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Old 02-09-2006, 08:07 PM   #226  
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Evening, all.

It has truly been a very long week. Two of my kids were out sick for a day each, and my little liar has been lying all week. Today's major lie was that he forgot to get his point sheet signed during 2nd period. He gave it to us to sign for lunch, and my TA did it. He said, "Gee, why isn't it signed for 2nd period?". "Oh, I forgot." Okay, you can't earn points for that period. I'd already let him slide yesterday by not putting the sheet in his tracking binder... I had to leave early for my class, and our regular TA was out. We had a sub TA that they all know (she works in the LD/ED program in our school, and is friends with the guy who is normally our TA), but I couldn't be sure I reminded her that he needed to put his sheet in the binder. So, end of the day comes and he's totalling up... I ask, "What are you putting on your chart?" "A star!" :blink: He can only get a star for 45 points and up, and I know that didn't happen! I asked him to bring the sheet to me (I was playing Scattergories with another student on the computer), and I saw that 2nd period was signed in. I asked him how that happened, and he said, "The other teacher (the severe disabilities teacher) always does it that way; she never signs my 2nd period during 2nd period!" I checked with my TA, because neither of us had ever seen that before. Then I called the other teacher on the radio... She said he had forgotten to give it to her, and she never signed 2nd and 3rd at the same time. I asked her what he told her, and he said that I had told him that she needed to sign it. So, I docked him but good. He hates me, and he tells the other teacher and staff that all the time, but oh well!
And this was AFTER I spent my morning at the DMV with a student trying to get her photo ID. Poor kid... at first she lied to me about having it, but she's been coming to school more regularly and doing some work. So, the first time we tried to go was that holiday, Lee-Jackson day! Then mid-terms. Then all these special activities... So we go today, and the DMV won't take her transcript and certified school letter. We had to go back to the school to get another transcript; the computer was being stubborn and refusing to print the correct address. Got the transcript, went back to the DMV; whereupon they refused to issue the card because her father hadn't signed the form! We asked that very specific question the first time we were there and were told it was okay. We'll have to go back next week, which is another 2 hours I'm out of my classroom!
I see that everybody has had a similar week... Kerry, hope you're feeling better! There is something running rampant through our school as well. I've been kind of tired and sore-throaty, but its probably just lack of sleep in my case.
Its supposed to SNOW on Saturday! It might be a blessing in disguise.
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Old 02-10-2006, 07:06 PM   #227  
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I hear ya Pam! My oldest son is also in 4th grade. We have had trouble in the past but knock on wood, this year has been good! Last year I was at the end of my rope. We're in a very small community and with me being a teacher it is always uncomfortable for me to judge another teacher's methods so instead we went to a book store and I let my son pick out some books he was interested in- he chose castles and knights stuff like that and when he is bored at school, he pulls them out to do "special work".
I say to him, if you have a brain, youcan't be bored! Use it and learn soemthing new!

On a more negative note. my weight loss has been a disaste lately. I am counting every point that goes into my mouth and up untill this week have been exercising religiously. I feel good, so maybe i'm just born to be fat?
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Old 02-12-2006, 02:05 PM   #228  
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Hi girls! I don't have time to read back all the post that I have missed. I hope everyone is well and having fairly uneventful school years. THINK SPRING, we can do it!

My life is still a bit unsettled. The divorce should be finalized the end of March. Right now my husband is trying to squeeze every penny out of me as he can get. Hopefully the judge won't grant him a single one.

School is going well. Thank God I have a great bunch of students this year. I don't think I could make it without that.

My weight is on the rise. I went from not being able to eat anything to eating everything in site. I just had to go pick up some new jeans and I was borderline on needing the next size up. I refused to do so in hopes that I'll be motivated to get back on track. Of course Valentines week and all the treats that I'll be exposed to won't help.

I miss you all!

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Old 02-12-2006, 02:06 PM   #229  
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Hey! Seems that everyone is as busy as I am! Hope everyone is doing well! For those of you who are heading into WinterVacation, enjoy! and !
Nothing but a very light snow that has since melted today! Not quite the blizzard that the news channels were anticipating down here!

Finally hit -35 pounds! Yahoooooooo!
take care,
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Old 02-13-2006, 04:52 PM   #230  
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Evening, all.

Robyn: we got the blizzard here instead. I haven't been motivated out of my house since early Saturday afternoon. Its not snowing anymore, but now its FREEZING, and I'm freezing already so I don't want to go out!

Sue: Glad to hear from you! I hope the judge doesn't give him a penny either! I swear, some men are real jerks: they screw around and expect the women to really pay for it!

Everybody else: Hi, hi, and hi. I got a lot of stuff done being snowbound: mopped the kitchen floor, vaccuumed the rest of the place, mostly caught up on the laundry, finished a position paper... Haven't been swimming in 2 weeks because of the weather (and because my ankle did in my swim shorts! I was apparently standing on the suit when I tugged it up, and it ripped right down the side!). :sigh: But, I have no intentions of admitting that I don't have class on Wednesday this week... and that means I can go swimming!!!
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Old 02-13-2006, 08:36 PM   #231  
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Got a pm from Gin earlier today. Her FIL passed away and her MIL is in the hospital. She wanted to let everyone know where she is and why!

