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Old 01-13-2007, 08:49 PM   #1  
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Default Monday Weigh-In's Here

Hello everyone. This thread is for anyone who goes to Monday meetings. Feel free to chat in here too. I just thought it would be kinda cool to have our own little Monday group.

So here is my intro....

My name is Jodi, I am 35, married for 16 1/2 yrs and mom to 2 ages 13 and 15
I live in rural Indiana and just started my 2nd round of WW this past Monday. I need all the support I can get and thought if I started a topic, maybe we could all get some support in here. I thought it would be neat to also discuss anything that comes up during our weekly meetings, comments, questions, ect. And let's celebrate those weigh-in's.

Come on girls!!! Anyone in??????
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Old 01-15-2007, 02:12 PM   #2  
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Ok, I hope that you all will be posting today. I went to my weigh in this morning and I have lost

3.2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited and renewed for another week of success. I am going to try and start exercising this week. That is my goal
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Old 01-24-2007, 03:13 PM   #3  
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Hi Jodi...

Count me in. I just joined WW Monday, the 22nd. Looking forward to my first WI!

WTG on the pounds lost!
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Old 01-24-2007, 10:41 PM   #4  
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Hi Cristina nice to see you over here!
I had a 1 lb gain this week, TOM- so I am expecting a great wi next monday.
So, what plan are you following?
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Old 01-30-2007, 01:46 PM   #5  
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Hi ya Jodi!

Forgot to WI here yesterday...I am down 4 pounds!

It was a bit of a challenging week for me, being the first week. At times I felt like I was starving. But I know once I get the hang of it and get menu's planned and such it will be better.

I am following the flex plan. For my lifestyle this is the better fit.

Don't you just hate TOM? Just messes up those WI's for sure. I know you will see a loss next WI. I'm rootin' for ya!
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Old 01-30-2007, 03:17 PM   #6  
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I forgot to come here and WI yesterday myself. I had another 3.2 loss, I was very happy with that. Plus that brings me into the 100's- yeeaaahhhhh
Like I told my hubby, that's 199.8, but by golly that is UNDER 200 for me. :-)

I haven't told my mom that I am doing WW again. My main reason is this...
I know that even when I am doing well, I won't see it and I will start to get down and wind down. I am counting on my mom to speak up about then and ask me if I am losing weight. She is going to be my secret weapon in keeping my momentum. Now she probably won't like it that I didn't tell her to begin with what I am doing, but OH WELL!!! But I know her, she will tell you when you are losing weight and she will tell you when you are gaining- so I KNOW without a doubt she won't be able to help herself when she notices.

Even at 6 lbs, I am noticing that my pants are fitting better. It won't be long before people start noticing.

I am so glad that you have posted here. I really thought more ladies would chime in. I am still hoping they will.

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Old 02-03-2007, 03:38 PM   #7  
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Woohoo Jodi! WTG for being in onederland! It is a great feeling to be under 200 for sure! DH lost 7 lbs so far and he said he feels a difference. I've not tried my jeans on yet.Last time I went to wear them they wer snug and I ended up taking them off and putting sweat pants on, lol. But I've not lost enough to feel a difference I don't think. I will try them on after Monday's WI. But that's great that you feel a totally makes your day doesn't it? My mom sounds like yours. She will let me know if I am losing and especially gaining. Glad I don't see her often. Actually, that is not true...I do wish I lived closer to my relatives...I miss them. I've not told her I started WW...seems like every time I start something she decides to and turns it into a competition between us.

I keep forgetting to come here to post too!

Yeah, hopefully more will jump on the thread. There has to be more than just the two of us that WI on Monday, lol! Maybe in time...

Hope you are having a great day/weekend!
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Old 02-05-2007, 12:59 PM   #8  
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Hello, hello, hello...

Well, today is WI! I was hoping for a bigger loss but I will take what I can get. I am down one pound this week. Going to work harder this coming week and focus on getting more veggies and fruits. are you doing? Hope you have a GREAT loss today!
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Old 02-08-2007, 12:24 AM   #9  
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I maintained this week. I am so frustrated. I am about ready to just say forget it and go back to eating without a thought about what I am putting in my mouth. I know, I shouldn't feel this way. I just am so frustrated, I feel like what's the point. I am going to be fat for yet another summer and not be able to wear nice, hip and happenin' clothes. Maybe I am just supposed to BE fat? I have to get out of this rut I am in before I destroy what little progress I have made. It was so much easier (and came off faster) the last time. ARGH!!!!!

I see that you had a good WI and that you are feeling more successful than I am. I am proud of you for losing another pound- WTG girl!!! :-)

On a positive note, I did get my 5 lb star this week! Did you get one too?
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Old 02-12-2007, 04:33 AM   #10  
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Well Hi there,
I am a Monday WI kinda gal (it's monday morning here in the UK) so in preparation for tonight I thought I would check out your thread!
I have kept to my points all week (well, almost... tuesday was a bit of a crazy one, but still!) and so I am hoping for a loss.

Jodi - you are NOT going to fat for this summer, you are going to be svelt and gorgeous and feeling fantastic after losing masses of weight... just keep it up! Maintaining is a MILLION times better than putting on which is what might happen if you give up (it did to me!)!

