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Old 01-17-2003, 01:45 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down Natural Beauties on the Move!

Another thread oughta give us a fresh start. Calling all girls from Shrinkin Violets.. come here!! Let's see if we can make or challenge of 10lbs off by the end of this month. And if not, let's post our victories at the end, and throw a big party together!
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Old 01-17-2003, 03:57 PM   #2  
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I found ya!!!

Kempy, I am so happy for you!!!! You are doing so great at this weightloss thing!!!

Chris, Are you feeling a little better? How is your hubby doing? Poor guy, I hope he gets over that cold soon. Imagine, 3 kids and I haven't had a single cold yet this year. How did that happen? Not that I am complaining. LOL

Noelle, How are you today? C'mon, I need some more dirty humor. LOL

MissWashu, How is your finger doing? OUCH!!
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Old 01-17-2003, 07:13 PM   #3  
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Angie, love your stats, such a remarkable journey you've been on. how's your skin? i know that sounds weird, but is your skin bouncing back from it's weight loss? this is my question of the day, since i'm struggling wiht toning up, and getting rid of cellulite. it's my story... always... get better looking stretch marks, and stuff. let me know if you're skin is shrinking fast, or if you're like me, losing, sagging alittle, then toning up a little at a time. weird.

Didn't walk today, dern cold here. Didn't do the Pilates DVD either. I'm just slacking. had my treat meal too, pizza, soe greek salad, with less dressing, less feta. couple slices of pizza, and watched the movie Signs. wooh, scary stuff. hubby crawled over to my sofa, and hit mute on the scary parts. man, that movie scared me to death!

Frustrated cause two parties I had scheduled for my scrapbook company have cancelled today. I'm all excited, have my materials, ready to go, and another call to cancel. man, this is kiling me. I just know that this company will work if it's meant to. But if I push people to have parties, too much, they'll run away. Weird situation to be in. I'll live.
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Old 01-17-2003, 07:20 PM   #4  
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Nope My skin isn't toning up but it didn't last time either. My arms and tummy are the two trouble spots. I think that depressed me so much last time because I weighed 130 but looked fat naked. This time I don't care though...when I am dressed noone will be able to tell. LOL Maybe I will suck it up and have the surgery after a few years of maintaining. I heard a woman on another thread say that it will start to tone up after a while but I am not sure if I was too big for that to happen now or not. I can hope but I am not going to dwell on it too much. I am glad my face toned up though.

I want to see signs so bad but I hate to watch scary movies. Jay delivers early in the mornings and I don't like to wake up and think of them movies. I am a wimp. haha

That is too bad about your parties cancelling. I hope it picks up for you again.
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Old 01-17-2003, 07:28 PM   #5  
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Hey Chris, Did you notice that your picture didn't change on your journal like it did on the thread? I wonder why.
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Old 01-17-2003, 09:14 PM   #6  
so close, yet so far...
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Talking Found ya!

Here I am. Whew what a day! So I'm the supplier of dirty humor, huh ? Well it just so happens I came across this website see... http://www.siliconglen.com/jokes/foodandsex.html
don't worry, it's not actually dirty at all, but quite humorous.

I'm draggin my butt today. I was really burning the midnight oil last night doing the laundry and wrapping some b-day gifts for my son. I think I went to bed @ 12:30 am. Got up at 5:30 am to get ready for work . I don't know why I get up so early since it's not like i have to be there until 7:30 or 8:00...but if I'm late, what's gonna happen? I'm gonna get fired? Don't think so! My boss is too nice I'm trying to stay on the straight and narrow today so maybe I can have a sliver of b-day cake--maybe. Of course there's Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow. That I can do without. I just got back from delivering some cabinets and shelving to a jobsite my hubby is finishing up on. Had to pick them up, then drive all the way into town in afternoon traffic and back. Phtttttttt! I don't miss traffic at all. I live 10 min. away from my office and it's a 3 mile round trip so I guess I'm spoiled about not having to travel far...but not as spoiled as Angie .

