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Old 02-06-2003, 02:11 AM   #31  
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hey, I'm back.

... Start of weight loss journey: Well, from when I can remember, 7th grade. That's when I can remember looking in the mirror and knowing that I had to do something... More recently, October 2001.

Most unhappy weight: 175, when I suddenly gained 15 on my steady, happy self. It just got worse from there.

Highest weight: 190

Present weight: 178

Goal weight: 150

Biggest hurdle to overcome: Really knowing when I am hungry. I killed my hunger recognition when I was anorexic, just after high school. So now emotional reactions, stress, and logic all "feel" like physical hunger, and I just can't tell...

Angie - ohhhh an albino... Mat wants to get an albino. Zoe is pretty much his, except that I do most of the maintenence, she is a cinnamon, w/ the mask and all. She must have been the runt of the litter 'cause she's about 1/2 the size of a typical ferret. Maybe 1/3 of a male...
BTW, you have a beautiful name.

Speaking of - what don't you like about your name Kempy? I also think that Kathleen is beautiful name.

So, the truck didn't get finished today. What a pain in the ***! We're letting it go for awhile to get more contruction done on the space. I think this weekend we'll be going to pick-up one more part that we didn't think we needed... but do. oh well.

Anyway, I think it is about my bed time.
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Old 02-06-2003, 08:16 AM   #32  
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Default melekalikimaka

Just a note to mention that cichlids are species fish, which means you should only put them in a tank with their own kind....otherwise, as you mentioned, there's always trouble...or worse.

The albino fish probably have a "contract" out on the cichlids.

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Old 02-06-2003, 04:25 PM   #33  
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Angie did you get the e-card i sent you?
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Old 02-06-2003, 05:26 PM   #34  
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Yes I did. It was cute. I am sorry I meant to thank you and then it slipped my mind. I have the worst manners.

I will say that my PMS is raging today. The scales said I lost 1 pound but I have been snacking all day so I am not too sure that will still be the case for weigh in on Saturday.
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Old 02-06-2003, 07:13 PM   #35  
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Hey ladies! My age and senility are really coming and biting me in the butt. Today I sent my son to school today after being out 3 days. WHen it came time to pick him up from school I shut my office door and locked all my keys inside. Couldn't lock up, couldn't get in the car, couldn't get back into the office. I asked my dad to bring my spare car keys to me and to pick up my boy from school. I have to drive to hubby who's all the way in Waikiki in the the driving rain and traffic for the spare office keys...so that's how I spent my lunch hour. I stopped by Subway and picked up a sandwich on my way back and just finished that. I just found out that a "virtual" friend just registered on 3FC a couple of days ago so I'm gonna invite her to post here. I've been urging her to check this site out since I've found it so valuable to me...hope she stops by.

Angie, if you can attribute your snackiness to PMS then more power to you. Me? I call it PMS but I haven't had the 'M' part for almost 2 mos now...and I feel snacky all the time . Anyway, I have been keeping up with my daily walks to counter any extras that I may have eaten during the day. I need to really get back on the straight and narrow now! I know I didn't gain this week though and that's a good thing.

Hey Kemp, I think Kathleen is a nice name--better than "Terese". I always used to tell people my middle initial "T" stands for TROUBLE and most didn't disagree.

Washu if you're out there keep posting. We miss you over at babeville...

Gargoyle thanks for the info on the cichlids. One of the males (i call him big blue bully) grew much larger than the other 2 and he's the king of the castle. Once I took the aquarium hood cover off to change the filters and before I knew it he was racing all over the tank terrorizing those albinos~~once there were 16, then 3 were dead on the floor~~committed suicide, or he committed murder, whatever way you want to look at it. I only started off with 3 albinos anyway, it's survival of the fittest now. I'm a terrible pet owner, I know...

Chris, did you get your heat back yet? I guess we'll hear from you when you thaw out.

Did I miss anyone? If so, I'm sorry...I'm soooo forgetful nowadays.
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Old 02-06-2003, 07:44 PM   #36  
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hey girls my hands are starting to regain their feeling... we've benn watching the repairmen, and oohing and aahing at their expertise, while inside saying, hurry up, we're cooollldd!! They're almost done thatnk goodness. We had to order pizza, since the gas was off. I'm not feleing guilty for that. I played a little with the dog, since we're suppsoed to get a snow storm tonight. I"m still feeling upbest, and working at normal times still. Monday i'll work late,but i've signed up for that long ago. Okay, so i'm sited of the hammering, or whatever, so i'll get here tomorrow.
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Old 02-07-2003, 01:39 PM   #37  
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So I weighed myself today. For the first time in two weeks. And I didn't gain or lose a thing. Incredible, considering that I had stopped caring, measuring and exercising since last monday...
I was sure that I was going to gain back up to 180, if not higher, but I didn't!!!

