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Old 02-17-2003, 02:02 PM   #136  
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Goodness Angie, I wish I could give you some advice about this. Joe isn't a romantic person and that is ok with me. But you are right a card every now and then would be nice. HOw much of this have to talked over with Jay? I have learned thatwhen Joe and I have discussions about things I make sure that I word it right. I have found that if you point fingers and blame them they get very defensive and that is when the fighting really starts. I make sure that I tell him how what he has done makes me feel. I never tell him that he is wrong and I remind him that I am not telling him this to start anything. I also remind him that we do not fight we talk things out. We are adults and we can act like ones. I have to remember that he is feeling just as bad about some things as I do. We really do pride ourselves on how good we are able to talk about things. Now, don't get me wrong sometimes he will let something go until he pops but I always get my feelings out in the open. Alot of times he doesn't realize that he is doing something wrong. I think they do love us it is just sometimes they are so comfortable with us that they forget that we need things too. I know that you guys can work this out just take it slow. And rmember that you can always talk to us about whatever you want.
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Old 02-17-2003, 04:47 PM   #137  
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Hey Angie, Kempy's right. Men have no concept of what we need sometimes. It's the little things, and since we know that it takes such little effort to impress us soemtiems, that makes us even more upset, because it was so easy to just try a little. We didn't do presents, or cards, but we did do dinner, and went shopping... it was nice. We couldn't think of anything for presents. But at least your hubby could've made a move on you at bedtime.. painted nails.. my hubby likes that too!

I'm so sorry you're so frustrated Angie. I know you two can talk about this, usually after the dust settles. He needs to understand that these days are important to you, and that in order to be happy together, you need to keep impressing each other, and making you both feel wanted.. especially since you ahve children. Its doubly hard to date a spouse, when there's competition with the kids. Honey, I know you'll talk this out.

We're exhausted here. After helping the neighbors all day long, I went upstairs, took a hot shower, and hung up the coat, gloves, boots, and such... no more for me. I'm spent. I feel bad, since they're all out there shoveling still. But we've been there for two days, while they were all inside, procrastinating. There you have it! We're all dug out, but it looks like there's no hope of giong anywhere tomorrow, with everything shut down for a few days.

We did, however, dig out, and go out. We headed to the store, where I got some fresh fruit, tampons... had to have them...chocoalte chips, bran muffin mixes, stuff to keep me busy if I'm bored. A fitness magazine, to uplift me. We're having a nice roast dinner. He tries to make it fat free as possible. I figure with all te labor we've done the past two days, we've earne a nice rib stickin dinner. I'm sure it won't matter in my body. I'm probably depleted anyway.

I'm drinking more water, and have protein bars handy. Took one last night, after i ventured to the pantry for an evening snack. Remembered I have them, so I ate one.. couldn't finish all of it! Weird! It's low carb, high protein. Hit the spot, and filled me right up. I slept like a log. I needed it. I"ll need it again tonight.

Wanted to thank all ya'll for the advice lately. I'm soaking it in, and wanted to thank you for caring about me, and stuff.
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Old 02-17-2003, 05:39 PM   #138  
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He apologized today. Yesterday he took Alicia in to get some Candy for herself and he sent her in to say sorry but she "forgot" until today whan she asked why i was mad at him. So today she went to the store with him and he came back all sweet and lovey. I guess I can't stay mad at him. (for 4 days that is. )

It still amazes me every year how something so simple seems so hard for men to do. I know he is a great guy every other day of the year(doing laundry and cleaning,etc.) but I would like a little extra on special days. I know I am lucky to have him. He doesn't beat me, he isn't a lush or drug addict or anything like that so I should just live with the fact that he isn't a romantic.

I made a turkey dinner for supper with mashed potatoes(no butter and fat free half and half) and stuffing. That should feed us for a few days. I can't wait until summer so I can start to make some money again.

Last edited by angieME; 02-17-2003 at 05:46 PM.
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Old 02-17-2003, 06:34 PM   #139  
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Oh, I" glad things are better. And you've foorgiven him. hey, just think, tonight's the finale of Joe Millionare, at least your gyy isn't lying through his teeth about everything about himself?!!! Think on that one. I'm gonna watch the show tonight, and I can't wait to see if the girl dumps him for being so deceitful with her. Hmm.

I'm gonna think up a cute name, and start another thread.
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Old 02-17-2003, 07:30 PM   #140  
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Angie, glad to hear you and hubby made up. Maybe tonight he will take advantage of those nails. Just remember he loves you. Some men just don't think!!! My dh is not the most romantic man in the world either, he thinks taking me to McDonalds constitutes a date!!! (SORRY CHARLIE, NOT IN MY BOOK) but, I know he loves me and I guess thats what counts. Kinda hard with two kids hanging around to be too romantic....but we all just have to find the time to make our marriages great, it takes work!!
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Old 02-18-2003, 03:39 PM   #141  
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Where is everyone? I think you are all tired out from shoveling? We are getting the remains of your storm now. They said only 3-6" for us, but think we are at 6 now and its still coming down!! But light fluffy stuff. I did go out and clean my car off once, but now its covered again. Are you getting any of this Angie?

Hope everyone is having a good day.
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Old 02-18-2003, 03:48 PM   #142  
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Chris started a new thread Sandy. I can't remember the name just look for a new thread by Svelte Chicky and that is where we are.

No I havent gotten any of the snow. Thank god!!!
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Old 02-18-2003, 03:51 PM   #143  
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Hey Sandy, Svelte Chicky started a new thread since this one was getting long. Come check us out at "Strong Minds, Strong Bodies", yup I think that's what the new thread is called. See you there!
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