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Old 06-03-2002, 10:06 AM   #1  
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Default Weigh In's 6/3-6/9

Let's be a lil competitive this week. Let's see if we can get all Club Member to lose at least 1 lb. If your doing really well and know you'll lose it, reach out and help someone who is struggling. If your struggling, reach out for some motivation and inspiration. We all can manage this, 1 lb is nothing but at the same's so much.

Let the games begin! lol

FYI..I added 53.2 LBS this week to the totals lost. This group is amazing! Every lb counts.

Last edited by Jenniffer; 06-03-2002 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 06-03-2002, 07:46 PM   #2  
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Hey, Jennifer! You can add 5 more pounds onto that total!! I MADE IT!!! Under 300 at last. I now weigh 297!

I will be happy to encourage anyone. You all sure have helped me to know that I can do this. PM or e-mail me anytime you want.

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Old 06-03-2002, 07:57 PM   #3  
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Ok Ok count me in, I haven't weighed myself in awhile so i will tomorrow morning and shoot for my pound loss by Sunday.

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Old 06-03-2002, 09:45 PM   #4  
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I'm jumping on the same train as Velvet!!!! Whoohoooooooooo!

Two weeks ago I lost .6lb - that was great - but I knew that I had lost more and that I would see it later..

Tonight - I lost 5.6 lbs!!! (can you tell I'm pumped?!) btw.. I didn't weigh in last Monday at ww because of the holiday.

I have now lost more at ww then any other time that I've been! ( I have always quit before week 3)
I still have so far to go - but I am really happy and proud of myself at this moment

235/219/212 10% mini goal
mini goal - to be reached by 4th of July.. only 7 more lbs to go!!!
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Old 06-03-2002, 09:56 PM   #5  
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Well, I gained 1 lb. That puts me 11 lbs above my low 6 weeks ago.

Ok Jennifer - 1 lb off by next week!!!
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Old 06-03-2002, 10:31 PM   #6  
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First of all.. a great big WOO HOO !! goes to Velvet and Slimdown.. Way To Go!

I'm in for the 1 pound challenge.. WI is Friday for me so I have a couple more days to shake my bootie

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Old 06-03-2002, 11:00 PM   #7  
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WOOOHOOOOOOO TO DANA!!!! That is EXCELLENT! How are you doing it? My friend Debby lost 4.5 today, too. Keep up the good work!

Sandi, start with our 1lb challenge and it'll get you back on the losing track! You've done it before, try reviewing what you were eating, doing, feeling, etc. when you were losing before.

Traci and Kim, you are going to lose that pound this week! Jennifer, you're gonna have a bundle of adding to do next week!

Good luck to everyone who accepts this challenge.

Love, Gayle
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Old 06-04-2002, 07:55 AM   #8  
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ACKKKKKKK! Ok got on the scale today and gained 10 pounds since my last weigh-in Ok time to get serious again!

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Old 06-06-2002, 03:38 PM   #9  
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New to this board, so I obviously won't have lost anything right. Also I am assuming the stats are starting weight/current weight/goal weight, right?

Here are my stats to start me off..... 265/265/200(for now)
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Old 06-07-2002, 09:11 AM   #10  
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Congrats to everyone who has had an awseome loss this week and to those you are still on the right track. In the right direction, that's what counts!

I have decided that m weigh-in day will now be Monday. This will force me to focus more on the weekends and not use them as "free" days. I weighed on Monday morning and weighed in at 222. I knew alot of it was water weight from the weekend, and the Coors Lights didn't help much. I didn't stress it too much and then when I was diagnosed with diabetes on Tuesday, well, I've been OP all week. 5 days today...and I weighed in at 216 this morning. So, am shooting to weigh 214-215 on Monday morning. I know I can do it.

Inca's Mommy..Hold your chin up girlie. You know where those lbs came from, they'll drop off quickly. Rootin for ya!

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Old 06-07-2002, 11:10 AM   #11  
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Good Friday Morning Everyone...
I have to admit this week wasnt my best, but I'm not going to complain about it because I still managed to lose 1.5 pounds..
How is everyone else doing?

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Old 06-07-2002, 12:39 PM   #12  
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Gosh I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have remained the same 298 and I am very pleased with that indeed as my weight has bounced around so eratically since I began these meds. Two more weeks and I will be off of them. Until then I figure I am losing secretly and will have a big surprise that will delight me, until then onward and downward. I am 5 days totally OP.
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Old 06-07-2002, 01:39 PM   #13  
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Pam... you have such a great attitude! And you are 100% right. Sometimes it can be frustrating if we have been doing so well op and don't lose.. or as much as we hoped for.
That is what happened to me.. one week I lost .6... then two weeks later I lost 5.6...
It is really hard to think this way.. but you were bang on Pam!!

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Old 06-07-2002, 07:27 PM   #14  
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Talking You guys rock!!

I knew I was doing perfect and the scale went up a whole pound! I then remembered it was my "lovely time of the month" time!!
I hung in there and didnt make it an excuse to eat just because the scale didnt go down and continued to eat right and now the pound is off plus an extra half!! I am so happy I didnt do what I used to do which is pig out if the scale doesnt reward me. Crazy huh??
So now I am officially 49.5 pounds down. Just one half pound to my 50 pound cruise goal (which is Wednesday!!) I know I can do this!

pam-I hope you get rewarded soon!

Congrats to: Traci, Jennifer, Dana, and Gayle!!

Everyone else-hang in there!

313/263.5/263 mini goal- 50 pounds!!
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Old 06-07-2002, 09:32 PM   #15  
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I weighed in on my scale at home, not going to WW anymore, and I've lost 2 lbs since I weighed in last week at home before I went to WW. My scale at home is 6 lbs less than their's.

I'm not going to WW anymore because when I started I really just wanted the food program, I went to one meeting and I didn't think it was what I needed. So I decided right from the start that I would spend $100 worth of weigh ins and then not go anymore. I am still doing the points system though.
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