Chris, that's a bummer about your parties canceling. I'm not very crafty or creative so I don't think I'd be any good at scrapbooking much less trying to sell the stuff. I feel so frustrated sometimes when I host candle parties and everyone says they're going to come but then just don't show up. I stopped hosting parties but still place orders for my sisters and friends from the catalog. I love my candles.

Kempy's blazing a trail on the weight loss path--yeehaw! You go girl!

Angie, I know what you mean about the skin not toning up. I really don't care, I just wanna be thin again. My stomach was the thing that gave me the most grief though. But just wear some little jeans and it holds it right in, right?
I saw the movie signs at the theatre. It was okay, but I didn't really find it scary since they never really showed the 'villain' until the end, then when they did it looked like the green goblin. Of course, I used to be into Stephen King, Clive Barker and Ray Bradbury books so I guess I enjoy horror. Well, sorry this is so long but I wasn't here all day so I just had to spill my guts.
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Old 01-17-2003, 09:49 PM   #7  
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I live by Stephen King's town. He has bats on his fence. haha
I will have to go check out the websight now. night night

I am back!!! I just read it...TOO CUTE!!!!

Last edited by angieME; 01-17-2003 at 09:54 PM.
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Old 01-18-2003, 10:19 AM   #8  
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I weighed in at 167.5 which is a total loss so far of 7.5 pounds for this challenge.

Noelle, Have fun at the birthday party!!!!

Kempy, How was your workout?

Last edited by angieME; 01-18-2003 at 10:43 AM.
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Old 01-18-2003, 01:43 PM   #9  
so close, yet so far...
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I weighed-in @ 190 today. -11 lbs this challenge. Sounds like a lot but I would say 5 lbs were post-holiday water retention and bloat...but, a pound is a pound. I can not wait to get into the 180's. Maybe next week?

Angie, way to go! i'm still pounding the pavement chasing you down

Kempy I hear you beat that other challenge goal too. Cool! You may make that 10 lb here and that would be just icing on the cake. (yum, i love frosting)

Chris, hope you have/had fun at your scrapbooking workshop. Let us know what kind of neat things you did.

Washu, hope your finger's on the mend. If all else fails, you can wrap it with duct tape . Let us know how you're doing.

Well ladies, I need to start getting ready for that b-day party. Off to have some fun with my boy. Have a great day and stay warm!
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Old 01-18-2003, 04:46 PM   #10  
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Weigh in for me, still 155. 5 lbs off since Jan 1. That's a relief, since i'm skipping exercise a couple times a week now. I used to woalk or bike, or whatever every day, since winter, i've been missing a day here and there. I'm still keeping off the weight, so I guess it's alright. I love fried chicken, so we're haivng that skinless fried chicken from the box. Figured out that we can't eat out like we used to, money is tight. That's actually a blessing indsguise, cause i'm a good girl at home. So, maybe this will keep me ont he straight, and ever-so narrow road to good health.

Went to the workshop today, and dragged my old boss with me. That was great, cause I didn't realyl know anyone else. Old boss is a man, so that was weird for him, but h got a few pages done, and plans to keep it up. Just needs to get the money together to do some more work. I'm worried i'll never make my 30 day goal. Hoping people strt booking parties. It was nice though just playing around. I got a page done on my grandma, that was nice. ANd Christmas is done, so that's another goal met. Just those dern parties....

I"m feeling a lot better. Periods almost over, and that means my energy will come back, my blaost will go away,a nd i'll be more positive. Always at my prime rihgt after.

Man, it's freezing here. Didn't bother to shovel the snow, cause every time we shovel, what's left freezes up,a nd get sslippery. I figure we can walk through the powder for a while. Hubby mete up with his mother, after a long tense silence. he wen twhile I was at my workshop. He says it went fine. I can see how he needs to try to reconcile with her. It's not worht losing a parent Even if she's a mess emotionally. Aren't we all.
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Old 01-18-2003, 06:46 PM   #11  
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I went to the Humane Society today. I am in LOVE!!! I looked through the window and this pathetic looking dog looked up at me and then laid down on his blanket so I had to go in to see him. When I got in there he started sighing and whining and literrally hugging the kennel trying to get some lovin. He is a staffordshire bull terrier and he was found as a stray but he was so loving. There was a couple there looking at him so that is the ONLY reason I left. When I got home I called the shelter to see if the couple had taken him and nope they didn't. I think I am going to go down Monday and have them bring him into the room to meet us and the dogs and see if I can take him.

