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Old 01-29-2010, 04:25 PM   #1  
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Talking Tuesday Weigh In's

Hello everyone! I just started back to WW but I'm doing it at home this time and on my own. I was super successful 4 years ago and had lost 65 lb's but of course I lost track of what I wanted to accomplish and just fell off the wagon lol. During the time that I was successful I used 3FC to my advantage. This site helped me so much! I couldn't log into my old account for some reason so I started this new one which is fine by me because I need a fresh start. When I was here last I would post in a thread that was for people who weighed in on the same day as me. I looked and didn't see one for Tuesday's so I'm starting a new one lol. I started this past Tuesday so my first weigh in will be this coming Tuesday. I've done really good this week. Even though I know that Í've been doing what I'm supposed to I have that nervousness of gaining. I think because I gained everytime I weighed in towards the end last time that has me nervous lol. I've been staying on plan and I've been getting all of my water (if not more) in. I'll post here when I weigh in and how I do. I hope people join me lol and I hope to come across old friends.
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Old 01-29-2010, 05:25 PM   #2  
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Sobananas-Welcome back! I don't have a specific weigh-in day. sometimes I'll go Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning , Wed evening or Friday morning. I am still kind of shopping around to find a leader whose style I like. I also find that in the morning, there are more retired and older folks whereas in the evenings there are people who usually work during the question is where are the young people? I sometimes think that I'm the youngest in my group and I am 30!
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Old 01-29-2010, 06:12 PM   #3  
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lol I so know what you mean!! I'm 29 and I went to a Tuesday lunch meeting and it was always older women lol. But I loved my leader. That is so important to find a leader that you love. Well you can post here if you want even if you don't weigh in on tuesdays lol.
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Old 02-02-2010, 09:29 PM   #4  
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I lost 6 lbs!!!! Yea!!! I also uped my work out time. It was awesome! I pushed myself that extra 15 min. and felt so good when I finished! I'm having a great night lol
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Old 02-09-2010, 09:44 PM   #5  
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hmm....I wonder if I should just not post lol. No one wants to join in so idk lol. But I lost 4 lbs!! I'm excited because I'm part of a local contest and I've been the constant loser on my team Which makes me feel good that I'm not a week link lol. Anywho happy Tuesday!
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Old 02-10-2010, 05:48 AM   #6  
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I'll join in with you on Tuesday weigh ins...
I am down 2.5 this week ...
I'm at 203 which is very exciting as I'm getting closer and closer to being out of the 200's...
Great job this week on your loss that is amazing...
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Old 02-10-2010, 05:30 PM   #7  
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Thanks Coastal!! Your loss is awesome too! Congrats on the loss so far! Hope your having a great Wednesday!
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:48 PM   #8  
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Hey Christy! I'll come back to your Tuesday thread, though technically I'm still a Monday nighter! I actually was looking in here for a Tuesday thread because that's what I'm used to us posting in but then, duh... I'm a Monday! Who cares?!

Anyhoo, I've started back after the New Year and gaining back 40 of my 45 lost. Boy, once you fall off the wagon it just comes back so easily! This time, my leader restarted my starting weight and everything for me so at least I can work towards those 5% and 10% goals that were achieved so long ago and I have the little accomplishments to look forward to again.
So, here's how my weeks have been so far...

Jan 4- starting weight 188.6
Jan 11- 187.6; 0.8 loss
Jan 18- 185.0; 2.8 loss... which is WOO HOO but it was a morning weigh-in, not the usual 5:00 pm so that helped a bit but I'm not complaining!
Jan 25- 184.6; 0.4 loss... just glad it wasn't a gain after going back to evenings
Feb 1- 184.6; big fat nothing... :-(
Feb 8- 183.6; 1.0 loss... 5 POUND STAR finally! And it was after my bday weekend with 3 meals out! Of course, I had to take my socks off to get that last .2 down but I got my star!