So now I'm back on track, fully inspired again. I'm eating my ONE piece of toast and some dried fruit while I type this, and then I am going for a walk. It's pretty much first thing in the morning for me... I'm going to try to start getting up a bit earlier and walking before the guys wake up. Since my gym thing ends on Monday I can't rely on that anymore....

Alright, breakfast is done. Time to go.
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Old 02-07-2003, 02:42 PM   #38  
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Afternoon girls. Since we're buried in snow, everyone's closed, and we're home, trying to stay warm. Us adventurers, we shoveled out, and hit the Blockbuster, for a DVD - Sweet Home Alabama... loved it! Adorable. I even cried a little. Definite Chick Fick. Repairmen need to finish the furnace job, but have rigged it until they return sometime this afternoon. I am eatinf okay, and of course, due to snow, i'm exercising. We actually braved it early on, and I went out with doggie for a walk. Man, that's touch work, with 9 inches to trudge through! But, i'm proud taht I was motivated, and have been digging out al day long.. so that's gotta be good for me. Here's my food for today: Breakfast, two pancakes, two slices of turkey bacon, Lunch: Subway, turkey and ham with wow chips and diet pepsi... and for dinner, hubby says he'll make the lowest fat lasagne he can manage, and i'll have a salad with it. We got haircuts, and even though we were in show boots and sweats, I always come outta there feeing prettier. Haircuts ahve that affect on me. Very positive, feeling good. Proud of my shoveling job... hoping the repairment get here soon. Hope your all warm, and busy.
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Old 02-07-2003, 04:07 PM   #39  
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Hello everyone. I'm emotional eating right now. Well, I'm having my regular mid-morning snack but I'm emotional as I'm eating it. I'm jealous of my hubby right now. He's just decided that he's gonna fly up to Vegas with one of our employees during the last weekend of February. Yeah, whatever. I'm a little upset(?), well I don't know if it's upset, more like jealous, yeah, jealous. I love Vegas and I want to go too. I'm not really mad, just really really envious. Plus the guy he's going with is "giving" him his air mileage so he doesn't even have to pay for the trip. Blah! How lucky can a guy get? I'd be on the plane too if the trip was paid for. Oh well, a guy's gotta have some freedom from the ball and chain right? hahahaha. Besides, he's paying for my trip to Bangkok in November (and he's not coming along) so it's not like I can hold him back now can I? Ok enough whining.

Hey Washu! That's great about your maintain. I know how you feel when you're in a slump...I feel like I've been in one for the last month or two, but yesterday things were looking up. I am a daily scale worshipper but yesterday it was my friend, thank god.

Chris, I haven't seen that movie yet but I do like Reese Witherspoon. I'll probably wait til it comes out on pay-per-view.

Angie, don't fret on the snacky-itis, it'll pass. You're on that elliptical so much your metabolism is probably in full gear. I love it when I "cheat" once or twice and the scale doesn't reflect it. I'm sure you'll do fine tomorrow.

Gargoyle and Moe, what's shakin' today?

Kempy where ya hiding? You know, you can't let work get in the way of the more important matters of posting here
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Old 02-08-2003, 11:12 AM   #40  
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Default Redoing a bathroom

We're partially redoing a bathroom....so I've just been away from here more than usual.
Tried to have Lowe's copy the color of the ceramic tile we used above the shower, but it's so shiny, the machine couldn't "read" the color.....so I had to regroup on the wall color.
The tile is my favorite color - cobalt blue.
The ceiling, floor, shower, counter top and all the cabinets and wood trim are slightly different shades of greyish off white.....so I thought a cobalt blue wall color would have a nice contrast....but now have to find a color that's close.
I have a plastic Noxema box that had some facial wash cloths in it. It isn't shiny but it's the right color blue....maybe Lowe's color machine can read it.

We have a Betta fish named Rocky who's over 2 years old and we think he's about to die. He doesn't move around like he used to and isn't very interested in eating.
We've had him in a 3 gallon tank (by himself) for over 1 and a half years.
Sad situation, but there's not much we can do.
I guess we'll get another Betta after awhile.
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Old 02-08-2003, 01:14 PM   #41  
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Oh Gargoyle, bathroom renovation is always such fun. NOT! I love the planning and choosing part but the actual having it done or doing it yourself part is not fun. It's exciting though. My hubby is a plumbing contractor and does do complete kitchen and bath remodels. Of course at our house the bathroom fixtures are old and the tile is cracking...you know, like how the shoemakers children always go shoeless? Anyway, finally after 3.5 years living here with the downstairs bathroom falling apart I finally got him off his duff and had him rip out the whole shower, floor, walls, everything. Went to Home Depot and got to pick out all the nice things that I wanted. He even had some extra bamboo flooring leftover from a job he did so I got that too. So no extra tile grout for me to scrub on the floor. Sorry to hear about Rocky. Do you ever think those fish get lonely all by themselves? I don't know much about those types of fish but think they're really pretty when they're well taken care of.