Christina.. fab, a fellow diet coke addict!! I am going to try and cut down next week, I really drink too much, but this week I have 4 deadlines for univeristy (just gave up the working life to go back to study!) so will need the caffeine, plus it stops me binging!

Anyway, after losing a good amount of weight I kind of fell off the wagon and gained again, so now am back in a motivated frame of mind and doing ok!
Hope your weigh ins go well, I will post how I get on this evening!


Last edited by Carobelle; 02-12-2007 at 04:34 AM. Reason: mistakes
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Old 02-12-2007, 12:23 PM   #11  
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Hi Caro I was so excited to see another Monday WI gal!!!! I am curious as to how you did at your WI today. As for me, I maintained AGAIN. I know I can't give up, but boy the thought continues to cross my mind. I know that I have to keep pressing on. I keep telling myself that the time is going to pass whether I stay on program or not. But if I go off program, I will be even bigger. Just would like to see a couple pounds come off so that I could get a second wind. :-)

Cristina looking forward to seeing your WI today.Hope that it was a good one. Did you get in more fruits and veggies last week like you planned? I am going to work on getting my water in. I was doing well and then I got away from it again. I filled up my jug, all I have to do is drink it all before bed. Much easier to look at it and say I only have to drink it, and not 8 glasses (it's 8 glasses worth, but you can mess with your mind saying only 1- haha).

Planning for a blizzard- hope we don't lose electricity. Not only would I lose the computer, but we will lose water and that means not being able to flush the toilet- ugh! Plus no heat, but we do have a kerosene heater if that happens. We live in the middle of nowhere so chances of us getting snowed in are very great.

Have a good week!
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Old 02-12-2007, 02:44 PM   #12  
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Thanks for the welcome... Monday must be a rare day for weighing in!

I know what you mean, it is so nice to see a good loss to spur you on, especially when you've really being putting your all into sticking to it! I just looked back at my old original card and in my first weeks I had some good losses and then maintained for 2 weeks then settled into a slower loss thing... so keep on keeping on, you'll get there!

Well as for my WI... I lost a pound... now I know a pound is great, and slow is better and losing is better than gaining and all that crap BUT! I worked so hard at keeping totally within points this week!
Also see, as a student again I have to watch the budget (as well as the waistline!) and if I could just get down to 151 then I wouldn't have to pay to weigh anymore as that was my original goal when I started! Cheapskate, I know, but still!
As for the weight loss... I'll keep ridgidly to points again this week, add more exercise (I say more, I actually only swam once last week!) and keep convincing myself that it would have been more off today if I hadn't begun the monthly blessing and had the gorgeous london rain wet my jeans nearly to the knees (that must count for pounds and pounds surely!?)

SO! Just try and stop me next monday (even if I have to weigh in in my underwear!)

Ok, personal pep talk over, hope the week goes well... don't get too cold there (though I do have snow envy!) and I'll catch you guys on here soon!!

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Old 02-13-2007, 08:58 PM   #13  
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Hello everyone!!! I am also a Monday weigher. I started on 1/08/07. This is my umpteenth time on WW. For some reason this time I have actually lasted longer the 2 weeks. This is the 2nd time I've done that. The most I have lost was about 26 lbs. This, however, was back in High School. I am now married with 2 kids, so things are a little harder. Considering I'm the only one in the house with a weight problem. I have been heavy my whole life, because of my Mom, I'm ready to finally change. She has lost about 75 lbs. She found out last year that she has Type 2 diabetes, so she has been a loser since. She is my motivation. She now weighs less than me, which is first.

Anyway, I hope that everyone has a wonderfull week. Later.
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Old 02-14-2007, 03:03 AM   #14  
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Hey Shanell!
Well Done for sticking to it! And I can't think of a better reason to keep losing than good health...though my vanity is doing ok at sending me back each time i fall hard off the wagon!
Good luck for this week... have you got any special plans to keep you on the straight and narrow?

Jodi and Christina. how are you guys going?

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Old 02-19-2007, 02:05 PM   #15  
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Shanell Hello and WELCOME!!!!
I am sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I am so glad you have joined us and that you are sticking to it. I see on your ticker that you have lost 11 lbs- WAY TO GO!!!!

Caro Hello! I hope you are doing well. You don't need to have snow envy cause I would gladly pack it up and send to you. We had a blizzard last week and was snowed in our house for a day and 1/2. The wind is blowing today and actually drifting the roads again from the snow on the ground. I kid you now, we had 2-3 FOOT drifts in our driveway. It took me, hubby and our 2 teenagers 2 1/2 hrs to dig our driveway out to the road!!! Talk about being SORE! I had pains in muscles I didn't know I had.

Cristina Hey there! I hope you are doing good so far. Feeling good and motivated today.

As for me, it's that TOM again and I still actually lost 1.0 What would it have been without TOM??? I am just so glad to have gotten my 2 weeks of maintaining done. I know that it was in part due to me exercising last week. I got from my chair to doing a little bit of exercise. I am stepping up a little this week. I think that just getting out of the mindset of thinking that since I wouldn't do 30-60 min I just wouldn't do anything that has helped. Even doing 5 min here and there will help. I think we have just been hit so much with you have to do aerobics and get that heartrate up for X amt of time has helped up get into this mindset. So we think if we can't do it all we can't do anything- at least that is the way I have thought.

Ok, I am going to get off here. Take care girls!!!!!!!!
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