We're off for President's Day tomorrow so it'll be another morning weigh in for me. I'm hoping for a 2 pound loss to give me a good boost like on MLK Day. Next week it's back to evening then the week after (Mar 1) we have Pulaski Day off so another morning. Yay! I'm hoping these two morning meetings will get me to my 5% because after that it's a long stretch of evenings until Spring Break and my weight's always a good .8-1.0 lb higher (if not more) in the evenings. I just hate eating so little during Monday days to keep that undigested food weight down waiting for 5:00 pm. It's so much less stressful to get weighed in the mornings then be normal the rest of the day. Curses to having to actually work for a living! *shakes fist at the sky!*

Good luck this week, everyone! Think skinny for me tomorrow at 9:30 am!
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Old 02-14-2010, 07:43 PM   #9  
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Hello, I'm new here and go to WW on Tuesday night, so I thought I'd post here. Hope that is okay.
I'm in my 6th week and I've lost 11.8 lbs. I want to lose about 50 more.
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Old 02-15-2010, 11:03 PM   #10  
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*sigh* Only down .8 today. I know I should be happy with anything down but I was hoping for more since it was a morning weight. And, if I'd have gone in the evening, it's likely it'd not have been down at all. I think I sabotaged myself by getting on the treadmill again last night. I was thinking the "last chance workout" mentality but in the past I remember being convinced it worked against me to work out the night before weighing. Apparently I was correct. I was down more a whole pound more yesterday morning than today. Ho hum.

Good luck tomorrow, girls! Congrats, again, Auntie Christy!
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:44 PM   #11  
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how funny sassy! i think that too about the the last chance workout lol. it benefits me to take it easy the night before lol. but hey a loss is a loss!! teeone yes you are so welcome here!!! i'm so glad the group is getting bigger lol. congrats on your loss so far! well i am writing from the hospital because my sister had her baby and my leader of that contest i'm in msged me and asked if i could weigh in while i'm out of town. i was like "ya let me walk around the hospital and find a scale just lying around lol". well i asked one of the nurses on my sister's floor and they showed me where one was in a room so i was excited. i could take my boots off and my sweater but i did still have to wear my jeans. but i lost 3 lbs! i was so happy cause altough i didn't eat much yesterday i still had a burger and fries for dinner and i broke down and had a dr. pepper lol i was doing so well too with that. oh well. i won't have anymore. it was good while it lasted lol. i hope ya'll are having a great week!!
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Old 02-16-2010, 11:25 PM   #12  
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3 pounds is awesome! Especially with jeans! I never wear jeans if I'm going to WW but then if I get weighed at the doctor's office or something I always get mad because it's so much higher. I have to remind myself about the weight of jeans!

I accidentally wound up going out to eat tonight. I forgot I had to help out at a school function and my friend in charge of it needed to go get dinner in between. I made sure I left right away to work out (go me!) while she was hung up at school before going out to eat. Turns out, I ate fewer points while out than I would have had I ate my intended leftovers at home! The leftovers were the last half of a huge quesadilla from Chevy's (my post weigh-in splurge from yesterday) and I was very much looking forward to it. While out, I had a chicken "sandwich" (with no bun or fixin's) with mushrooms and swiss and mashed taters (instead of their yummy steak fries). Both of which were cut in half and in a doggie bag before even eating. It was delicious and I'll have the rest for lunch. I won't mention to you guys the fried zuchini appetizer we split but it is accounted for in my tracking. I only went 4 points over and they're balanced out by my activity points. I'm pretty pleased with myself. However... that delicious, higher point quesadilla will need to be eaten tomorrow night. Ho hum.
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Old 02-17-2010, 10:51 PM   #13  
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well i wish i wouldl have had your strength lol. i sucked so bad today on the way home from my sisters. it was a 7 hr drive and it started out with a breakfast burrito and went downhill after that lol. i mean i guess it wasn't as bad as it could have been but still. Tomorrow is a new day and I can go to the gym and work it off (hopefully lol).
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Old 02-17-2010, 11:23 PM   #14  
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I was down 2 lbs this week, for a total of 13.8 in six weeks.
Going pretty well!
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Old 02-23-2010, 08:53 PM   #15  
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I was down 1 pound again last night to 181.8, although I didn't realize it until this afternoon because apparently I suck at subtraction. I was irritated thinking it was only .8. But the irritation is more from the fact that Saturday morning I was 181.4, then Sunday 180.0 (it even blinked on the 179.8 for a second... it didn't stay but I saw that it was hovering and wanting to stay!). I'm so frustrated that I've been down almost 2 pounds less on Saturdays/Sundays than I am on Mondays. Grrrr! I've been eating a little high on Friday, right (or just about) at points on Saturdays and a few less on Sundays. The week I lost 2.8, I'd been low on the Sunday so I thought it'd be better but clearly it's messing me up. Does it makes sense to eat more the day before weigh in? It just seems to opposite to me. I'm gonna try this week and hope it doesn backfire. My February goal was to get my 5% (9lbs) by the March 1 weigh in. The good numbers this weekend had me psyched and thinking I'd get it but now that I'm still 2.2 away, I'm not so sure. This is taking forever!
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