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Old 04-08-2010, 01:56 PM   #46  
Another Tammy
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Great job, Mari-ri-ri-ria! Hope your next weigh-in is as great as this one! (BTW, is it safe to assume you're really just Maria?)
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Old 04-10-2010, 05:30 AM   #47  
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Thanks for the lovely comments

And Ms. Sassy, yes I'm just Maria (or Ria) but that's a little too boring for my tastes hehe
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Old 04-12-2010, 10:29 AM   #48  
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I'm down 9.8 lbs this week!!! YEA!!!!

I know it won't be that high again but I'm happy I got a big lost my first week back on the program. Now I need to use that to keep moving forward and hopfully keep losing a little each week. Although I must admit I've mentally prepared myself for the possiblity I won't lose this week because I lost so much last week. But here's hopin'.
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Old 04-13-2010, 09:02 AM   #49  
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Wow, that's insane Chrissy well done!

I lost just over 2lb this week, I weighed in at 186.6 and that's taking into account that I just got my period, so I'm pretty happy and I'm calling it 187
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Old 04-13-2010, 01:42 PM   #50  
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congrats everyone. chrissy, way to go! I lost 4.2 lbs for last week! Woohoo.
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Old 04-16-2010, 09:59 AM   #51  
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226.6 this week. down 2.2 lbs.
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Old 04-16-2010, 07:57 PM   #52  
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I'll join in. Sunday is my weigh in day, if that's ok. I lost 2.7 last week, my first week back on plan, and I don't about this week yet.
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Old 04-17-2010, 11:14 PM   #53  
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Congrats to everyone on your losses last week! I wish I could hit numbers like yours! I'm lucky to get one pound from week to week and could probably count on one had the times I've gotten 2+ over the years. Definitely something for you all to be proud of.

I lost .6 this week. The very same .6 I gained last week so I'm right back where I was before Easter. Hopefully next week I'll be able to kick this stinking stagnant phase again. I think I've been eating well and this week I added using the machines/resistance to my workouts so hopefully that'll kick in and help out soon. I also bought a kettleball/dvd today. We'll see how that works out. I'm totally intimidated by it but I'm so intrigued.

For the record, after I weigh in on Saturdays, I allow myself to splurge with food since I usually have about half my flex points left, as well as 20ish activity points. And boy did I splurge today. I did not eat one healthy thing today. Not one! Woops! McDonald's for lunch, a VERY delicious Auntie Anne's pretzel in the afternoon and a strawberry shortcake from our local ice cream place for "dinner" (but it was made with fro-yo instead of real ice cream!). All very delicious but SOOOOO not good! I don't feel horribly guilty because I never go that crazy and still was within my extra points and have a bunch leftover but still! Holy Unhealthiness, Batman! But, my Saturday is over, it was good and Sunday it's back to game-on! Hope you all have good weeks!
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Old 04-20-2010, 12:28 AM   #54  
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yea chrissy!!! and everyone on there losses!!!! well i i haven't been doing what i'm supposed to. i haven't been going to meetings and i think i need to start. they always helped and i really think that's what i'm missing. i'm in this contest here and it's supposed to be a "team" thing but i haven't seen or heard from my team leader in months. i don't even know if the contest is still going. it really sucks because i thought i was going to have people to work out with and motivate each other and that is not the case at all money's been pretty tight but i started a part time job so i think i'll be able to afford going to meetings and what not. keep me in your thoughts and prayers that i get back on track
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Old 04-21-2010, 11:45 AM   #55  
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Down another 2 today. 224.6

I'm going to kick up the exercise this week and hopefully make goal next week. woo!

Last edited by zeffryn; 04-21-2010 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 04-21-2010, 03:05 PM   #56  
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I made some indulgent choices toward the end of last week so didn't lose, but I didn't gain either and I have to remember that! I'm aiming for 2lbs loss this week, fingers crossed for 185!!
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Old 04-23-2010, 09:16 PM   #57  
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Default New to this-SORRYPOST IS SOOOO LONG!!

Hello-I am new to weight watchers. I am trying to do it on my own. I have a couple of friends at work that have either been on WW or currently enrolled and they have explained the basics to me. I would love to join WW online or go to meetings but right now money is just too tight and I can't afford it.

I would love to be able to weigh in and share my progress and perhaps get a few tips here and there from people having success with the program.

