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Old 04-30-2014, 12:22 AM   #301  
It's more UP than Down!
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Originally Posted by Sirius Amadeus View Post
If you've *given birth* but aren't raising your kids (for whatever reason), can you still consider yourself a mother? Would I be able to talk about my daughter (who was sadly stolen from me) even though her father's family won't let me be part of her life?
I say yes, talk away.

I have one son, he's four and he has Down syndrome. He has the most beautiful blue eyes (thank you Brushfield spots!) and he loves babies. Everything has to be green, cars of any kind will always get his attention, and he has never turned down any kind of yoghurt. His favourite thing to eat is condiments licked off whatever veg he is using as a vessel for the dip. He is a bolter, and gives me heart attacks on a near daily basis when he roars off into traffic. He is a snuggly boy who always wants to be on me.
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Old 07-16-2015, 12:13 AM   #302  
..This too shall pass..
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I have one son who's passed on, an autistic son and one who has developmental delays.

The autistic son is 3, and obsessed with sticks and will never ever pass up an opportunity to eat chocolate.

My youngest is a cuddler and so very cheeky. He has just turned 2.
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Old 10-23-2015, 05:04 PM   #303  
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Hi all! I'm new to this thread as I just turned 30 on the 8th! I have an amazing 3 yr old son. He was born early by 4 weeks, my midwife was an idiot and left me in labor for 30 hours on pitocin with no dilation. Come to find out the cord was around his neck the whole time. And when things went wrong (he almost died) she told me it was my fault because I was 300+ lbs so for years I blamed myself for what he went through then a nurse told me to get the documents about his birth and that's when I found everything out. My son is delayed physically (he just caught up actually but did not walk till 1 and a half) and Verbally He has the vocabulary of a 1 and a half year old. But he is so smart he knows his shapes, colors, animals, and is starting to count! (he points when we ask him about colors and shapes and he makes animal sounds and actions) He is my everything!
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Old 11-07-2015, 02:43 PM   #304  
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Hi there! I am 32 and have two kids! My oldest daughter is almost 11 and is in the 5th grade. She is pretty impacted by learning disabilities (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia) as well as ADHD. She is very bright and creative though and is a talented artist and musician. My youngest daughter will be 9 next month and is a little fire cracker. She is a natural comedian and loves fashion and anything girly.
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Old 12-20-2015, 05:57 AM   #305  
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Default My little boogers

I'm new here. I have 2 kids, my son is 3 and my daughter is 8.5 months :-) they are awesome kids. I've been blessed that the baby goes to sleep on her own in her crib, because my son is a snuggler and falls asleep on my lap! Lol.
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Old 06-13-2019, 09:49 AM   #306  
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I have an almost 2 year old son. While he's the light of my life, my pregnancy (including childbirth) with him was awful and traumatic. I've read some very relatable mama stories on here. For those of you that had traumatic pregnancy (or childbirth) AND chose to/were able to have baby number two, was your second pregnancy any different? How did you cope mentally through the process?

(I feel bad. I keep pushing back baby number 2 because I'm scared next time will be worse. My doctor has given me the go-ahead assuming I can get back to my pre-baby weight just in case I have the same complications the second time. Right now, I told my husband we can try sometime next year, but we'll see...)
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