Enjoying the full moon, the 100th day, tomorrow Valentine's Day and Wednesday is Pajama Day! Could it get any more fun? ....guess we could have gotten the snow that lots of you are dealing with!

Hope you all are thawing out!

take care,
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Old 02-14-2006, 08:35 AM   #232  
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Good morning everyone!

It was a crazy and very emotional few days and I let it get the best of me...Someday I will learn that food is NOT going to help!

Yesterday was a snow day for me! and I used it for what I needed to do most...not laundry (that still needs to get done.) not school work (but that is backing up too) not cleaning( oh but I need to do some cleaning!) I just sat. I sat, I watched tv, I slept alot and I feel like I can get control again today.

So today is another new start. No matter what else is happening around me I need to continue working on taking care of myself. And i need to work on my emotional eating.......big time.

Hope you all had wonderful days

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Old 02-14-2006, 10:28 AM   #233  
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Right after I posted, my students arrived. They gave me the cutest valentines! It makes a lot of the other stuff seem not so bad.....except now I have to deal with all of this chocolate!!!! Can't eat it, hate to throw it away, all the other teachers have enough of their own............hmmmm
Who needs a Valentine??? I have 22!!! :-)

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Old 02-14-2006, 08:46 PM   #234  
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I am exhausted. EX HAU SSSS TED! 6 year olds and the day of love.... YIKES!

Tomorrow is Pajama Day.... that means chaos again! Good news is... There will be NO chocolate! However, there will still be "treats" as we got too many today and decided to save some for tomorrow! At least I won't spend all morning getting ready for work! I will crawl out of bed in my pajamas and (with a few adjustments!) head off to school! THIS might work!

I'm heading off to bed.... I'm so darn tired from our day of fun and love!

ya'll take care!
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Old 02-18-2006, 03:52 PM   #235  
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Where is everyone?????
What an awful, long week. FIL passed away Monday am and now a dear neighbor is gone too. My poor kids, they are shell shocked by so much loss recently. No WW this week...gee wonder why?!

Hope everyone is ok out there.......
Take care.
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Old 02-19-2006, 01:52 PM   #236  
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Hi Gin! I don't know where everyone went! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! I'll be PM you in a bit! Gotta go grab some lunch for everyone right now! Take care,

Last edited by HatterasMermaid; 02-19-2006 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 02-20-2006, 10:02 AM   #237  
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Robyn- you get to WW this week?????

Hope everyone has today off..happy presidents day.

Off to the next funeral.
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Old 02-20-2006, 11:09 PM   #238  
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Hey everyone!
Had a lazy, day today. No work for us...So, rearranged the living room, did progress reports and piddled on the computer.
I think in spite of myself, I may actually be down a pound this week. I have not even tried. Sad, but true. One more week til my cruise! However, I feel like I am getting a cold, and an ear ache...Figures. Make it through until now, and get sick. Ucky!

Robyn: Missed you im by like thirty seconds, I was in the shower.....As far as the outfit and belly chain...Send a pic! Oh, bought Crystal light for ds and he really likes it, so that's a plus. I guess his whole world won't come to an end.

Ginny: I am so sorry for your loss. I have had a year like that. I know what it's like. My friend has had eight people in her family die since Christmas. Terrible. I just found out that one of my former students was killed in a car accident this weekend. I taught him and his sister too. What a tragedy. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

Hugs to all. Off to bed.

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Old 02-21-2006, 12:14 PM   #239  
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Pam- so good to hear from you! I thought I had lost you few posts. Sorry you are not feeling better. Hey, look at the bright side, you can get all this sickie stuff out of the way now(and if you need a Dr do so now and have the meds for the cruise). When are you leaving and where are you going??? Glad you got some work done yesterday, sounds like a bit of a laid back day. Well needed I am sure! Feel better.....take lots of vitamins. Thanks for the sympathy wishes too.

Went to the funeral yesterday- how sad and his widow will have a very tough time adjusting to this. She does not drive- and I can see that I will have to step up to the plate and help her out, perhaps take her shopping once a week or so. He was such a dear loving and hysterically funny man. We will all miss him.

Nuff of me.......trying to wade thru the bills and TY cards that need writing.
I have a miserable headache....who has the tylenol?

take care....
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Old 02-21-2006, 05:25 PM   #240  
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Migrane Excedrin Ginny! That will knock the headache right out of your body!
Not a lot happening around here. Went to the tanning bed. Only a few more sessions left...Time running out. We are flying out to Miami on March 1st. Cruise leaves March 2nd, dh's birthday....Stop in the keys on the third. His brother is getting married there. Then off to Cazumel. Back to Miami on the sixth and home. Geez, it kind of snuck up....I'm so excited I can hardly stand going to work for one more day.
I think that would be a great idea to help your neighbor like that. Do they have children that can help out also? You're very sweet.

Gotta go defrost something for dinner.

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