How's everyone doing today? I wanted to report a 2 lb loss this week, bringing me to 185, 30 lbs down so far! I am so happy. I am going to stay on track this weekend, I just know it. Wish me luck!

Have a great day everyone, I'll check back in later. Love ya.
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Old 02-08-2003, 03:46 PM   #42  
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We have a Betta fish too. I bought him for my daughter for her birthday in October. He is really neat. If I put a mirror up to his tank he blows up and gets pissed. I only did it once to see if it was true that they flip out at the sight of another fish.

Congrats on the weightloss Noelle!! You are my hero this week!!!

I just went and got chinese for lunch and some chocolate valentines cookies for tonight. SOMEBODY SLAP ME!!! My period started today and I am crampy and feeling yucky. But tomorrow is a new day and I intend to utilize it.
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Old 02-09-2003, 09:55 AM   #43  
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Default Betta fish

Actually, it's the sight of another male Betta that makes them flare out like they're going to fight....that's why the mirror thing has that effect.
You're supposed to be able to put them with other fish....just not other Betta males. I just don't feel like taking the chance with other fish around.
I just thought after being in the cramped thing he came in for 4 months, that I would put him in a filtered 3 gallon tank, and he seemed much happier and his color improved.

As for his recent behavior...we don't know what to make of it, as now he's acting more normal and eating.

My food attitude a little too relaxed this weekend, so it's back to the grind Monday.
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Old 02-09-2003, 01:25 PM   #44  
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Hey guys. I'm so tired. We went ot dad's for the night Saturday, after being up til almost midnight with the furnace men. They're still not done. My goodness, what does it take? So, we're warm, with the furnace rigged, yet again, to function, til they get back this week to finally, once and for all, finish their job. Well, at least we're free of the warrenty company, and managed to replace anything that could break, within the first year. That's a feat.

Went to dad's for the night, and ate healthy. Chicken, rice, peas man, my dad gets those huge bags of veggies, and then we know that anytime we eat there, it's taht bag he has to draw from. Funny. It was nice though. We layed around, and watch TV all night. His girlfriend showed up later, and she was a slug. Doesn't like games, doesn't like movies. What else is there at freezing temps? Hope they break up soon. She's a drag.

We saw my grandparents at the nursing home, and that was nice. I managed to finagle his photo albums, so I can replace them with my safe albums. Preserve our family stories. Old pics should be treated well. My opinion. His handwriting is also precious. I asked him to write out his life story... that'll keep him busy, he's almost 90 yrs old. But I wanna preseve that story for my kids someday.

I'm exhausted, I think it's just about my TOM. Since we didn't exercise yesterday at dad's house, I took my walk today after church. I may take another one at grandma's house after dinner tonight. Hope she offers something halfway healthy. I have to work through aerobics tomorrow night. What a bummre. Still holidng at 152....If I could get more exercise in, and really buckle down on my diet, i'd lose those last 2 lbs. Maybe as it gets warmer i'll feel more motivated.
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Old 02-09-2003, 04:16 PM   #45  
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I am back on track after last nights feast. I ate so many damn cookies I thought I was going to throw up. I woke up this morning and almost ate a creme egg that was left over but I didn't. That would have been all it took for me to waste another day eating everything in sight. I made Jay eat it! I love lomein though. It was sooo good last night. I really could eat that everyday.

I went to the animal shelter yesterday to get a head halti for Cappie and while I was there I went to look at the animals and there was a HUGE German shephard mix that I had played with 2 weeks ago. She was still there and so thin. She definately wasn't holding up well in the shelter. I went to her kennel and talked to her and told her to go get her ball. She got up and got it for me. She is so cute! When we were leaving they had brought her out to do a meet and greet so I think she is going home.YEAH!!! On a sad note Indy a red nosed Pit Bull who had been there since October was gone so I am thinking her time finally ran out. Poor girl.She was really sweet but HATED cats.

That is about it for my weekend.

Kempy, where are ya on the weekends? I guess you didn't need a computer for home. Joe is gonna make you send it back. It is pretty nice out today. I tried to chip some of the ice off the deck but didn't have much luck. I can't wait until spring.

Last edited by angieME; 02-09-2003 at 06:10 PM.
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