A little history about me-I am 30 years old with a 6 (soon to be 7) year old son. I wasn't heavy before I got pregnant and only gained 20 pounds while pregnant. Never lost any pregnancy weight and then gained an average of 10 pounds per year after. I was up to 221 pounds last year and feeling really down, low and disgusted with myself. I tried the Metabolic Research Center (MRC diet) last Feb. I signed up for a 4 month plan with them but only really stuck with it for about 3. I ended up losing 32 pounds and was down to 189. I had also taken up jogging/running 3 days a week. But the MRC diet is really strict. It mainly focuses on high amts of lean protein, low carb diet. I was allowed one piece of "diet" 40 calorie bread at breakfast and dinner and one serving of fruit such as a small apple or strawberries only at lunch and the rest of the meals were 8 ounces salad and 6 oz lean protein. It was too strict for me (a self declared choc-o-holic) plus the center was constantly wanting you to by these boxes of protein fruit drinks which they required you to have 2-3 drinks a day. A box was $13 and you only had 7 drink packets in the box. I decided to give myself a "break". I did OK only fluctuating 5 pounds for a month or so then I went nuts and in the rest of the year to current managed to put 25 of those pounds back on. I figured this might work better for me b/c I can have a variety of fruit or veggies and the occasional indulgence and it is not as strict.

I have figured that I should be eating 27 points per day. I drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day. I found a "generic" WW points guide on the web that lists a lot of common foods and there point values and have been using that as a guide. I also learned how to calcuate my own points by dividing the total calories by 50,+ total fat divided by 12 - total fiber divided by 5.

I was wondering how late any of you eat your last meal? Do you have to get all of your points in, in a day or can you be close to your point value?Currently I should be at 27 pts can I aim for 25 instead? Some days I feel really hungry others not so much. I am just worried that I am doing this wrong. I have tried this since Monday it is now Friday and for 5 days and my scale hasn't even gone down a .1 of a pound. My food intake today consisted of:
English muffin 2 pt
WW cream cheese 1pT
3 egg whites 1 pt
(SNACK) 1 cup strawberries 1 pt
SmartONes Mac N Cheese 5 pt
1 cup carrots 1 pt
3 oz baked chicken breast 3 pt
1 cup brocc 1 pt
1 cup cauliflour 1 pt
2 TBSP reg. Italian dressing (marinate chicken) 4 pt
(SNACK) 1 cup Dannon light & fit yogurt 2 pt
1/2 cup organic granola 4 pt
Does my food look like it should? My weekly food intake has been similar to what I had today. I really appreciate any feedback/suggestions and I am SOOOOO sorry this post is so long. I look forward to "losing" with all of you. Thanks.
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Old 04-26-2010, 06:59 PM   #58  
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Okay, so I ditched on Saturday. Bad me. I'm sooo tired of seeing the very same number week after week! I think I did well eating, too. So, I scrapped it, starting anew. I weigh myself on Sunday morning, just to see, down almost 2 pounds! WTH?! Why couldn't that be Saturday?! So, I made myself to extra good yesterday and today, in the hopes that I'd still be down a little and coupld get weight tonight at 5:00, which I did, and was down 1.2! Not a ton but finally past that dumb-bunny 178.2! I was a little lower this morning but we all know putting clothes on will get ya every time. But... I'm down and I still got weighed this week so I'm not a TOTAL ditcher! I'm wondering if it'll bite me in the butt come Saturday since I'll only have 5 days in between but here's hoping! I've also re-figured my points and am going to try going down one so we'll see if that helps anything. Hope you all have great weigh-ins this week!

tmlmommy- Welcome! You menu looks fine to me. How did the rest of your week go?
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Old 04-28-2010, 05:19 PM   #59  
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Thanks for welcome Ms. Sassy. Congrats on your loss!

My scale FINALLY moved. I am one of those where I have to jump on every morning, as soon as I get up before I shower or eat anything. FINALLY on Sunday my scale moved from 215.0 to 212.8 and as of Tuesday I was down to 212.4. So I am happy. I hope I can maintain a 2 pound loss per week.
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Old 04-29-2010, 05:31 PM   #60  
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2.4 lb. loss this week. This trend seems to be keeping up nicely. I was hoping to make goal this week of 221.4, but missed it by 1.2 lbs. I did well with the diet and exercise the first half of the week, and ended up eating popcorn on Monday which I think is what set me back. I always show a BIG gain after popcorn. Need to be smarter about that!

Anyway, back to the grind this week. Lots of water, and exercise when I can. My husband is studying for finals, so I am trying to use the time after the kids go to bed to use the wii fit. Anything would be better than vegging in out in front of the tv and trying desperately to resist the urge to snack.
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