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Old 02-11-2003, 12:26 PM   #61  
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I love the sign Noelle! I never really thought about it that way.

I am at work today but I still don't feel the greatest. I was fine this morning but my tummy is a little upset now. I hate being sick. The boss keeps telling me to let him know if it gets to bad. I really need to stay at work. (not really but I keep telling myself that)

Angie don't you love it when the bloat leaves? I got on the scale this morning which i knew was a mistake b/c I didn't eat very well. I was wanting all sorts of crazy food when I was awake long enough to eat it. I only put back 1.5 lbs but now I have to be very careful. I looked for the Blue Bunny ice cream yesterday when I went to buy some soup but I don't think Winn Dixie sells it. There is no way that I am going to brave Wal-Mart feeling like this. Don't get me started on how I don't like them (at least the one in our town)
I don't even want to tell you what one of our fish did to a gold fish. We have a salt water tank with a clown trigger and one of our friends was changing his tank to salt. He had to get rid of his goldfish so he put it in our tank. I will spare you all of the details but it wasn't good. I couldn't look b/c I thought it was cruel.
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Old 02-11-2003, 01:26 PM   #62  
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Arrow nyuk nyuk nyuk

for those of you with weak stomachs, do not read (sorry!)

...speaking of salt water...i got this factoid in my email today:

The average blue whale produces over 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates, but only 10% of that actually makes it into his mate. So 360 gallons are spilled into the ocean everytime one unloads, and you wonder why the ocean is so salty...
pass it on and DON'T swallow the water

Sorry guys, I couldn't resist sharing that with you.
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Old 02-11-2003, 01:28 PM   #63  
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Ok, enough with the sick jokes already...except that last one, I don't know if it was a joke or not. But anyway, hope y'all are having a great day. I'll check back in later to see what's up. I almost had a binge-fest yesterday but I fought it off and went walking instead--so hooray for me. Gawd! This losing weight thing is soooo hard.
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Old 02-11-2003, 01:34 PM   #64  
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Hey Noelle, How do you know it is salty? GROSS!! The poor female gets a bath doesn't she?

I read in your journal and I am so proud of you!! Did you join Kicking Horses challenge for the week? I did maybe it will make me be good for Valentines Day because I really want some more lomein and creme eggs!! I am so bad!

Kempy, I feel bad for the poor fish. My BIL used to have a Pirannha(illegal of course) and it was so gross when he would feed him.
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Old 02-11-2003, 02:00 PM   #65  
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Uh, once when I was five I almost drowned at the beach (or so it felt like it) and I must've swallowed about a half gallon of water---yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. What were YOU thinking Angie? Or, maybe Monica Lewinsky told me that once... eewwwww

Yes I joined the Kicking Horse Valentine's challenge..it's only for a week so I figure that just might get me through all the food-centered festivities this week and through the weekend...my dad's 70th b-day is on Saturday but we're celebrating w/lunch on Sunday @ Bravo Italian restaurant where they have those scrumptious little greasy, cheese covered garlic rolls...ok, I have to stop now, I feel my fat cells expanding as I type.

p.s. salt water is NOT on my list of legal food or drink
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Old 02-11-2003, 03:28 PM   #66  
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Monica Lewinskey, hahaha You are too funny! I am a perv. I can't help it I inherited it from my father.

I love the garlic rolls at Olive Garden. On a binge day I will get an order of those with some alfredo sauce and go home and eat them until I am sick. How come all the food that tastes good is bad? Good Luck this week we can do it.
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Old 02-11-2003, 03:30 PM   #67  
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The boss is gone so I guess there is no hope for me to go home early. It is my fault though I am trying to act like I am strong and can tough it out.

SOOO, i am going to play on the site since I am still a little to sick to my stomach to do actual work.
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Old 02-11-2003, 03:42 PM   #68  
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Default Valentines Day

What is everyone doing for Valentines Day?
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Old 02-11-2003, 03:46 PM   #69  
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I have to pick up Joe from the airport Friday night aroun 8:30 so we are going to eat at a steak rest. in New Orleans called Houston's. We love that place.

We really never have done anything for Valentine's day. We are always buying stuff so this would mean more spending when we really don't need to. I know I don't want chocolate and he is on a diet too, so no candy this year.
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Old 02-11-2003, 03:59 PM   #70  
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Valentines day...I better be getting a card at least! My hubby sucks at the card giving. He sends roses and stuff but all I get is the little card that comes with the flowers. Am I too picky? I feel that roses are beautiful, but a waste of money. I'd rather have the cash to spend on myself . Yup, that's me, the material girl...sort of. Maybe we'll just do our semi-regular Friday movie night w/the boy and go see The Jungle Book 2. Sounds exciting no? Besides our anniversary's coming up in 2 weeks so we'll do something for sure then. We were supposed to be married on 2/11/95 (that would be 8 years ago today) but we couldn't get the church date lined up with the country club reception (sounds more fancy than it really is).

How 'bout you Angie? How are you combating this chocolate-laden holiday? Or anybody else for that matter...yes, why do most holidays revolve around food? Valentine's, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween (is that a holiday?), Thanksgiving....
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Old 02-11-2003, 04:01 PM   #71  
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We don't usually do anything either. We are boring. I want chocolate but I guess I shouldn't have any. I will probably make a veggie pizza and watch Reba. Fun huh?
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Old 02-11-2003, 04:03 PM   #72  
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I am toying around with the idea of trying to make low fat of fat free chicken quessedias (don't laugh I know I spelled it wrong). I don' think I will make it tonight b/c it is just me and I would run the risk of eating them all. If Joe doesn't know that I made them he will never know that I ate them all.
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Old 02-11-2003, 04:08 PM   #73  
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Yum. I wanted one last night when the Taco Bell commercial came on.
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Old 02-11-2003, 04:10 PM   #74  
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Don't you hate when tv does that to you? I will be perfectly fine with what I am eating and then the go and show pizza hut. AAUUGGHH. I want to run out right then. I guess their ad people really know what they are doing.
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Old 02-11-2003, 04:16 PM   #75  
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I know. The new stuffed crust gold does that to me. I don't even eat at Pizza Hut but the commercial makes it look so good! I am glad they don't do commercials for Chinese restaurants. I would be a goner then!
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