had him to be careful of the terrible twos... Two was a breeze! We hit three wide open! And it lasted till 6! Very strong willed. Teachers were complaining and suggesting medications. We did go to some counseling last year but basically found out that i was over teaching him. He is very smart. And easily bored. And unfortunately in a public school because there is no way i can afford better. This year i didn't make that mistake and he's excited about school. He has a hard time making friends though. He's always around adults and is the only child on either side. So he tries to brag a little or be tough. And will latch on to any friendship possible. For instance, a little girl next door isn't really who i want him to be friends with. She's beaten him with a hard baby doll (thank god he didn't hit back and when i asked him why he cried and said "cuz she's a girl mommy!" I was so proud!) let him take the blame for things she's done, told him she couldn't be his friend at school but could if the other neighbors weren't home, and is just plain mean. I like kids, don't get me wrong, but her parents just let her go wild. He still cries to play with her. And i think truly would cry to play with any child close by if he knew of any. So he sticks with mommy mostly. We garden and he has his own plot of land he gardens. We love our dogs. Two pitbulls, one male (Fluffy) one female (Tipsy). They would lick someone to death before harm them. And that is about it. We work, school, eat, sleep and play. And I'm loving it.


I will wings may be broken...but they will mend...and I will fly!
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Old 04-24-2007, 10:05 PM   #35  
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Vanessa, Great pic, Liam is a sweetie!!

Kim, Welcome! Jacob sounds like a great kid! Come join us on the "Daily Chat" thread.
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Old 04-26-2007, 01:20 PM   #36  
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I think if you got called in, then the other parents should be called in. It also should count for something that he didn't actually spell the whole word, she said it. I don't know how you could diplomaticly bring this up though. I would probably be fit to be tied.

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Old 04-26-2007, 01:31 PM   #37  
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You are absolutely right! As a parent, I would want to be called in. The 3rd grader's parents should definitely know what their daughter said. Talk about a double standard... It is just so sad that children are exposed to so much "trash" these days. It's everywhere; music, t.v., clothing styles, etc,.etc... It makes my heart hurt to know that little kids are losing their innocence at such young ages.
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:12 PM   #38  
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Hello.. im rosey from alaska..and a mom and gramma..what i would do is ask that the girls parents be in formed by the teacher..if that does not get results go to the principal..and if that doesn't work go or write a letter to the school board..that is prejudicail treatment and no you are not over reacting and what message is the school and you as a parent sending your son? something to think about..thats the advice i would give my dd's if my grkids where involved in such an incident and if it was one of my kids thats exactly what i would do..i wish you luck.. go gettem.. rosey
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:20 PM   #39  
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If I were the girls parents I would want to know what she said. As the mom of a 3 year old little boy, we can't always control what our children say, but I can sure punish him for saying it. You have every right to be angry about how the situation was handled. It was definitley fumbled.
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:26 PM   #40  
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Yes, I definitely think the little girls' parents should have been called -- the treatment your son received would (unfortunately) make me second-guess other decisions made by the school administration.
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:44 PM   #41  
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I'm not a parent but I totally agree with you and think you have every right to be upset about the situation. The girl should at least be punished to the same degree as your son (in my opinion though what she did was worse, but I guess that's neither here or there). Its true that if the roles were reversed that your son would've gotten into a lot more trouble if he had said that to the girl. I think you need to let the school know that this girl should have her parents called at least to let them know what is going on. Its irresponsible of them not to inform the parents, and by letting her get away with that kind of behavior they are only making it seem like its okay to say that to anyone.
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:55 PM   #42  
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Sorry for just dropping in on the thread. I agree that your son seems to be unfairly treated here but it did make me think a very upsetting thought.

It's really concerning that a 3 year old could say that word in context and the school should definitely be taking things further by talking to her parents. They both need to know it's an unacceptable word, but to be able to use it in a sentence, she must be being exposed to something, even if it's only tv.
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Old 04-26-2007, 04:32 PM   #43  
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I think you have every right to be mad and frustrated. I am a mom, too. If either of my children had said something like that, I would want to know and would want to deal with it. It's completely prejudicial that the girl, who admitted what she said, got no punishment whatsoever.

Best wishes with this battle.

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Old 04-26-2007, 08:48 PM   #44  
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Oh Michelle, I totally think you are right for wanting a sit down with all of them! That girl's parents need to know what they're teaching their 8 y/o daughter!!

BTW, I'm moving the thread to the "Let's Discuss Our Kids" thread...hope you don't mind!
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:39 PM   #45  
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This is a great idea. I'm a homeschooling SAHM, so obviously, my kids are a Huuuuge part of my life. Like someone else, I didn't start gaining weight badly until after having my first, so I can't totally avoid talking about them!!

I am Jenn, wife to R, mom to Paul (11), Maria (3) and one angel.

It's helpful reading the reports of other moms whose sons are going through a "thing." My son has been going through a "thing" the last couple months and I'm guessing it has to do with hormones, but it still makes it challenging. He has really grown in the last year, but sometimes I think doesn't realize how big a kid he's getting to be.

He is a perfectionist, but a frustrated, hidden one like me. You'd never guess it to look at his room (like looking at our unorganized home), but he is. He has always been harder on himself than anyone if he doesn't get things right or makes mistakes. He's also always been highly energetic, is very smart, but gets bored sometimes and acts out if he's bored.

Some of his behaviors have been amplified the last couple months and I'm guessing it's pre-puberty.

Then we have our Maria, who is cute, smart and a major HANDFUL!! She is the one who will find anything and everything to get into and we have to watch her like a hawk. She was upstairs in her brother's room today. When I went to check on her I saw that she had found a marker and had drawn ALL over the wall at the top of the steps with a good, solid blue. Lots of circles and scribbles. She said it was fruit and she was picking it and eating it *sigh*.

So it's nice to be here. I'm very new to 3FC, still finding my way around.

Take care!
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