I went to TCBY afterwards to get a fat free vanilla cone and they didn't have any!!! HELLO??? The only kinds they had was 96% fat free...if it isn't fat free I don't want it!!! So I left icecreamless...boohoo

Noelle, You go girl!!! That is an incredible loss so far...Guess what you will be blowing by me in no time!!!! I know it

Last edited by angieME; 01-18-2003 at 08:53 PM.
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Old 01-18-2003, 11:36 PM   #12  
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All of you are just a bunch of LOSERS!!!
Really, I am jealous of all of you. So far this month I have lost 2#. I am so frustrated. It should be 2# per week.... but there are still 13 days left, (I'm not giving up 'til the end of the month) I'm working double hard at the gym and just HAVE to get going.

Svelte - have you done that DVD yet? I did my Pilates class today.... felt great!

Angie - you sound like my x-roommate. We had a house full of animals, 4 cats and a ferret, and while looking for one of her runaway kittys she fell in love with a puppy. Luckily her BF wanted another animal just as much as the rest of us and said NO! I can't dis too much though, I would bring them all home too if I could. How many dogs do you have?

Oh yeah, Signs... I haven't seen it yet, but my roommate says it is awesome! I have a love/hate relationship w/ scary movies. Love to watch them, hate it when they creep into my mind and freak me out later. Haven't seen The Ring either, but want to.
I was watching MTV the other day and Christina Agulara's newest song made me cry. It's called 'Beautiful' and it made me think of all of my girls here on 3FC. I'll see if I can attach an MP3... but you guys have to hear it.

%^&!!!!!! I can't even find an MP3 of it to download. Where's Napster when you need it?

BTW my finger is on the mend. Looks funny, but it doesn't hurt anymore. Well, not so much.

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Old 01-19-2003, 09:00 AM   #13  
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Hi!! I think i've heard her song beautiful, it's good. i don't like her, she's turned into a two-nickel, you knowwhat, but the songs great. I couldn't see the Ring, it looked too scary. Hubby was scared to death with signs. he's so funny. I didn't hear how you hurt your finger? Glad it's healing.

YES>>>> I actually , and finally, did my pilates DVD. I kep tswearing up and down i'd do it, and in finally did it yesterday, right before dinner. It's in 4 parts, abs, arms, hips,a nd thighs. I was so tired by thighs, that i watched that one. it's a lot of stretching, and bending, and after doing 3 parts, I was whooped/ But, I feel great this morning, and of cours,e i get on that scale every day, and it's like 153. i can't believe that scale sometimes. Still trying to get over my period. I'm paranoid when i'm on it, can't wear white... you know the drill. hate these cramps, but i'm on the mend. slept like a dead body last night. i think the workout really did a number on me. I'm gonna have my cousin come over tomorrow afternoon, and do it with her. She'll moan and groan too.

I love to see your losses... big or small, it's about feeling good, and not about WINNING... so don't compare so much...
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Old 01-19-2003, 09:11 AM   #14  
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Washu, I have 4 cats and 2 dogs and 3 kids( they count as animals...don't they? haha). I had a ferret once too. I LOVE them. You are just like me with scary movies...I like watching them but late at night they creep back into my mind and YIKES!!

This is sad but I just realized how pathetic I must sound! I don't like to drive, I am scared of scary movies and needles and flying!!!Geesh.... I'm not that bad I promise!!! haha

Alright Chris! Did it feel good to be able to workout when you felt like it? I love that.
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Old 01-19-2003, 09:15 AM   #15  
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It felt great to just go down there to the basement, and crank up the dvd. it was still in the plastic too, which made me feel guilty. I am really gla dI did it though, even if i'm sore as ever.

There's a woman on this site, her name is DonnaLeigh. Her husband collapsed the other day,a nd he's been daignosed with a brain tumor. He's on life support now,a nd they have two children, toddler ages. DonnaLeigh, is devastated. The doctors dohn't know how this happened, and are counting down to take him off life support. Can you girls pray?
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